Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by bmxninja357 »

this would be the most coherent bit ive heard of the dragon family.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Maybe with any luck the judge will order a psych eval and postpone things until they determine that he is too screwed up to be allowed out without a keeper.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

And oddly enough notorial, if that happened he would probably claim such was more judge corruption even though finding RVD incompetent might help his case!

Bmx - Thanks for posting that. It drives me crazy how the conspiracy community has created an entire mythical entity around 2 Japanese guys carrying bonds. As usual common sense doesn't work when it comes to this fantasy. First, why would anyone be carrying around that much in bonds? Why not transfer them through electronic means, why would you need the actual paper? The only rational answer is to evade detection, but as far as I am aware that isn't going to get you anywhere because in 2009 the government was stopping paper bond sales and getting billions in paper bonds is going to raise more attention than electronic transfer. Additionally, even if they got $135B in real bonds, they would be easily traceable - the only type of bonds that can't be traced are bearer bonds (which are now nearly impossible to obtain). So why would two people do this? Who knows, but there are all kinds of scams you could be trying to pull with fake bonds - and it turns out they were fake.

Yet somehow we get from 2 Japanese guys carrying fake bonds to mythical all-powerful Dragon Family who is responsible for the global reset/prosperity. Only in conspiracy land.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

LiD, I am quite sure that is exactly what would happen, although at this juncture in the unraveling of the universe, what Ron wants, or thinks he wants is of very little significance. He sees everything as a great conspiracy anyway, so what’s one more. The man is seriously deluded and I’m not sure but what he’s not delusional as well, and he is incompetent and incapable of handling his own affairs, or anything with a sharp end on it for that matter. I really do not believe he should be unsupervised at all.

There is another thread about the fake “Morgenthau gold bonds” here about one of the delusional idiots who filed suit in NY Dist court to get them back, sued nearly everyone before he was done and it got tossed with extreme prejudice. This seems to be a bit of nonsense that rears its silly head every five years or so and is one of the great treasure conspiracy stories of the last couple of decades.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"RVD isn't just using "dubious tactics," it sounds like hes planning on
going full sovereign citizen at the foreclosure hearing..."


Here's a violent guy, who went even further:

'Sovereign Citizen' Allegedly Launches Full-Blown Assault on Atlanta Courthouse
"...To answer drugs and weapons charges..."

Ron isn't violent. He won't do THAT.
Instead, he might be found carrying affidavits, UCC filings, and Courtesy Notices.
The paraphernalia of a well-armed Sovereign citizen.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

No real Actions steps here.
But some folk may take encouragement from an supposed Dragon Family Insider,
admitting crimes.

Herein, the Ambassador admits:
"I was a part of the controlling structure.
I committed crimes... against myself, and by controlling people."

"The will of the people is not respected by the people in charge."
"I am not smarter than everyone else. It's just that am awake to the deceptions."
"We should pray for Forgiveness... for ourselves, for our ancestors."
"It is time to set people free, but first we have to set ourselves free."
"Do not support evil."
"Let's awaken God, by the vibration of the Shofar."
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Poor Ron.


It looks like he is going into court with a semi-Sovereign defense.
He says,"I will not agree that I am RON VAN DYKE... and I will not submit to the jurisdiction of the court."

He is afraid of being "railroaded" - but what choice does the judge have if he, RONALD VAN DYKE, the defendant is not there, and the guy who could have agreed he was Ron, refuses to submit to the court's jurisdiction?

One of Ron's friends on Youtube is trying to help him by suggesting he layout a timeline for the judge. I suppose that might help, if (IF!) there was a prior settlement, and if the house had been actually "sold" twice before - despite the settlement - for $100 each time, as Ron seems to claim.

If you were Ron's attorney, what would you suggest (?), apart from suggesting he needs a different attorney.

Ron is getting lots of advice to "raise his vibration", along with prays and best wishes and so forth. But not much real advice.
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

there was a prior settlement
I guarantee that claim of his is a lie.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Jeffrey wrote:
there was a prior settlement
I guarantee that claim of his is a lie.
I thought that too.
Ron keeps firing his attorneys, because they will not present his case in the way that he wants to.
Probably, if they did that, they would be disbarred.

So it comes down to Ron presenting his own case. Coming from his Sovereign man / FMOTL mindset, he sees the courts as corrupt, and the judge as his enemy.

