Liberty Dollar Closes

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Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Demosthenes »

July 2009 Vol. 11 No. 07
Liberty Dollar Closed
Who is suffering the biggest and most pervasive monetary losses? U.S. households have lost the most: $1.39 trillion in the third and fourth quarters of 2007... a gigantic $10.89 trillion in 2008... $1.33 trillion in the first quarter of 2009... $13.87 trillion at the end of March 2009 - by far these are the worst household losses of all times with equally massive consequences for 2010. The question is: Are you going to allow the government money to deprive your family of its purchasing power and become an indebted monetary slavery or are you going to take action and help us win? This is your opportunity to take a stand for a value based private voluntary barter currency vs. government money made out of fowl hot air.
Table of Contents:
1. Liberty Dollar - Ambushed & Closed
2. Pending Orders
3. Please Donate Something
4. Come to the Trial
5. News Articles
6. US Debt Clock is Ticking
7. On a Happy Note
8. Thank you

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. Liberty Dollar - Ambushed & Closed

It is with a very heavy heart that I regret to inform you that I have suspended (closed) the Liberty Dollar operation… until I am acquitted.
Trust me, after 23 years of research and development plus almost 11 years of practical application in the marketplace, I did not make this decision easily. When I discovered that the FBI had issued an arrest warrant for me, I "self reported" i.e. turned myself in to the US Marshals on June 4, 2009. After I was booked and made a very quick court appearance in Fort Myers, Florida, I was released on an Appearance Bond with certain terms such as: don't violate any laws, call every Tuesday, fax a report every month, etc. But when I made my "Initial Appearance" in the US District Court in Charlotte on July 6, 2009, I was ambushed by the DOJ Prosecutor with FBI Agent Romaguolo grinning by his side. At the Prosecutor's insistence, Judge Cayer issued an Oral Order: (Restricted)Setting Conditions of Release with additional condition: * Defendants shall not circulate or aid in the circulation of any coins or currency in relation to the Liberty Dollar Operation* by Magistrate Judge David S. Cayer on 7/6/09. Please note this is not exactly what the Judge said in court, this is the written record, so upon leaving the courtroom I thought the Liberty Dollar was still secure even though the Judge's wording was vague. But it should not be any surprise to you that vagueness could be deliberately used against me. Plus I initially thought that if I was incarcerated, I could bail out, but that turned out to be impossible. While the Eighth Amendment states: "Excessive bail shall not be required…," it does not specify that a bail must be set. So the US Congress passed a law that permits Federal Courts to set no bail. The US Supreme Court has upheld that law as Congress legally passed it. The simple truth is that Federal Courts in North Carolina do not set any bail. If you are arrested for a federal offense in North Carolina you are either out on an Appearance Bond or you sit in jail until your trial, which is usually over a year for serious offenses such as counterfeiting and murder. Given such a stern "choice," I "chose" the Appearance Bond with all its encumbering terms and am forced to close the Liberty Dollar until I am acquitted. I trust you can commiserate with my "decision."
My most heartfelt thanks for your support of the Liberty Dollar at its hour of need and in face of such uncertainty. You have been WONDERFUL and I am deeply grateful for your support.
With your continued help we can win this case!
I am represented by: Deke Falls
Kevin Innes is represented by: Claire J. Rauscher
Sarah Bledsoe is represented by: Joe von Kallist
Rachelle Moseley is represented by: Matthew Pruden

2. Pending Orders

I regret that your pending order is delayed. We are pursuing legal action so we can fill all orders placed before the Judge issued the Oral Order. I will contact you if you placed an order after the Oral Order of July 6. Your continued patience would be greatly appreciated as we give this our best shot. IF YOU PAID WITH A CREDIT/DEBIT CARD - PLEASE DO NOT CHARGE BACK OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER WITH YOUR CARD COMPANY… AS THIS WILL HAVE A DISASTROUS EFFECT ON THE LIBERTY DOLLAR. If you must cancel your order, please email me and I will contact you personally. We are working on this matter and will resolve it ASAP. I will also send an email to you as soon as I know when you can expect your order.
3. Please Donate Something

