Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

It seems fairly obvious what entity in fact paid the settlement. That entity now wants its money back, so PNC Bank is foreclosing on the house. Van Dyke is dragging it out as long as possible, presently likely at this point by simply squatting in a house that doesn't belong to him.
Could you dumb it down for me because that just made it more confusing for me.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wserra, you are a Dark Cabal saint for finding the case and explaining it. I admit I am still confused though, help out us non-lawyers. I know you can't access all the records but - is it that the people who owned RVD's house fraudulently conveyed the deed to him after bankruptcy? Even though in the bankruptcy they reached some sort of settlement with PNC bank, who actually owns the house?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

Jeffrey, LiD - I just got home after a long day. Understand that we have limited information, but I'm sure I can explain it better.

In the morning.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:is it that the people who owned RVD's house fraudulently conveyed the deed to him after bankruptcy? Even though in the bankruptcy they reached some sort of settlement with PNC bank, who actually owns the house?
Below is the most detailed account to which I have access, taken from the bankruptcy trustee's final report to the Court. My comments are in red.
Debtors [the Wilhelms] possess a cause of action against a caregiver [almost certainly Van Dyke], seeking to invalidate a deed which divested the debtors of title to real esate. The attorney retained by debtors to recover the property or value of the property has agreed to continue the litigation on behalf of the estate. [The litigation began before the bankruptcy filing.] An application to employ special counsel has been sent to attorney Heuston
10/24/06 Claims review complete
11/03/06 Application to employ special counsel
11/07/06 Order authorizing employment of special employment
Mediation has been ordered by Circuit Court in Brevard County, to be completed by 04/16/07. If no settlement is reached, then case will be on trial docket beginning 06/18/07.
Case has been transferred to the probate division; a final hearing is anticipated by the end of 2007
12/03/07 Special counsel has notified trustee that pleadings are being amended to seize additonal assets - hearing is anticipated prior to Summer, 2008
Trustee has sought update on status from special counsel
10/06/08 Special counsel anticipates a trial in pending action within 8 months
05/09/09 Special counsel anticipates trial by the end of 2009. The principal defendant is pro se [clearly Van Dyke] so the case is taking much longer to bring to issue
09/10/10 Mediation held; settlement negotiated but still not approved by trial court.
09/27/11 Appeal of judgment ordering sale of property pending in State District Court of Appeal. [Van Dyke house ordered sold.]
05/11.12 Motion to approve compromise [The Bankruptcy Court has to approve the settlement]
Now: who here thinks Van Dyke had $130K lying around? Whatever their exact involvement in the mess, PNC Bank paid it. Moreover, it is clear that there was some state court determination that the house was not Van Dyke's, whatever funny papers he filed. So the Bank is trying to recoup their payment by selling the house, but they can't turn over possession to the buyers with Van Dyke in it. Van Dyke's claim that the bank can't proceed against him because of the settlement is obvious bullshit.

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

It just gets more confusing with more information.

So Ron was caretaker to Horgan, I recall him stating that the person he got the house from is dead, so filling in the blanks, Horgan dies, he decides the house is his, the Wilhems disagree during the liquidation of Horgans estate in 2005.

In 2006 a court determines that Ron is not a trustee to the Horgan estate and thus the house isn't Ron's but they decide to settle for 65% of the house sale value ($130,000), i.e. Ron pays the people who own the house (Wilhems) and he gets to keep it. A wire transfer is made by for $130k in November 2012, six months after the settlement which Ron presumably obtained from PNC bank.

The source of the $130k is laid out in page 7 of his affidavit of truth where he explains that he got a mortgage from PNC bank however because of a variety of sovereign arguments he lists, he shouldn't have to pay off the mortgage.