I do not think it will go well for him on October 2nd.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I think I have figured out what happened, because in the video RVD says it was "settled" in BANKRUPTCY COURT. I think it all makes sense now. Here is what happened:

(1) In July 2012 RVD declares bankruptcy. The case is opened, but during the process RVD probably files some sort of gibberish sov'run citizen paperwork claiming that he now owns his house free and clear without a mortgage.

(2) Probably due to the volume of sov'cit filings, the case probably isn't discharged until the December 2012 or January 2013. I've heard having a mortgage in your bankruptcy stalls the proceedings for longer than it normally takes, too.

(3) RVD reaffirms the mortgage (but then declares it void through sov'cit filings, so he thinks he owns it) and/or there is a mortgage modification. So basically the clock on foreclosing is reset.

(4) Fast forward 1.5 years and RVD yet again quits paying, bank moves to foreclose this time.

Its hard to tell here because RVD is delusional and really believes in this stuff. So he may genuinely believe his house was free and clear after his bankruptcy due to stuff like magical sov'cit paperwork. But there is no way in the real world things happened like he claims, you don't just declare bankruptcy on a mortgage and have the bank say "OK, you can own it for free now!"

In the end, we've seen this play before and we know how it ends. Sov'cits like RVD throw everything and the kitchen sink at their case - everything EXCEPT actual legitimate defenses. Hes already indicated hes filed towers of gibberish and even tried to file a criminal complaint with the FBI against PNC bank. He will go to the hearing, lose his house in a spectacular manner, and then say that all of his magic paperwork would have worked but the judge is corrupt.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh I just love this, the role playing "Ambassador" has offered to help RVD! But ONLY if the FBI contacts the Ambassador, the Ambassador won't be contacting them.

Really now? Here is someone who claims to represent an all-powerful White Knight family with trillions of dollars and yet he can't be bothered to pick up the phone? Anyone who really had that kind of power would simply make a phone call and the earth would move. Of course he does nothing because HES REPRESENTING A GROUP THAT DOES NOT EXIST, but as usual RVD does not see the obvious.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

I think the issue may be that the previous homeowner had a mortgage or had other debts for which the home was collateral. That person dies and leaves the house to Ron. Ron assumes he now has a free house. They try to kick him out, bankruptcy, he files gibberish papers, thinks that because he's now in bankruptcy they won't take the house even though that wasn't addressed but because they didn't respond to his gibberish then it's been agreed upon.

I get the sense that he's being purposefully vague about it to get sympathy from the audience.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Victory or bureaucratic delay ?

One of my YouTube subscribers from Israel told me earlier today that he did not see the hearing happening. He was right. PNC's attorney never scheduled it with the court. The judge that was supposed to conduct the hearing in chambers is in a two-week trial. His Judicial Assistant would not have scheduled it for today. They found the original notice, but it was never confirmed by the attorney to the JA. I will share more in my next video, although Aristo is next.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Just a temporary delay, of course, but that won't stop RVD from declaring victory. He will make a video stating his Magical Paperwork (TM) and the Ambassador's combined powers have terrified the court and have them on the run.

Of course, when the hearing actually happens and he loses, we'll go back to the usual excuse of "well it would of worked but the judge is corrupt!"
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

He thanks the Red Dragon, and his followers "for their prayers"

He is lucky that it did not happen,
because the courtroom strategy he had decided upon was to :

+ Answer nothing,
+ Instead of answering: Ask a question : "Do you understand?"

He did not want to "contract with them", by admitting his is RON ... (in all caps)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:Japanese guys carrying bonds
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wserra... :Axe: :haha:

So I watched RVD's October 4 video - and looked at the comments. As you would expect, the crazies are cheering and acting like this is somehow a victory and not a scheduling conflict. Once the hearing happens and RVD loses, it'll be the same old claim that it would have all worked by the judge is corrupt.

As usual, RVD is making things worse by filing all sorts of gibberish sov'cit "motions" too.

Reading the insane advice he gets from people who obviously have no idea what they are doing is also a treat, here is one of my favorites from a RVD devotee:
"You don't go into court proclaiming anything, you simply file a CLAIM and your claim will always supersede their criminal COMPLAINT

Your claim must be heard BEFORE they can proceed with the complaint. You see, what gov't is doing to us is this:

Some prosecuting attorney brings forth a criminal complaint against you because gov't cannot file claims because gov't is not a man.

Gov't and their agents can ONLY file complaints in hopes that you will agree to go along as a defendant in THEIR case against you. If you play along, they'll treat their measly assed criminal complaint as an actual CLAIM and the STATE as an injured party

Only a MAN can file a verifiable CLAIM against another Man, and if you haven't harmed another Man or his property, then no law has been broken.

