Government Overreach Outrage

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Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Deep Knight »

We here, lackeys to the Regime and Obots all, hardly ever complain about the government. But sometimes they cross the line, and this is one of those times. Why aren't MacHaffie, Orly and Sorcha Faal making noise about this?

Man Jailed for 6 Months Over Loud Sex
12 neighbors complained about the Italian man's romps with his girlfriend
By Arden Dier, Newser Staff
Posted Apr 11, 2014 10:26 AM CDT

(Newser) – There's a noisy romp between the sheets and then there's sex so loud it's considered "stalking" your neighbors. That was the charge a 46-year-old Italian man apparently faced in court, after a dozen of his neighbors filed a civil suit complaining of his loud lovemaking sessions. They took issue with "screams and moans" that "disturbed the peace in the condominium and the building’s decorum," the Local reports. Some translations of the local report on the case, like this one from the New York Daily News, indicate it was actually his girlfriend's screams that those in the building found so offensive.

The 42-year-old reportedly tried to convince the judge that "stalking" and "noise" weren't the same thing, and apparently claimed that he can't help that he's "too good at sex." But for all his (noisy?) protestations, he ended up with a six-month jail sentence, which he plans to appeal. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time noisy sex has resulted in a conviction.

I call upon militias all over Italy to rise up and see that this man is not only released, but given high public office!
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by JennyD »

Why not make him the Grand High Poobah Prime Minister of Freedonia?
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by LightinDarkness »

I don't understand, DK, I thought Heather Tucci-(ex-Jaraff) had shut down ALL government slavery systems! How can this man be put in a corporate jail of the de facto corporate government for simply exercising his rights to BE and DO (his girlfriend)? Why didn't his neighbors send him courtesy notices instead of interfering with his DO'ing?

We should get the OPPT guru team on this stat, they could move their hippy orgy over to the court house and exercise their right to DO each other.

:haha: :mrgreen:
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:We should get the OPPT guru team on this stat, they could move their hippy orgy over to the court house and exercise their right to DO each other.
As long as they use New Age Sex Talk Yodeling (NASTY) and disturb all the neighboring courtrooms.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

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A Call for Your Illuminati High School Prom Stories

If you haven't figured it out, this thread was a comment on the hyperbolic coverage given the BLM-Bundy Ranch confrontation in southern Nevada. MacHaffie had a dozen posts about it yesterday and this on his banner.

Looks like the Feds & BLM boys are irking to massacre some American Ranchers and their supporters. They so far killed innocent calves and cattle, terrorize pregnant women and Taser unarmed Americans. BLM and the Feds now deploying military style “Waco” methods. You are the aggressor and will be met by the same violence from ‘skilled’ military trained militia now on guard.

To those in BLM & FED employ – your alibi of “just doing your job” will not suffice anymore.


But the person who's been pushing this the hardest is Alex Jones of InfoWars and PrisonPlanet. I've been listening to his radio show when I can, and yesterday, while on a rant, he went into the Illuminati education system saying something very much like, "the Illuminati have their own schools, they have high schools with football teams and senior proms..."

Now that it's getting close to prom season, how about some nostalgia and stories from your Illuminati High School Senior Prom? You know, the story about how you danced 'till dawn, lost your virginity in the back of a sedan, or made your bones as Master of the Knife at the human sacrifice.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Now that it's getting close to prom season, how about some nostalgia and stories from your Illuminati High School Senior Prom?
I went to the Illuminati Private Schools and we simply didn't have time for the kind of nonsense you were describing. Instead, we focused on learning how to take over the world and maintain that control. Much of the emphasis was on literacy, mathematics, science, history and the like. There were proms and dances and after-school athletics, but that was emphasized by our instructors as a reward for doing well in our classes so that we could go out and replace the old fuddy-duddies. They were the ones who thought that the way to get ahead in this world was the old Illuminati practices of wine, women and song. Kind of hard to leverage one's way into control of major banking and monetary systems when one is waking up with a hangover in the same bed as Orly.

I am so thankful I got a meaningful education; with the takeover of the Illuminati by the aliens from Rigel Vi, it made for an easy transition and promotion for those of us who "moderned" up.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:I went to the Illuminati Private Schools and we simply didn't have time for the kind of nonsense you were describing.

Are you saying that Alex Jones could be mistaken?
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I had hippy Illuminati parents who thought experience was the best teacher, and home-schooled me by letting me pull the strings on a small island through my school years. Hawaii, you ask, or somewhere in the South Pacific? Frigging Spitsbergen (looking back a really cool place, but try telling that to teenage me. Beaches aren't the same with parkas instead of bikinis!)

So no prom, poor, world-controlling me!
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

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A Hard Day's Prom Night

It was springtime and the excitement was palatable at Illuminati Central High School, not only because the end of the school year had been 2 weeks before, but because it was prom night. The height of the seriously delinquent teen-age social season, it was in mid June because of scheduling problems. But even thought the bloom was off the deadly nightshade, the students all well on their way to ruling the world, were ready to party like it was 1969. As were the people at the place where Deep Knight rented his tux that afternoon, having made half of the year's income off of hapless teenagers and wedding party members in May and June.

