Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

It is understood by our FI sources of the following:-

That the police have now been formally notified and case numbers given on various client complaints made against Darlene Bishop and Geoffrey Lunn in relation to Dresdner Financial.

The police in Odessa Texas, Boulder Colorado and the SEC in Chicago have been provided signed documentation relating to the Magnum 44 Trade and statements have been provided and they are investigating at the present time.

Also the bankers for WGC GRoup ( Geoffrey Lunn) JP Morgan Chase are also being approached as they have been a receiving bank for funds in to this trade.

We cannot and will not pre decide the outcome of these investigations but will keep the board informed of developments as the police investigation continues.

No further comments can be made at this time.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »


Both Geoff Lunn and Darlene Bishop are now under investigation by the police in Colorado and Texas, also the SEC and the FBI.

Apparently DF are under general investigation now by an attorney for the SEC due to various ongoing complaints.

Further info to follow!!
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by wserra »

"sknarf" has complained about several posts in this thread and in the "Darlene Bishop" thread. If "sknarf" wishes to be taken seriously, I request that s/he answer the questions in this post rather than ignoring them.

That's my post, last page (page 3) of the thread, second from the bottom.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd just be more interested in checking him against the Colorado roster and disciplinary list, but then you actually have to be a lawyer first to make that, and guess what I'm betting?????

Let's see, at this point, I've called you out twice to show us your bona fides, as has WES, and you have yet to do anything more than make vague, childish, and quite obviously impotent threats, which if you had a lick of sense you would have avoided altogether.

Point of reference for Sknarfy, I am not, have not, and have never represented, hinted, insinuated, or even vaguely implied that I am or ever was a lawyer at any time or place what so ever. I have however, worked in the banking and securities industries for 20 years give or take, so I do know bilge when I smell it.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by blair kummer »

thefacts wrote:I have to say that before you start saying things about companies, you need to know what you are talking about. I personally have gone through the program called Magnum with Dresdner Financial and I got my first return and second return and now I am on my final payout and from my past experience I don't forsee any issues with getting this one.

This was a private transaction and I have been very pleased with the entire process and the way the company has treated me. I know there are alot of scams out there so I was scared at first but I am so happy I went through with it because now I have been able to fund my project and not have to worry about all the declines from the banks any longer.

The affiliate I have been working with has been a very honest and forth coming person with all information, so what I can say is my experience has been more then satisfying, it has been a blessing from the good man above.


I understand you had success with Dresdner Finanacials and you were paid. Are you back in with another program? I am always searching for new investment opportunities and would like to discuss Dresdner with you. Please respond if you would so I can get in touch with your Dresdner affiliate so I can speak with someone from the Dresdner organization. It would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hear from you.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by wserra »

blair kummer wrote:I am always searching for new investment opportunities
Here ya go.

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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »


DF is now under investigation by the SEC and FBI in the USA.

This is an ongoing investigation.

Beware of Jennifer Puff, Darlene Bishop, Geoffrey Lunn and Michael Schmidt.

Further info to follow!!
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by wserra »

"sknarf" has returned, editing all of his/her/its posts to things like "Have a nice day". It must be humiliating to suffer an asskicking so bad that it makes you delete your own words.

It can't edit others' quotes, though. If anyone wants to review how stupid it got, look here. Moronic threats to sue, threats that it will force Q to ID anonymous posters, and - best of all - the basest of scammers' excuses, that it is our actions that delay "the payout".

I thought the dog ate it, sknarf.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

or, more likely, someone pointed out to the not very bright one that putting things like he had in print meant they could be used against him and being not terribly bright thought he could back track and "erase" all his public slip-ups. Unfortunately for him, nothing ever goes away once it makes it in to cyber space, and it will come back to haunt him, real soon I hope.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Victim »

It Is DISGUSTING that As#$%^ like GEOFF LUNN get away with this, and nothing ever happens to them.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Victim wrote:It Is DISGUSTING that As#$%^ like GEOFF LUNN get away with this, and nothing ever happens to them.
It's annoying that drive-by trolls keep wasting our time with posts like this which say nothing valuable, and which will be ignored by me and (probably, most Quatloosers) unless the assertions are much better documented.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Victim »

Does anyone have any feedback on the investigations, if any, that are taking place?
The website no longer exists.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Gregg »

Victim wrote:Does anyone have any feedback on the investigations, if any, that are taking place?
The website no longer exists.
http://www.patrickpretty.com/2012/10/19 ... ged-swind/

http://sec.gov/litigation/complaints/20 ... 12-213.pdf
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Hyrion »

Victim wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:31 pmDoes anyone have any feedback on the investigations
Looks like the Civil case has reached an end. Source: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/litrelea ... r24043.htm

  • enjoined from various investing roles/activities (I didn't read too closely, just scanned through)
  • pay disgorgement in the amount of $5.5 million ( $5,466,840 )
  • prejudgment interest of $478,648
  • a $5.5 million civil monetary penalty ( $5,466,840 )
Sadly, I doubt any of his victims will ever see any of that as I doubt he has any or has any means to acquire it.

Indication Darlene Bishop got some prison time, no indication how much specifically related to this scam. Source: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/redcats ... 36872.html

Indication Lunn was facing charges in 2014, source: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2014/03/28/p ... 44-magnum/

Another indication he was sent to jail in 2014, source: http://goingconcern.com/accounting-news ... carillion/
I don’t recall hearing about this case featuring Geoffrey Lunn, who was sentenced to jail in 2014
Unfortunately I can't find any actual identification of what his sentence was. Hopefully this will give some measure of closure to his victims.