Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Didn't know where to put this, but it gave me such a giggle I had to share it. I stumbled across "Round-op Alpha" - "GLOBAL OPERATION FOR THE ARREST OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT" (http://roundopalpha.wordpress.com/). Yes, when you're going to overthrow orthodox international, financial, and state authority, you set up a wordpress blog.

Round-op Alpha is a "Special International Non-Governmental Justice Agency (S.I.N.G.J.A.)", which I think is another way of saying play-acting and pretend by someone who has far too much time on his hands.

So what's this about? Well, they got a little list. And they'll none of 'em be missed.

Society is in need of change and while countless initiatives and “movements” have yet to produce any significant results, time is passing by and change is not arriving. Given the nature and expectations of any previous initiatives in recent history it is only to be expected that the “change” that many people want is just beyond reach, if not an illusion, since the core of the problems has never been addressed, ever.

Ask yourself. How many demonstrations and marches have been organized in the last decade alone? How many of those were actually successful? Assuming that there were any successful initiatives at all. How have these changed anything in society?

After all, the same group of people is still in charge. The same group of people still makes the laws and the same group of people still wages wars. Add to this undeniable fact that most of the people in the world haven’t got the slightest idea where money comes from, how it is created and what the actual value of it is and it becomes clear why corruption, for example, is still prevalent.

It is therefore that a growing group of private individuals, government officials and (non) (for) profit organizations from around the world recognizes that in order to achieve real change real action has to be undertaken.

Enter Round-op Alpha.

Round-op Alpha is not just an idea that has been growing for a long time. As you read this, concrete action plans are ready and new ones are being drawn while actual formations are being forged and ready to be deployed.

Based upon the current status of our general operation we should be able by the end of this year, 2014, to start putting into action the theoretical exercises of effectively arresting, rounding up, a substantial number of individuals who we, Round-op Alpha, deem to be responsible for the ongoing high-level brigandage – i.e. looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education and independence; the murdering in name of corporate profits; psychological warfare – in the world, which deliberately causes regional and cultural tensions and armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of society and its once respectable values.

This list, R-oA2014, summarizes the names of those deceptive individuals, who all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes – and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of the aforementioned crimes against humanity.

Given the exceptional nature and extent of the operation – one that has never been organized before as far as recorded history tells us – we, Round-op Alpha, are aware that governments, courts and intergovernmental organizations and agencies will not request/order such arrests on their own, nor will they call for the prosecution of the R-oA2014-listed individuals for the aforementioned crimes against humanity since these individuals hold (executive) positions in these (governing) bodies.

As a result thereof, those (governing) bodies can also no longer be regarded as effective representations of the general public, be it on the local, the national or the international level. The execution of the effective arrests of the R-oA2014-listed individuals shall therefore, in addition, represent the general public’s order to completely defund and dismantle the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the United Nations, the European Union (Federation) and all their Specialized Agencies and affiliated organizations; to ban the creation of any new international government and legislative/executive (monetary) (military) bodies; to reform local and national governments.

It is with this information in mind that we, Round-op Alpha, invite everyone and anyone in any part of the world to take part in the effective executions of the arrests of the R-oA2014-listed individuals starting on December 31, 2014. By the end of February 2015, the first phase of the operation, the arrest of all R-oA2014-listed individuals, should be completed.

It is of great importance that all the arrests of the R-oA2014-listed individuals take place in this 2-month period in order to enable a successful judicial campaign, i.e. the effective prosecution of every R-oA2014-listed individual.

Round-op Alpha is aware of the nature and amount of countermeasures that are being undertaken by those who are R-oA2014-listed, this however will not hold us back from completing our operation(s) since effective measures are being taken and a strong – unbreakable – alliance is being formed.
Are you on the list? (http://roundopalpha.wordpress.com/list-r-oa2014/) (I'm not on the list.) Each of the miscreants on the little list has their very own "PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTERNATIONAL (CITIZENS') ARREST". Here's the one for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (http://roundopalpha.files.wordpress.com ... arrest.pdf), that wretch:
In the Matter of Crimes Against Humanity and His/Her Nation

A Public Notice for his/her immediate arrest for questioning and trial is hereby issued to and against R-oA2014-listed

Harper, Stephen

regarding actively and knowingly conspiring in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide him/her with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding his/her past and future crimes – and is therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of his/her nation and against humanity as a whole, i.e.:

High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-)terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.
You might wonder where Round-op Alpha obtains its authority. Well, because it says so - just read its "Declaration of Sovereignty" (http://roundopalpha.files.wordpress.com ... 6-2014.pdf) and "Deed of Establishment" (http://roundopalpha.files.wordpress.com ... 6-2014.pdf).

