Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

Were I marketing Yoli - God forbid - I don't think I would welcome an endorsement from the "American Anti-Cancer Institute". It didn't exist in 2008. Two guys with no medical background at all run it (the boss has a background in "sales and marketing", which is a hint-and-a-half as to what they're about). In addition to Yoli, it endorses some, well, unusual therapies. You think shining a heat lamp on somebody helps cure cancer? How about running an electric current through them? They do (link from their site). As those guys put it, "Ideally, before persons with cancer seek chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, they should consult an alternative or complementary physician". Hey, why not just take a car battery to the beach?

These guys actually never met a quack "therapy" they didn't like. Click here for a virtual Who's Who of Cancer Hooey.

BTW, Yoli, don't get jealous, but they also endorse Noni. I wonder what it may be that gets folks their endorsement?
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Thule »

wserra wrote:Were I marketing Yoli - God forbid - I don't think I would welcome an endorsement from the "American Anti-Cancer Institute". [url= ... y_id=26226] ... As those guys put it, "Ideally, before persons with cancer seek chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, they should consult an alternative or complementary physician". Hey, why not just take a car battery to the beach?
I find their disclaimer interesting.
This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment or advice of a qualified, licensed professional. This site offers medical data and informs about alternative medical options. No one should consider that this site represents the "practice of medicine." This site assumes no responsibility for how the material herein is used.
Sooo, you should consider mistletoe as a treatment before you go through chemo etc. But at the same time mistletoe is not a substiture for treatment.

Mammography is evil, the sun does not cause skin cancer and medical companies push useless cures in the interest of profit. More or less every article on their page claims that the traditional treatments are useless, or more dangerous than the disease. At the same time, be sure to use qualified, licensed professionals.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

Greg Caton is back from Ecuador to the friendly confines (literally - he's in jail) of the Western District of Louisiana. The hearing on the revocation of his supervised release is scheduled for March 17. He applied for and received court-appointed counsel, so his victims are paying for his defense.

Of course, if accused indigent murderers and rapists are entitled, so is Caton. I suppose.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

The violation hearing began as scheduled this past Wednesday, but didn't finish. It will wrap up on Monday. Caton admitted to the failure to report - duh, he split to Ecuador - but claimed unspecified "mitigating circumstances". According to his lawyer, he will testify Monday. This should be good.

He denied the most serious violation - continuing to sell noxious crap to desperate people. That would seem a difficult position, given just the contents of this thread.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

Last week, Caton was sentenced to serve an additional two years, on top of his original sentence. At Caton's direction, his lawyer filed a notice of appeal. On the same day, he moved to be relieved from further representation.

Bye, Greg. May you learn something this time.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by schoonma »

Have ANY of you SERIOUSLY done any homework about Greg Canton and what has happened to him? By reading most of your responses, I think not! Wondering if you are not working for the FDA....

Greg Canton was given PERMISSION to fly to and from Ecuador....this man is in jail for selling HERBS people, though BIG Pharma can sell Viox, which has KILLED 60,000 people before the FDA decided to pull it off of the market.

The women who sued Greg Canton and the other gentlement (name??) wrote in her deposition that she cut off her nose with embroidery sheers!!

We as Americans should be outraged that the FDA can come into our homes and/or businesses, arrest us, hold us at gunpoint, ransack our homes, etc.

There was a homeschooling Mom who was feeding RAW milk to her ANIMALS and the FDA came into her home, held her and her children AT GUNPOINT confiscated her home computer and trashed her home....MORE THAN ONCE!!

We are losing our liberties EVERY DAY but you sheeple refuse to believe that the good 'ol USA is perfect and is protecting us....another perfect example is the FDA passing the Genetically Modified Salmon, do you know the potential damage this can cause our NATURAL Salmon population? What about Monsanto and the fact that they are buying up PATENTS TO SEEDS!! Wake up people!