Now, if you think that the Liberty Dollar case is vitally important to the future of free
market money that is value based, especially honest money of just weights and measures, then I invite and encourage you to take action. No, you don't have to "get involved." All you need to do is send something. Money in any form is good or anything we can sell on eBay is OK too. While the government has to pay for our defense, we still have to cover transportation and expenses for meetings with our attorneys and the trial. If you prefer value based, private money that appreciates vs. depreciating fiat government money - please do something to support the Liberty Dollar. Please note: Any donation is not for the Legal Defense Fund as the Judge has barred us from raising funds for our defense because the government is paying for our defense. Sweet, eh? Please send your donations to Liberty Dollar, 527 N. Green River Road, Suite 158, Evansville IN 47715. Thanks again for your continued support.
4. Come to the Trial

Got a dog in this fight? My apologies if you are holding some of the Warehouse Receipts, had your property confiscated or have not received your order. I encourage you to plan now to come to the trial that most likely will be in the first part of 2010. As the government has been working on their case for two years, we need sufficient time to organize our case and schedule witnesses, etc. Plan now for a trial in January at the earliest and I will keep you informed via the monthly Liberty Dollar News as we count down to liberating the Liberty Dollar and returning your property.
5. Two News Articles

Several news articles have hit the press.
The Morning News - Springdale, Arkansas ran a story about the Ozark Hours that specifically pointed out that it was "Not A Liberty Dollar." That is probably a good thing.J Click HERE to read.
The Best of The S&A Digest- Weekend Edition ran an article that "…applaud the fact that a few Americans at least have gotten fed up enough with the government's funny money and done something about it." Click HERE to read the whole article.

6. US Debt Clock is Ticking

Have you been keeping an eye on the US Debt Clock? You should! Especially if you think the world is headed toward a runaway hyperinflationary depression. History is very compelling on this point. In fact, every hyperinflationary currency has ended in a dictator. Don't believe me? Just take a quick read of the independent opinions HERE. I also highly recommend reading: "Fiat Money Inflation in France" by Andrew Dickson White. It is short and super! Do you remember the stories of people using wheelbarrows of money to pay for dinner? Well, just consider this: A few months ago, one ounce of .999 fine silver cost about $12 USD just as it cost 12 German marks to buy one ounce of silver in January 1919. But just four years later in November 1923, when Hitler said he was going to CHANGE Germany, the same ounce of silver cost 543,750,000,000! Did those stubborn Germans protect their purchasing power from the hyperinflation? Hell no! Did they lose everything? Hell yes! Did Hitler change Germany? Yes! Makes one wonder how Obama will "change" America. So I urge you to protect yourself from government money! Buy silver!!! And keep buying silver until a sound value based monetary system returns to the market place. Americans and all the people of the world are being pushed towards a global runaway hyperinflationary depression. Not since the Fall of Rome and the 500 years of the Dark Ages has your money been in such danger of debasement. Don't believe me? Just check out the US Debt Clock.. Time is ticking and you are losing your purchasing power with every tick. Please take action - before it is too late!

7. On a Happy Note

Meanwhile, as the world economic system rushes towards a dynamic collapse… Judge Cayer also granted my request to escort my 90-year young mother to the Senior Olympics at Stanford University where she hopes to win some medals for swimming in the 90-94 age bracket - in spite of very tough competition. I will report the results next month.

8. Thank you

Thank you for your support, prayers, orders and on rare occasions - donations. I sincerely regret the government is wrongfully holding your property and causing difficulties in filling your order at this time. I will continue to work tirelessly to resolve these issues and secure the return of your property ASAP.

Closing Remarks:

Seems like we should do something to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Liberty Dollar on October 1. If you have any suggestions, other than filling your order and returning your property, please email them to me.

Again, my thanks for your continued support. These are tough times and it takes tough people to bring about a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" and throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I wanted to pick and example of how TPers pick and choose their historical facts, I couldn't do much better than if I picked von Nuthouse's discussion of how silver cost a certain amount in 1919 Germany, and so much more in November 1923, when Hitler and the Nazis attempted their putsch in Bavaria (not in Berlin). Hey, Bernie -- ya think that some other historical processes might have been operating at the time? Ya think that even the dullest college student taking a course in 20th century European history could find, maybe, a few other things going on at the time?

No, I thought not. The truth is so inconvenient sometimes....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

BTW, the info from their newsletter than you made available for us in not on the front page of their site.

I have been a supporter of metals backed money for years. For a long while I thought Liberty was doing a great job, and considered getting involved with them. I'm glad I didn't.

Rather than offering economic $olution for Americans I see jealousy, and a very selective mode of focus/acknowledgement.

.."The question is: Are you going to allow the government money to deprive your family of its purchasing power and become an indebted monetary slavery or are you going to take action and help us win? This is your opportunity to take a stand for a value based private voluntary barter currency vs. government money made out of fowl hot air."

