Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Ron is simply lying. There are public records (I posted them) that show his various attempts to cloud the legal record. By his own documents he posted on his metagroups page, he went full SovCit over the years, filing UCC-1 papers, making himself a "Secured Party Creditor", alleging that money is created from thin air, that that bank loans pay themselves off the minute they are created, that his "Strawman," not he, did stuff. There are public records that have him auctioning off (on paper) the house he lives in, then "buying it" from himself. There are documents where he issued, as a SovCit, Warranty Deeds and Land Grants to himself, filed into the public record. There are documents where he argued that taxes due on the house were illegitimate and he didn't have to pay them because he was a SovCit, a member of "The Republic for the United States" and not a citizen of the "corporate United States" or state of Florida. But the document he wants to keep ignoring, although he has acknowledged the records do show it, is that, despite all of this, Pnc Bank holds the legal deed to the house he lives in.

Ron is nothing more than a common, run of the mill SovCit, obfuscating and obstructing the legal system with reams of bogus paper. Now he appears to insist none of this happened, that he simply inherited some property free of encumbrances that the bad old bankers have spend a decade trying to steal from him.
Last edited by thunter on Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

As for the Wilhelms, I've tried to determine who, exactly, they were; but, like Ron's dealings, they appear to be a bit fuzzy. There are documents where they seem to be moving things among private trusts in variations of their own names. My guess is that they were also involved in some version of SovCit games; but, I'm just not interested enough in them to spend a lot of time nailing that down. I'm not surprised, because "Dr. Mary" seems to have been engaged in some degree in the "spiritualist" thing that Ron says he is, and was probably an easy score for SovCit hucksters.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I've concluded, from watching this thing with Ron unfold that, in Florida, you can find an empty house, move into it, and live there the rest of your life, with the owner having no successful legal recourse to taking it back. Pnc Bank has the deed; but, they can't get a squatter out of the house.

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Question is how long was he actually squatting though?

He got the house via a will that was later invalidated so there was a period in which he was living in the house legit. Then when he finally buys the house, via a loan, he says he made some payments into to the bank, so the actual amount of squatting is probably being exagerated. There was probably a substantial chunk of time during which he was in the house kosher.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I don't think any of that makes any difference. The record shows that Pnc Bank bought it several years ago in a tax sale. They hold the deed. And have been trying ever since to get him out. Without success. Obviously, whatever his relationship to the house might have been, he was not paying the taxes.

Makes little sense to me.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yeah, I'm fairly sure RVD has flat out admitted to not paying taxes before PNC ever got the deed. I also can't figure it out. How can you squat in a house which you do not own for so long? And how does the local government let him live in the house for so long without the taxes being paid before PNC takes it over (and presumably starts paying the taxes)?

Has there been any update to the case, thunter?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Why does the same bank he owes $130,000 to end up buying the house at a tax sale?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Pnc is not the bank he owes money to. It appears there have been three banks involved over the years. Pnc is just the last one that has failed to get Ron out of the house. Ron may be a deadbeat lowlife criminal, but he has had some success at it!

I've spent all the time I want researching this.

The bottom line is that, from the moment Ron created what the courts ultimately said was a bogus trust, somehow moved the property into it, and then used his position as trustee of that bogus trust to transfer the property to himself, complete with a bogus Warranty Deed, he has created and filed into the system dozens of bogus documents, each time he has been legally challenged, to obscure the facts. He has, on paper, even auctioned the house off, and bought it himself. The courts, it seems, simply accept this stuff and initially treat it as legitimate, until someone finally challenges it, and then Ron simply creates another flood of bogus documents, and the process begins again.

It looks like, in the current case, Ron again issued himself another Land Grant (he has done it before), and filed it into the court, using it to get the eviction vacated. We will see how tenacious the Pnc attorneys are.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

Jeffrey wrote:Why does the same bank he owes $130,000 to end up buying the house at a tax sale?
For the very simple reason that they effectively own the house since he has long since violated the mortgage, and if they don't someone else could buy it and they would then own it free and clear and PNC would be stuck with more worthless paper. The tax sale supersedes pretty much everything else. Normally mortgage holders pay the taxes and insurance through and escrow fund to make sure they get paid, but when doofus home owner, RVD, quits paying then that gets all messed up. They also get notified of any tax sales or tax actions on the property since they have a vested interest, and if the property is worth it, they can and will buy it out of tax sale. Which would seem to be what happened here.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by The Observer »

As nd has pointed out, property taxes assessed by local or state governments typically are classified in law as superpriority claims over all other creditors, including the lender on the note against the property. This is one reason some lenders will require an impound account for property taxes in association with a home loan, to avoid the problem that PNC encountered with Ron. In PNC's case, it was simply an issue of protecting their investment. But it does raise questions in regards to what value the property has vs. how much PNC has put into this property and how far they will go before writing the house off as a loss.

In regards to why it has taken so long to evict Ron, a couple of possible reasons:

(1) The United States has a long history, in common with Western civilization and tradition, of seeing land and home ownership as almost being sacred. "A man's home is his castle" has been a view that has existed since the time of Rome. This view has evolved in law over time to ensure that the government is bending over backwards in favor of the home owner vs. those who would seek to take possession. Of course that does not mean that a valid debtor will never be able to collect, but they will certainly have higher hurdles to clear through the maze that has been erected to ensure due process for the owner. Even government agencies have the same barriers, if not more, to clear before they pursue seizure and sale of the property. Wonder why Ron's property tax bill got so high? Because the tax agency had to go through a series of procedural reviews and reality checks before doing this. And for private lenders, the legal requirements are so involved that they typically look to see if it will be cheaper to negotiate with the owner to restructure the loan, reschedule missed payments, etc rather than go the legal route.

