Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:RVD is now in the hospital, having had a stroke and refusing to seek medical treatment for apparently several days (before his family forced it)...
Ron only hurt himself by not going to the hospital right away. In most cases, getting the right medication as soon as possible can minimize, if not reverse, the effects of a stroke and prevent more serious harm. I have to wonder how much of the self-inflicted stress that Ron was putting himself through in regards to his driving ticket and house foreclosure contributed to the occurrence of his stroke.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I can honesty say that I am sorry to hear that he has ended up in the hospital for the reasons he has, I am not sorry he is there, as I have thought he needed to be under care for quite some time. Hopefully he will also, be forced if necessary, to get the treatment he really needs.

If he had a stroke, and it sounds like he did, the urine treatment cannot have helped. Stroke is almost always the result of high blood pressure causing a weak vessel in the brain to rupture, and taking the urine would have increased the salt(s) content of his blood, possibly to a dangerous level if he took enough of it, since one of the functions of urine is to get the salt(s) that the body does not need out of the system in a very CONCENTRATED form.

I am hoping they checked him for kidney function as well as he very much reminds me of an elderly relative of mine who suffered from uremic poisoning when her kidneys started to shut down, Ron has been acting a great deal the way she did at the height of it.

All I can say, is that with friends like those he doesn't need enemies, real or imagined, and at this point I would suspect he has a lot of imagined enemies.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Well, Ron apparently is able to keep videotaping (he has done two so far from the hospital) and has confirmed he has had a stroke and is suffering from poor heart function. Apparently years ago he had to have the aortic valve replaced and elected to have the pulmonary valve used to replace it. This is a surgery where it works fine in babies and children, but has caused problems in adults. He is complaining of memory loss as well. But at least he is in a mainstream hospital and receiving adequate care.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

And didn't he say in his last video that he ELECTED to get that procedure, Observer? So I'm guessing the doctors told him it was not a good option, but he elected to do it anyways because it was (in his words) the "least invasive option." I don't know how old RVD is, but he has to have some serious genetic condition to need open heart surgery at what would seem to be a (relatively) young age.

And its interesting that RVD now seems to be resigned to conventional medicine - which as early as two weeks ago he derided in his videos as a Dark Cabal institution that was set up to kill people. Given his well known financial problems, isn't it interesting how he seems to be getting such good treatment off the Dark Cabal that he thinks is determined to kill him? I guess the government isn't so evil after all with medicare....
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by RedDragonAmbassador »

This is quite sad to see, but not shocking. Trying to get through to someone who suffers from such fear and paranoia is impossible. The best thing for someone like Ron is for someone else to assume care of him.

If anyone is part of a Dark Cabal it's the fucking scammers who constantly spout bullshit with little to no consideration for the safety and health of the people they influence. They claim to be operating out of love and light, but are rooted in complete fear and a lack of consideration for their fellow man.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

RedDragonAmbassador wrote:If anyone is part of a Dark Cabal it's the fucking scammers who constantly spout bullshit with little to no consideration for the safety and health of the people they influence. They claim to be operating out of love and light, but are rooted in complete fear and a lack of consideration for their fellow man.
Red, welcome to Quatloos. Please say "hello" to all the other colored Dragon Families, well, except for the browns. It's not that I'm being judgmental, just that I believe they should keep it confined to certain areas and well regulated with monthly inspections.

Perhaps I'm being too generous, but I think some of the people who promote this are pure scammers, some true believers, and some in between. This particular sub-forum was started because of the Dove of Oneness and her NESARA cult. At the beginning there were 4 main promoters, Bellringer, who came from the "Valley of Radiance" cult was the true believer, Jennifer Lee, who was an amalgam of 2 or 3 people, were using it as a scam portal (and the first to go when the money dried up), A&A were 90-100% scammers who needed their car to contact the Ascendant Masters but the brakes needed work every 6 months, and finally there was Dove, who started out believing, but ended up relying on it as an income source.

One of my favorite Dove stories has to do with raising funds to send "NESARA News Release" packages to major TV stations and newspapers. A few months before she had talked about how anybody could make money at home (and send some to her), especially by copying and binding materials for businesses. Suddenly she's asking for money to put together hundreds of pages of NESARA information, have it copied, and bound into packages. Her picture of her stacks of material was high enough resolution to blow up and "tilt" in photoshop, and it was a show dog posing. I figure that she got one of those "jobs at home" herself and decided to have some dog show's materials do double duty as her supposed "mailing" for fund raising. A couple of days later the resolution of her posted photo was greatly reduced and the cover of the binders intentionally blurred, much to the amusement of people here. No question that she knew what she was doing. More than one of her devotees found themselves evicted from their homes before NESARA was finally announced.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wait, DK, did you just say "before NESARA was finally announced"? Did I miss something? I thought we here at The Dark Cabal HQ had pledged to ensure NESARA was never announced!

