Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't believe he got a visa, any more than I can believe they'll let him in when he has no actual itinerary or place to stay, and no means with which to pay for it. They have enough native deadbeats and whack jobs, they don't need to be importing them.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron still goes on, dreaming that he can get something for nothing:

(As Acore put it):
Ron needs to grow up and come up with a better answer to his own question:
"If the Kingdom of Heaven isn't going to happen on Earth, then why am I here?"

Ron was whining because his prior video got criticized because he was begging
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Since his posts are generally one of three types, his manic joy when he finds a new guru that will make his likfe all wonderful and a way to lose what little money he has, or his depressed whining about how badly he's been treated, life is, disappointment is, etc, or he's begging for money, he's broke again.....

Did he ever actually get to Australia??
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Surprise, Surprise!
Ron's stuck in Melbourne, Aus. and running out of money.
Only "Ron Haters" at Acore have been giving him good advice:
"Ron has a habit of being good to those who lie to him, and abusing those who told him the truth"

(From Acore):
"Imagine all the people living for today"
RVD seems to follow this: "What is good for me today"

Instead of helping his family and his community, Ron is relying on the kindness of strangers

I remind Ron, that we suggested:

1. Cancel the trip to Australia
2. Get his life in order in Florida. Find a place to live that he can actually afford, maybe walking distance from his son. Unpack and move in
3. Aim for a beautiful and simple life; with fewer possessions, and maybe without a car
4. Find ways to serve his family, his neighbors, and his community in a joyous way
5. Embrace the truth, even when uncomfortable, and give up the delusions
6. Learn how to research ideas for the betterment of humanity, and work with those who seek truth in both heart and in mind - "Resonance is not enough"*
7. Offer some videos (interviews perhaps) with friends etc, on a membership basis, so that Ron can earn some income from the videos that he makes
8. Ron should consider opening a new channel, that starts with a "blank slate" - ie no one banned - and allow a real and truthful discussion to take place on the new channel


9. Stop calling those who give you good advice "Ron Haters". You are not 6-years old, fer chrissakes!

(source): ... 61&page=23
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Quelle surprise!!! Ron only wants people to tell him what he wants to hear at any given moment, so the truth tellers wouldn't be popular. Imagine that.

I'm actually surprised that he even got in to Australia, they are usually tighter about that. Years ago, I had a friend who wanted to take a sabbatical down there, and he had all kinds of money and marketable skills, and he just wanted a break from what he'd been doing, and couldn't even get an entrance visa, they were afraid he'd stay. I have a feeling they may be stuck with Ron unless they deport him, which they may well have to when he completely runs out of money.

Actually, Ron is living off the gullibility of strangers, they don't know him well enough to know they are being taken.

Ron has already proven that the only thing/one he is interested in/concerned with is himself, so most of those suggestions are pointless. Ron lives in a fantasy world that he wants someone to pay for. He's entitled dontcha know, vibrations and stuffs.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course there was a crisis requiring the donation of money on Ron's trip, that's how he rolls.
DailyPlanet wrote:He has been invited by a witch from Oz, who hosts a show on Mel Ve's un-Conscious Consumer Network. So of course he has to go. Ron's god has put him on a another crazy mission, and so he really must go.
I went to CCN's website and searched for Ron, but nothing comes up. I also can't quite find a witch from Oz (Australia?) in the show archives, but did find a few reference to "Denis of Oz," "a practicing modern day alchemist who, since 2005, has been re-discovering the ancient understandings of power that nature has in her repertoire!" I don't think this person has a show, but has most recently been on one named "Get Lit," which amuses me greatly.

Any idea if Ron has done the show he supposedly traveled to Australia for, and specifically who it was supposed to be with? Any clarifying details would be appreciated.

The most telling thing on the Conscious Consumer Network site is their box for fundraising. How are they doing more than a third of the way through the year?

Fund CCN For 2016
€253 raised of €60,000 goal.
Raised by 9 donors
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Here's Ron, fully of Hopium on the day he arrived at the home of the Atlantean witch

5 3 16 – I MADE IT TO OZ

(then, in just 11 days, he had deteriorated to THIS condition):


He was saved yesterday, by the suckers who yesterday gave him 12 donations in one day
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

So going by RVD's latest video, do I have this right?

- RVD needs more money because he doesn't want to spend his own money. He needs to use that to get a place to live when he gets back. So instead he needs your money to travel around Australia.

- RVD needs more money because he didn't want to be inconvenienced by an airport transfer. It was terribly annoying to do once, so he paid $200 to get a flight that he liked better. Now his followers need to cough up more money to pay for that.

- RVD had marks who were willing to pay for more of his lodgings, but it would involve RVD getting on more flights so he could go out and commune with shamans and do lots of new age stuff. RVD just really didn't want to make that trip, so he backed out. Now he needs you to pay for his decisions by paying to put him up in a hotel room (as his original hosts are off doing new age stuff in a different part of the country).

The sheer unbridled arrogance of RVD never ceases to amaze me. He is actually angry that hes demanding money and isn't getting it without people asking why.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Not only that...