Such a bias and selective/jealous POV, and how wrong they are. They fail to acknowledge our dual monetary system, FRN's and GaSE's (lol...i couldn't resist!)

They make it sound like they are the only metals backed money around.......LMAO! And for that reason alone I have a very hard time respecting them.

Demosthenes, I have to make an *exception* in regards to these folks, they think we're a bunch of dumb ba$tards! lol From the content of our pm's, I'm sure you know what I mean.
Tax Man

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Tax Man »

If you have any suggestions, other than filling your order and returning your property, please email them to me.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by LPC »

Bernard von NotHaus wrote:Who is suffering the biggest and most pervasive monetary losses?
People who bought Liberty Dollars?
Dan Evans
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by grixit »

Hitler liked to drink beer. Anyone who likes to drink beer today must be as bad as Hitler.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by notorial dissent »

Von Nutbert wrote: It is with a very heavy heart that I regret to inform you that I have suspended (closed) the Liberty Dollar operation… until I am acquitted.
Yeah, right, like that is going to happen!!!!! In your world of delusion, maybe, in reality, ain’t a gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!

Trust me....
As if.

At the Prosecutor's insistence, Judge Cayer issued an Oral Order: (Restricted)Setting Conditions of Release with additional condition: * Defendants shall not circulate or aid in the circulation of any coins or currency in relation to the Liberty Dollar Operation* by Magistrate Judge David S. Cayer on 7/6/09.
Gee, imagine that, they don’t want you violating the counterfeit and currency laws while you are waiting trial on charges of same, what an awesome inconvenience for you.

I trust you can commiserate with my "decision."
My preference would have been for you to rot in jail where you will be less likely to cause any more problems, lucky you, they didn’t ask me.

With your continued help we can win this case!
Only in the unlikely event that the world comes to an end before you come to trial, and odds are it won’t.

You don’t say!!!!! I think disastrous is too mild a term, think more in the lines of catastrophic and you will be closer.

Money in any form is good or anything we can sell on eBay is OK too.
How about some of those “inflation proof” liberty dollars you were selling and were such wonderful hedges???? No... Didn’t think so.

Please send your donations to Liberty Dollar...
Gee, I didn’t know LD was a certified charity, bet the IRS would be interested in that, additional income that is, that has never been properly reported. Bet the court will be even more interested since you are violating the court order by having your front collect money for you after you were told not to.
In conclusion Bernie, it looks like you cows have come home to roost, and roosting cows make an awful mess, to go along with the stuff you’ve been peddling for far too long.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by wserra »

Please note this is not exactly what the Judge said in court, this is the written record, so upon leaving the courtroom I thought the Liberty Dollar was still secure even though the Judge's wording was vague. But it should not be any surprise to you that vagueness could be deliberately used against me.
Although I can't prove it, this strikes me as highly dubious - that the oral order on the docket was not what the M-J said in court. Still, there is always the record. From his account, it appears that von Nuthaus consented to a bond package, then claims that he received something in the docket order that was more restrictive than that to which he consented. If that is the case - well, the order came from a Magistrate Judge. It is thus appealable to the DJ. Order the transcript of the bond hearing and appeal it. My guess is that this isn't happening for a reason.

I note in passing the irony of the taxpayers paying for the defense. My guess is that they will use real money.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:it looks like you cows have come home to roost
A new, and potentially quite useful, mixed metaphor.

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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by LPC »

Nuthaus wrote:Who is suffering the biggest and most pervasive monetary losses? U.S. households have lost the most: $1.39 trillion in the third and fourth quarters of 2007... a gigantic $10.89 trillion in 2008... $1.33 trillion in the first quarter of 2009... $13.87 trillion at the end of March 2009 - by far these are the worst household losses of all times with equally massive consequences for 2010.
This is deceptive, if not outright dishonest.

By "monetary losses," Nuthaus should be talking about inflation, but he's not, because the Consumer Price Index actually went DOWN in 2008. (The CIP for all urban consumers rose from 211 in January to 220 in July, but then sank to 210 in December.) So the dollar actually rose in value in 2008.

So what "monetary losses" is he talking about? My guess is that he's talking about losses in value due to declines in the stock market and real estate. But those declines mean that dollars are worth more, not less.

