Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Burnaby49 wrote:No problemo! He says that his lawyer says the appeal is still in process and everything is going to be reversed. Unfortunately his son is out of town for a week just when Ron needs more free accomodation. Just bad timing I guess.
Do we know anything more about this "lawyer friend"? I believe Jeffrey or someone said it is an actual lawyer (surprising!), but they aren't licensed to practice in FL. And they haven't been very successful.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone said it's a real lawyer from New York but I don't believe that for a second.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

According to Ron, his "retired lawyer" friend is a woman lawyer from New York who retired to Florida. She seems to have recurring health issues, and I get the impression she is elderly. She can only help him from the shadows, though, because - again, according to Ron - she is not licensed to practice in Florida.

I think she may be legit, but has somehow bought into Ron's version of reality without actually knowing the facts of his actions over the years.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Well, you can't keep a criminal mind down for long. ... ture=share
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Well, good to see that the authorities took advantage of Ron going to court to isolate him and to ensure that he could not barricade himself in the house as a potential threat.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

LightinDarkness wrote:
thunter wrote:Ron has been evicted. ... ture=share
I honestly feel no sympathy for RVD. He has had years of notice that this day was coming. Dozens of hearings. Multiple "final notices" of eviction. Now RVD laments that he has no where to go and has to move all his stuff. Not that he could have sorted all that out with the years of advance notice he had on this...
He fooled people, once again.
He tried to gander sympathy, by suggesting his son had abandoned him.
But he had a key to the house, and a back-up plan the whole time.

No wonder his family is fed up with him - he has so many tricks, and peddles so many lies
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Few things of note from RVD's most recent video:

- As DP indicates, looks like RVD was playing up the "I have no where to live and will commit suicide if they evict me!" shtick for donations. RVD says he was never suicidal and the way he talks he had a plan to move everything out.

- Conveniently, RVD's "lawyer friend" was sick on Friday and couldn't attend his hearing! I am becoming more convinced the "lawyer friend" doesn't exist or is a internet lawyer who has no idea what she is doing.

- Anyone saying 1 single word in support of the bank is now banned from RVD's youtube. No dissent will be allowed. The banks are evil, and that is that, folks! If evil is letting someone live in a house they do not own for free, for 8+ years, then the banks are very evil indeed.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Ron's video this morning had this response on Youtube (probably all deleted by now):

xSoleriderX 22 minutes ago
Used to believe you were one of the bright ones, Ron, but now I see who u are... The only thing you're good at is twisting words around in front of a camera... As the others you blocked, I know I will be too, cause you can't face the truth of even your own reality.. Stop begging, and do something! All I hear from you is "send you dollars and your prayers..." and a lot of foggy speaches about your "ownership rights" to your house...Where the facts chenge everytime you bring it up... " I must have lost the papers/documents" yeah right... wish you good luck growing up and getting a life. U don't need to block me, cause I'm unsubscribing as of right now...

Gregg Evans 2 hours ago
They don't need a lawful claim right now, they have their house...and what have you got? For Fucks Sake you do make sure the daily "someone send me some money so I don't have to go get a job" appeal still goes out. The Truth? you wouldn't know the truth if it, well came and kicked you out of the house you spent 8 years squatting in. We're not enslaved, and nither are you, you're just phucking lazy. Get a job.
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Success SourcesBT 2 hours ago
+Gregg Evans Why don't you, climb back under the bridge you came out from you "Moronic Troll' your keystrokes are complete BS 'Gregg Evans', Ron chk your Utube Messages!
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paradoxman316 2 hours ago
+Gregg Evans - I just blocked you, JERK!
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Success SourcesBT 47 minutes ago
wilf609 ,Who the F R U, take your "Troll s*t back under your bridge where it belongs, also"
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Liberty 4 All 27 minutes ago
+Gregg Evans RIP troll, your are brain dead.
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Success SourcesBT 13 minutes ago
Don't forget wilf609 , they are co-trolls, from my POV
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

I particularly like the part of the video where he says he didn't see the eviction coming.