RVD is like the beggar who you offer $10, but he spits in you face for offering it, because it isnt enough.


Ron's "enemies" on the Acore thread, took pity on him because he seemed so desperate, so several of them offered him donations of $5-20 on the basis that he would cancel the rest of his trip, and return to Florida - they did not want to finance an extended vacation in Australia.

What did Ron do?
He spit in their faces, and refused it, saying he had too much "integrity" to accept money with conditions attached. He did not want to be "manipulated", and then he lied in his video about what the conditions were.

I think Ron is fast losing his supporters as they learn more about the reality of his Nature and his Character
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't for the life of me understand why or how he has followers other than that there are people out there dumber than he is.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:RVD had marks who were willing to pay for more of his lodgings, but it would involve RVD getting on more flights so he could go out and commune with shamans and do lots of new age stuff. RVD just really didn't want to make that trip, so he backed out. Now he needs you to pay for his decisions by paying to put him up in a hotel room (as his original hosts are off doing new age stuff in a different part of the country).
As I understand it (Ron's delivery can be mind-numbing), "his host" going on a 4-6 day trip to see shamans etc. without him was always in the plan, and why he was hoping to have a rental car. Otherwise, "his hosts" would drive him where he needed to go. I could have this wrong (I'm not listening to that again). I also listened to most of Ron's Australian videos (I only sampled the middle of the ones that didn't address his trip), and did not hear a reason for "the hosting having been withdrawn" at Eilish the witch's place in a suburb of Melbourne (the Australian one). He says “I have explained this in other videos, though I purposely avoid too much detail so as to not get into the blame game." All I heard was the statement that he had to change his plans, and of course the begging for money.

Sure, I want to know for my own amusement, but it would doubtless make a difference to his followers/funders whether his welcome got worn out because of some spiritual disagreement, some unwelcome physical assault, or her catching Ron filing paperwork claiming her house. :D Intriguingly, this comment was left yesterday on Ron's 5/3/16 "I Made It To Oz" Youtube video where Eilish joins him onscreen and says a few words:

hwardokwan1 1 day ago
Sorry to say it but you are sharing space with a demon and we know how it ended up

notorial dissent wrote:I can't for the life of me understand why or how he has followers other than that there are people out there dumber than he is.
With each donation Ron sends his benefactors this e-card

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

The witch's name is Eilish De Avalon and her show on CCN is "We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For." Her only show during his stay was last Monday the 9th and did not involve or concern Ron.

Here is her CCN bio:

Eilish De AvalonFreelance investigative journalist
Australia's Eilish De Avalon is a former Murdoch journalist turned freelance investigative journalist and has come from print media into the video journalism arena thanks to platforms such as Youtube and CCN. She has investigated all levels of government and elite family corruptions, she's an activist and outspoken critic of the elite having grown up with horror stories from her Hungarian refugee family's experiences in Europe during World War 2. She is a fierce activist of Public Water and is Vice President of BAFF (Barwon Action - Freedom From Fluoride) her local anti-fluoridation group and regularly goes to anti CSG blockades against frackers. She is a Chinese Energetic Medicine Practitioner, Quantum Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, Lomi Lomi, Balinese, hot stones and Indian Head Massage Therapist, Tarot Reader and medium, she has studied wholistic nutrition, Alternative Law and has immersed herself in various different religions and languages along her journey. In her spare time she is a musician and singer playing the harmonium and the sitar, she loves performing Kiran or Bhakti Yoga, the practice of devotional singing to the Divine in Sanskrit, Tibetan and is an initiated Yogini in the Nyingmapa Palyul lineage. She successfully cured her stage 3 cervical cancer naturally with nutrition and wholly believes and lives by the wisdom of Hippocrates: Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food. She has two grown sons in their 20s and has been on pilgrimages around the world in both the Avalonian druidic tradition and the footsteps of the Buddha with a Tibetan Buddhist Master going all over India, Nepal and Bhutan. She has a tipi in the forest on top of a mountain and regularly retreats to that for some solitude and meditation time. Between her healing clinic called Temple of Eilish, her investigative journalism and her music, she believes that service to others is the most noble job and is inspired by the His Holiness Dalai Lama who said it would be Western Women who saves the world.

The most interesting thing of her's in the CCN archive is:

Global Orgasm Day
By Eilish De Avalon

Join five Shakti-fied Tantrikas on a journey into the Sacred Sexual Mystery School of Tantra and Positive Sex Magick for Global Orgasm Day G.O.D. in celebration of our Equinoxes, Northern Hemisphere’s Beltaine Fertility Festival and Southern Hemisphere’s Samhain Festival.

As the Global Elite practice their Satanic Black Sex Magick involving child trafficking, rape and sacrifice at Bohemian Grove, Freemason Temples and elite estates, these Tantrikas are responding with their own unique recipe of Positive Sex Magick in Global Orgasm Day, which is a counter-cultural sexual revolution, moving even beyond duality bringing the distortions of these deluded psychopaths back into balance, unity and harmony through the collective superior power of our co-creative heart-based loving intent and sacred body technology of our combined Global Orgasm.

