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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

JamesVincent wrote:It doesnt matter when you sign up, the first ones in can still only make so much. probably in another 2 years the company will be making good money when people start hitting that cap.
Let's look at an example of what happens in two years. Bob is the first guy to sign up. At the end of two years, he recruits 24 people. At the end of the same period, each of those people would have recruited 23 (for a total of 552 people in Bob's downline), and each of those people would have recruited 22 (for a total of 12,144 people in Bob's downline), etc. At the end of 12 months, Bob's hit the limit on the amount of tiers he can get and now has 322,543,702,379,053,000 people in his pyramid. Since I previously calculated that Bob gets $1.50 for each of those autoships, and assuming that everyone autoships $60 a month, Bob earns $483,815,553,568,579,000 in his 24th month. Of course, if he wants to keep earning that, he's got to snag some gold tickets so he can keep recruiting. Otherwise his massive commission check dwindles to $100.

But wait, that's not all! He's still got that second part of the silver compensation plan coming to him. That's based on the total number of people who signed up after you. Since Bob came first, not only does that include everyone in his pyramid, but extra 12 tiers as well for a total of 4,146,300,142,711,080,000,000,000,000,000,000 people. According to the world population clock, there are 6,895,576,846 in the world. According to my figures, assuming everyone recruits one a month, one24 will exceed the world's population between the seventh and eighth month of operation. At which point, everyone's commission check gets cut back to $100 since there's no one left to recruit. Since everyone autoships $60 per month (close to $70 after S&H), we'll all be making out about $30 per month.

Granted not everyone will recruit one a month, which the gold ticket program totally fixes. Also, it enables Bob's pyramid to get wider than 24.

Now, I must disclaim that I wasn't present in school when they covered this, so I'm not 100% sure on my figures. Whether I am or not, they really need to do a SyFy movie on world domination via MLM. It'd be sucktasically awesome. Who's their go-to B actor these days? It looks like they ditched Stephen Baldwin a while ago.
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Re: one24

Post by JamesVincent »

Actually the cap is $100k/ month. Once you hit that goal there really is no reason to continue recruiting. Buy the product and deal with the residual. The example the company uses is 3 people total recruited. If you recruit 3 people, whom recruit 3 each, whom them recruit 3 etc etc their estimate is you hit $100k commision in 16 months, well before you run out of tickets. The company has been averaging about 30% growth per month so far, not an exponential break like most MLMs. If you dont use your ticket and it doesnt get used in the gold rush it recycles so you dont lose it altogether. Ive only used 1 ticket and still have 23 waiting to be used when active. Now there is a separate cap for gold tickets at $100k/ month so if you take gold tickets during the gold rush you split the commision and bonuses with the person whos ticket you took. If your a superstar and want to recruits 100s per month you can. You want to dabble and go for the one per month you can. The company will be the overall winner in the end, as in any business plan. But individuals will be able to do what they do how they want to do it and still make out. And they have been around about 8 months now, since the went public in July I believe. There are people now making around $30k/ month at it so the plan works for them. Of course if you want to go hard core, when you get down to your 10th or so tier, place your wive or husband. Then you can start the cycle all over again.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

JamesVincent wrote:Actually the cap is $100k/ month.
I re-looked at the comp plan and you're right - there's a cap of $100k/month. But, it's only on the Green compensation plan - there's no mention of this cap applying to anything else. Bob would still earn massive dough off the second part of the silver plan - which is comprised of earning off everyone who signed up after you.
Once you hit that goal there really is no reason to continue recruiting. The example the company uses is 3 people total recruited. If you recruit 3 people, whom recruit 3 each, whom them recruit 3 etc etc their estimate is you hit $100k commision in 16 months, well before you run out of tickets.
Except the problem lies in the unused tickets. When the 24th of 17th month comes along and you didn't use that 17th ticket then they give it away in the gold rush and all you get is $100 for a commission check that month. Witness:
Compensation Plan wrote:“The Gold Rush”
  • Happens on the 24th of each month
  • All unused Green Tickets are made available for you to ‘grab’
  • These are classified as ‘Gold Tickets’
    • Bonus is equally split with the original Green Ticket holder, up to the first $200 (e.g. $100/$100)
    • You receive all of the remaining bonuses beyond
I guarantee you that if my handsomely valued ticket goes up, someone's going to snatch it and they get $99,900 of my money - leaving me with a measly $100.
The company has been averaging about 30% growth per month so far, not an exponential break like most MLMs.
Well, I wouldn't say any MLM actually grows exponentially. I mean, they'd all love to, but they don't. One24 does at least try to limit growth, but it's really not much of a limit. What if everyone recruited really did recruit one person every month? They'd exceed the world's population inside a year.
If you dont use your ticket and it doesnt get used in the gold rush it recycles so you dont lose it altogether. Ive only used 1 ticket and still have 23 waiting to be used when active.
Wait, it didn't get snapped up in the gold rush? Part of me says this is not a good sign of health for the company. Let me explain the depth of my brain puddle. There are more unused tickets than there are people interested in having them. But why? Is it because people signed up and aren't doing anything except auto-shipping and accruing tickets? Is it because people aren't able to recruit even one person a month? Do all the high value tickets go first leaving only those which would net the ticket grabber crap commission?