(2) The fact that we hold home ownership as a sacred right, also means that lenders risk running afoul of the public and damaging their reputation when they do foreclose. Most lenders want to avoid the scenario where they are seen tossing great-grandma out on the street in the winter because she couldn't pay back the loan on her home on the range. The negative publicity is a major concern and some lenders would rather discount their note and sell it to another rather than deal with being on the 6 o'clock news. And the facts of the case typically don't make it into a one or two minute headline news story. In the particular case of Ron, I am sure PNC recognizes the potential of Ron going to the news and telling them that PNC is throwing a unemployed and seriously ill senior citizen, barely getting by on Social Security, out of his home. Ron will throw in the other nonsense about PNC is using a fraudulent loan scheme in pretending that they own the home, but that is going to pale in comparison to the issue of Ron's age and health. PNC may have decided that it will be easier and quicker to wait for Ron to die before moving to foreclose and sell the property.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

After being cast out into the darkness by our roleplaying Ambassador, it appears RVD is now back into the fold. The Ambassador has started a thrice weekly show called "The Goldfish Report" where he holds court and has some worshiping admirers report in on world events. The Ambassador takes the opportunity to show us all how smart he is and how everything happening in the world is somehow connected to the mythical Dragon Family.

RVD was allowed on as a guest of the latest Goldfish Report:

This is long but I really recommend watching it if you are fascinated by prosperity cultists. The ability of some random idiot like The Ambassador to still be going a year later and have this many fawning admirers worship him is...amazing. I do note that our dear roleplayer may be waning in popularity, though. When the Ambassador first appeared, his videos got thousands or tens of thousands of views. The latest Goldfish Reports with the ambassador have only in the low 100s.

Could it be the prosperity community is becoming disenchanted with the Ambassador? Maybe because hes been promising a big payday for a year now?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

I think the Ambassador's decline in following is because TVOP has spent a year charging people an ever escalating cost to present requests for funding; but, not a single "project" has ever been funded. One year seems to be the average patience the typical New Ager is willing to play along without getting money in return, Heather and the OPPT being a perfect example (Ron having gone full OPPT during that sad period of New Age history).

Ron has started deleting most posts under his Youtube Videos because posters have become so critical of the Ambassador.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Think I'll pop this here since the Chinese Royal Family thing keeps coming up with Ron.
A court in China has sentenced a woman who posed as a Qing dynasty princess in order to run a fraud scheme to 13 and half years in jail.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

In Ron's latest video, he oddly acknowledges that there was a loan against his house, says that it was a six month loan, and states that he didn't pay the loan back because of some court thing that was going on. So, whatever the details, he appears to be waffling on his earlier statements that their was never a mortgage on the house, but seems to insist still that he owns the house, while also acknowledging that PNC still holds the deed.

Ron at his best.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I think the simplest thing to do with regard to RVD, is just assume he is lying and go from there, saves a lot of wear and tear. RVD is at any given point either lying or delusional or both. It's just simpler to start from that premise.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

That latest video is the best. It sounds like RVD had successfully conned Mary into owning all of her property after she died at some point. However, RVD had to screw things up by getting engaged to another woman before Mary's demise - leading Mary to change her will. The will change excluded RVD except for the house he is currently squatting in. If RVD had only played the con a little bit longer until Mary died, he would have gotten everything and been able to cash out for $1M+ in the height of the real estate boom. Instead he only got the house hes living in now (instead of all of Mary's property), which he then promptly screwed up by taking out a mortgage on it and not paying it.

This would be cosmic justice if it weren't for the fact that hes been squatting in the house for something like 9+ years since he defaulted on his mortgage. I still cannot figure out why RVD has not been kicked out, and I've read everything thunter has posted. It appears maybe RVD filed enough sovcit gibberish that he has successfully caused mass confusion on who owns what? I understand the bank wants to make sure they've got all their paperwork lined up and have the legal basis to evict a defaulted previous owner, but there is no reason why that should take 9+ years.

Sadly, I fear one of notorial's previously comments is probably correct: PNC is just waiting it out for RVD to die. They've decided that it is simply not worth the hassle at this point, especially when dealing with a sovcit squatter who is old and has chronic heart problems. RVD will probably get to live out the rest of his days in a house he does not own.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:In Ron's latest video, he oddly acknowledges that there was a loan against his house, says that it was a six month loan, and states that he didn't pay the loan back because of some court thing that was going on. So, whatever the details, he appears to be waffling on his earlier statements that their was never a mortgage on the house, but seems to insist still that he owns the house, while also acknowledging that PNC still holds the deed.

Ron at his best.
I could be wrong on this point, but this newest twist also doesn't make any sense. What kind of 6 month loan can you get on a house? The only loans you can take out on a house are generally home equity lines of credit or a mortgage - I've never even heard of such a thing as a 6 month loan.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

For a goodly part pf the time he has been squatting in the house, the Florida real estate market was screwed up enough that some lenders might have been content to have someone in the house and at least minimally taking care of it rather than it being vacant and falling into utter ruin. There were, in the last 10 years, entire subdivisions sitting, some only half built, the builders and owners having just abandoned them and they were in not much time tear downs. The climate down there is not very forgiving to vacant buildings. At the same time, lenders were up to their eyeballs in foreclosure litigation and these ruins just decomposing while the ownership was sorted out, and when it was a market that was in no condition to absorb them.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Ron's tone and body language and phrasing makes it so incredibly obvious that the man is lying.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

As I've said before, it is just much simpler to assume that RVD is lying from the start. I'm not sure he is capable of telling the truth any longer, and I'm not sure he really knows what reality is these days he has been living in a fantasy so long.
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