Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron's audience is in full revolt.


Got 657 views and 11 thumbs up (1.67%) versus 21 thumbs down (3.20%).
And he is banning people like crazy.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Well the subsequent two videos show Ron getting more frustrated with the flak he has generated due to the banning that he initiated. People are accusing him of being no different than the "corporate governments" he has attacked in his videos. In response Ron is now claiming that he hasn't banned anyone, or at least only 3 people. One video tries to appeal to the better nature of his viewers by asking them if they have nothing good to say then they shouldn't say anything. That apparently didn't resonate well since his next video is about getting rid of the trolls on his viewer list. If Ron cannot identify the negative commentators as real people, then they must be trolls, and probably employees of the corporate governments that he detests.

It looks like Ron is going down in flames and not sure why his plane is on fire.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds to me more like he is losing what little tentative grasp on reality he had, and that his gurudom is slowly, well not so slowly really, slipping away rapidly as what little credibility with the alternate reality crowd evaporates with his ongoing inability to provide the goods.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I am loving watching RVD self-destruct like this. Here is what he doesn't seem to get:

Prosperity cultists only like you when you are offering the hopium of free money (RV/GCR/NESARA etc.). They only liked the Ambassador because he was promising everyone was going to be rich from the mythical Dragon's Family cache of endless funds.

It is the exact same pattern with these role players every time. Someone comes onto the prosperity cult scene proclaiming to be X high ranking White Knight who is going to release funds and finally bring about NESARA. Heather Tucci Jarraf, Mr. Sino and SWISSINDO, the Ambassador, etc. The prosperity community goes nuts, lavishing them with praise and giving them all the attention they desperately want.

Then months pass, then years. The prosperity role players have to start making up reasons for why everyone is not rich yet. Their ability to survive on the scene is directly proportional to their ability to make up good excuses. But they all have a limited lifespan. I think the maximum time you can operate on the prosperity cult circuit as a White Knight role player is about a year and a half. After that things go south when no free money is forthcoming.

The Ambassador has done a horrible job with explaining why we aren't all rich yet, thus his fall from grace has been quicker than others. Instead of making elaborate excuses - which he needs to do - he simply deflects and starts asking for donations (to hear your "project" for funding). Prosperity cultists want more hopium, they don't want to be told to pay $100 so you can pitch the Ambassador your project for funding (which will never come). That doesn't mean his True Vision of Peace scam isn't lucrative. I suspect hes raked in $15,000+ from it or more. But the money flow is slowing down.

The truth is the Ambassador is making good money off this scam but he can't show his face because hes probably not even Asian. Which would be awkward for someone claiming to be a member of the Asian Dragon Family. As far as I can tell, the Ambassador is a Muslim living somewhere in Great Britain.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

It seems like the Ambassador's money grubbing will be his own downfall. In the interview with RVD he admits that people are disputing the paypal transactions from his "workshops." These are where you pay the Ambassador for the privilege of pitching him your charity project for mythical funding. So apparently someone paid, pitched her project, and (SURPRISE!) never got the promised funding.

Paypal will shutdown the Ambassador's account if enough people dispute the is hoping.

By the way, isn't it interesting the the Ambassador for the Dragon Family, who supposedly controls countless quadrillions of wealth, has to use paypal? You'd think he could set up his own bank or something. Its almost as if none of this is real and the Ambassador is just another prosperity scammer..hmmm....
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Burnaby49 »

Then months pass, then years. The prosperity role players have to start making up reasons for why everyone is not rich yet. Their ability to survive on the scene is directly proportional to their ability to make up good excuses. But they all have a limited lifespan. I think the maximum time you can operate on the prosperity cult circuit as a White Knight role player is about a year and a half. After that things go south when no free money is forthcoming

Dove successfully flogged NESARA for eight years and it only ended because she died. But then she was exceptional at running the con, a true master.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Then months pass, then years. The prosperity role players have to start making up reasons for why everyone is not rich yet. Their ability to survive on the scene is directly proportional to their ability to make up good excuses. But they all have a limited lifespan. I think the maximum time you can operate on the prosperity cult circuit as a White Knight role player is about a year and a half. After that things go south when no free money is forthcoming

Dove successfully flogged NESARA for eight years and it only ended because she died. But then she was exceptional at running the con, a true master.
True, and a good point. But I really think Dove is the exception as you note - most of the role players don't last longer than 2 years. I am just amazed that the Ambassador isn't spending more time making up elaborate delays for the lack of free money. It would get him more play time and more money ultimately. He is not a very smart scammer.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

In his latest video, Ron seems to say that the truth is whatever he says it is, and he is simply going to delete every post that doesn't agree with that. If every post that remains praises him, he can then fantasize that everyone loves him!

