Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

The Observer wrote:My guess is that Ron got a favorable message about one of his videos from the person in Australia, wrangled an invite down there, and rationalized the reasons for his trip there - all signs of Ron being opportunistic when he thinks it is to his advantage and pocketbook.
A more malicious interpretation would point out that the "person in Australia" happened to be a moderately attractive and incredibly stupid female that immediately kicked him out following an unknown indiscretion. Ron taking advantage of females isn't a new or far fetched thing given the source of his former house.

IMO, this was a dirty old man trying to get his booty call paid for by internet donations.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Well, I was trying to be polite and let people read between the lines. But now that you have broached the wall, I might as well point out that it is pretty bad that one has to start looking for booty time 10,000 miles away from home and that they can't find something closer.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Off hand I'd say it didn't go well as he's living in a hotel. Wonder if he's ever heard of hostels, but then again they have rules they expect to be honored and we already know he isn't good at that if it inconveniences him, and they would. They also expect to be paid.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

Does he have a return ticket? (some countries won't even let you in unless you have fully funded a return trip), and if he does is his current hotel paid for until then? Is it possible that, after going on for ten years squatting in a house that Ron could conceivably be evicted twice, on two continents, a mere few months apart?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Straight-out Questions for Ron Van Dyke

Finally, he is being asked to account for is discrepancies, and his own lies - and banning of real friends who tried to warn him about the various scams he has embraced over the years


1. Please clarify some points concerning Dr Mary and your house in Melbourne FL:
+ Was 100% of the house given to you in the will, or only 50% or less?
+ There is a document in a public record showing you borrowed US$ 255,706.71 secured against a Mortgage on a Home which appears to be Dr Mary's home, and used the proceeds to buy your home in Melbourne, is this accurate?
+ Was the money ever repaid? If not, is this why the bank went after the home in Melbourne?
+ Why do you think it is lawful to keep a home you bought with the bank's money, and did not repay?

2. Please tell us which of the following you now think are scammers: RUSA, OPPT, Swissindo, and the Red Dragon Ambassador?
How much research did you do before embracing their ideas? If you had to do it all over, what would you do differently before promoting these ideas on your channel? Do you think you can find a way to research such ideas with help from your audience? How might that work?

3. You have banned dozens of people from your channel, maybe hundreds. Many of them - perhaps all - were people who tried to get to the truth about your home ownership, and the mortgage - Or who tried to warn you about OPPT, Swissindo, or the Ambassador. Can you understand why people who gave honest warnings, and found themselves banned are angry with you? Would you consider opening a new channel, which starts off with no one banned, and see how the comments and the channel will develop?

4. For income enhancement, have you considered having occasional Videos that are only available to paying subscribers? Will you entertain suggestions from your audience about people you should be interviewing - including for subscriber only videos? (Ron, I am trying to help you enhance your income stream with these suggestions. Can you see that clearly enough?)

5. Question(s); To be formulated

> Friar N, on post #932 : ... 61&page=47
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Now we're just doing fantasy time. Ronny the loon would have to admit that he'd been taken, that he'd been lying, and that he was wrong. I don't see any of these things happening in this universe or reality, EVER. I'm not even sure Ronny the loon knows what the truth is any more, I think he's been lying and delusional too long at this point. Nice fantasy though.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

AMAZINGLY, Ron seems to have answered one of the Questions:

1. Please clarify some points concerning Dr Mary and your house in Melbourne FL:
+ Was 100% of the house given to you in the will, or only 50% or less?
+ There is a document in a public record showing you borrowed US$ 255,706.71 secured against a Mortgage on a Home which appears to be Dr Mary's home, and used the proceeds to buy your home in Melbourne, is this accurate?
+ Was the money ever repaid? If not, is this why the bank went after the home in Melbourne?
+ Why do you think it is lawful to keep a home you bought with the bank's money, and did not repay?


The answer, when pieced together from the Video, and answers by RVD on the comment board was:

+ Dr Mary's property was willed 100% to a banker and his wife who agreed to protect her and keep her from being sent to an old people's home

+ With Ron's guidance, she may have come to regret her decision, and Ron tried to establish a Trust to which she (may have) agreed to transfer the Home before she passed on. This trust was set up by Ron, rather than (expensive) lawyers and may not have be properly established. It was intended to pass 50% of the property to Ron and 50% to the Shriners, per the original request of Dr Mary's deceased husband

+ After the death of Dr Mary, Ron had the keys to her house. He was able to get a bridge loan for a bank, secured by a Mortgage on the property, to which RVD covenanted that he owned through a clean Title, and where the loan was expected to be repaid through 50% of the expected proceeds of the sale of Dr Mary's Home. Ron used the proceeds to buy a cheaper home ("my home") in Melbourne, FL. Ron moved her antiques to his home, even though his share of the original will seems to have been only $5,000 or so.

+ Before the home was sold, the banker and his wife, who appeared in the original will challenge the sale, and the transfer of 50% ownership to RVD

+ When the home was eventually sold, it was sold for less than expected, and RVD may have received very little of the proceeds. The bank naturally sought to get repayment by attaching a lien to the Melbourne home which had been purchased from the proceeds of the "Bridge Loan" of $256,000.

