Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

noblepa wrote:
There's an office building here in Cleveland that was built prior to 1933, the Halle Building. (Gregg, you probably know where it is, since you worked for the Fed, which is just a few blocks away). Incidentally, this is the building after which Halle Berry is named. Anyway, the original contract to lease it contained such a "payment in gold coin" clause.

As you say, when FDR made that clause illegal, payment reverted to "lawful money", ie, US dollars.

Apparently, the original lease is still in effect. A few years ago, I read that the current owners were trying to enforce the gold payment option, since gold ownership was legalized in 1977. The contract did not specify a dollar-equivalent amount of gold; it required a specified number of ounces. At today's prices, the amount would be astronomical.

I just googled it, and found this story, from 2008: ... requi.html

The article says that the tenant was paying $35,000 annualy for the building, while the owners wanted 1693 ounces of gold. At 2008 prices, that came to $1.5 million.
I worked in Cincinnati, where there is a branch (still no tellers and the tightest security I had ever seen in the 80's) which mostly handles cash distribution to banks and had some offices. My duties were related to the quarterly activity survey, pretty boring stuff but a fascinating in for a geek like me who wants to learn how the world works. I met a lot of people then who are fairly important people now in banking and government.

I do remember the Halle building case, I don't know how it finally turned out, but it's kind of a backwards case. I also disagree with the decision the 6th reached as reported in the link you sent. If its true, as the article says, that Congress allowed Gold Clauses to be in agreements after 1975 then I would think that the Executive Order and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 would be the applicable law...from wiki
the limitation on gold ownership in the U.S. was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Pub.L. 93–373[6] which went into effect December 31, 1974. Pub.L. 93-373 did not repeal the Gold Clause Resolution of 1933, which made unenforceable any contracts which specified payment in a fixed amount of money or a fixed amount of gold. That is, contracts remained unenforceable if they used gold monetarily rather than as a commodity of trade. However, the Act of October 28, 1977, Pub.L. 95–147, § 4(c),[7] amended the 1933 Joint Resolution and made it clear that parties could again include so-called gold clauses in contracts formed after 1977
Any lawyers here interested enough to see how the case finally turned out? Or care to discuss how they managed to repeal a law that Congress specifically did not, after prolonged debate on just this sort of thing happening had they done so.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

noblepa wrote:this is the building after which Halle Berry is named.
Can't be all bad.
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- David Hume
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

DP, what it boils down to, is that when you are looking at a proposition, be it fake ambassadors or fake gold bonds, you start from the position of "I don't know", and then you start gathering information.

Simply put, there is no evidence of the "ambassadors" being anything but a fraud. A youtooby video does not constitute proof of anything, and in fact detracts from appearance of validity.

The bonds are an even bigger fraud, Gregg's information is correct by the way, there is no record of any such bonds, ever, since samples of them have actually been seized(repeatedly), seen, handled, and examined by people other than true believers. They are in fact poor quality forgeries done on modern cheap paper with modern ink jet printers, of photoshopped material from various sources. The other proof that they are frauds is that they were signed by people who didn't exist at the time they were supposedly issued. The fraudsters didn't do their homework very well is what it boils down to. There is also the fact that analysis would also show they are not what they purported to be.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by noblepa »

Gregg wrote:
noblepa wrote:
There's an office building here in Cleveland that was built prior to 1933, the Halle Building. (Gregg, you probably know where it is, since you worked for the Fed, which is just a few blocks away). Incidentally, this is the building after which Halle Berry is named. Anyway, the original contract to lease it contained such a "payment in gold coin" clause.

As you say, when FDR made that clause illegal, payment reverted to "lawful money", ie, US dollars.

Apparently, the original lease is still in effect. A few years ago, I read that the current owners were trying to enforce the gold payment option, since gold ownership was legalized in 1977. The contract did not specify a dollar-equivalent amount of gold; it required a specified number of ounces. At today's prices, the amount would be astronomical.

