Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron was very reluctant to label Swissindo as a failure - did you hear the way he forced the word "scam" out after "Swissindo"?

It reminded me of the way that The Fonze would say, "I was w-w-wrong"

He was forced to this realization by posters on his channel, and mainly by this video:

SwissIndo 5 of 5: The Last Crack, and he resigned

Insider Peter Van Runt (who was once Swissindo's "CEO for Australia", and was the one who asked Ron to join the SI Australian delegation) - herein he admits that the cracks he saw in the organization became so big, he had to admit that it was a scam.

Van Runt's testimony in the interview is interesting, since shows how well-intentioned people can be sucked in to committing their full time efforts over many months FOR NO MONEY, to support a project that is finally revealed as a scam.

RVD's friends on Youtube are trying hard to extract a similar admission from Ron concerning his ongoing support of the fake "Ambassador". After this weekend's video, there was an enormous amount of chatter and commentary concerning Ron's admission that he does no research whatsoever on the schemes he promotes on his channel:


Ron could not take it, and so he asked his audience to go away


Soon he will be making videos wondering where they are, and asking them to return. We have seen this pattern before, and Ron is a master at repeating patterns and not learning anything.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I see Ron has taken his tin cup and perched on a corner of the Internet. The Ambassador let him down on that $5,000 dollar promise, so he's openly begging, now.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Seems Ron's eviction is finally happening, November 31st, (probably).
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD is also arguing with the Ambassador, who now denies he promised RVD $5k!

Things are going downhill for RVD. If he keeps this up he'll be without a house (which - he doesn't own it so I'm not that sad) and have no new age friends by Christmas.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Nothing is going to happen on the 31st. Ron is going to file another boatload of Sov'ern paperwork that the court is going to have to deal with, and the whole thing will get pushed off for months. This has been the pattern for years.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:Nothing is going to happen on the 31st. Ron is going to file another boatload of Sov'ern paperwork that the court is going to have to deal with, and the whole thing will get pushed off for months. This has been the pattern for years.
I mean...I agree this is the most likely outcome. What I can't figure out is: why does the court keep allowing this, because it is the SAME PATTERN EVERY TIME:

(1) House owner wants their house back, files court paperwork for it.
(2) RVD files sovrun gibberish paperwork in response.
(3) Court pushes back date.

I understand the need for due process in foreclosures. These are peoples homes, we must be careful. But there is a difference between approaching the process carefully and letting a deadbeat live in their home for 10 years. Why won't the judge just put his/her foot down and say enough is enough?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I get where you are coming from.

There is no question Pnc Bank owns the house. The deed is in public record. Theirs is the name on it. So it is hard to understand why the courts will do nothing. If Ron had any kind of proof that the house was actually his and the deed on file was bogus, he would have produced it long ago, and the court would have found in his favor.

But, that isn't what has happened. They have never found in Ron's favor, they simply delay everything for months, Pnc Bank again says, "We want the squatter off our property," Ron files more paperwork, and the court says, "Lets take a few months to look at this paperwork. Perhaps when we look at the same stuff for the 100th time, the outcome will be different."

Pnc Bank seems to be pretty tenacious, considering that Ron's complete lack of maintenance on the place is steadily eroding any value the property has.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

thunter wrote:Nothing is going to happen on the 31st.
Of course nothing is going to happen on the 31st. There is no November 31st.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron claims "all sorts of fraud by PNC bank" - and has finally found an attorney willing to help him


But his impending eviction may be a real disaster since he does not now have a function car.
There's a real chance we will just disappear from the airways next week, as he and his "dreamy"
family find that all their hopeful delusions pop, like a gigantic soap bubble.

If he had real friends, they might be helping him to face reality, but he banned from his channel all the people who tried to do that
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Ron opined in today's video that he has the basis for a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Pnc Bank! Amazing.

As for the new lawyer, I've no doubt that the new lawyer will be able to kick this down the road another six months at least, while he does "discovery."

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I can't bring myself to watch the video, I am so tired of RVD. But I am curious: is the lawyer a sovcit "lawyer" or actual BAR member? If real lawyer, it is yet another example of RVD going full sovcit stupidity until the 11th hour. Hes been playing sovcit games all these years, and he would of course decide to seek actual legal help at the absolute last second possible.

I would be shocked if even a real lawyer could save RVD at this point. He has no actual case, the house is not his, and hes been living in it rent free for way to long. The best a real lawyer could do given the facts of the case is delay..which may be the entire point, as has been noted.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

The lawyer is a real lawyer. Ron is an opportunist. His beliefs change with his situation. He simply molds his version of reality to fit his needs. This is actually the second lawyer he has approached in the last couple of weeks. The first one, after talking to Pnc Bank, decided not to represent Ron. This one, who apparently thinks Ron is legit, has filed papers to delay any eviction until he can do "discovery" with Pnc.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

If Ron's latest video is to be believed, his new lawyer actually managed to delay the eviction.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Jeffrey wrote:

If Ron's latest video is to be believed, his new lawyer actually managed to delay the eviction.
I mean really at this point - this is absurd. Ron has been living in a house he does not own for, I think, 10 YEARS. The bank has had proceedings going on against him for nearly that much time. I think RVD's plan here is to simply delay until he dies.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Well, Ron has begun to see the light. Apparently this latest lawyer told him that he should get ready to move, that he got the 30 day delay, but that he would likely be evicted at the end of the 30 days.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

Frankly, I would have been evicted today,
along with my daughter, her husband and three grandchildren, ages 7, 10 & 13.
I realize I only bought a little more time, a chance to have my family move out along with many of the things in my home that might be worth something. I
FFS....I got nothing....
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron now is a stressed out, sad, and confused old man.

He is claiming he gets a free house just because he lived in it,
and he will not have to repay the loan who took to buy it, because he stuffed it into a freeman trust

But his viewers are seeing through his delusions, and calling him: "Con Man Dyke"

He will not wind up on the streets, because his son has offered him a place in his home.
Ron prefers to avoid that, by taking donations, because he does not want to face the very painful "lifestyle issues',
with one of them being a "day" person, and the other a "night" person

That's really too much to ask, isn't it.
Along with the $1000 a month hand out, the govt should tax us all to give him a free home too. Right?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

DailyPlanet wrote:prefers to avoid that, by taking donations, because he does not want to face the very painful "lifestyle issues',with one of them being a "day" person, and the other a "night" person
So Ron is saying he can't decide between being a mortal or a vampire? He wants the best of both worlds?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

While he seems to be accepting the reality that he will be homeless soon, his reaction to that dose of reality is not to look for a new place or engage in any other self-self-preseveration strategies, but to curse the cabal and produce his daily YouTube videos, ranting on about natural rights (which seem to include claiming anything he wants as his own).
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

DailyPlanet wrote:Ron now is a stressed out, sad, and confused old man.

He is claiming he gets a free house just because he lived in it,
and he will not have to repay the loan who took to buy it, because he stuffed it into a freeman trust

But his viewers are seeing through his delusions, and calling him: "Con Man Dyke"

He will not wind up on the streets, because his son has offered him a place in his home.
Ron prefers to avoid that, by taking donations, because he does not want to face the very painful "lifestyle issues',
with one of them being a "day" person, and the other a "night" person

That's really too much to ask, isn't it.
Along with the $1000 a month hand out, the govt should tax us all to give him a free home too. Right?
I would think that was the ideal solution, that way they wouldn't have to see each other, probably better for all concerned, unless one of them is a touchy sleeper who wakes up at the slightest mouse sneeze.

Ron is basically a perpetual loser and victim. Did he ever actually do anything productive in life, like actually work?
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