(This is my best reconstruction of what really happened. But may or may not be accurate.)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Ron tried to establish a Trust to which she (may have) agreed to transfer the Home before she passed on.
This can't possibly be true on any level. The Trust Ron refers to make zero reference to Ron and if you read it, she basically gives the house to herself: ... ref=search

Also notable, there's no lawyers involved in the creation of this "trust". By comparison, all other documents Mary filed previous to this had lawyers involved.

The only possible link to Ron that can be inferred is that Danielle Puckett and Edna McLafflin were both the witnesses to the trust and the later document that Ron claims gave him ownership of the house.
agreed to protect her and keep her from being sent to an old people's home
Okay Ron has previously hinted that Dr. Mary may have had Alzheimers, this reference to a "home" would be consistent with that, and finally the couple had power of attorney over Dr. Mary, something that's common in Alzheimers (or dementia) cases.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

I swear to god the rabbit hole never ends.

Okay Edna Lafflin who signs as a witness to both Dr. Mary's trust and the document Ron created deeding the house to himself also put her house into a trust: ... ref=search

Now this trust has the same formatting as Dr. Mary's trust, notice again, this doesn't leave the house to anyone in case of death.

Even more bizarre they do the same document that deeds the house to themselves: ... ref=search

Now what's interesting is that the document was prepared by "Atlantic Nonlawyer services" which seems like a huge red flag to me.

I can't tell if this is a legitimate legal document or some freeman bullshit, maybe someone can chime in please.

Wait yeah it seems to be bogus: ... g-the-web/

Holy smokes this is a new dimension. Okay could Ron have been duped by these fake trust salesmen which is why the case fell apart in court?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

It seems Ron's favorite government, the RuSA, in which he was Secretary of State of Florida, is being implicated in helping a couple of real estate scammers in Hawaii escape after their convictions. Interesting. ... index.html

(CNN)John and Julieanne Dimitrion scammed good people out of their homes, the FBI says, and then they disappeared.

They were the "masterminds of a large fraud scheme," the FBI's Brandon Simpson told CNN's "The Hunt with John Walsh," which hit Tricia Dano's family especially hard.
Dano blames the Dimitrions for the loss of their cherished family home in Honolulu's Kaimuki neighborhood.
For Dano, it started in 1999 when she moved from Washington state back to Hawaii to help her mother take care of her ailing grandmother.
Couple's mortgage fraud scheme left victims penniless

Couple's mortgage fraud scheme left victims penniless 01:04
Her grandmother "felt that if she was going to pass, she wanted to be at home, right where she belonged," Dano said.
When the family began having trouble making house payments, they decided to refinance their mortgage.
Seeing an ad for the Dimitrions' company, Mortgage Alliance on TV, Dano and her mother made an appointment.
The pitch
The Dimitrions didn't arrive until an hour into the meeting, Dano recalled. The couple made a memorable impression as they made their pitch wearing designer clothes and expensive jewelry.
The FBI said the Dimitrions pitched their scam like this: "We will have someone buy your property — but in name only. You'll continue to live there and we'll fix your credit and a year from now you'll be able to buy that property back. You won't lose it to foreclosure and you can keep your family home."
"I thought, 'These people definitely know what they're doing,'" recalled Dano. "So we signed over the title, thinking that, 'OK this is the first step to the rent-to-own process.'"
Then the Dimitrions found a "straw buyer" who purchased the Dano property in their name. That buyer was an acquaintance named Laura Cristo.
"They explained it to me that it was a short sale, that I wasn't getting involved," Cristo said.
She thought the Dimitrions were good people trying to help others, so Cristo said "OK."
"I just started initialing and signing," she remembered. "I never really read the papers."
'I decided to call the FBI'
Soon, people started coming by the Dano family home telling them it was either for sale or auction. That confused Dano because she'd been making payments. Now she wasn't sure what was happening to that money.
Then a mortgage company called Cristo asking why she wasn't making payments on the Dano family property. But that confused her, because she wasn't supposed to be paying anything at all.
So Cristo called Dano's mother to find out why the payments weren't being made.
When they talked, they knew something was very wrong.
"That's when I realized what kind of scam they were doing, and I decided to call the FBI," Cristo said.
The feds started digging.
The FBI learned that the Dimitrions were telling victims that their "money was going into an escrow account, but really that money was going into a Dimitrion slush fund account," said special agent Simpson.
Eventually, Dano and other victims found themselves being evicted out of their own homes by new owners who had bought the property at foreclosure auctions.
Even after the scam had been exposed, there was little authorities could do. The property had been legally sold to someone else.
"None of these people were able to get their property back because it was for sale now at prices they couldn't afford," said Simpson.
"I cried every night," said Dano. "I felt responsible because I made a promise to my grandmother."
'It was clear they had broken the law'
A grand jury indicted the Dimitrions for conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and making false statements on loan applications to obtain $1.3 million in new loans between 2005 and 2007, according to the Honolulu Star Advertiser.
"For both of them it was really a shock," said the Dimitrions' attorney Myles Breiner. "They wanted to explain themselves. From the evidence, in my opinion, it was clear they had broken the law. These loans were fraudulent mortgages and whatever explanation John or Julieanne was going to proffer was not going to change the fact that they had broken state and federal laws."
Under a plea agreement, they each pleaded guilty to one charge each of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, money laundering and making false statements on loan applications. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, but she did not, according to the Honolulu Star Advertiser.
They never showed up
At the sentencing hearing in 2010, more than 100 supporters waited in a courtroom for the Dimitrions to show up. But the couple never appeared.
Apparently, they'd decided to make a run for it rather than go to prison.
Breiner, the Dimitrions' attorney, was stunned. "Julieanne could have ended up with little or no jail," Breiner said. "And John's amount of jail was under two years."
FBI tip: 'Conspiracy' group helped them escape
If you're a fugitive from justice, escaping an island located 2,400 miles from the mainland — especially when you appear in TV ads and your money and passports have been taken away — isn't easy.
So how did they do it?
Six to eight months after the sentencing hearing, the FBI got a very unusual tip.
They heard that the Dimitrions might have had help fleeing the island from a group called the Republic for the United States of America (RUSA).
The group has a "certain paranoid belief that the government is controlled by some vast conspiracy," Breiner said.
"We believe that John may have convinced this group that he was a financial guru," said FBI special agent Nick Baron. "He was able to monetize natural resources and they were going to fund the new society that they wanted. This group hatched a plan to smuggle John and Julieanne off the island via a private jet."
RUSA sent "The Hunt" a response to the FBI's allegations, saying, it "does not advocate fraud or unlawfulness of any type and is solely dedicated to the ultimate, peaceful return of our nation to its original constitutional principles of government."
The Dimitrions left behind them a trail of sadness from their many victims who were scammed out of their homes, including Dano and her beloved grandmother, who never did return to her precious home.
"My grandmother passed Mother's Day weekend in 2010," said Dano. "She had her house on her mind until the day she died."
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