I just googled it, and found this story, from 2008: ... requi.html

The article says that the tenant was paying $35,000 annualy for the building, while the owners wanted 1693 ounces of gold. At 2008 prices, that came to $1.5 million.
I worked in Cincinnati, where there is a branch (still no tellers and the tightest security I had ever seen in the 80's) which mostly handles cash distribution to banks and had some offices. My duties were related to the quarterly activity survey, pretty boring stuff but a fascinating in for a geek like me who wants to learn how the world works. I met a lot of people then who are fairly important people now in banking and government.

I do remember the Halle building case, I don't know how it finally turned out, but it's kind of a backwards case. I also disagree with the decision the 6th reached as reported in the link you sent. If its true, as the article says, that Congress allowed Gold Clauses to be in agreements after 1975 then I would think that the Executive Order and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 would be the applicable law...from wiki
the limitation on gold ownership in the U.S. was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Pub.L. 93–373[6] which went into effect December 31, 1974. Pub.L. 93-373 did not repeal the Gold Clause Resolution of 1933, which made unenforceable any contracts which specified payment in a fixed amount of money or a fixed amount of gold. That is, contracts remained unenforceable if they used gold monetarily rather than as a commodity of trade. However, the Act of October 28, 1977, Pub.L. 95–147, § 4(c),[7] amended the 1933 Joint Resolution and made it clear that parties could again include so-called gold clauses in contracts formed after 1977
Any lawyers here interested enough to see how the case finally turned out? Or care to discuss how they managed to repeal a law that Congress specifically did not, after prolonged debate on just this sort of thing happening had they done so.

I found a little more on this. The lease in question was for the land underneath the building, not the building itself.

One article from 2008 ( ... old/80267/) contained this, which, if true, might explain why the original 1912 contract clause could be enforced, despite the 1977 law which specifically stated that gold clauses could only be enforced for contracts created AFTER 1977:
New York Sun wrote: S&R Playhouse may not have been taking into account something that had happened during the great rise in gold prices during the 1970s. Lawmakers in Washington had reauthorized gold clauses in private contracts. To be sure, the new gold clause rule did not cover pre-1970s contracts.

But in property law, when a new tenant agrees to be bound by an old lease, that tenant must abide by the existing terms, including an old gold clause. (The contract is, in effect, a new one).
Apparently the case has become moot, as the building has been sold, presumably along with the land beneath it. ... hatev.html
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Gregg, You wrote:
"Every single debt issued by the United States of America including the money the Continental Congress borrowed to finance the American Revolution is recorded at the Treasury.
- and:
"As to your theory that 'maybe some people went trogging around Asia conning people into giving their gold to them in exchange for US Bonds', hell, that's more than likely true."
(I did not use the word: "trogging". Why throw it in?)

Did you bother to listen to either of the Videos? I think not.

Here's the shorter one - it is pretty clear:
The Dragon Gold Family may be Lost
"My own conclusion has been that someone who seemed to be from the US scammed wealthy Chinese and Asians, hovering up their gold in return for counterfeit “gold” bonds. These bonds look real, but have spelling errors, and were never legal debts of the American people. If they get the gold back, and I hope they do, they will have to get it back from the “shadow secret government”, or whomever those shadowy people were who ran this scam. I would genuinely like them to succeed."
- Gene Lo, Jean Haines Blog / In the description of the Video

I think we are on the same page here. What's the big deal?

If fake bonds were issued :
- By whom? and Why?

Farrell gives his ideas on that:
Joseph P Farrell at the Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo (presentation 1):
President Truman decided after the war to create a vast system of hidden finance using the Nazi access loot and put the American intelligence community in the role of international bankers.
The institution of a long-term ‘Mega-Manhattan’ Project to investigate and emulate the technological performance of some UFOs required the establishment of an immense, and entirely hidden, system of finance, which was laid in the years immediately following World War Two, and was based in large part on the utilization of Axis funds, talent, and technology.
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics* from the University of Oxford


"there is no evidence of the "ambassadors" being anything but a fraud."
That's idiotic. You cannot prove a negative.
In fact, there is evidence. But what I have seen is wholly unconvincing.
Again, I think we are on the same page. And I review the new stuff, as it comes in.

