Found a new one.

Talk about the Nigerian 4-1-9 scam in all its many variations, such as bogus checks sent from Nigeria to purchase used cars in the U.S. and many other variations of this scam.
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Found a new one.

Post by JamesVincent »

I got a new one. This was actually sent to me on my IM Faceplate account which is a social media service like Facebook.

Dear, Greeting to you, I am Barrister Joseph Thomas, A solicitor at law and personal attorney to my client a citizen of your country; he was my client for many years. He own a Cement Companies here in Togo, on the 12th June 2005, my client and his family was involve in a plane crash on their way travelling for holidays. Therefore last week a mandate was issued to me by the bank were my late client made a fix deposit, the bank inform me to provide the relative of my late client before 21st working days or otherwise they will confiscate his fund as unclaimed inheritance hence he was deceased and his bank account was dormant. I have made several inquiries at your embassies to locate any of my client extended relatives, this has been proved unsuccessful. Therefore after several attempts to locate the relatives of my late client I decided to utilize this life time opportunity by contacting you to stand as his relative hence you bear the same last name with him because i saw your profile on this site and repatriate his funds valued at US$9.3Million (Nine Million, Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) which he deposited with the bank here in Togo. Meanwhile I contacted you on this issue to apply as the relative of the deceased and repatriate the inheritance fund, then on the conclusion of the inheritance claim, I suggested that our sharing ratio will be 50/50, but if you have any opinion concern the sharing ratio kindly indicate it on your response. I expect your urgent response through my direct email box ( for more information Barrister Joseph Thomas, Droit Et Justice Chambre Togo.

When you go to Mr. Thomas's profile low and behold it has no content, no pics, no email and no references.

Will forward on to appropriate authorities on faceplate but I wonder if this indicates a new trend in the scams. They will be using social media sites. Anyone else gotten something like this in Facebook?
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"

Re: Found a new one.

Post by bmielke »

Here is a response

Dear Mr. Thomas,

Thank you for your kind email. This sounds like a fantastic opertunity. However I live in Takeallmy Moneybeeoch, Tennessee. We have an upfront inheritance tax of $300,000 USD. Prior to me entering into this deal with you I will require $300,000 up front. I am taking a huge risk, it is not widely reported, but there is an insurrection here in Takeallmy Moneybeeoch, Tennessee, while I have no doubt that the forces of good will eventually prevail currently the forces of evil are in control, should they find out about my eindfall they will confiscate it, I can avoid this by paying $250,000 USD in bribes. I will also need that up front. Finally it just doesn't seem right that I risk my life for the 50% of the remainder, therefore I would demand that we split the rest 90% to me 10% to you.

If I am to make a difference in the current situation I will need the money with in 5 businessdays please hurry.


John Thomas Willy
Commander Rebel Forces Takeallmy Moneybeeoch, Tennessee