So - mark your calendars - January 1, 2015, get yer rope and yer cuffs and yer cowboy hat and start the Round-op!

In the meantime you might also set up your own national Round-op, in parallel with Belgium (http://rabelgium.wordpress.com/) and the US (http://roundopusa.wordpress.com/), but you might want to hurry because the Forces of the Cabal (aka Wordpress) are moving in to squish things (http://roundopusa.wordpress.com/publica ... e-content/):
April 18, 2014 – Round-op Alpha S.I.N.G.J.A.

International Announcement, for Immediate and Unlimited Distribution:

It’s been several days now since WordPress has blocked Round-op Alpha administrators from publishing new content on the main Round-op Alpha website. However, the website is still online.

Of course we are aware where the COMPLAINTS and PRESSURE comes from, considering what has been unfolding in the last couple of days and considering what the Round-op Alpha operation is about.

It is sad to see that WordPress is giving in so easily to the COMPLAINTS and PRESSURE, more so because earlier this year they proudly participated in “The Day We Fight Back:Protest NSA Surveillance on Your Blog.”

To now just block us from further publishing at and updating our main Round-op Alpha website proves that their participation in this alleged and meaningless anti NSA surveillance campaign was merely pretending to be on the people’s side because since Round-op Alpha started almost two weeks ago, and now thus offers THE solution to all this big brother and world government B.S., WordPress now proves that they can be manipulated very easily and thereby give in instantly to the COMPLAINTS and PRESSURE of which we know the origin.

The ARREST of the WORLD GOVERNMENT is the biggest operation ever that is being organized by the real and remaining truth movement in the world. Along the way countless shills and derailers have already been exposed and more are still to follow the same fate. Surely there are numerous people and websites out there right now who laugh our operation away, totally unaware of what is yet to come and extremely fearful for the hard-hitting change that our operation will bring about. Fearful because they a) don’t control us and b) know that they have been milking and have been capitalizing on spreading half truths and pure fabrications while claiming to be “alternative” or “truther” venues. They know that when our operation really starts to gain traction in the very near future that they either will have to join forces or go down with the ones they pretend to oppose.

Just in case that WordPress isn’t aware, and we will give them the benefit of the doubt on this for now, everything that Round-op Alpha states, writes and claims is lawful and justified. Whether our operation leans towards the rather extreme that depends on ones perception and on how bad one really wants “change.” Because in the end, there’s not a single individual on the list that is not a conspirator and wouldn’t be guilty of the mentioned crimes against humanity and their respective nation.

You can write articles and reports and argue endlessly about what the world government is and will be about, how fast everything is going downhill but the fact of the matter is that at some point serious action will have to be undertaken. Talk is cheap and when the time comes to actually roll out the real solutions people better understand which side that they’re really on.

There’s no further use for us to preach about this or that, it has been pointed out what WordPress is doing right now. We have contacted them several times to explain their decision and points of view. Yet they still seem to refuse to even reply, which practically counts as a confirmation of what we have been writing here today.

The Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest have been updated until the 16th of April, 2014, and now include the UN, the Bilderberg Group and the CFR. Download and distribute them as far and as wide as you can!

When you are afraid to join our operation we advise you stand aside, when you do not fear the world government and realize the current state of society and understand that real action has to be undertaken then we request your full support to properly and peacefully execute the aforementioned arrests.

In the event that WordPress refuses to reactivate our administrator status at our main Round-op Alpha website then we will upload the remaining Public Notices of International (Citizens’) Arrest on another website. Either way we will continue our operation, with or without WordPress.

You really want change? Prove it and stop playing silly games!
(Incidentally the only name that seems to be associated with this thing is a "Koen Jacobs" - but surely he's just the public contact for a mighty enterprise of countless activitists and Round-op Marshals.)