Therefore, the prosecuting attorney who's bringing you up on a criminal complaint for possession of marijuana is ultimately bringing forth a false claim because your possession of marijuana did not harm HIM or HIS personal property, capiche?

Therefore, you file a CLAIM against him for bringing forth a false claim against you, and your claim will supersede his COMPLAINT. As men and women on American soil who utilize the common law, we do NOT answer complaints, as they are toothless pieces of paper that have no force or effect in actual law. They are just COMPLAINTS and who gives a fuck about a complaint?

In order for a claim to move forward, there MUST be a corpus delicti that will take the stand and point at you and say "That man right there cut down my tree" and I wish to be compensated."
Please RVD, PLEASE do this.

RVD also revealed his plan for when the court hearing does happen - hes going to go in there with his birth certificate and tell them that RVD is the birth certificate and not him. That is going to go over SO well.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

LightinDarkness wrote:Wserra... :Axe: :haha:

"You don't go into court proclaiming anything, you simply file a CLAIM and your claim will always supersede their criminal COMPLAINT

Your claim must be heard BEFORE they can proceed with the complaint. You see, what gov't is doing to us is this:

Some prosecuting attorney brings forth a criminal complaint against you because gov't cannot file claims because gov't is not a man.

Gov't and their agents can ONLY file complaints in hopes that you will agree to go along as a defendant in THEIR case against you. If you play along, they'll treat their measly assed criminal complaint as an actual CLAIM and the STATE as an injured party

Only a MAN can file a verifiable CLAIM against another Man, and if you haven't harmed another Man or his property, then no law has been broken.

Therefore, the prosecuting attorney who's bringing you up on a criminal complaint for possession of marijuana is ultimately bringing forth a false claim because your possession of marijuana did not harm HIM or HIS personal property, capiche?

Therefore, you file a CLAIM against him for bringing forth a false claim against you, and your claim will supersede his COMPLAINT. As men and women on American soil who utilize the common law, we do NOT answer complaints, as they are toothless pieces of paper that have no force or effect in actual law. They are just COMPLAINTS and who gives a fuck about a complaint?

In order for a claim to move forward, there MUST be a corpus delicti that will take the stand and point at you and say "That man right there cut down my tree" and I wish to be compensated."
Can the youtube commenter provide a law of English grammar that allows him to put random common nouns in all-caps? :snicker:
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

One can but hope that Ron actually does this and that the judge takes pity on him, suspends the proceedings pending a full psych workup, and then installs a guardian for him and maybe preserves the property for him by that route. One can hope. Otherwise, sadly, this is going to end VERY BADLY.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

Jeffrey wrote:
there was a prior settlement
I guarantee that claim of his is a lie.
It actually isn't. The rest of what Van Dyke claims is, but not that part. And, of course, the settlement wasn't at all what he claims it was.

The saga: in March of 2005, a FL couple named Eugene and Janice Wilhelm file for Chapter 7. 05-bk-2324 FLMD. At the time they filed, they had a FL state-court lawsuit pending against Van Dyke and a few others including PNC Bank. Since it's state court, and the court docs are not online, all I can tell is that it had to do with hanky-panky in the alleged conveyance of the Wilhelm residence to Van Dyke. The lawsuit was listed as an asset to the debtors, the trustee looked into it, found it to be legitimate, and got the Bankruptcy Court's permission to retain the Wilhelms' present lawyer to continue it. Van Dyke filed this "Affidavit of Truth" as a creditor in the Wilhelm bankruptcy. Especially since that particular piece of epic is more accurately termed an "Affidavit of Bullshit", everybody basically ignores him. The Wilhelms' lawyer does in fact negotiate a settlement to the tune of some $130K, which becomes an estate asset in the bankruptcy. Van Dyke promptly files an Affidavit of Even More Bullshit, in which he claims that the house is now his, free and clear. How he reached that conclusion is less than obvious, but it is Van Dyke. He then tells the FL state court that he won in federal court, leave me alone. They ignore him too.

It seems fairly obvious what entity in fact paid the settlement. That entity now wants its money back, so PNC Bank is foreclosing on the house. Van Dyke is dragging it out as long as possible, presently likely at this point by simply squatting in a house that doesn't belong to him.

Those of you who have been hanging out in NESARA-land, and are unfamiliar with the wonderful, wacky world of sovereign deadbeats, welcome.
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