Here's some more "evidence" from the latest report from Ben Fulford - it is also unconvincing.
"$30 Trillion in Gold"? - No way !:
To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and, members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.

The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.

The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:
Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.

The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.

What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.

- From: ... in-us.html

*Patristics - or patrology is the study of the early Christian writers who are designated Church Fathers. The names derive from the combined forms of Latin pater and Greek patḗr (father). The period is generally considered to run from the end of New Testament times or end of the Apostolic Age.
(If you think that anyone can get a Phd at Oxford without learning how to do proper research, then you will have spent much less time there, than I have.)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Sigh. As expected, DP didn't listen to a word of anything that was said.

DP, you just are not willing to get in touch with reality on even a basic level. Which is strange, because some part of your conspiracy theorist mind is subconsciously screaming at you that this stuff is all made up. That is why you even post at places like this, where skepticism and critical thinking rule the day, when other conspiracy theorists stay in their echo chambers like RVD's channel or Above Top Some part of you, I believe, wants to embrace reality. But your conscious tendency toward conspiracy theories just keeps fighting you - and winning.

You don't even understand how PhD education works at a basic level. Having a doctorate does not teach you how to perform research for any topic. It teaches you how to perform research in a very specific area. Research methods vary widely from discipline to discipline. The differences in approach to methods is stark across the arts and sciences. The idiot you are worshiping for a PhD in a theology topic is trained completely differently than someone finance. Someone with a theology PhD will have had little to no training in statistics, quantitative data analysis etc. - all things a finance person would have extensive training in.

And yet again, even if this idiot did have a PhD in finance, we would have to weigh what he says against other experts in the field. And no one agrees with him for a reason. Because hes nuts.
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

DP, once again, you are failing to pay attention to what you have been told, and you certainly aren't thinking.

Youtooby videos do not constitute evidence of anything, except possibly gullibility. Once again, no one took any gold from anyone in Asia, there was no gold to be taken, other than the little the Japanese got. The bonds that you are raving about were printed long after the events that you/they claim they relate to. They were printed on ink jet printers, they are bogus. They do not look real, and they look cheap and phony upon examination, and they have been examined.

The bonds are fake because they have been used as a lure to sucker money out of treasure hunters for the the last twenty years or so. They aren't any more real now than they were then.

So Farrell has a doctorate. Big Whoop. That and $2 might bet him a frapachino at Starbucks or some such place. The only thing a PhD signifies is that he was competent enough to BS his way through his dissertation on a subject next to no one cares about. He MAY be an expert in that narrow little bit of academia, but it qualifies him for nothing else. Just as I wouldn't go to a Doctor of English letters for a heart condition, I wouldn't go to this clown for financial advice or explanations, or pay any attention to him if he gave it. He has no qualifications or expertise in finance or economics, and his opinions on such are worth exactly NOTHING!!!!

Actually, you can prove a negative. If the ambassadors were real there would be evidence of it and their actions would follow suit. There has been nothing to back up their claims, again other than some actors on a Youtooby, and that doesn't constitute anything but a waste of time and energy on the part of the gullible.

And then we get full of it Fullford, crackpot par excellence. Ben Fullford is either a liar or a full on delusional crazy person, but a reliable source of anything he isn't. Full of it has been spinning this crap for years, and it isn't any more real now than it was then.

As to Kim Young Hee and Zhang Sheng Zhi, I suspect that if their pictures are sent through either Interpol or the Asian equivalent some rather interesting information will pop up, none of it having to do with any non-existent ambassadors.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

DailyPlanet wrote:Gregg, You wrote:
"Every single debt issued by the United States of America including the money the Continental Congress borrowed to finance the American Revolution is recorded at the Treasury.
- and:
"As to your theory that 'maybe some people went trogging around Asia conning people into giving their gold to them in exchange for US Bonds', hell, that's more than likely true."
(I did not use the word: "trogging". Why throw it in?)

