Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

In his latest video it seems (I am sure you are all SHOCKED) that Ron's attempts to keep his house are failing:

Its hard to figure out what is ACTUALLY going on through all the crazy, sovcit gibberish but he seems to say that the court held a hearing and PNC Bank got a motion for summary ejection. Ron says its all illegal/corruption/etc. because he never received notice of the hearing (that is what he claims, at least).

To our quatloos lawyers, does a motion for summary ejection mean they've already got the judgement and hes just refusing to leave? Is it only a matter of time? He has been able to drag out staying in a house hes never paid for quite a long time.

Its a testament to the due process of the court system that - despite RVD doing the full sovcit song/dance and NEVER actually putting up any real defense - hes been able to stay in the home this long.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Did he say whether the judge granted the motion?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Jeffrey wrote:Did he say whether the judge granted the motion?
Hard to tell - again, trying to read through the gibberish - but appears as though they only held a hearing on it...with RVD not present. I am assuming that because RVD talks about how he will now be preparing the next sovcit paperwork battery to file with magical affidavits.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

In our latest edition of the RVD insane asylum Ron reveals he has symptoms of congestive heart failure - and then proceeds to do some "holistic healing" by DOING INCREDIBLY SMART THINGS LIKE PUTTING SEA SALT IN HIS WATER. He stopped doing it, but only after it was obviously making things worse.

Other "therapies" tried by RVD:
"Grounding" himself (I don't even know what this means - but how much you want to bet its some new age health cure all?).
"Distilled water"
Urine therapy (yep, really, hes this dumb).
Eating only raw fruit every day except mozzarella cheese (im sure all that SUGAR from tons of fruit does GREAT for heart failure!)

Oh RVD, your a crazy idiot but I don't want you to die - how could you be this stupid? I hope he actually listens to conventional medical science...else we may not have the crazy RVD show in a few years...
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:(im sure all that SUGAR from tons of fruit does GREAT for heart failure!)
No, but the hypertension and the fluid retention resulting from excess salt intake is even worse.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, the salt would have been about as negative a course of treatment as you could possibly not want to take for CHF. Retaining fluids is what he absolutely doesn't want to be doing. The urine is another another non starter for the same reasons squared. I would suspect that along with the CHF he is also suffering from matching kidney failure based on the few pictures I've seen of him.

In other words he needs to get under serious medical care and stay there, if it is not already too late. The stupid is not only strong in this one, it may well be lethal.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »


Ron sees the US health care system as "a racket" : Parasitical, expensive and profit-motivated.
Not designed to cure illness, but to maintain it, as a line-of-business

Do you think he is unjustified in holding that view?

Also, he has limited funds with which to get the care you haev described
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

First and foremost, Ron is a loon, and I question that he is capable of making valid decisions for himself in the first place.

Along with all of his other delusions and you think this one has any more validity? If he truly is suffering from CHF, then the ONLY option, other than eventually, sooner rather than later, dieing, is to get himself under competent medical care. It is obvious he hasn't a clue otherwise, and has probably in fact done himself more harm than good with his holistic attempts. There really isn't anything holistic that will treat that or the incipient kidney failure he is probably suffering from. Little hint CHF is not a pleasant way to die, kidney failure is even less fun.

Unless Ron has been lying, I would suspect that he more than qualifies for most of the low income/no income state/federal medical programs out there, so his out of pocket will be minimal at best.

Ron needs to grow up, get a reality check, and seek medical attention, or it won't matter in the not too distant future.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:(im sure all that SUGAR from tons of fruit does GREAT for heart failure!)
No, but the hypertension and the fluid retention resulting from excess salt intake is even worse.
Exactly. I'm sure that if Ron has seen a qualified physician he would place him on a prescription of Lasix or some other type of diuretic to deal with the fluid retention that comes with congestive heart failure.

Eating fruit should not be generally an issue with his heart disease.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Red Panda »

I have only tuned into a few minutes of RVD videos, so was wondering from those who have listened if he makes 'cloak and dagger' claims of the sort that Dave Schmidt does. Dave has said his show has been under attack, that the Ambassador won't send certain info over the phone or email as it is being monitored, and did not disclose his location in China until after the fact.

Is the extra drama factor something that Dave is adding to the mix, or does RVD do that as well? I find it somewhat amusing, as why would the Cabal care what Dave is up to? Because he is colluding with the Ambassador to do good works? Ooooh, that is scary.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I would say yes, hes a big partaker of the role playing involving fictional characters like the Ambassador. He always has excuses ready when someone asks him why the Ambassador does nothing but talk, never shows his face, and never uses any of the Dragon Family's supposedly unlimited wealth and power to reveal himself (instead of talking to some idiot on youtube). Like Schmidt, there is always some RP cloak and dagger for every Ambassador failure.

