A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

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A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I wasn't sure whether this fell more under MLM or under Sovereign Citizens, but there's a Dave Gray Sr. in Canada who is spewing ads for a pyramid scheme lottery that promises "everyone earns guaranteed." And he's a pastor, to boot.

His known email addresses are:
admin@11-7to-a-million.com (his Paypal account)

So far, his biggest cheerleader appears to be one Tanya Tipton. Hmm.
Her history is pretty scammy from what I can see.

Anyone else know anything about Pastor Dave? Does he have a history too,
or is he a new loudmouth blaring in the void?
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Re: A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The words "affinity fraud" come immediately to mind.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by littleroundman »

"Pastor Dave" appears to be one of those "one man band, legend in his own mind" type pastors who runs his own "Pastor Daves' Christian Ministry" (PDCM) website/church online: http://www.wix.com/P_D_C_M/Home

His online "Sunday Service" ran out of steam back in June, according to his site.

His Paypal Donation button is still active, however, and defaults to a $3.00 donation for anyone who clicks it.

"Pastor Dave" offers no hint of where and how he achieved his "ordination into the clergy" and his site displays no permits to run "lotteries" or accept donations.

As Pottapaug1938 put it so succinctly: "The words "affinity fraud" come immediately to mind"
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Re: A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by wserra »

littleroundman wrote:"Pastor Dave" offers no hint of where and how he achieved his "ordination into the clergy"
He does, actually: "ALL the schooling I did was from home by correspondence". I somehow doubt that a real church ordains folks who have only studied "from home".

BTW, I'm sure you didn't know that I'm the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wes. ALL the schooling I did was from home by correspondence.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by littleroundman »

Ah, right, of course,

how silly of me.

I guess that must be where he learned how to become a "Microsoft Certified A+ Computer Technition" as well as a pastor.

Re: A lottery that guarantees everybody wins??

Post by bmielke »

wserra wrote:
littleroundman wrote:"Pastor Dave" offers no hint of where and how he achieved his "ordination into the clergy"
He does, actually: "ALL the schooling I did was from home by correspondence". I somehow doubt that a real church ordains folks who have only studied "from home".

BTW, I'm sure you didn't know that I'm the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wes. ALL the schooling I did was from home by correspondence.
IIRC in some pentacostal churches home schooling is ok. You have to have other qualifications. But then you aren't ordained rather you are certified to preach. But it has been several years since I sparred with a pentacostal on the subject.