"trogging" is my own word in that description, if you had sent 16 years in college you'd know hat it means (wow, I just realized that I was in college longer than Erasamus of America was in Military School

Did you bother to listen to either of the Videos? I think not.

Here's the shorter one - it is pretty clear:
The Dragon Gold Family may be Lost

I had to snip this, reading it again might have caused me serious cardiac distress...good video though, VERY CONVINCING, oh stop, I have a heart condition....

- Gene Lo, Jean Haines Blog / In the description of the Video

I think we are on the same page here. What's the big deal?

If fake bonds were issued :
- By whom? and Why?

Farrell gives his ideas on that:
Joseph P Farrell at the Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo (presentation 1):
:haha: :haha: :Axe: :haha: :haha: :lol: :lol: :haha: :haha:

President Truman decided after the war to create a vast system of hidden finance using the Nazi access loot and put the American intelligence community in the role of international bankers.
There was no Nazi access loot, Kelley's Hero's was a work of fiction, you know that, right? Almost all "lost German gold" from WWII is not in fact lost, its safe in Switzerland, the lost part comes into play with the combination of Swiss Banking Law and the fact that death camps don't issue death certificates. We pretty much know where everything the Nazi's stole, with the notable exception of the Amber Room, is

The institution of a long-term ‘Mega-Manhattan’ Project to investigate and emulate the technological performance of some UFOs required the establishment of an immense, and entirely hidden, system of finance, which was laid in the years immediately following World War Two, and was based in large part on the utilization of Axis funds, talent, and technology.
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics* from the University of Oxford

There is a little bit, just a little bit of that passage that doesn't come entirely from a deranged mind but it did pass through one. Operation Paperclip was a program of the US Army to get German Scientists into the US to work on our own rocket program. Some of the people who were gotten (secretly) to the US could have been tried as war criminals, but as was possible at the time, the Government, with the personal approval of Harry Truman made it kind of invisible. The one most people know is Warner Von Braun, who later was a high level NASA official and wrote and autobiography, "I aim for the Stars" which should have been subtitled ''but I hit London" When you get into UFOs you lose me, and anyone else with, well, half of half a brain. Germany, and all of Europe with them, was essentially bankrupt at the end of WWII, bombing the industrial base to the stone age will do that to a heavy manufacturing based economy.
Oh, and this guy, I will admit without even checking much, probably knows more about the life of the Apostles than I do. I'm also willing to be A PHUCKLOAD of real money of my own, that I have forgotten more about International Banking, Central Banking and the twentieth century history of both than him.


"there is no evidence of the "ambassadors" being anything but a fraud."
That's idiotic. You cannot prove a negative.
In fact, there is evidence. But what I have seen is wholly unconvincing.
Again, I think we are on the same page. And I review the new stuff, as it comes in.

"ambassador" is a specific title, conferred by a sovereign government on persons who act officially as the governments represenative, usually to another sovereign power or international body. If one is an Ambassador, one will have no only an appointment, bearing the great seal of the appointing nation (and they are impressive looking things, I've seen some) and the acceptance of their credentials by the power of body to whom they are accredited. Ambassadors, under recognized international law are not subject to the laws of the countries in which they are working or arrest under any circumstances, including war. (during war they are either allowed safe passage to leave or 'sequestered' until some arrangements can be made, but even in war, they are pretty much untouchable)
These people are at the very most come distant cousin of the Manchu Dynasty, as the last Emperor of China, Pu Yi, had no children

note, I made an edit here to remove something that was incorrect about the final heir, the correct information is in the next post, GBE

Here's some more "evidence" from the latest report from Ben Fulford - it is also unconvincing.
"$30 Trillion in Gold"? - No way !:
To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and, members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.