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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Thule »

schoonma wrote:Have ANY of you SERIOUSLY done any homework about Greg Canton and what has happened to him? By reading most of your responses, I think not! Wondering if you are not working for the FDA....
He was convicted for possession of firearms, fraud and selling quack medicine. Feel free to elaborate.
schoonma wrote:Greg Canton was given PERMISSION to fly to and from Ecuador....this man is in jail for selling HERBS people, though BIG Pharma can sell Viox, which has KILLED 60,000 people before the FDA decided to pull it off of the market.
"Flying to and from" is an interesting way to describe "moving and refusing to come back". But what the hey. He was on supervised release. I suspect that you need something in writing if you wish to leave the US while on supervised release. Feel free to post this permisson, but I won't hold my breath.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

[Wiping spittle off board.]
schoonma wrote:Have ANY of you SERIOUSLY done any homework about Greg Canton
Well, yes. To start with, his name is "Caton".
Greg Canton was given PERMISSION to fly to and from Ecuador
That's true. He just had a little trouble complying with the "from" part.
this man is in jail for selling HERBS people
Well, no. He is now in jail because he absconded. He originally went to jail because he sold stuff that burned people's skin off, claiming that it cured cancer.
We as Americans should be outraged that the FDA can come into our homes and/or businesses, arrest us, hold us at gunpoint, ransack our homes, etc.
Well, they can't. At least unless you sell stuff that burns people's skin off, claiming that it cures cancer.
There was a homeschooling Mom who was feeding RAW milk to her ANIMALS and the FDA came into her home, held her and her children AT GUNPOINT confiscated her home computer and trashed her home....MORE THAN ONCE!!
No cite? Well, then, I'm sure you'll be interested to know that my great-aunt Tillie raises prize-winning tomatoes in her garden in the Sea of Tranquility. MORE THAN ONCE!!
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Emet »

schoonma wrote: There was a homeschooling Mom who was feeding RAW milk to her ANIMALS and the FDA came into her home, held her and her children AT GUNPOINT confiscated her home computer and trashed her home....MORE THAN ONCE!!
This is a true story. What is not widely known is that the FDA arrested Mrs. O'Leary, took her to their sooper seekret milk parlor interrogation facility, and milkboarded her.

Udderly shocking.


Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by bmielke »

schoonma wrote:There was a homeschooling Mom who was feeding RAW milk to her ANIMALS and the FDA came into her home, held her and her children AT GUNPOINT confiscated her home computer and trashed her home....MORE THAN ONCE!!
I did a little research into this when it was first posted. The only crime to be committed with raw milk is selling it across state lines. So we need a city and a name before I can even begin to buy this.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Cathulhu »

I automatically doubt anyone who writes WITH ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATIONS!!! It's the same as "if I yell loudest I win the debate".
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:I automatically doubt anyone who writes WITH ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATIONS!!! It's the same as "if I yell loudest I win the debate".
YEAH ME TOO!!!!! Seriously though, if there has been some miscarriage of Justice then I would like to know about it. If some mom was arrested for a noncrime then we should know about it.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by JamesVincent »

Hey guys. Someone sent me a link to this video by a group called NIA. They are predicting a hyper-inflation in the US within the next 2 years thanks to the policies by both sides of the fences, but being led by the Obamaman. It actually mentions the incident the unreturned critic had brought up in detail and it was 3 times they were overran by agents. ... r_embedded#

Dont know if I am a full subscriber to the whole shebang they are talking about but if was an interesting program to say the least. Oh, and the videos like 5 years long so its not a quick watch.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

An hour and fifteen minutes of bullshit? I didn't get past the troofer stuff in the first minute.

I really don't get the support for Caton. The guy is a straight-out profiteer who sold poison to desperate people. He got off easy.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Green Lantern »

schoonma wrote:....this man is in jail for selling HERBS people, though BIG Pharma can sell Viox, which has KILLED 60,000 people before the FDA decided to pull it off of the market.
I think there may be a leap in logic here, i.e., that since Vioxx is alleged to have killed people, "just herbs" should be allowed, encouraged, and supported.

I suppose oleander is just "an herb," too, nevertheless a poisonous herb. In fact, there are literally thousands of plants that are poisonous and many plants and supplements that, while relatively safe at minute doses become dangerous at higher doses (Brazil nuts--selenium, Vitamin A poisoning, iron--heavy metal poisoning, etc,).

Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by djt10 »

I found this site when I goggled Greg Caton. I wanted to find out if he was home yet. About 3 years ago I referred a couple of people with cancer to him, because besides providing the best-known escharotic salves in the last 200 years (it goes way back--in the early 1900's it was sold in drug stores, over the counter), he demands a very strict protocol be followed. The bloodroot in his salve DOES target cancer and other abnormal cells (the science:, but unless the cancer is an isolated event arising from an unhealed injury or something like that, the conditions that allow cancer to grow must also be changed, such as an acidic Ph and other factors. They both recovered. Now there's someone else who needs his help. My family has used black salve since 1986. We make our own, just as anyone can. Greg made a videotape with his formula and directions for the internet, free, for anyone to use. But ours came from another source. A friend of my husband was diagnosed with terminal, inoperable cancer around 1980. Someone gave her a treatment that come from a 150-year-old book owned by a chiropractor. She recovered, and started helping others until she was threatened with prison for "practicing medicine without a license". The newspaper covered the story, treating it like quack medicine, but they also included the formula and directions in 1981, so a lot of people make and use their black salve in our area. In my own family we've treated things most people never would have dreamed of using it. I've used it several times myself. If you can stomach looking at some gory photos, I documented my own treatment on my website, By the way, that is an information only site. I don't sell anything, refuse advertising, and have never profited financially in any way from researching and writing about health issues and alternative medicine.

Greg Caton is one of my heroes.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

djt10 wrote:I found this site when I goggled Greg Caton. I wanted to find out if he was home yet. About 3 years ago I referred a couple of people with cancer to him, because besides providing the best-known escharotic salves in the last 200 years (it goes way back--in the early 1900's it was sold in drug stores, over the counter), he demands a very strict protocol be followed. The bloodroot in his salve DOES target cancer and other abnormal cells (the science:, but unless the cancer is an isolated event arising from an unhealed injury or something like that, the conditions that allow cancer to grow must also be changed, such as an acidic Ph and other factors. They both recovered. Now there's someone else who needs his help. My family has used black salve since 1986. We make our own, just as anyone can. Greg made a videotape with his formula and directions for the internet, free, for anyone to use. But ours came from another source. A friend of my husband was diagnosed with terminal, inoperable cancer around 1980. Someone gave her a treatment that come from a 150-year-old book owned by a chiropractor. She recovered, and started helping others until she was threatened with prison for "practicing medicine without a license". The newspaper covered the story, treating it like quack medicine, but they also included the formula and directions in 1981, so a lot of people make and use their black salve in our area. In my own family we've treated things most people never would have dreamed of using it. I've used it several times myself. If you can stomach looking at some gory photos, I documented my own treatment on my website, By the way, that is an information only site. I don't sell anything, refuse advertising, and have never profited financially in any way from researching and writing about health issues and alternative medicine.

Greg Caton is one of my heroes.
So much to refute, so little time. I'll just say this: unless you can document what you claim with a LOT more than self-serving anecdotes, I'm calling BS on this one, and saying that you are no better than any fan of quackery.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I wanted to sell a quack cure for cancer, I'd come up with some innocuous concoction and sell it to 10,000 cancer patients, for a nominal sum, and guarantee the results. I'd have to refund a bunch of money; but some patients would show improvement. To them, I'd sell concoction #2, at a higher price, to "keep up the prevention". Again, I'd have to refund money to the heirs of those for whom my "treatment" was ineffective; but for those who remained alive, I'd come up with yet another concoction, and repeat the process.

To those who remained alive after taking my first three concoctions, I'd come up with concoction #4 and sell it for an astronomical price, claiming that this improved "medicine" would guarantee a long, cancer-free life to them. Once all the checks cleared, I'd quickly close up shop, skiptown quickly and head, with my ill-gotten gains, to somewhere that either had no extradition treaty with the US or had bribable officials who would allow me to stay there with my Zooey Deschanel clone.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by wserra »

djt10 wrote:I found this site when I goggled Greg Caton. I wanted to find out if he was home yet.
It appears that he was released three days ago. And, while we're flattered, BOP is a better source for such things.
About 3 years ago I referred a couple of people with cancer to him,
How thoughtful of you. I'm sure they appreciate it. Now, not only will they die from the cancer, but their corpses will look like extras in Night of the Living Dead. Sort of the opposite of palliative care - make your last days as agonizing as possible by burning your skin off.
because besides providing the best-known escharotic salves in the last 200 years
Is that anything like "providing the best-known homeopathic remedies in the last 200 years"? The best-known divining rods? Foil hats?
(it goes way back--in the early 1900's it was sold in drug stores, over the counter),
So were cocaine, heroin, opium, morphine, amphetamines, barbiturates, pot and methaqualone (Quaalude). Powerful solutions of morphine were advertised as treatments for infants' teething pain. "Tonics" containing high concentrations of alcohol were marketed for all kinds of ailments, including infants'. And then there's tobacco . . .
he demands a very strict protocol be followed.
Pay him, then burn your skin off.
The bloodroot in his salve DOES target cancer and other abnormal cells
Well, of course it does. It also targets and destroys normal skin cells. The primary agent is the alkaloid sanguinarine. There is absolutely nothing about it that targets only "abnormal" cells.
If that's your idea of "science", you need to put on a pointy hat and go around waving a wand. Not only is it a collection of unverifiable anecdotes, you ("D.J. Thompson", from a DNS search of the domain) mainly quote yourself ("DJT"). Your "cure" for skin cancers? Burn your skin off, then get the "negativity" out of your life. Thank you, but I'll stick with real medicine, which not only is over 90 percent effective with non-metastasized (please note correct spelling) tumors but leaves little to no scarring.