DESERVING of your charity?
RVD says:
"If I could afford a place to live on my SS, I would, It's impossible! As for giving up my car and ability to travel freely, I'd rather die!"

So it seems that Ron thinks that very poor people, like himself, should be given enough extra money that they will be able to operate a car - even when they have the sort of record, that the insurance company puts their rates up.

Yet Ron says:
"I've been serving for years and years! You may call my realities delusions, which is your delusion. What I do, I consider a ministry; and I will never put a price on ministering. Enough said."

Yeah. Ron should get the extra money because he says he needs it... and deserves it. And he is not delusional, he say. But his friends are "disappointed" in him for some reason.
Enough said.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

CONFUSION REIGNS - as Ron is incapable of answering basic questions concerning "his" home

- the one he bought with a bank loan he tried to steal

> ... 61&page=73
He does not answer...

1. "My home was never mortgaged; it was paid for before I moved there" Where did the money come from?

2. "When a 'bank' sells a property worth up to $1,000,000, for $220,000 we need not consult the 'Zodiac' for answers..."
Why is the bank selling the home? If Ron was the owner after inheriting it, then he should be selling it at the best possible price, rather than having the bank do it. Look at the tming of this event. It looks like the house was being sold in the middle of a property crash, rather than earlier when the market was still strong. Why did the timing occur like that (2006-8?) Shouldn't Ron as owner have arranged to sell at the same time he was buying his other home in Melbourne? This is why this story confuses me. It is loaded with unimportant details, but some of the key details are missing.

3. What happened to the money the bank got from selling the home? Should that have been used to clear the loan? And if it was, why would Ron still owe something to the bank?

(so posts a "Susan Joy Worker")

Meantime, Ron's audience goes on shrinking, and he gets 10-15-20 dislikes a day on 100-200 views
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Ron’s channel claims he died last year.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

I had completely forgotten about this guy - and apparently the rest of the board did as well, since he was still posting videos for the last 5 years. Just looking at what was on the first Youtube page showed him very aged (for 74 years old) and still recycling the same nonsense.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

The name vaguely rings a bell, but that is as far as I can go. Really left an impression obviously.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

A thoroughly unintelligent man. Fell for all sorts of scams documented on his YouTube channel. Was involved with a dispute over a house he obtained through unclear and potentially disreputable means which ended in eviction.

In a video posted a two weeks before his death he said he would stop wearing face masks and mentioned running into a neighbor who was COVID 19 positive:

Not clear if he died of the rona however.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Burnaby49 »

This really takes me back. It was only when I saw that video clip that I recalled who the thread was about. A complete and utter fool. Overwhelming self-regard based on no positive attributes at all that I could tell. Covid's textbook victim.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

Jeffrey wrote: Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:19 am Not clear if he died of the rona however.
But it crossed my mind as well when I read the remarks his son maid on the Youtube memorial video:
It was one year ago today that my family discovered that our father had passed away.
I remembered that RVD had a habit of refusing to go to the doctor or hopsital when he was having heart problems, to the point that the family had to get involved to make him go. I would not be surprised if RVD had succumbed to COVID and simply believed he could treat himself.
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