Which simply proves (once again) that the guy is nothing but a con man who will say anything to dupe the marks. If prices go up, it means that we're suffering from inflation and the problem is fiat money. If prices go down, the problem is still fiat money. And I'm sure that, if prices remain the same, the problem will be fiat money.
Nuthaus wrote:At the Prosecutor's insistence, Judge Cayer issued an Oral Order: (Restricted)Setting Conditions of Release with additional condition: * Defendants shall not circulate or aid in the circulation of any coins or currency in relation to the Liberty Dollar Operation* by Magistrate Judge David S. Cayer on 7/6/09. Please note this is not exactly what the Judge said in court, this is the written record, so upon leaving the courtroom I thought the Liberty Dollar was still secure even though the Judge's wording was vague.
I have difficulty imaging what the judge could have said in court that would have allowed Nuthaus to think that he could continue to sell the coins that he had been indicted for selling.

Nuthaus obviously thought he heard something "vague" that offered him some sort of loophole, but the judge either closed the loophole when he wrote down the order or the judge didn't actually say what Nuthaus thought he said.

My guess is that the prosecutor said something about selling "fake coins" or "phony money" and Nuthaus thought that might not apply to Liberty Dollars because they weren't being sold as "coins" or "money," but then the written order referred to Liberty Dollars by name, eliminating whatever vagueness Nuthaus thought might exist.
Canceling a purchase will adversely affect the value of pieces of metal?

I doubt it. I think that the real problem is that canceling credit card transactions will have a disastrous effect on Nuthaus himself, because he doesn't have enough money to repay the credit card companies if all pending orders are cancelled.

Which once again raises the question: If silver (and Liberty Dollars) are so valuable, why doesn't he just spend them himself? (Or melt them down and sell the silver?)

We all know the answer, but it looks like the marks haven't yet figured it out.
Nuthaus wrote:3. Please Donate Something

Now, if you think that the Liberty Dollar case is vitally important to the future of free
market money that is value based, especially honest money of just weights and measures, then I invite and encourage you to take action. No, you don't have to "get involved." All you need to do is send something. Money in any form is good or anything we can sell on eBay is OK too.
Do you really mean *ANY* form? So we can donate Liberty Dollars?

Bad Freudian slip there, because he just admitted that Liberty Dollars (which he has a bunch of already) aren't really a form of money.
Nuthaus wrote:If you prefer value based, private money ....
So now Liberty Dollars are "money" again? How rhetorically convenient.
Nuthaus wrote:I will continue to work tirelessly to resolve these issues and secure the return of your property ASAP.
And by "your property" I mean the Liberty Dollars you agreed to buy. Refunding the "depreciating fiat government money" you sent me by credit card, check, or currency is out of the question, and I will be stalling to keep that money for as long as I can.
Nuthaus wrote:Seems like we should do something to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Liberty Dollar on October 1. If you have any suggestions, other than filling your order and returning your property, please email them to me.
Or canceling your order and refunding your money. Nuthaus doesn't want to hear that "suggestion" either.
Dan Evans
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by fortinbras »

Is Von NotHaus getting a court-appointed (i.e., free to him) lawyer?? That would suggest that he has told the court he has no money, no property, etc. After running NORFED/LD for 11 years, he really has nothing socked away? And that the LD company has no money to try to vindicate their operations and their executives? Wow.

The fact is that, for many years, the LD/NORFED was relying on a Hawaiian lawyer. Not a very good lawyer, but he was willing to assure the public that everything about LD was in compliance with the law. Why isn't he here?

If Von NotHaus goes to prison it will be the first time someone "uttering" precious metal private coinage (as distinguished from outright counterfeiting) gets prosecuted and imprisoned, so this is a very interesting case. It is undoubtedly being watched by a bunch of others, such as the Lakota Free Bank with its silver wampum, et al. If he goes to prison Von NotHaus will not have a good time of it; everyone - cons and guards - will assume that he has serious money stashed somewhere and will be trying to extort it from him.

I think Von NotHaus's best hope is that the NESARA flying saucer picks him up and whisks him away.

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Nikki »

Why is everyone so negative?

For everyone, except possibly Von Nutcake, this is a major VICTORY :!:

Libbies have ceased to be a commodity and have now become a fixed-issue collectors' item. As such, they can only increase in value.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:Why is everyone so negative?

For everyone, except possibly Von Nutcake, this is a major VICTORY :!:

Libbies have ceased to be a commodity and have now become a fixed-issue collectors' item. As such, they can only increase in value.
Whether or not they increase in value -- at least numismatically -- depends on the demand for these tokens. There are a lot of low-mintage coins out there which can be bought at junk-box prices because there is almost no demand for them. In the case of silver Liberty Dollars, I'll bet that most of them will eventually wind up in the one-ounce silver bullion display cases of coin dealers.