If it's a yes on that last one, you can only trust that your tickets would recycle until your commission starts climbing to a more attractive value.
Now there is a separate cap for gold tickets at $100k/ month so if you take gold tickets during the gold rush you split the commision and bonuses with the person whos ticket you took.
I don't see that in the compensation plan. The only cap they mention is on the Greens. Do they list that somewhere on the site?
If your a superstar and want to recruits 100s per month you can. You want to dabble and go for the one per month you can.
Not arguing that. Only want to point out that the bare minimum is one per month or you lose any commission over $100. Which would totally suck if you're focusing on pushing product rather than pushing membership.
Of course if you want to go hard core, when you get down to your 10th or so tier, place your wive or husband. Then you can start the cycle all over again.
Actually, some MLMs prohibit recruiting someone in the same household. I'm looking now. OH MY GOD IS THE SITE SLOW. I mean, yeah, my laptop is eight years old but for crying out loud everything else is loading fine. Wait, it's back. One24 doesn't prohibit recruiting a husband or wife. Ha. Corps, partnerships and trusts can become PCs, too. Why, if I were a sort with money to waste and the maturity of a three-year-old, I'd totally register a bunch of corporations, have them all sign up under each other, and just do the autoship just to see how long it takes one24 to figure out that they're being scammed. Nah, too much work. Also, it wouldn't really help the economy. Maybe I'd compile a list of people who'd like to earn $100 per month (to cover the autoship, the S&H, and a little something for their time to add the new recruit) and I'd make the pyramidingest pyramid to end all pyramids and everyone would be happy because they wouldn't be spending anything out of pocket, they could keep whatever commission they have coming to them and I would be handing them all their recruits.

I would be their god. And they would worship me.
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Re: one24

Post by littleroundman »

I just love the way these fraudsters use the word "just" to divert attention away from the fundamental flaw in their scam.

Forget all the mathematical gibberish.

Let's go back to the "JUST get three people who JUST get three people" bit for a minute.

Perhaps one of the apologists for the "JUST" brigade could "JUST" explain the mathematics behind how many signups are required for all 30,000 "members" to be able to make money ??
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Re: one24

Post by JamesVincent »

Web, its not on the website and they took the full gold plan down to redo it. They added in a bonus for people who do enroll in gold since you do lose 50% of the upfront commision. The $100k covers any commisions or bonuses, its the total you can earn per month on green or gold. The green and the silver are combined for the purpose of the cap as far as I understand so the $100k is a total cap. And a rate of 30% growth it would take a long, long time to get to the population of the United States, much less the world. It is a very slow, slow growth no matter how many hotrods want to slam people into it. Since it automatically limits itself it doesnt experience the growth spurt and crash and burn of other start-ups.

Littleroundman watch the video on the main site. It goes into it more than I can really concentrate on. There also a breakdown of the amounts required to reach that plateau in the comp plan area under resources on the web sites. Keep in mind though, how it is broken down on the website does not include bonuses, just straight commission. So the number they say it takes to get to $100k is not really accurate. It actually takes less because of the silver and platinum bonuses. It takes about 50? people to reach platinum and that pays out right now about $750/ month if I remember correctly, plus the actual commission and silver bonus would actually take you over $1k plus some. And you dont have to recruit all 24 to make money. Like I said before if your tickets get taken every month by gold tickets then you still can earn up to $2400/ month in commission plus your silver bonus, for doing nothing but paying the autoship each month. If it takes you 3 years to get to that $2400 mark, then you will have spent in the area of $2500 total to make $2400/ month. Plus silver bonuses. Out of all the ones I looked at one24 seemed the most stable growth model and the best for someone not looking to set the world on fire to make money.