It's not like he got a 24 hour eviction notice or anything!
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

At around 2 minutes into the video Ron criticizes the "New Age" con artists that he contends are barking up the wrong tree and leading people astray, yet in the same breath opines that he thinks that they mean well.

Uh, Ron, if they are con artists, they don't mean well.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:I particularly like the part of the video where he says he didn't see the eviction coming.

It's not like he got a 24 hour eviction notice or anything!
Or like he was in court when they told him he'd lost and was being evicted. No, somehow misplaced that too, also.....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

RON-the-CON : What say he?

Can anyone make any sense of of RVD's mindless ramble here


"Get it straight, fiat currency and the system that creates it are fraud.
US Central banks create fake currency."

(The WRONG GUY is complaining about the Banking system !
Ron entered that system, got some money, and used it to get title to house.
Even if his silly arguments were correct, wasn't he a beneficiary rather than a victim of banking fraud?
Shouldn't the guy who sold his house for "fake" currency be the one who is complaining. Not the one who got the Free house. a house that was free to use for more than 10 years!)

Clearly, he has no clue at all about how money creation works.
He spreads confusion to try to obscure that he tried to steal money from the bank.

The History
1. He signed a loan agreement, secured by a mortgage on a house (in Merritt Island) he inherited. Only he did not have clean title
2. In the mortgage instrument, he represented that he had clean title to the Merritt Island home, and he was free to mortgage it, but that was untrue - someone else was also given an interest in the home. His title was disputed. So at minimum, he was guilty of fraud, misrepresenting the situation before he was given a penny
3. He borrowed $256,000, and took the money and bought a second home... in Melbourne, FL
4. He tried to move the second home into a Trust. Perhaps he knew his lie would unravel
5. When the loan matured in six months, he failed to repay the $256,000, and the bank tried to foreclose on the first home, but found he did not have clean ownership
6. The bank went after the second home, the one he bought with the loan proceeds
7. It took them a long time, but the bank pushed the second home to an auction and bought it. After that, they started to pay the property taxes, but could not get him out
8. Finally last week, after more than 10 years, he was evicted, and the court took possession

Justice was done, when the old con was separated from the home he squatted in for 10 years.

ALTHOUGH he clearly tried to steal from the bank, and got 10 years of freeloading through his deceptions, he still claims to be a victim of the bank who "tried to steal my home".

His excuse: Banks don't really lend money, he says.
Therefore, he doesn't need to repay it. But here's a better explanation:

The banks-get-Free-Money argument doesn't work:

> source: Fractional banking: ... opic=20606

Ron has just lied the whole time. He fails to acknowledge that he promised to repay a loan, and never repaid it.
And the bank's "fraudulent money" was good enough for the seller of the house he bought

We need better discernment among We-the-people, who need to learn how to see through the Lies and Deceptions of people like RVD
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron is so much better than his audience...


These comments from Acore nailed it:
Ron's little diatribe is particularly ironic since THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE TRIED TO DO with Dr. Mary's home.

"He got his timing wrong.
But Ron learns nothing from his mistakes, and never accepts blame for anything he does wrong.
The idea hat RVD is somehow morally better because he did not try to get his timing right in buying property is such a Ron-ism.
It is better to steal money from a bank, that to buy and sell property for profit ?? - What con is Ron !

The question that RVD dare not ask is: "Is it Legal?"
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I love how incredibly naive RVD still is. Even after all of this, he still thinks his mysterious "attorney friend" is going to get back the house he does not own:

We learn two things from the above video:

(1) The mysterious "attorney friend" disappeared for all of the last 2 weeks. Isn't it interesting that, as soon as stuff got real, she disappears?
(2) The "attorney friend" wants - you guessed it - more money! This time to file an appeal which she is 100% for sure will get RVD back the house he does not own.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Ron seems to be an easy mark for just about any scammer.