I know this is going to shock you, but in fact, Secret Agreements between US Presidents and anyone do not and cannot exist over anything beyond minor administrative and clerical matters...pesky thing in the Constitution about the Senate having to "Advise and Consent" to all foreign treaties. The Senate, in turn, can't do stuff like that in can fudge stuff a little in wartime, maybe, but not much...Congress had to consent to the Command of US Troops by British generals in WWII.
As far as the "secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy" please, please get a life and read a little about it NOT called The Creature from Jekyll Island, you can rest assured, as I said above, I know more about the real history of 20th Century finance than Ben Fulford

Ships laden with Manchu gold, eh? So tell me why this gold wouldn't actually be legally the People's Republic of China's gold?
And as for the Manchu Dynasty and Chaing doing anything together, if you knew more history than my Dachshund, you'd know that makes as much sense as Obama giving the keynote address at a Klan rally

I have to go home, but rest easy, I'm not done diseecting this tripe et.

The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.

The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:
Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.

The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.

What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.

- From: ... in-us.html

*Patristics - or patrology is the study of the early Christian writers who are designated Church Fathers. The names derive from the combined forms of Latin pater and Greek patḗr (father). The period is generally considered to run from the end of New Testament times or end of the Apostolic Age.
(If you think that anyone can get a Phd at Oxford without learning how to do proper research, then you will have spent much less time there, than I have.)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

DailyPlanet wrote: I snipped again to about where I left off, again, my health dictates I limit my daily intake of internet nonsense.....

To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and, members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.

Getting back to the Chiang-Manchu Dynasty dream team, as I said, even Chili Dog knows enough about Asian history to remember that Sun Yat Sen and Chiang were the people who tossed the Manchu out on their asses, not with 20 ships full of gold, hell, I'm not sure they even had luggage. The Emperor had not left the Forbidden CIty since he was 2 years old, and was hardly what we call worldly. He didn't have any gold, China didn't have any gold either, it was a dirt poor third world shithole with a feudal economy, any wealth the Manchu might have had was stolen by the eunuchs generations before Pu Yi was literally bum rushed down the road. And if anyone was less likely to be a big partner than Manchu and Nationalist Chinese, I'm sure the Koreans (not really at the time a nation, but an annexed territory of Japan) and the Japanese who were more or less practicing for WWII on them at the time.

The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.

Plates to print US dollars, eh? Know any currency collectors who have any? Were they Silver certificates, Gold certificates (at the time Illegal for US CItizens to hold) Treasury Notes? Federal Reserve Notes? Oh, it was secret..I see. Much like the aforementioned US Bonds that were issued by the Continental Congress in 1775, every US note ever printed since at least 1913 that I know of has been recorded. Yep, every one of them is on a list, in a safe, somewhere in Washington along with the real Evidence from Roswell and Arlo Guthrie's fingerprints and, well, you know dick about this stuff, but I know at least as much about it as your source knows about Saul or Tarsus so I'll tell you and you have to just trust me, no US Currency since the Civil War (and probably before that but the definition of what was negotiable gets fuzzy before that) has ever been printed outside the USA, and I can flat damn promise you the US Treasury never loaned anyone or any country Plates to print US Currency, which would be a fundamental surrender of what being a country is all about.

The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:
Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.

Photographs of their ears? Are you phucking kidding me? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds....say it out loud, c'mon, say it out loud...there, surely after saying it you can give that one up.
And a little amateur genealogy of the Manchu Dynasty turns up this...
In 1912, the Qing dynasty was ousted and a republic was declared. Puyi, the last Qing emperor, was emperor of Manchukuo (Manchuria) in 1934–1945. He died without issue in 1967. His brother Prince Pujie was next in line under Manchukuo's succession law, which is the most recently published agreed upon succession rule for the house.[1] Stories published in the Chicago Times and The New York Times acknowledge Pujie as heir to the throne.[2]

Since Pujie died in 1994, a half-brother, Jin Youzhi, has claimed this status, notably in a 2006 lawsuit.[3] This case was dismissed without a ruling on the issue.[3] Jin also sued to obtain royalties from the sale of Puyi's autobiography.[4] Pujie was survived by a daughter, Princess Husheng, who was born in 1941. However, the law restricts succession to males.[5]

In The Empty Throne, Tony Scotland tells how he found another claimant, Prince Yuyan, living in a mud floor hovel near the imperial palace.[6] Yuyan, a distant cousin of Puyi, told Scotland that the former emperor made him heir to the throne in a ceremony performed while they were imprisoned in Russia together in 1950.[7] This claim is not supported by any official document, although it was customary in the Qing dynasty that an emperor name his successor in a will or edict. Puyi's autobiography confirms merely that the idea was discussed.[8] Yuyan died in 1997. His eldest son is Prince Hengzhen, who was born in 1944.[9] There is no indication that Yuyan designated him heir to the throne, or that he claims this status.