Sorry forgot. Web the gold rush started today, its gonna be slow for the next couple of days. Theyve already redid the servers twice now but still a lot of business going on the first day of gold rush.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

JamesVincent wrote:Web, its not on the website and they took the full gold plan down to redo it. They added in a bonus for people who do enroll in gold since you do lose 50% of the upfront commision. The $100k covers any commisions or bonuses, its the total you can earn per month on green or gold. The green and the silver are combined for the purpose of the cap as far as I understand so the $100k is a total cap.
The problem I have here is that what you're saying isn't what they're advertising. I want to make it clear that I'm not calling you a liar, but this is one of those things where it's important for me to be able to sit down and read it for myself. I'm not going to rely on comp plan cliff notes when I can't see the source material. Also, it really bothers me that they've made major changes to their comp plan but are still advertising the old plan. I feel bad for anyone who signs up under the guise of the old plan because those caps are something that might deter a real MLM recruiting star.
And a rate of 30% growth it would take a long, long time to get to the population of the United States, much less the world.
Not as long as you'd think. I don't think this represents 30% growth, but my head is foggy so I made the example simpler. If Bob only recruits 30% of his 24 within the 24 months (and I round down fractions of people), that's only 7 people in two years. At 30% of the potential recruitment for each tier under Bob during Bob's two years, the number recruited decreases by one every three or four tiers until the 21st month when the last few recruits don't recruit anyone. Anyway, at only 30% recruitment, one24 exceeds the world population between month 16 and 17.
It is a very slow, slow growth no matter how many hotrods want to slam people into it. Since it automatically limits itself it doesnt experience the growth spurt and crash and burn of other start-ups.
Naw. Now, 20% of the potential recruitment would leave Bob's pyramid at close to 2 billion at the end of the two year period, which means that it'd take a little more than three Bob's to exceed the world's population in two years. 10% would be even better because you'd need something like 431 Billion Bob's to exceed the world's population. But that would mean that you'd only be able to recruit one person a year and at the end of the two year mark he'd have only 16 people in his pyramid. That'd suck. 15% might be a sweet spot because Bob's pyramid would expand to 5,184 people, he'd only have to personally recruit 3 people over those two years, and you'd need like 1.3 million Bob's to exceed the world's population.

I don't know how else to say this: The limit they've put in place amounts to saying, "I'm limiting myself mostly to world domination. Yeah, I hardly plan on going intergalactic." or "Oh, I only want to sleep with one or two different people a week. Yeah, anything over 6,600 in my lifetime would make me easy." It's absurd. This limit isn't a limit, it's like a goal. I mean, if you hand your kids a couple of forty pound bags of cookies and tell them they can eat all of one bag and part of the other over the next 24 hours, you're not really limiting their cookie consumption, are you?

Per my other figures above, if they really limited growth they'd put it to something like one recruit every eight months. Of course that means that everyone would have to focus more on selling product than getting new recruits. They'd also have to modify the comp plan to put more stress in pushing product since that's the bulk of where anyone would make any commissions. They could probably keep the rest of the compensation plan the same (except it can't be one recruit a month). One side effect is that they'd look a whole lot less like a pyramid scheme and a whole lot more like a MLM.
Sorry forgot. Web the gold rush started today, its gonna be slow for the next couple of days. Theyve already redid the servers twice now but still a lot of business going on the first day of gold rush.
So, at only 30% growth, they can't get a webserver to keep up with the traffic. Imagine how bad it'd be if they hit their limit. I don't expect their server to be lightning fast during these times, but it shouldn't take ten minutes to bring up a page that only effectively displays a link to the comp package.
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Re: one24

Post by klondikemike »

webhick wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:It doesnt matter when you sign up, the first ones in can still only make so much. probably in another 2 years the company will be making good money when people start hitting that cap.
Let's look at an example of what happens in two years. Bob is the first guy to sign up. At the end of two years, he recruits 24 people. At the end of the same period, each of those people would have recruited 23 (for a total of 552 people in Bob's downline), and each of those people would have recruited 22 (for a total of 12,144 people in Bob's downline), etc. At the end of 12 months, Bob's hit the limit on the amount of tiers he can get and now has 322,543,702,379,053,000 people in his pyramid.
At the end of 2 years Bob would have recruited 24 people, the person he recruited in month 1 would have recruited 23 people, the person he recruited in month 2 would have recruited 22 people, the person he recruited in month 3 would have recruited 21, etc, until the person he recurited in month 24 which would not have recruited anyone. (yet )

Then you say and each of those would have recruited 22....again not so.