By the way, RVD hasn't had his surgery. And despite all the help he is receiving from modern medicine, hes still calling medicine a scam and claiming that hospitals cant heal people:

I just don't know how someone has this much cognitive dissonance. Clearly, modern medicine has saved his life - more than once (he had a previous heart surgery 12 years ago!). Yet he still stays a true believer. The stupidity is astounding,
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:Wait, DK, did you just say "before NESARA was finally announced"?
This is what happens when the Inner Circle takes off for a week of vacation and leaves DK in charge. DK was distracted by Supermodel #13,782, forgot to keep an eye on NESARA and the announcement slipped through. The rest of the Illuminati the next week had to run around with mind-blanking equipment and apply it to the 7 billion people on this planet in order to make them forget that the NESARA announcement ever happened.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

And all the receipts in my expense account are on YOU for that little slip up. You have no idea how much it costs to park in Frankfort Kentucky these days..
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

You heard me right, "before NESARA was announced." And, yes that was with intentional irony and humor, being as it's still "before NESARA was announced."

Image ... -proposal/
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

That link was an excellent read, DK. It is really sad when NESARA/GCR/RV is so obviously a scam that even self-proclaimed conspiracy theorists can see it...but as the response shows, the true believers do not care.

I just can't imagine living in this world where you hope every day for an event that will never come, spend all your income in worthless currencies that will always be worthless. I would love to talk to someone who was a true believer and came back to reality to get insight into what their world is like.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

You heard me right, "before NESARA was announced." And, yes that was with intentional irony and humor, being as it's still "before NESARA was announced."

What do you mean, ANNOUNCEMENTS of Nesara have been made again and again, but nothing real ever happened. (haha!) It is like those announcements of the Immanent End of the World.

Dave Schmidt has also made announcements that the RV is happening... with similar: NIL effect
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Is RVD still with us or has he shuffled off to that great Prosperity Program in the sky? He does DAILY videos and there has not been a video since April 12:

Interestingly, in the April 12 video RVD claims hes been...taking laxatives because he thinks that somehow will help the infection in his right arm (wtf?). Which - guess what happens when you strain on the commode with heart problems - has caused multiple irregular heart beat episodes.

I seriously hope RVD just did not laxative himself to death. Why can this man not stop harming himself?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Well it would be sad if Ron did off himself through idiocy. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time someone treated themselves to death.

Here's hoping its nothing more than the hospital stepping in, telling Ron he can't do broadcasts from the hospital, and that he needs to stay in bed and recuperate - with their treatment regimen. After he gets better, Ron then can come home and release videos telling us how the hospital killed him repeatedly.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

It may also be that once he started to come out of his self induced stupor, that he started to act out and has gotten himself promoted to the Psych ward for evaluation, which probably will not go well for him. Considering tha the may be shortly homeless he might ought to be working on a new strategy rather than expecting the faux ambassadors from Hokeystan to bail him out.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"Here's hoping its nothing more than the hospital stepping in, telling Ron he can't do broadcasts from the hospital..."

Ron's Back:

"I screwed something up... and had to wait for my daughter to get here."
And his memory is faltering.
He's not sure what day it is, and how many days he has missed.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD went into surgery yesterday asking for donations:
If you'd like to donate to cover my family's extra expenses due to my medical issues, please go to and select "send money to friends and family" and enter as email address and enter your donation. Thank you very much!
Now maybe I just don't understand, but why isn't the Ambassador footing the bill for all this? The man has access to hundreds of trillions after all. I wonder if anyone has asked him?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron's already been replaced by a look-alike

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Looks like Ron survived his surgery and is broadcasting from the hospital again!

Says he has talked to the Ambassador, who apparently didn't offer him any of those trillions of dollars. He's begging for contributions again.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

In looking for an update on Ron, I found this interview

Ep01 - Ron Van Dyke - Swissindo Trust
Published on Apr 7, 2014
In this episode Ron Van Dyke tells us about his life experiences. Since the young age he was fascinated by catholic churches, thus, due to a special occasion, he moved around the "spiritual world" studying and learning from different religious cultures. He is a poet, blogger and a youtuber, talking to people, sharing knowledge, concepts and news about spirituality and sovereignity. He is convinced that we are living a major change from lies to the truth, so he is dedicating his life working as a Public Servant. Later on he studied OPPT filings and after that he jumps into SWISSINDO TRUST, which could be one puzzle piece to start the repurposing of the economic structure. In this chat he intruduce the story of Swissindo up to now and gives us many advices to move from fear to love and from lie to truth. A big radiant soul servicing the transition. Thank you Ron to be here!

"Since January 2011, I have been doing interviews every day..."
Now, maybe he can relax a bit.

The fact that neither the Dragon Family, nor Mr Sino of Swissindo stepped forward to give Ron financial assistance when he was in the hospital and asked for financial help does show, I think, that neither of them are for real.

It will be interesting to see if Ron will now change his focus somehow... and maybe become more practical. Perhaps not...

Sounds So Familiar
At 36 minutes or so into this old interview, Ron spoke about how "projects have been approved, but not yet funded... The money has not yet been released... Once the CVAC's have been created and been funded... " (the money will then go out to people)