Now I spotted one possible issue. It looks like Round-op Alpha and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (http://itccs.org/) both claim jurisdiction over the same subject domain and litigation targets. But who has priority? A Common-Law Court or a S.I.N.G.J.A.?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm retired, all the time in the world, and I have to assume that Mowe is gainfully employed in a job that demands a significant portion of his time. Yet I can't keep up with the guy! I make a passing comment about Lovey Cridge and he buries me in an avalanche of Lovey. I'm still digging myself out from that one and now this. He just "stumbled" across this? While doing what? Maybe he actually resides in an alternate universe where a day has 48 hours. It would explain a lot.

And, I have to note, I've been ignored again. I'm not on Round-op Alpha's hit list. It's all very hurtful.

I was surprised to See Al Gore on the list, I thought he was the darling of these alternate types. Seems he's been a bad boy leading a secret life;
regarding actively and knowingly conspiring in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide him/her with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding his/her past and future crimes – and is therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of his/her nation and against humanity as a whole, i.e.:

High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-)terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.
Democide was a new word to me. So, thanks to Mowe, I've learned something new today!
Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder." Rummel created the term as an extended concept to include forms of government murder that are not covered by the term genocide, and it has become accepted among other scholars.[1][2][3] Rummel presents his definition without referencing any previous uses, but the term democide was defined and used in English more than 40 years earlier by Theodore Abel.[4] According to Rummel, democide passed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Didn't know where to put this, but it gave me such a giggle I had to share it. I stumbled across "Round-op Alpha" - "GLOBAL OPERATION FOR THE ARREST OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT" ...
Round-op Alpha is a "Special International Non-Governmental Justice Agency (S.I.N.G.J.A.)", which I think is another way of saying play-acting and pretend by someone who has far too much time on his hands.

So what's this about? Well, they got a little list. And they'll none of 'em be missed. ...
Despite my, uh, "association" with the illuminati, I didn't make it, but at least they have George Stephanopolous on their list!!!!
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by AndyK »

Koen Jacobs is doing the exact equivalent of looking out his apartment window, squinting his eyes behind his thumb and index finger, and screaming (as he pinches his fingers together) "I crush you! I crush you all!"

with the exactly equivalent result.
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

AndyK wrote:Koen Jacobs is doing the exact equivalent of looking out his apartment window, squinting his eyes behind his thumb and index finger, and screaming (as he pinches his fingers together) "I crush you! I crush you all!"

with the exactly equivalent result.
Without question one of my favorite Kids in the Hall sketch sets.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by notorial dissent »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Round-op Alpha is a "Special International Non-Governmental Justice Agency (S.I.N.G.J.A.)", which I think is another way of saying play-acting and pretend by someone who has far too much time on his hands.
Or who needs their meds more closely monitored or adjusted - upwards!!

As further proof, "brigandage", who in this day and age uses the term "brigandage", let alone even knows how to spell it or what it means? I, who have an almost obscene delight and fondness for arcane and obscure words and phrases, don't think I've ever actually used the word in a sentence that I can recall.

Now I'm doubly frustrated, this on top of not making the list.
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:... Now I'm doubly frustrated, this on top of not making the list.[/color][/b]
It's not too late! Arrests start still almost seven months away, and you could nominate yourself:
Why is a Specific Person Not Listed Yet?

Round-op Alpha is totally aware that more names need to be included in the R-oA2014 List. However, we are facing an enormous lack of resources and our current administrative team is undermanned in every sense of the word because gradually more and more e-mails need to be answered and an increasing number of investigations need to be conducted continuously and properly.

Round-op Alpha therefore requests the public to also support us in this specific task. When you need to see a certain name on the R-oA2014 List then send us the information that you have on that individual, i.e.: name, (professional) position, whereabouts and the evidence that supports the claim for inclusion in the R-oA2014 List.
Hmm. What would happen if someone were to identify the "true" US government, the RuSA, as necessary targets for the Round-op?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You arrest us all? Well, I fart in your general direction!
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by JamesVincent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:You arrest us all? Well, I fart in your general direction!
While holding a lighter. ..
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Re: Koen Jacobs: Round-op Alpha - I arrest you all!

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:You arrest us all? Well, I fart in your general direction!
You forgot to mention that their fathers smell of elderberries...
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