I really don't see the point, though, of carrying on a scholarly debate with someone who believes that insurance salesman Harry Hoxsey was one of the greatest healers of the day. Or that convicted felon Greg Caton is a "hero".
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Greg Caton - Cure For Cancer?

Post by djt10 »

Your ignorance is a sad thing. I'm a a licensed teacher, investigative researcher and writer, published author, and I specialize in alternative cancer treatments. Not for money--my stomach cancer was cured by a naturopathic doctor in 1979, and that set me on a path of research and writing out of a sense of obligation to help others. Salve didn't come along until several years later, and we used it ourselves before I ever went public with it in 2003. He became known as a "naturopathic oncology pioneer" and had a cure rate unknown to conventional medicine. I observed for 2 1/2 years as a lay student so I could write about it, so I saw it happen first hand. This business about "burning" tissues is utter nonsense. Salve won't react unless there is abnornal tissue, and they don't have to be on the surface. I tried to remove a couple of benign moles with it and the salve just sat there and did nothing. I used it on a friend who thought she had a tumor. All it did was turn the skin pinkish. Properly made escharotics do not cause a reaction when there are no aberrant tissues. It turned out she did have a tumor, but it was benign. No cancer at all. As for the people I referred to Greg Caton, they are very much alive and well, as are all the people i know who have used salves, but like I said, we follow a protocol also, to change the body chemistry that produced the cancer in the first place, detoxing, which is essential, with glandular and nutrient support, and Identifying harmful foods and products that cause illness or deter healing. Have you ever actually studied cancer statistics? The overall "cure" rate using conventional cancer treatment modalities (combining all stats) is around 2.3 percent. That is based on a 5 year survival rate. Some superficial skin cancers are very curable, but most people die from their more serious cancers sooner or later, because modern cancer treatments are almost worthless and definitely harmful. The "war on cancer" has failed miserably, by government acknowledgment. There is more cancer now then when it began around 1972. In 1900, one out of 100 people died from cancer, and it was usually the very young, feeble, or elderly. Now it's over 1/3 of the population and rising. By the way, the survival rate for "spontaneous" healing with no treatment is around 5%, so unless you have one of those easily cured superficial cancers (with no roots) that won't proliferate after it is cut into with cancer cells released into the bloodstream, you are statistically better off doing nothing. Radiation destroys tissues indiscriminately and chemo wipes out the immune system and poisons the body. You can't poison a person back into a state of health. Sometimes people get lucky and the cancer is isolated to an organ that can be removed, encapsulated in tumors, but these have roots and regrow themselves. Bloodroot is specific to cancer and other yeast like cells, science has verified that, and it not only dissolves the cancers but kills the roots. It's the morbid material from die-off and toxins that comes to the surface and forms the eschar (scab), not burned tissues. Once the body has cleaned house, the roots on the scab rot and it falls off and the eschar falls off. We use a second salve (also made at home) that draws more pus and debris out, and the hole fills in and heals. No infection, ever. Do you think scabs from "burns" have roots? I photographed mine by lifting the edge so people could see the roots that it was attached by. It's on the website. In fact, I broke roots off in the process and had to do it again to get it all. My leg is fine now, after 15 years of pain after getting a serious soft tissue injury in my thigh that never completely healed. I used a bloodroot paste on my dog first, because we didn't have the zinc chloride that makes it into a salve yet, and helps the bloodroot penetrate into deeper tissues. It had an external tumor by the anus. The paste, which was just bloodroot powder and water, turned the tumor gray and started rotting it away. But the dog kept biting at her behind and I couldn't keep the paste on it, so I finally took her to the vet to have the rest of it removed. She came back with an incision clear to the end of the tail. That's how far he had to go to get the tumor root out. That's the problem with surgery--they can't chase roots, they release cancers sells into the blood, and they don't change the body chemistry which allowed cancer to develop. Then my husband was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. He came back from Vietnam alcoholic and drug addicted. He'd seen most of his