Yeah, he seems now to be totally delusional. Seems to work for him, though. He is, after all, still living in a house he doesn't own for free...and even has a gym membership now. Gotta figure out how to get in on that action!
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Dove successfully flogged NESARA for eight years and it only ended because she died. But then she was exceptional at running the con, a true master.
But I really think Dove is the exception as you note - most of the role players don't last longer than 2 years.
One thing about Dove compared to most scammers is she was low maintenance. If the average scammer pulls say $15k in a year and a half, they are probably looking at getting $1k a month and giving up when it falls off rapidly. Dove probably got by on $250 a month in donations and also I tend to recall her has being more "deserving", like she might want help for a new computer or an electricity bill but wasn't looking for $25k for a mass lobbying of Congress.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Dove successfully flogged NESARA for eight years and it only ended because she died. But then she was exceptional at running the con, a true master.
But I really think Dove is the exception as you note - most of the role players don't last longer than 2 years.
One thing about Dove compared to most scammers is she was low maintenance. If the average scammer pulls say $15k in a year and a half, they are probably looking at getting $1k a month and giving up when it falls off rapidly. Dove probably got by on $250 a month in donations and also I tend to recall her has being more "deserving", like she might want help for a new computer or an electricity bill but wasn't looking for $25k for a mass lobbying of Congress.
She didn't ask for money the first few years while she was gaining credibility. I don't think it was a long-term plan to con cash from suckers, she did the scam out of ego. She lived cheaply, in her mother's mobile home. These newspaper articles, which outed her identity, give some of the background. ... 55081.html ... 55078.html ... -existence

As noted by 2002 she claimed to have computer problems, she needed money for airline tickets to meet white knights, and other financial issues. She needed help with if she was to continue sacrificing herself for NESARA;
On Jan. 24, 2002, Shaini Goodwin got her business license. The corporate address appeared in her Internet reports, and she began to ask for donations to cover her expenses, which ranged from an overdue electric bill to replacement of a dying computer.

She says it was the hardest thing she's ever done. She had been writing reports for two years and never asked for money, but there was no alternative. If she didn't, she says, "I probably would have to get a regular job, and I wouldn't be able to help NESARA." She would repeat her request once every three to four months for the next two years. Only a few readers respond, she says - about 100 out of more than 15,000.

In June 2002, Goodwin asked for donations again. "My PC needs some expensive repair work done in the NEXT FEW DAYS so I can keep doing the Dove Reports, and due to unforeseen expenses in our household, I need your assistance with these repair costs," she wrote. She complained that the NESARA announcement had been delayed until July 4 and chided the White Knights for taking so long. She urged supporters to send e-mails to the World Court in the Netherlands, where she claimed judges were assembling for secret hearings on the NESARA issue. She swept critics aside, announcing that those who spoke against the secret law were being "monitored" and would forfeit their prosperity. In August, she said homemaking empress Martha Stewart, under suspicion for financial crimes, was being framed because she supported NESARA.

On Oct. 1, she asked for money again. On Oct. 2, she advised a supporter facing mortgage foreclosure to call the bank, inform whomever answered that NESARA was being announced and explain that banks that continued to pursue foreclosures would be charged with obstruction of justice.
She did hit the jackpot occasionally. She got a significant amount of cash from a senile old woman. She spent it on this;
For the next few days, she dropped hints about "the secret BIG thing," calling it "a very unusual activity which will give NESARA's announcement a BIG boost forward." On April 7, the big thing arrived. Four billboard trucks appeared in Washington, D.C., and drove around Capitol Hill for a few weeks. The signs they carried called for the announcement of NESARA. The chrome-style logo and graphics were taken from Dove's Web site. In a report posted April 7, Dove cheered. Photos of the trucks soon appeared on her site. "At last, OUR VOICES are being heard in D.C. in a BIG way," she wrote. "It makes me smile every time I see these beautiful NESARA mobile billboards." She told The News Tribune the trucks were paid for by a woman - "a well-to-do NESARA supporter" she would not identify.

A Maryland-based company called Drive-By Ads owns the billboard trucks. Owner James Miller said he didn't know anything about NESARA when the job came in. It was just another campaign. A big one, though; he had to call in extra drivers. Each truck rents for $600 per day, and vinyl signs run between $1,200 and $1,400 apiece. The trucks ran for three weeks. Miller won't say who paid for them. "Sometimes I'm leery on calls I get for the NESARA group," he said. "Some people are for it, and some people are against it. I'm just the messenger."
By the end she'd thrown away all restraints and was asking for huge amounts of money to buy all the gold in the world. Apparently she had to personally control the world gold's supply before NESARA could be implimented. That was still in play when she died. Her problem was that she had a massive following but they were all dirt-poor loonies like herself. No big bucks there but enough small change trickling in to support her modest lifestyle.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