Look at it this way. If he recruits 1 in month 1, then he recruits another in month 2 and the person he recruited in month 1 recruits 1 in month 2 you have a simple doubling pyramid every month, ie 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 so at the end of 12 months you have 4,095 in the group not 322,543,702,379,053,000
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

klondikemike wrote:
webhick wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:It doesnt matter when you sign up, the first ones in can still only make so much. probably in another 2 years the company will be making good money when people start hitting that cap.
Let's look at an example of what happens in two years. Bob is the first guy to sign up. At the end of two years, he recruits 24 people. At the end of the same period, each of those people would have recruited 23 (for a total of 552 people in Bob's downline), and each of those people would have recruited 22 (for a total of 12,144 people in Bob's downline), etc. At the end of 12 months, Bob's hit the limit on the amount of tiers he can get and now has 322,543,702,379,053,000 people in his pyramid.
At the end of 2 years Bob would have recruited 24 people, the person he recruited in month 1 would have recruited 23 people, the person he recruited in month 2 would have recruited 22 people, the person he recruited in month 3 would have recruited 21, etc, until the person he recurited in month 24 which would not have recruited anyone. (yet )

Then you say and each of those would have recruited 22....again not so.

Look at it this way. If he recruits 1 in month 1, then he recruits another in month 2 and the person he recruited in month 1 recruits 1 in month 2 you have a simple doubling pyramid every month, ie 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 so at the end of 12 months you have 4,095 in the group not 322,543,702,379,053,000
I just sat down and diagrammed out to six months and you're absolutely right. Thank you for checking out the numbers. At the end of 12 months, it'd be 4095 in Bob's pyramid. At the end of 24 months we're looking at about 16.7 million people in the pyramid at the end of the two years, right? If that's true, we only need 411 Bobs before one24 starts their own space program.
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Re: one24

Post by klondikemike »

webhick wrote: I just sat down and diagrammed out to six months and you're absolutely right. Thank you for checking out the numbers. At the end of 12 months, it'd be 4095 in Bob's pyramid. At the end of 24 months we're looking at about 16.7 million people in the pyramid at the end of the two years, right? If that's true, we only need 411 Bobs before one24 starts their own space program.
That sounds about right, 16 million plus after 24 months. It seems impossible the company would have over 16 million members in 24 months.

The numbers are still bad.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

klondikemike wrote:
webhick wrote: I just sat down and diagrammed out to six months and you're absolutely right. Thank you for checking out the numbers. At the end of 12 months, it'd be 4095 in Bob's pyramid. At the end of 24 months we're looking at about 16.7 million people in the pyramid at the end of the two years, right? If that's true, we only need 411 Bobs before one24 starts their own space program.
That sounds about right, 16 million plus after 24 months. It seems impossible the company would have over 16 million members in 24 months.

The numbers are still bad.
Thanks. This one recruit for two years thing is absurd. I'm hoping they didn't think it through at all and just decided that this would sound good. Otherwise, it means that they actually projected that they'd do better than having 16 million in two years, foresaw the market saturation, and figured that 16 million in two years was a reasonable place to cap it off. JamesVincent said that the company is in it's eighth month, and since Fictional Bob is at the top of the pyramid the company should be sitting at 255 recruits. I highly doubt they've got even that many since even James has said that he hasn't used at least one of his tickets and no one snatched it up during the gold rush.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

I'm eating lunch and googling. Don't eat and google. Anyway, I happened across the one24 thread on and on the second page:
fletcher6490 wrote:I just got off the call tonight and Mark Seyforth (the creator) said they reached 1 million dollars in commission payouts this past month. Not too shabby for a company that's only been around for 5 months. Very promising call, that's all I will say.
I remember that the platinum took like 8% of the income and spread it around. So, based on only the platinum, they pulled in 12.5 million dollars in month 5. In month five, according to their "limit", they could only have a max of 31 recruits in the whole pyramid. That averages out to $403k in sales per recruit or 5,700 products sold per recruit in one month.
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Re: one24

Post by wserra »

Thank you all for the time you spent going through these numbers (and welcome to Quatloos, k-mike). But let's take a step back.

The guy at the top of the pyramid says that they've paid out $1M in commissions by last month. How much does that represent in sales? webhick concludes "That averages out to $403k in sales per recruit or 5,700 products sold per recruit in one month". That, obviously, is absurd. But by any account it's a fair amount.

Of overpriced jungle juice just like a million others on the market? Please. If the scammer-in-chief's number is true, I leave it to the reader to decide whether those "commissions" were for product or recruiting - and who got the lion's share.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:Thank you all for the time you spent going through these numbers (and welcome to Quatloos, k-mike). But let's take a step back.