Current pretender: Jin Yuzhang[10]

Jin Yuquan (金毓峑, b. 1946), younger brother.[11]
Jin Yulan (金毓岚, b. 1948), youngest brother.[12]

I don't see either of your ear identity protected friends there...

The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.

Which, incidentally, is about three times more gold than there actually is in the world....

What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.

- From: ... in-us.html

The Federal Reserve Banks (there are 12 of them) are owned by the member banks in their regions, under a very special kind of common stock that I've explained elsewhere, in some detail, on this site...look it up if you want to know how it really works and not how a conspiracy theory works. In a miniscule way I myself am part owner of a Federal Reserve Bank, in that I own some stock in 5/3
from...The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch. 3) generally a much better source than UTube btw

*Patristics - or patrology is the study of the early Christian writers who are designated Church Fathers. The names derive from the combined forms of Latin pater and Greek patḗr (father). The period is generally considered to run from the end of New Testament times or end of the Apostolic Age.
(If you think that anyone can get a Phd at Oxford without learning how to do proper research, then you will have spent much less time there, than I have.)
And how much time did you spend at Oxford, Skippy? I never studied there (I did study at London School of Economics, which is a lot more impressive if you're English) I'm betting less time than I've spent on the moon. Yes, your friend went to Oxford and I think for some reason Fulford might have gone to Yale, both of them are still nuttier than a Snickers Bar
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

DailyPlanet wrote:That's idiotic. You cannot prove a negative.
And no one asked you to. Gregg pointed out that there is no evidence for something that you claim. That's not asking for proof of a negative. It's asking for proof of your claim. See my sig for more details.

Your inability to understand this basic proposition raises immediate doubt about your powers of reasoning. No matter how much you claim that "we are on the same page", we're actually not even in the same book.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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wserra wrote:No matter how much you claim that "we are on the same page", we're actually not even in the same book.
For that matter, we are not even in the same library.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:We pretty much know where everything the Nazi's stole, with the notable exception of the Amber Room, is
I have gotten some information that if one were to carefully inspect an heavily armed complex in or around Gettysburg, they might find the missing panels of the Amber Room...
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

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By the way, from another thread in the distant past:
Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Postby wserra » Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:03 am

OK, enough of this.

DailyPlanet, as you must have noticed, this site is dedicated to discussion and exposure of financial frauds, usually of the TP/Sov ilk. If you have something to contribute to that, welcome. But take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

First and last warning.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Do you think your writing in Blue Bolded Text gives you authority?
It doesn't. It is like SHOUTING - I find it hard to read, and think: Why bother?

Gregg, your:
"Almost all "lost German gold" from WWII is not in fact lost, its safe in Switzerland..."
Oh yeah, I used to have friends who worked at a Swiss Bank who used to joke they were the safest bank on the planet because they still controlled "Mr Hitler's account". When they got rescued by another Swiss bank, they stopped talking that way.

"pesky thing in the Constitution about the Senate having to "Advise and Consent" to all foreign treaties..."
Sure. That's the way it should be. Pity that Presidents discovered Executive orders, and have forgotten their vow to uphold the Constitution. But maybe you live in a parallel universe where they still do that.

You must be the most clever person I have come across, and one of the most snarky on a generally-snarky website:
"DP, you just are not willing to get in touch with reality on even a basic level. Which is strange, because some part of your conspiracy theorist mind is subconsciously screaming at you that this stuff is all made up..."
Obviously, you know what is going on in my mind better than I do... Or at least you think you do. It is a real pleasure having discourse with you.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

wserra wrote:
DailyPlanet wrote:That's idiotic. You cannot prove a negative.
And no one asked you to. Gregg pointed out that there is no evidence for something that you claim. That's not asking for proof of a negative. It's asking for proof of your claim. See my sig for more details.