family die from cancer following conventional treatments, so he insisted on trying the salve. We got the ingredients (it would cost you 4-5 times as much now to make the salve as to buy a jar of it made up) and he did it. We didn't even do it over the liver. There's a point on the groin suggested as a general site of application if it's internal without being pinpointed. It reacted and he went through the whole process which takes about 3 weeks. He was diagnosed at the Walla Walla WA Vet's hospital and was there for rehab, but it didn't take for very long. He felt so much better after the salve treatment that he got cocky. He was still smoking pot, started drinking again and so over the next few years we did several treatments. On the third treatment about 6 years later, it triggered a massive detox. He was passing black tarry material through the bowels as well as what was draining from the salve area, got sick as a dog, couldn't even keep water down, so we went to the naturopath who verified he was just detoxing. She gave him liver glandulars to support the cleansing and healing process. It passed in a few days and he was like a new person. It also caused a testicular fluid-filled pouch (from an injury) to drain, and it resulted in other things healing. You can feel the "pulling" sensation internally to know where the bloodroot is reacting to sick tissues. It even healed up some gnarled tissues on his leg where a life-threatening infection (caused by a vaccine) had been treated with antibiotics and never healed right. The tissues softened up and it's completely normal now. It also cleared up a fungal infection in his lungs caused by antibiotics. The scars are almost faded away now, like on my leg. They heal a lot better than surgical scars. He went back to the VA hospital for a second round of rehab, there was no more liver disease found, and he's now sober. But he's got a nasty-looking mole spreading behind his ear, so we're going to do a salve treatment on it very soon. I already removed another cancerous looking mole on him a few years ago. But, as I said, it didn't do diddly for my normal moles. Around 2002, my only granddaughter contracted meningoccol infection which has a 50% mortality rate often with brain or other damage in survivors. She recovered, but the massive antibiotic doses led to a fungal infection on her head which can cause complete, permanent baldness and disfiguration. The conventional treatment is drugs which can do liver damage. "Death" is listed as a side effect. Instead, I applied salve the the half dozen areas, and they reacted immediately. It completely healed up and her hair grew back in except for two spots where the scabs came off prematurely when she washed her hair. That left her with two little round hairless areas. Take a look at what this type of infection can do with conventional treatment. In 2003 I treated a small lump under my lower lip, beside the chin. It went crazy and drained thick white foamy material. At that time I had a lot of tooth pain and a couple of abscessed teeth due for a root canal. After it healed up, no more tooth abscesses and no more pain. The small lump must have been connected to the infection in my teeth and jaw. It did leave a little crescent shaped flat white scar which I don't like. I wouldn't use salve on my face if I had a bad cancer there, particularly if it had spread to underlying tissues. We use salves because it quick, cheap and effective. If it was a larger area on my face, I'd go back to the naturopath or use bloodroot pills. Some even put tiny amounts of the salve in capsules and take them internally, but we haven't done that. By the way, they used salve in the Philippines and saw how affective it was and it is now mainstream medicine there, used by licensed medical doctors. In my extended family, I'm the only one who has suffered any appreciable pain, and that was in my thigh. It felt like a claw hammer scraping the entire length of my thigh muscle, and the only pain meds I had access to were aspirins. Doctors can go to prison for prescribing pain meds if they know you're doing a salve treatment. Harry Hoxsey saved a lot of lives and had clinics all around the country. The head of the FDA at the time tried to buy his formula (I think his name was Fishbein, or something like that). Hoxey agreed to give it to him with one stipulation--that those who couldn't afford it be treated free. The director refused and was denied the formulas (not bloodroot--he used other things), after which the FDA destroyed him and closed down his clinics. But there was a big medical facility--Nichols Sanatorium--which documented many salve cures. A few pictures and stories, Caton rebuttal, ... eparations Go ahead and stick with allopathic medicine if you really have faith in "conventional cancer therapy". I stopped believing in those fairy tales decades ago in favor of treatments and protocols that actually work.