So the story Ron wants his viewers to believe is pretty detached from the actual chain of events.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks for providing a more detailed account with what you have, wserra - I THINK I understand it now. Surprise surprise, as you said, RVD's account of what happened is no where near reality and RVD is being a sov'run deadbeat.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD is back in court today (October 8) and has another video out about how hes going to go full sov'run on this case (different from his foreclosure). This was driving with a suspended license, in which he went sov'run on the officer so he ended up spending a night in jail.

What I love most about RVD is that he is a living, breathing example of everything that is insane about the prosperity community. For example, he talked about how part of his defense was going to be the whole "the birth certificate is not me" sov'run defense. This is standard sov'run gibberish, we are all familiar with it here. But what I found most intriguing was that RVD started ranting about how his birth certificate was a strawman because of the ALL CAPS NAME, even though HE ADMITTED THAT HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE DOES NOT USE CAPS.

Now, back here in reality land, we know the ALL CAPS thing is merely a legal style thing. But here we have someone who has even noticed his birth certificate is not in ALL CAPS (neither the copy nor the original), and yet still he believes. It isn't even internally consistent with RVD anymore.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »


This one is a Treasury Trove of Prosperity cult beliefs
+ An invented history about how we became a prison family
+ OPPT the best thing that ever came along, using the commercial code, foreclosed on the power structur
+ Swissindo brought together amazing visionaries... beginning with release of funding
+ The Dragon family funds everything, not the Illuminati
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

It appears as though RVD's most recent court appearance did not go so well. I know we are all shocked by this. From RVD's October 11 video description, most hilarious parts bolded by me:
When I told the Ambassador what happened in court, he said I was set up. He may be right. It was unlike any court proceedings I had ever witnessed. They did not address me by name, answer any questions or follow any protocol that was familiar to me. All they did was threaten me with contempt of court, arrest and jail. Never did I acknowledge my name with actual words from my mouth, and I never entered a plea whatsoever. I have to go back again on November 19th for the next round of their charade. It's all about threats, show of force and slave control. It has nothing to do with law, truth or justice. Whether we like it or not, we are all slaves on this planet. That is the physical reality. Can our spiritual reality ever affect real change? We have to answer that individually. ... c-GWXsdpEA

So once again the All-Powerful Red Dragon Ambassador, at whose words nations are supposed to tremble, failed to rescue RVD from his court problems. How can this be? Clearly it must be a setup, and not that the Ambassador is a role playing idiot with no actual power.

Also, how interesting that all they did was threaten RVD with arrest and jail. He played the sov'run game exactly by the letter - doing shenanigans like not stating his name and not entering a plea. Surely this is because the courts are corrupt, and not because sov'run games are gibberish that only make things worse for you.

RVD seems genuinely confused in his video. He does not understand how he could do all the following and not have the court bow to his will:
- RVD says he never said he was RVD, but instead waved around his birth certificate and kept stating he was there for the account as an authorized representative.
- RVD smartly (he thinks) declines a public defender who offered to help because he knew that was just a jurisdiction trap!
- RVD does not understand how the court ignored his mountains of sov'run paperwork which quoted "real law" - obviously it was so powerful the court had to ignore it.

In the end, RVD agreed to be a good little sheeple and sign a promise to appear because he was told he would be arrested and held in contempt otherwise. Of course, being a smart sovereign he knew their game, so he used the magic of UCC 1-308 under duress on his signature. He explains why he did this because he needed to be out of jail to continue to fight the Dark Cabal by doing his videos, and he didn't want to drink their fluoridated water.

As usual, when a sov'run is faced full on with the reality that what he believes is 100% false - he ignores all evidence and continues on. The next date for the RVD circus is November 17, since he decided to plead not guilty and will undoubtedly want to continue with his failed sov'run tactics.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Among the wild claims, here comes one of the wildest !

(But what does "owning the Fed" really mean??)

Published on Oct 17, 2014
This is one we've been waiting for! Yes, the Ambassador confirms that the Family is now the lawful owner of the Federal Reserve that has waged war on humanity for over 100 years. They are responsible for operating the largest and most oppressive criminal operation, an extortion racket and human slave trade, in the history of the world. They totally failed in their mandate to serve humanity; and their mandate has not been renewed.