Here is the Global Orgasm Day Event

Queen Maha Shakti Everlasting and Eilish De Avalon greet you at the beginning of this sacred journey, in celebration of Global Orgasm Day first co-created by them a few years ago through their Facebook group: The Official Sex & Spirit Group.

Tara Fischer, a Sydney-based Tantrika then chats to us about Setting the Intention of GOD, setting up sacred space and mindset.

Then Sara Thorn, Melbourne-based Yogini speaks about Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Shaktipat Initiation within the Muktananda lineage and will takes us through a guided meditation teaching us the body technology of opening the kundalini channels using breath work, visualisation and pelvic floor squeezes.

Then in a final crescendo High Priestess of the Star of Ishtar, Tanishka Tantrika takes us on a journey through our chakras using the archetypes, activating the awakening of one’s Kundalini using dance, visualisation, breath work and opening of all the channels in the body to propel our prayers and intentions for the world through the collective power of our Global Orgasm. Tanishka is a best selling author of 4 books with over half a million followers of her daily guidance as Facebook’s ‘Moon Woman’. A former stand-up comedienne, she is a dynamic & entertaining speaker who has spent 20 years as a teacher of ancient wisdom and kundalini awakening practices. As part of her passion for positive social change, she has trained women in 36 countries to facilitate empowering women’s gatherings every month as a community building initiative. In 2015 she launched her latest book, ‘The 28 Day Happy Challenge’ as a not-for-profit project to raise awareness and funds for theArt2Healing project who rehabilitate women & children who are survivors of the sex trafficking.

People are invited to join with open hearts, prayers and sacred intent for the healing of the planet, for the healing of each other, to make the whole world our Beloved Consort, with or without a physical partner.

Eilish De Avalon, Hostess of We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For, Moderator of The Official Sex & Spirit Group and Sacred Sexuality Educator

In a juicy two and a half hour presentation, these five Tantrikas will take GOD participants on a journey of positive sex magick, sacred sex education and guide GOD participants in finding their own way into uniting our prayers and intentions for the liberation of all sentient beings, they will midwife the birthing of the New Earth and the Positive Timeline for the benefit of all sentient beings and will teach how to use one’s own body technology not only for one’s own pleasure but to send our sexuality energy, the most creative powerful force we have into Lighting the Grid around the Earth through the Collective Love we have for one another.


I hate to speculate without evidence, but one wonders if Ron just couldn't keep up his end of the hosting agreement...
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Red Panda »

Deep Knight wrote:Sure, I want to know for my own amusement, but it would doubtless make a difference to his followers/funders whether his welcome got worn out because of some spiritual disagreement, some unwelcome physical assault, or her catching Ron filing paperwork claiming her house.
Not sure where the original comments from Eilish are, but they were cut and pasted on Acore

The gist of it is
I had to rescind the continued invitation to host his visit because of several reasons, one in which he endangered my life breaking client confidentiality with a very vulnerable individual disclosing my work with him live on air which he edited out but it was on his video for 8 hours (overnight while I slept from midnight to 8am) until I asked him to edit it out - this was while he was in Canberra at another friend's house and now my family doesn't want him back as he's endangered all our safety.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

Red Panda wrote:Not sure where the original comments from Eilish are, but they were cut and pasted on Acore
Great link, thank you very much. I suggest reading back a few days.

Another interesting "resource," Eilish and Ron planning his trip. He was originally planning to go on this "commune with shamans and do lots of new age stuff" trip.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:I hate to speculate without evidence, but one wonders if Ron just couldn't keep up his end of the hosting agreement...
Anyway you want to look at that is just ewwwww, just plain ewwwww!!!!!
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron's runs up a record !

See his latest Video:

Comment from Acore: ... 61&page=35
"Views: 214 / Likes: 5 / Dislikes: 23 (10.7%) The highest Dislike ratios I have ever seen !"

It is now 26 !
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD is seriously complaining about having a $95/day hotel room and paying $15/day a food. Beyond pathetic.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"$95/day hotel room and paying $15/day a food"

I reckon he could cut those costs in half, if he used AirBNB

The thumbs down of the prior video is now up to 31, or 8.9% of 350 views

Meantime, Ron has released a new video :


He rails against the unfairness of the world, including the need to tolerate comments from "Ron Haters", who are nothing more than old friends of Ron who he banned for trying to share the Truth on his channel (about Swissindo, OPPT, etc), or making other comments than Ron disagreed with.

Does it never occur to Ron that they might actually have some useful things to say, and if he listened he would not be in the mess that he finds himself in.
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know did he actually think, I know, Ronny think...nahh, that it was going to be cheap down there, Australia IS NOT cheap unless you're freeloading off someone, which is what I think he was planning on and it didn't work.

poor baby, actually having to listen to reality, must hurt his pow widdle hed.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

My guess is that Ron got a favorable message about one of his videos from the person in Australia, wrangled an invite down there, and rationalized the reasons for his trip there - all signs of Ron being opportunistic when he thinks it is to his advantage and pocketbook.
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