He sure missed the lesson he should have learned from his "friend" the Ambassador.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"He sure missed the lesson he should have learned from his "friend" the Ambassador."

It didn't start then - There were many scams he embraced before the Fake Ambassador

+ Tim Turner's Republic:
"I was secretary of state for the Florida Republic... It all fell apart when Tim Turner was arrested"

+ Heather Tucci-Jarraf's OPPT
...This individual continued, day after day, criticizing the OPPT... I finally blocked her. I'm so tired of this insanity; and if people wish to unfriend me or unsubscribe, so be it. I'm going to live in integrity to my heart as best I can; and I will be quicker to block the contrarians that seem only to want argument.
"People haven't a CLUE of what the OPPT is all about."
"I have a broken heart from trying to block people."
"Some people don't want to be free."
"I can't see everyone's heart... but it feels to me that some people have an axe to grind."
"I am against profit at someone's expense" (except when it come to HIM stealing money from a bank)

(haha. He always blocks those who warn him, and try to tell him the truth.
Whenever RVD talks about someone "not having a clue" - it means they are telling him the Truth.)

+ Mr Sino's Swissindo

(and those are only the ones since I started listening)

It is amazing somehow, that RVD missed out on Flat Earth Theory.
But maybe it is because he was too busy battling to keep "his" home, and there was no Free Money for him promised by FET
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I've never been able to decide if Ron is just simply incredibly stupid, incredibly gullible, or flat out venial.

I would suspect the only reason he didn't jump on the Flat Earth bandwagon was that there wasn't anything in it for him. The common thread I see flowing through all Ron's endeavors is tha
used to be referred to as "the at risk elderly", you know the kind that would give their entire pension check to whatever scammer was calling this time? He really strikes me as that type of individual who needs to be placed under conservatorship and have his internet privileges either stopped all together or else very closely monitored.

The one coherent thread that runs through everything Ron has been involved in is that he is always looking to get something for nothing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"The one coherent thread that runs through everything Ron has been involved in is that he is always looking to get something for nothing. "

Not only is he "looking to get something for nothing"
He thinks he is entitled to it! And so are all the other self-proclaimed victims, who have been losers in life.

They imagine that there is a huge pot of gold somewhere (the collateral accounts) that is somehow "theirs", and can just be plundered to give them whatever they want.

The problem is: There is no solid evidence that collateral accounts even exist. But that doesn't stop them from building fantasies about these mythical accounts
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

DailyPlanet wrote:It is amazing somehow, that RVD missed out on Flat Earth Theory.
But maybe it is because he was too busy battling to keep "his" home, and there was no Free Money for him promised by FET
He's currently infatuated with "Judge Anna Reitz," or at least makes a lot of videos supporting her. I used to wonder if she was his "lawyer friend," and despite his saying his lawyer lives in Florida, still do.

By the way, speaking of flat earths ...

Tila Tequila’s Flat Earth Twitter Rant Is The Best Thing That’s Happened This Year So Far ... ar-so-far/
If the earth was a spinning globe then how come airplanes can still land w/out crashing?
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

The last few days of RVD's videos are priceless. We learn a few more gems about how incredibly stupid RVD has been with his "attorney friend":

- RVD's "attorney" told him that he had plenty of time to appeal, but really he just had 10 days. The court sent him notice to that effect. But apparently RVD didn't get it until after 10 days was up because RVD didn't file a mail forward until weeks after being evicted.

- RVD's "attorney" has kept asking him for money for "appeals": he was dumb enough to pay her $600 in February. Who knows how much hes been paying her for the past few months.

- RVD's "attorney" promised him she had connections with New York shriners (really?) and that she would see that the New York shriners represented RVD in court (again...really? this doesn't even begin to make sense).

In other words, yet another scam artist rips RVD off because hes incredibly naive.