Interestingly, there are over 100 of the silver and copper issues on eBay as I write; and at least one seller is still pushing the idea of using these tokens as money. A von Nuthouse disciple hoping to recover his losses, perhaps?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Nikki »

Perhaps, someday, the increase in value of the Libbies (other than the copper coins) will amount to enough to make them worth what the suck<<<< customers paid for them.

Who knows, it's even possible that by holding them long enough, they might even reach their face "value."

"Long enough", in this case, does not consider that the sun will someday go dark.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Lambkin »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:In the case of silver Liberty Dollars, I'll bet that most of them will eventually wind up in the one-ounce silver bullion display cases of coin dealers.
Hopefully most coin dealers will be smart enough to realize that libbies are not guaranteed to contain an ounce of silver. These coins are more appropriately viewed as an amusing wing-nut curiosity. You could make a nice belt out of them.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by fortinbras »

The day may come when someone subjects one of these LDs to metallurgical testing and discovers that it was all one big con for silver-clad lead or some such.

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by SteveSy »

wserra wrote:I note in passing the irony of the taxpayers paying for the defense. My guess is that they will use real money.
Considering the government stole millions in gold and silver from the warehouse I don't think the "taxpayers" lost, in fact it was quite profitable to steal all that bullion. The people who bought the gold and silver have lost far more to the government theft than ol' NotHaus could ever ever "over charged" them for. It wasn't even NotHaus's bullion, it belonged to people who legally purchased it but let's not let facts get in the way, right? What's important is that evil NotHaus isn't doing business. So what if a bunch of innocent people were ripped off by the government in the effort of completing that task.

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by Brandybuck »

As a free banking fan, I like the idea of privately minted coins and privately issued currency. But Nuthouse is still a nut. He goal was to fleece dimwitted. His coins were overpriced and of low quality. He tried to play both sides of the fence by claiming his coins were currency to one group and not currency to another.

23 years R&D for coins he doesn't even mint himself? WTF?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by jg »

SteveSy wrote:Considering the government stole millions in gold and silver from the warehouse I don't think the "taxpayers" lost, in fact it was quite profitable to steal all that bullion. The people who bought the gold and silver have lost far more to the government theft than ol' NotHaus could ever ever "over charged" them for. It wasn't even NotHaus's bullion, it belonged to people who legally purchased it but let's not let facts get in the way, right? What's important is that evil NotHaus isn't doing business. So what if a bunch of innocent people were ripped off by the government in the effort of completing that task.
Is there any evidence that amount was seized?
Do you understand that seizure is not stealing?

Your misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the seizure (whatever the amount) does not make it theft.
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato

Re: Liberty Dollar Closes

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

SteveSy wrote:
wserra wrote:I note in passing the irony of the taxpayers paying for the defense. My guess is that they will use real money.
Considering the government stole millions in gold and silver from the warehouse I don't think the "taxpayers" lost, in fact it was quite profitable to steal all that bullion. The people who bought the gold and silver have lost far more to the government theft than ol' NotHaus could ever ever "over charged" them for. It wasn't even NotHaus's bullion, it belonged to people who legally purchased it but let's not let facts get in the way, right? What's important is that evil NotHaus isn't doing business. So what if a bunch of innocent people were ripped off by the government in the effort of completing that task.
A few months ago I would have agreed with you, however, the dude broke federal law with the gold and silver.

Now...4give me as I'm going to rewrite what you said however I will replace the gold and silver with an illegal article and it will become evident the government is not stealing anything.

"Considering the government seized (stole) millions in automatic weapons from the warehouse I don't think the "taxpayers" lost, in fact it was quite profitable to seize (steal) all those weapons. The people who bought the weapons have lost far more to the government theft than ol' NotHaus could ever ever "over charged" them for. They weren't even NotHaus's weapons, they belonged to people who (illegally) purchased them but let's not let facts get in the way, right? What's important is that evil NotHaus isn't doing business. So what if a bunch of innocent people were ripped off by the government in the effort of completing that task."

Legal gold and silver turned into illegal currency is just as illegal as possessing automatic weapons without the proper licensing to do so. They are both federal offenses. Anyone purchasing such, for illegal purposes, (for use as an alternative 'legal tender') is involved in the illegal enterprise as well.