Future Agent Knight had wanted to arrive in a black stretch limo, but the shear force of numbers forced him into settling for a convoy of buses. The hall was a bit crowded, but the excitement generated by the large numbers of famous models more than made up for the inconvenience. Deep danced until late in the night, spending 14.3 seconds with each of his dates, but the truth be told, he wasn't there for dancing. Sneaking away, he blackened his face and prepared for the early-hours June 17 break-in at the Watergate Complex in Washington DC.

Later, after President Nixon's "plumbers" had been framed for the job and Nixon had been deposed, Deep returned to lovers lane, now clogged with buses. In fact, the traffic jam they caused extended all the way to Baltimore. The limits of language prevent description of the ensuing melee, but suffice it to say it was contrary to generally-accepted morality and bus-usage regulations in all 50 states. Then it was off to pillage and burn Silver Springs.

The prom theme was "We've Only Just Begun," and the color theme black on black. Music was by Black Sabbath and The Carpenters, with the black mass and human sacrifice of the Prom King and Queen runners-up occurring during the break.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:
The Observer wrote:I went to the Illuminati Private Schools and we simply didn't have time for the kind of nonsense you were describing.

Are you saying that Alex Jones could be mistaken?
Only if you are saying that Alex Jones is correct about your high school days. If so, please let Alex Jones know that he can now honestly claim to be correct on one of his reports.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by DailyPlanet »

"... They so far killed innocent calves and cattle, terrorize pregnant women and Taser unarmed American ..."

Business as usual now that the Gestapo/DHS has set up shop in the US.
Not sure why anyone would want to live there anymore.
And supporting one of the two main political parties, is a bit like asking to go on a suicide mission.

Until the average America wakes up, and stops backing the Central Banking War model, things will just get worse and worse, now that the Zio Bankers have finished their takeover of a once great country
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by DailyPlanet » ... terrorism/

Multiple Militia Members Arrested at Bundy Ranch, Charged with Domestic Terrorism

.....Federal agent Paul Horner, ..... had this to say: “Under direct orders from the FBI and the DOJ, on behalf of the BLM, we have infiltrated the crowd with armed undercover agents. The agents are collecting intel and coordinating that information with drones that are also overseeing the disturbance. In addition, we have positively identified approximately 85% of the crowd and are running background checks for previous violations, warrants, etc. License plate numbers of protesters are being collected and entered into the national database as well. These right-wing extremists pose a serious threat to the safety of the operation and we have orders to make arrests and confiscate firearms.”....

The Bundy Ranch Facebook site is being ran by government disinformation agents (not family members as they claim). They are spreading untruths in order to get more #militia members to the farm to increase arrests. There are a lot of rumors floating around that are untrue
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Deep Knight »

The arrest story is a hoax, even MacHaffie picked this up. MacHaffie and Nesara News? Will wonders never cease?

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Posted on April 16, 2014 by waffles in Hoaxes & Rumors
A report today claims that 16 protesters were arrested at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. Is this true or false?
The story is fake.
It was published by the fake news website National Report, which posts outlandish stories in the name of satire. In the fake report, we read:
The standoff in Nevada reached new heights this afternoon as armed federal agents began arresting militia members gathered to protest in support of Cliven Bundy.
About National Report
National Report has a disclaimer which states that the website produces satirical content. The disclaimer – which has been removed on several occasions – reads:
*DISCLAIMER: National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental . The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help (and you may be if you are on this page), please consult a professional. National Report is intended for a mature audience and not for children under the age of 18.
Bundy Ranch
Cliven Bundy’s son Dave was arrested in the early days of the standoff, but no arrests have been made since. Tensions cooled over the weekend, but Nevada Senator Harry Reid was quoted as saying, “Well it’s not over. We can’t have an American people that violate the law and just walk away from it, so it’s not over.”
Bottom Line
Arrests were not made at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. This report comes from a fake news website which publishes outlandish stories.
Source: Multiple Militia Members Arrested at Bundy Ranch, Charged with Domestic Terrorism (National Report)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:20 PM

But, a fake story posted by people salivating at the thought of violence MUST be some sort of conspiracy in and of itself!

Hoax? Bundy BLM Militia Arrested Story Fake? News Psyop To Gauge Public? (Shocking Video)
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 5:38
(Before It's News)

Of course it was, the whole thing was a clever Illuminati ploy to discredit a legal theory that was discredited 15 years ago in court. The delay was NOT OUR FAULT, projects get backed up especially when the big guy decides that we have to mess with Erasmus of America's cell phone service and puts it at the top of the priority list.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:The arrest story is a hoax, even MacHaffie picked this up. MacHaffie and Nesara News? Will wonders never cease?
Now I am outraged. How dare McHaffie and the NESARians not swallow a hoax hook, line and sinker. I demand justice. I want suits filed against McHaffie immediately and an injunction forcing him to accept every wild-assed story that comes in as the gospel truth. I pay good money to see McHaffie overeacting to the silliest stuff out there and making a fool of himself - okay, that part about paying good money isn't true, but I would pay bad money (like some worthless dinars) to see him playing the fool. McHaffie needs to understand that he has a reputation he has to live up to, and we are not going tolerate these little slips into sanity that he is having.
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Re: Government Overreach Outrage

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight knows "crazy," but he also knows "funny." Check out these clips from The Daily Show. ... re-rancher
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