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Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:40 pm
by benhur
Can anyone share information about this company, their website is:

Have tried phoning their numbers which seem to be false, they send out PTS (Preliminary Term Sheets) for funding and request GBP 15,000 before even looking at an application.

There is also a person called Anna Sergiejenko's whom is apparently their International Finance Lawyer.

Any information would be grateful

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:59 pm
by Cathulhu
Wasn't Lestrade the incompetent cop who wanted to take credit for everything Sherlock Holmes solved? (There's a Conan Doyle club up here, the Sound of the Baskervilles.)

Might be a pseudonym.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:31 pm
by wserra
A whois for their site:
Lestrade Lawonal LLC
Ropazu 122 13-2
Riga, NA LV1006


Administrative Contact:
Ivanova, Ineta
Ropazu 122 13-2
Riga, NA LV1006
If you want to do business with a firm based in Latvia which puts anonymous "testimonials" on its home page and demands £15K up front, you go right ahead. I hope you don't need that £15K.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:58 pm
by Arthur Rubin
wserra wrote:A whois for their site:
Lestrade Lawonal LLC
Ropazu 122 13-2
Riga, NA LV1006


Administrative Contact:
Ivanova, Ineta
Ropazu 122 13-2
Riga, NA LV1006
If you want to do business with a firm based in Latvia which puts anonymous "testimonials" on its home page and demands £15K up front, you go right ahead. I hope you don't need that £15K.
Well, their phone appears to be in the US.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:23 am
by notorial dissent
Well, first they only deal in minimum 5M GBP increments, so even though they are playing with play money, it is expensive play money.

And they want 15K GBP before they will even tell you they aren’t going to make the load, my, my, my, I’ll do it for you for 10k and save you all the hassle and frustration of losing your money long distance.

If you have that kind of money, why not just go to a real bank or insurance company and save yourself the rip off, delay, and frustration.

I will bet that if you contact any of the aforementioned Audit firms their immediate response will be a resounding WHO???????????

The WY tel number appears to be a cell phone and is listed to or was listed to Intel Consultants, Inc of Philadelphia, the overseas number is an forwarding number that appears to ring through England to get to Latvia to an accommodation address. If this were any way on the up and up why would this be necessary?

What about this doesn’t scream scam!!!!!!!!

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:53 am
by JamesVincent
Cathulhu wrote:Wasn't Lestrade the incompetent cop who wanted to take credit for everything Sherlock Holmes solved? (There's a Conan Doyle club up here, the Sound of the Baskervilles.)

Might be a pseudonym.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:20 pm
by wserra
Q has received a complaint from someone claiming to be Edward Lestrade concerning this thread. While I'm not going to post the PM without permission, it really is preferable to post a complaint rather than PM it. That way it is open to public comment, something clearly desirable. If the complaint is warranted, I don't think anyone here wants to be unfair.

Mr. Lestrade's PM doesn't answer any of the questions posters to this thread have posed. Here, I'll ask some:

(1) Do you really charge £15K up front, just as an application fee? Sure, you're entitled to due diligence, but that seems like a lot.

(2) Where are you? At various times, you've claimed to operate in Latvia (above), Dominica, Cheyenne (Wyoming), Bratislava and London. As our colleague notorial dissent asked, if you really have all of these offices, why the machinations with call forwarding around the world?

(3) What is this nonsense with anonymous "testimonials" on your site? What legitimate organization places alleged comments by an anonymous "Partner of Major European Law Firm" on its home page? "Big 5 International Audit and Consulting Firm"? I mean, I can write this stuff too:
"If it weren't for wserra, I'd still be looking in that damn mirror. Albert E., Princeton, NJ."

(4) You claim to have received your law degree from "Northwestern California University". That's a correspondence school, isn't it? Not ABA-accredited? Its students have to take a "baby bar" before they can take the real bar, and then can only practice in California, right? And you don't appear to be admitted in California.

How about some answers before you expect action on complaints?

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:14 pm
by notorial dissent
And, as I pointed out, not licensed, and/or registered in the US despite claims of offices here, and the Latvian address has the appearance of being nothing more than an accommodation address. So not an auspicious set of bonifides.

I'm afraid any protestations of wounded and defamed character will have to be given the same level of credence granted the anonymous testimonials.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:33 am
by Joey Smith
In general, real financing firms do not charge advance fees but instead take their fees out of the closing from escrow, i.e., there is real money deposited by lenders.

Scams that go around these days include bogus "financing firms" that charge advance fees for loans that never materialize. Oh sure the scammers will give you a dog-and-pony show to make you think that you are right on the brink of receiving a huge loan, but that money will never show up.

In particular, avoid ANY contact with financing companies from Eastern Europe, the Baltics, or any of the former Soviet Union countries -- the odds are much, much higher that any offer you get from these companies will be a scam.