The guy at the top of the pyramid says that they've paid out $1M in commissions by last month. How much does that represent in sales? webhick concludes "That averages out to $403k in sales per recruit or 5,700 products sold per recruit in one month". That, obviously, is absurd. But by any account it's a fair amount.

Of overpriced jungle juice just like a million others on the market? Please. If the scammer-in-chief's number is true, I leave it to the reader to decide whether those "commissions" were for product or recruiting - and who got the lion's share.
I took another look my analysis of the comp plan earlier in the thread and I'd like to revise my numbers. I figured up to $30 (1/2) of the product actually goes to commissions of some kind which would place the company sales at $2 million. Since there are a lot of variables that determine how much of that $30 gets paid out, the income was probably between $2 and $12 million.

Even at $2 million, with the projected pyramid size, each rep is averaging $65k in product, or about 920 products in one month. Also, at 1 million paid out in commissions, with the projected pyramid size, the average commission check was $32k.
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Re: one24

Post by klondikemike »

webhick wrote:I took another look my analysis of the comp plan earlier in the thread and I'd like to revise my numbers. I figured up to $30 (1/2) of the product actually goes to commissions of some kind which would place the company sales at $2 million. Since there are a lot of variables that determine how much of that $30 gets paid out, the income was probably between $2 and $12 million.

Even at $2 million, with the projected pyramid size, each rep is averaging $65k in product, or about 920 products in one month. Also, at 1 million paid out in commissions, with the projected pyramid size, the average commission check was $32k.
I am lost again following your math. If 1 million were paid out in commissions and roughly 50% of the sales go into the payplan, the total sales would be around 2 million.

I don't understand how you project the total size of the pyramid to be 31. I know 1,2,4,8,16 adds up to 31 but during the 'prelauch' hundreds or even thousands of people signed up. Only after the launch did the 1 per month ticket system begin.

There could easily be 10,000 people in the program, buying products.
We really need the total number of people in the program to do any worthwhile commissions analysis.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

klondikemike wrote:
webhick wrote:I took another look my analysis of the comp plan earlier in the thread and I'd like to revise my numbers. I figured up to $30 (1/2) of the product actually goes to commissions of some kind which would place the company sales at $2 million. Since there are a lot of variables that determine how much of that $30 gets paid out, the income was probably between $2 and $12 million.

Even at $2 million, with the projected pyramid size, each rep is averaging $65k in product, or about 920 products in one month. Also, at 1 million paid out in commissions, with the projected pyramid size, the average commission check was $32k.
I am lost again following your math. If 1 million were paid out in commissions and roughly 50% of the sales go into the payplan, the total sales would be around 2 million.

I don't understand how you project the total size of the pyramid to be 31. I know 1,2,4,8,16 adds up to 31 but during the 'prelauch' hundreds or even thousands of people signed up. Only after the launch did the 1 per month ticket system begin.

We really need the total number of people in the program to do any worthwhile commissions analysis.
Good points. I need to stop doing math until my head clears.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

I was just checking out the thread and spotted this in a post:
RQ Cash wrote:One24 is Rocking! Over 5,000 people have joined so far during the Jan. Gold Rush in the last 72 hours....
That means that there were at least 5000 unused tickets available for grabs in January, which given the amount of time one24 has been in business, means that there were a lot of people who failed to recruit for one or more months.
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Re: one24

Post by JamesVincent »

I actually used one ticket and have had one taken in the gold rush. I can tell you as of right now there are 10k silvers under me and I was like 18k in... something like that. Like I said before not really being active with it since Ive had a lot of other stuff going on but do know there are some people out there doing well with it. And I also know that theres some people getting pissed off with it over the issues with the website crashing during gold rush. Im just moseying along with it and watching it build under me for right now.
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Re: one24

Post by WF82 »

Any updates on this MLM? In comparing this company's website, training, products, tools, etc. to some of the more established MLMs, it looks to be almost pre-schoolish. Is that how the successful MLMs looked when they first started?

I guess only time will tell if this company survives or not. What exactly is so revolutionary about this incentivized referral plan model? Is the $100K/month in 18 months a reality for someone who only puts in 3 people? That seems just too good to be true.
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Re: one24

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

WF82 wrote:... That seems just too good to be true.
You've answered your own question.
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Re: one24

Post by webhick »

Passed a sign for something called today. Looked into it and it's really, run by Mark Seyforth. Will tear it to shreds in another thread tonight.
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