Lots of people do the new age/prosperity circuit for internet fame and money, but I think RVD is a true believer in all senses. It appears to have cost him dearly in life both in terms of finances (losing his house, although its not clear that he ever paid for it and it wasn't just passed to him a fraudulent conveyance) and his health (could die due to doing new age remedies for congestive heart failure).

Part of the allure of the prosperity scam is that you know a secret, so thats why The Dark Cabal want to silence the Schmidt and RVD - in their own minds, at least. They are speaking to much truth to power! And when RVD dies - probably an untimely death unless he actually gets some real healthcare for himself - his followers will proclaim it was a Dark Cabal plot to silence him.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

RVD is an inconsequential gullible schmuck. He has done nothing whatsoever with his life, he has accomplished nothing, and he is looking for validation, and being the favored child of the prosperity ambassadors is apparently his road of choice. He is a gullible schmuck because he falls for each and every one of these as they come along. I am really not convinced he is competent to be managing his own affairs.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron now says "the court case has been dropped"

Instead of celebrating this good news, he hardly mentions it,
and takes a shot at the whole Bar system


Why does this make me want to tell a joke:
"Two men walked into a bar, and..."
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Wait which case, the house thing or the driving thing?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Is Ron getting more careful ?


His comment:
I woke up between 12:30 and one o'clock this morning thinking I had watched a video of someone from China announcing the new financial system. I did not recognize the individual; nor do I know if he represented the Chinese government or the Chinese Dragon Family. If it was the latter, why was it not the Ambassador making the announcement? The message was filled with generalities, yet lacking in particulars. When he said that the nations of the world had reached an agreement on the restructuring, and that all major nations were cooperating, that sounded good to me. However, very little details were provided in regard to the elements of the new system. Would debt slavery continue? Would the system of law that supported the debt slavery remain in effect? I've pondered these questions all morning, only getting about one hour sleep. As I said, I'm not sure whether I was awake or asleep; and I still don't know exactly what it means. I do believe it will all be meaningless if they do not address the actual issues facing humanity in regard to our status as sovereign humans. The devil, or angel, is in the details. Is it 555 or a new version of 666?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh RVD, your so obsessed with the mythical GCR and Ambassador that you are now dreaming about it. I am also interested in this other recent RVD video where he talks about his latest attempts to "heal himself" through....questionable new age means:

Look, RVD is nuts, and he misleads a lot of stupid people by giving false hope for mythologies like the RV. But he doesn't ask for donations from what I can tell - hes just a True Believer in every sense. I hope he is with us for many years to come spouting this insanity, he is harming people but compared to other people in the new age/RV/GCR "community" the amount of harm is benign.

Sadly, he may engineer is own early demise if hes solely relying on his new age "cures" for his heart failure. He talks about how hes sitting around talking and apologizing to his organs. While that in and of itself is completely stupid, it at least isn't damaging your health directly (unlike some of the other stuff he was doing).

Conventional medicine isn't always right - things like the scientific consensus on nutrition change all the time. For example, there is lots of new peer reviewed research saying that high amounts of fat/saturated fat...when eaten as part of a low carb and no sugar diet (that last part is key, I think!)...actually improve heart health. That idea would have been called pure quackery even a decade ago. But by the time things get to heart failure, its not time to be relying on new research - I hope RVD is seeking the medicine we know that works instead of eating pineapples and apologizing his pancreas.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Some of the comments to that video are...marvelous:
Heart and lungs get rid of moist in the body. Lower leg musles pump it around. Advice can be a half our walk but that was before Fukushima. Your body can make a diagnose with a few drops of pee on the tong. But cause? age and enviroment?
Wish you peace and healing:)
Yes, we should definitely not walk since Fukushima! Also, who needs doctors? Just put some pee on your tongue to figure out what is wrong.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

As I said, I'm not sure whether I was awake or asleep;
Sounds to me like you were high.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Kidney failure will do that to you too.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD is now in the hospital, having had a stroke and refusing to seek medical treatment for apparently several days (before his family forced it):

I hope all the new age quackery ("urine therapy) he was doing didn't do any harm, and that he has had a wake up call.

Heres to your health, RVD, and many more years of your bat*sh*t insane rantings to come. I hope RVD doesn't take advice from his commenters, like this one:
Your right eye says stroke- along with the other symptoms. I had a bad experience, recently with ELF/ Microwave weaponry. They can cause that. Ever feel your brain tingle? Maybe just feel angry for no reason...just really, really angry? It is a reaction to the trauma induced by these weapons. Not being able to sleep is another one. They work on such a low-level that you don't consciously pick up on it, but it keeps you just active enough to not be able to sleep. As the cycle continues, you get closer and closer to stroke...a convenient way to get trouble makers out of the way. Its worth looking up.
And gem comments like this:
An O.M.D./Acupuncturist will take your pulse 10 different ways to diagnose the blockages causing your body to stress. They do not prescribe western drugs and can treat you so your chi/blood/life energy flows properly. Please consider seeing one soon. This is your body giving you a signal to do something very soon. Namaste.