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Re: CMKM Diamonds - symbol CMKX

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:14 am
by notorial dissent
Reminds me much to much of the bad old days in the penny market, although I really don't remember any of them either getting that far or that ambitious. That many trillion, and the judge hasn't sanctioned someone yet???? Getting soft in their old age. I can't believe there hasn't been a motion for consolidation, dismissal, and sanctions.

As frauds go, I think this is certainly one of the more adventurous ones I've seen recently.

Re: CMKM Diamonds - symbol CMKX

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:25 pm
by Gregg
The scammers themselves are long gone (well, awaiting extridition or fujitive from justice are problably better terms to use. The $3.87 trillion dollar lawsuit is filed by a California Personal Injury Lawyer named Al Hodges or Clifton Hodges (seen it both ways) who is honest to goodness getting his "inside information" fro NESARA websites, Christopher Story (now deceased, not vey likley murdered), old friends Leo Wanta and Michael Cotrell BS. MA. and Rumormill News. Anyhow, he's taking these theories and filing them, it's almost hilarious. You absolutely have to read the complaint to appreciate how crazy the guy is.

But it reminds me more than anything as a super charged early version NESARA, there was a real scam, the scammers have all been convicted in civil cases and are facing criminal charges, but a small group of shareholders are true believers in a fictional story that Bob Meheu (yes, the Howard Hughes guy) the SEC, Dept of Homeland Security and apparently space aliens used the company to expose hedge funds, brokers, various other no good people naked shorting the stock. (how the hell you short a stock that is selling for .0001 a share is beyond me, but I digress)...anyhow, the government took all the bad guys into a theater somewhere, showed them a slide show with all the proof, and said "pay up, or go to jail".

According to the storyline, they all paid up, in 2005. Now, that money was supposed to be given to the shareholders within 1 year, and the release of it was somehow contingent upon the apporvla of the SEC, so now, 5 years later, the hush fund has grown to a ball of solid gold the diameter of the orbit of Saturn and they want their money. They also are emphatically NOT suing the SEC, they are bringing a Bivens Action against everyone who ever was an SEC commissioner since then.

I'm serious, and these people believe it. I can't help believing that this is how believers in the nut who predicted the end of the world about 7 times before he finally died first morphed into Seventh Day Adventist Church (or maybe it's one of the other ones, but what is today a semi mainstream faith is the fallout from a David Koresh type guy)

Anyhow, read the suit, and this isn't some Orly Taitz kind of lawyer from what I can tell, 40 year practice, USC law School....he must have taken a blow to the head somewhere....

Re: CMKM Diamonds - symbol CMKX

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:04 pm
by Omne
Gregg wrote:I can't help believing that this is how believers in the nut who predicted the end of the world about 7 times before he finally died first morphed into Seventh Day Adventist Church (or maybe it's one of the other ones, but what is today a semi mainstream faith is the fallout from a David Koresh type guy)
Yep, it was Seventh Day Adventists. They morphed from the Millerites who followed William Miller in the mid 1800s. The world was going to end Oct. 1844, then April 1845 then July 1845...etc.