there was no alternative. If she didn't, she says, "I probably would have to get a regular job
No alternative, other than getting a regular job? What a great sentence.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:In August, she said homemaking empress Martha Stewart, under suspicion for financial crimes, was being framed because she supported NESARA.
Well, it didn't go down that way exactly. What happened was that Deep Knight got spurned by Martha when he asked her to go watch the submarine races with him. So he slipped Martha some sure-fire insider stock tips (but they were at least a week old from the time we had manipulated the market in Conspiracy Central, so they weren't that great) and the rest is history. Hell hath no fury like a DK scorned.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Jeffrey wrote:
there was no alternative. If she didn't, she says, "I probably would have to get a regular job
No alternative, other than getting a regular job? What a great sentence.
Yes, I was thinking, "Wow - a fate worse than death. I might have to actually - WORK - to get money."
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:In August, she said homemaking empress Martha Stewart, under suspicion for financial crimes, was being framed because she supported NESARA.
Well, it didn't go down that way exactly. What happened was that Deep Knight got spurned by Martha when he asked her to go watch the submarine races with him. So he slipped Martha some sure-fire insider stock tips (but they were at least a week old from the time we had manipulated the market in Conspiracy Central, so they weren't that great) and the rest is history. Hell hath no fury like a DK scorned.
Next you are going to say that 9/11 wasn't done on president Bush's orders to stop NESARA from being announced. Will the lies never end?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Dove successfully flogged NESARA for eight years and it only ended because she died. But then she was exceptional at running the con, a true master.
But I really think Dove is the exception as you note - most of the role players don't last longer than 2 years.
One thing about Dove compared to most scammers is she was low maintenance. If the average scammer pulls say $15k in a year and a half, they are probably looking at getting $1k a month and giving up when it falls off rapidly. Dove probably got by on $250 a month in donations and also I tend to recall her has being more "deserving", like she might want help for a new computer or an electricity bill but wasn't looking for $25k for a mass lobbying of Congress.

I don't think that's true, I seem to recall a family taking legal action against her after their senior citizen mother had given Dove substantial amounts, and by that I think it was a 6 figure amount over a few years, from one woman.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Burnaby49 »

I don't think that's true, I seem to recall a family taking legal action against her after their senior citizen mother had given Dove substantial amounts, and by that I think it was a 6 figure amount over a few years, from one woman.
That was the woman in my comment;
She did hit the jackpot occasionally. She got a significant amount of cash from a senile old woman.
And it was indeed a jackpot although I don't know about six figures. It was just luck on Dove's part and, as far as I'm aware, this was her only significant donor. Dove didn't have signs of having much money. She didn't seem to spend much on herself and she was still living in the mobile home she inherited from her mother when she died.

I believe the woman was, if not senile, right on the edge but I don't think the family had any success at getting any of the money back. Dove may not have got all of the money directly. As she said;
She told The News Tribune the trucks were paid for by a woman - "a well-to-do NESARA supporter" she would not identify.
Doing the math of four trucks for 21 days at $600 a truck a day plus $5,000 for signs (if only one sign per truck) gives a total of about $55,000 on that little escapade. So Dove was willing to spend money to forward her psychotic fantasy.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

At the time, I had reason to believe that the "elder lady with deep pockets" whose children tried to pursue Dove was not the one to supply money for the billboard trucks. I promised to keep mum, but I figure that after 10 years I can at least infer this even if I still feel pledged not to give any details.

If so (this is based on circumstantial evidence) that means that Dove had at least two people with deep pockets on the line, since she bragged about funding this through a single individual. Then again, would you trust anything Dove said?

I believe that at the beginning she was a true believer, but could not have been at the end. Two points:

1. She raised money to send "NESARA Packages" to hundreds of members of the media (800?) and posted a picture of stacks of binders. The picture on top (blown up and "tilted" was of a show dog. A couple months before Dove had talked about how her unemployed devotees could make copies of materials at home for big bucks, and I think this is exactly what she was doing, only pretending it was NESARA materials she needed money for (especially the overnight delivery, time was awastin'). The picture was changed to much lower resolution 2 days after I revealed this.

2. Dove raised money for a lawyer to be "on retainer and on site" to file some nonsense in Reno when something came due, yadda, yadda, yadda. This gave her a large sum to raise every week. No way this could have been real, we would have heard the lawyer laughing all the way to both coasts.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"By the way, isn't it interesting the the Ambassador for the Dragon Family, who supposedly controls countless quadrillions of wealth, has to use paypal? You'd think he could set up his own bank or something."

And now GMOP is having problems with its SWIFT payment.

What an unexpected annoyance for a family that took control the Fed just one year ago:

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I see Ron is playing the pity card again to boost those PayPal donations. Now his car needs a new engine.

What amazes me is that his worshippers will actually send him money when they are barely scraping by themselves.

Internet scammers like Ron are about as low as you can get, in my book.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

On his most recent video, RVD reveals that he now knows SWISSINDO was a scam! But..wait for it, its not what you think. You see, RVD says The Dark Cabal perpetuated the scam. You see, they (the Cabal) lied to Mr. Suigh (is that the guy who claims to be King of Kings?). RVD says SWISSINDO had "good intentions" and at no point did they know there was no trillions of gold to give out.

So even now, RVD refuses to believe that prosperity scammers are self-aware of what they are doing.