"The United States had debts they needed to pay...
And the United States had certain claims to settle with China."
"The US is devaluing... It is better to do it slowly."
"Yes, control has been taken to a certain extent."
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Just more of Ronny's delusions being fed by the pretend ambassador.

Quite simply, the FED isn't for sale, can't be bought, isn't really owned by anyone but the US gov't. Ron really needs to either get back on his meds, or he really needs to be on meds, not sure which.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

There's more Detail (such as it is), on Dave Schmidt's channel.

That's what I am told, and I am trying to track it down

... Add in edit : I found this source /

(Per the "Ambassador of the Dragon Family", in a recent podcast ):

+ The Family and World bank and World Court have agreed
+ Institutions have changed ownership (Fed, IMF, BIS?)
+ The only one delaying has been the US, but "we are headed into a very good direction"
+ Just before Chinese New Year (19 Feb.2015), "we may have a Jubilee"
+ Want your prayers that 555 will overcome 666
+ World Court has made it impossible for the US to declare bankruptcy
+ Losing financial power... "boogey mans (have been) taken care of"
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

The Dragon Ambassador role player may be good at stringing the true believers along, but he is not very original. The whole "XYZ prosperity group shut down/cancelled/bought the federal reserve/US corporation" OR "the federal reserve/the US corporation is bankrupt" shtick is trotted out by various delusional role players several times a year, every year.

Its not original, but it doesn't need to be, because its purpose is to tell the prosperity true believers what they wish was true. They will get very excited about this and spread this latest lie throughout their website and conference call network. Then next March when there is no "debt jubilee" and no sign that anything has happened with the federal reserve, they will simply forget this prediction. Because by then we'll have another delusional role player making other delusional proclamations, and the cycle will repeat.

Its just classic bread and butter prosperity delusions: as long as these people hear what they want/wish to be true, nothing else matters. They will NEVER attempt to verify the credibility of these lies. I even predicted this would happen when our role player made his debut on RVD's youtube channel - I said that he would preach to the choir with new age/the secret type doctrine for a few months. Then when the true believers were restless and demanding he do something, he'd make up some lie in the classic prosperity style...which is exactly what he has done.

Prosperity true believers are the absolute poster children for the phrase "I WANT TO BELIEVE."
notorial dissent
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Since originality, long term memory, or discrimination seem to be functions missing in this crowd it isn't terribly surprising. I really doubt if any of them would even have clue one about how to actually do any kind of real research if it wasn't confined to various utuby nonsense.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »


The Ambassador is now talking about the need for Re-education Camps

He says:
"The FEMA camps were meant for the people.
Maybe we should turn them back-around, and use them for the cabal."

(Who will decide who is cabal, and who gets sent in?)

Meanwhile Dave Schmidt has done two Q&A Sessions

Oct 22nd, Live Q&A with the Ambassador

Oct. 23rd, Follow Up to the Q&A with the Ambassador

Schmidt seems to be using his conversations with the Ambassador to promote his seminars. The way Schmidt talks is that he reveals about 1 minute of useful information for every 60 minutes he talks. His seminars may be useful for those with an IQ below 80, but are they smart enough to remember anything?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

"God lied!" says RVD at 13 minutes in:


He's really frustrated now, that all the good things he has been hoping for,
are not happening
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

A woman for Ron?

Or maybe this is the sister he rarely speaks of
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

After the revelation of a few days ago that Heather is giving up her Blog, RVD has come up with this:


He says that SwissIndo is crumbling.
"People who have told titles and positions at Swissindo are resigning.
A lot of people are leaving.
A lot of them are seeing it, as just another cult."

Well done, Ron. This is the sort of truth-telling we need.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Heather's insanity was at least entertaining. RVD is just run of the mill insane.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

It's really hard for something that never existed to crumble, but the fantasy can certainly fall apart.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.