And also don't be fooled by shell companies formed in Wyoming or someplace that give the appearance of a U.S. presence, when in fact the scammers just spent $150 or something to form an empty company and have a U.S. address when in fact there is nothing there.

You can check out real financing firms through such services as Lexis, Standard & Poor's, etc. If those services have no record of the company, forget about it. In fact, stick to purely domestic companies where you can go meet the people in person, check their references, meet with their auditors, and do the real type of due diligence that you need to do to avoid being scammed.

And, oh, don't ever do any business with any company that has testimonials from non-existent nations such as Melchizedek, Utopia, Oceania, etc.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:09 am
by notorial dissent
To continue what Joey posted:

In general, real financing firms have real offices with people manning them.

In general, real financing firms don’t hide behind accommodation addresses and phone relays.

In general, real financing firms have licenses in any jurisdiction that they carry out business in.

In general, real financing firms don’t solicit customers over or through the internet.

In general, real financing firms don’t make promises of returns that are simply ridiculous and unobtainable.

In general, real financing firms will be licensed in the state you live in if they are going to be doing business with you. No license, no registration, no real company. Depending on the local laws, they will be registered with the Sec of State’s corporation office at the very least, and then either the banking, insurance, or securities commission of your state, or possibly a separate group set up for that industry. Either way, if they aren’t registered they aren’t authorized to do business in your state, or with you.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:55 am
by Joey Smith
The idiot who goes by the name of "Dr. Edward Lestrade" is just some turd in the Baltics (home to many cyber scam artists) who claims to run an "Online International Arbitration Court" that has been "approved" by the State of Wyoming.

In fact, the State of Wyoming merely forms LLCs for a couple of hundred dollars and any idiot or scam artist can run their scam out of a Wyoming LLC without anybody in Wyoming knowing anything about it.

The "Online International Arbitration Court" smells strongly of the "Courts" of the Dominion of Melchizedek, a fake country that existed only in cyberspace and with no real land or presence anyway -- the Dominion of Melchizedek was in fact concocted by a felon serving time in prison who first came up with a "fake nation scam".

Anybody who uses the "Online International Arbitration Court" would be a fool, since any "judgment" of such "court" would be of highly dubious value.

That "Dr. Edward Lestrade" has been recently posting complete lies about a lawyer who supports Quatloos, who is Chris Riser of the Riser Adkisson LLP law firm, which falsely claim that Chris Riser is "under investigation", demonstrates that "Dr. Edward Lestrade" is a dishonest and not truthful person, which pretty well ties into the "Online International Arbitration Court" described above.

An example is ... 405944.htm but of course in reality there is no investigation, no arrests, no trials, nothing .... except the shrill lies of an idiot.

Mostly likely, this is just some bum living out of his car in Latvia -- just see if you can verify his credentials with a straight face!

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:04 am
by Joey Smith
Dr. Edward Lestrade is now trying to take down his "Untad Global" website that made this highly dubious offer:
Untad Global, as a division of Lestrade Law Associates International LLC, provides high quality, comprehensive and worldwide project funding and wealth optimization. Our financing partners are international and have a liquid capital base of over 50 billion Euros for such investments.
50 billion Euros, right! Maybe 50 billion Mechizedekian shekels is more like it.

I'm guessing that the license for "Lestrade Law Associates International LLC" was obtained from a dispenser on the wall of a petrol station in Latvia somewhere, next to the condom machine.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:11 am
by Joey Smith
Here is where Lestrade's "Project Financing" solicitation page has moved: ... -Financing

Then of course here is where they tell suckers that they will need to pay a "due diligence fee" of "USD1000 to USD250,000".

Advance fee fraud anybody? Who the hell would accept "due diligence" performed by a firm in the Baltics?

Note the repetition of their other totally false claims on this page.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:06 am
by Joey Smith
Lestrade claims that and are quality sources to find out about people. Well:

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:28 pm
by Joey Smith
It turns out that Lestrade's alleged degree is from an online university, which probably should surprise nobody.

For a few hundred bucks, one could have diplomas from online colleges in many different subjects, all at the doctoral level, and all without ever having to do even 1 minute of studying. So long as the check or credit card clears, your diploma will be e-mailed to you by PDF.

It is, of course, the only way that people like Edward Lestrade will ever be able to call themselves "Doctor" as a way to try to obtain false credibility.

Re: Untad Global-Dr. Edward Lestrade

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:12 pm
by Joey Smith
Edward Lestrade's new deal is to falsely claim that he has been the victim of a blackmail attempt, according to his self-posting in the "International Times of Dominica".

Of course, there is no proof of such blackmail attempt given, other than the word of this correspondence-school "Doctor" who runs a fake law firm and arbitration tribunal through a Wyoming LLC and has claimed to have access to tens-of-billions of Euros .... if you'll only pay him a "due diligence" fee to vet your investment, i.e., a variation of advanced fee fraud.