Your inability to understand this basic proposition raises immediate doubt about your powers of reasoning. No matter how much you claim that "we are on the same page", we're actually not even in the same book.
I suggest you ban me now...
I am more than a little bored with this place anyway.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Please DP, we've been through this before:

Step 1: You flirt with a conspiracy theory and express that it could possibly be true. You present "evidence" of youtube videos and conspiracy websites.

Step 2: Quatloosians come out and debunk you with actual evidence.

Step 3: You ignore everything and make petty comments and then say you'll never be back/ask to be banned/etc.

Step 4: In 1-2 months, your back, and you post a while before we go through all of this again.

Its just getting so old.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

Gregg, your:
"Almost all "lost German gold" from WWII is not in fact lost, its safe in Switzerland..."

Oh yeah, I used to have friends who worked at a Swiss Bank who used to joke they were the safest bank on the planet because they still controlled "Mr Hitler's account". When they got rescued by another Swiss bank, they stopped talking that way.

Whether or not a bank has merged with another, or even been bailed out by someone, is not in any way indicative of the amount or disposition of its deposits. I personally think you're lying about having a friend working in a Swiss bank, its not the kind of thing someone wh oreally worked in a bank would say, and the safest bank on the planet, if you had to pick one, is almost assuredly one of the large FDIC insured US banks, our government tried saying "fuck 'em" to banks and letting them fail once and it didn't work out so well, so you can pardon them if they think any bank is too big to fail. Especially since, in fact, some banks are too big to fail, but that's another issue of Weekly World News altogether.

"pesky thing in the Constitution about the Senate having to "Advise and Consent" to all foreign treaties..."
Sure. That's the way it should be. Pity that Presidents discovered Executive orders, and have forgotten their vow to uphold the Constitution. But maybe you live in a parallel universe where they still do that.

The President who "discovered" Executive Orders was George Washington, who knew more than a little about how the Constitution worked. Whether you agree with them or not, they're not going away and like the bonds, and the note issues, and damn near everything else the government has EVER done, they wrote it down every single time a President issued one, you can go read them all, on one website. While we're on the subject, a President can't easily use an executive order to do things regarding foreign powers, really, the Senate takes that "advice and consent" pretty seriously and they get all bitchy if they think the President is trying to sneak around them. A President can only issue Executive Orders to employees/Departments of the Executive Branch, and if Congress really disagrees, they have a few ways to tell him "not gonna happen" such as passing an appropriations rider that prohibits said executive branch employees or departments from spending any money to do whatever the President said he wanted done. This has happened before. (and they wrote that down, too!)
These are things you might already have known if you would do a little research on these things from places more authoritative than and such
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't say that DP is lying about his Swiss Bank coment, but I can say he is badly mis-informed. It is highly unlikely in the extreme that he could or would know anyone working with ANY Swiss bank who would be old enough to actually know the answer to that question. The other half of it is, that unless that person were the actual account officer there is no way they could or would possibly know who the account owner was, for the simple fact that the thing the Swiss banks of the time were selling was anonymity, the accounts were registered only by a number, which you had to have to get access to them, and the account officer would never disclose the customer's name, they used to be real hard case about that. The Nazis used the Swiss accounts to hide a great deal of money, and it has been postulated that Hitler had Swiss accounts, but I have never heard or seen any hard evidence of such, but there were several of the upper echelon who did and who were eventually discovered an funds were recovered.

I have said this before, and I will say it again, Youtooby IS NOT a source, Wingnut Daily IS NOT a source, the National Enquirer IS NOT a source.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

DailyPlanet wrote: suggest you ban me now...
I am more than a little bored with this place anyway.
Translation: "Since I can't get anyone to believe my conspiracy theories without evidence, I am going to throw a tantrum to attract attention."
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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