Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

And we now move in to the realm of fantasy and sheer nonsense. With an icing of good old fashioned fraud for good measure.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

Let me make this clear I am not invested in this program I am watching over this for a friend.

I am waiting on nothing just trying to see if this is a fraud and whether the police should now go in.

I will let the board know if my contact receives a payment,but even if they do it does not mean others will not lose out as part of a suspected Ponzi.

It may be best for the police to go in any event as if the parties to Dresdner Financial have nothing to hide and all is Ok they will not fear an investigation that will prove all is ok!

I await news!!
notorial dissent
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

Let me put it this way, you might as well go to the police now and save yourself the wait, you will never hear anything from these clowns except excuses as to why they haven't done anything. This is one variety or another of investment scam, and they have everything to hide, like the fact that they are not registered or licensed, and contrary to what they have claimed, they have to be to be doing what they are doing. There is nothing about this that says anything but scam and fraud, the sooner you, adn your "friend" accept that the better off you will be.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Victim »

Who is your contact person talking to at dresdner? It seems like everything is being run by one person named Geoff, figures like you mention don't seem possible but thanks for posting
notorial dissent
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect that since this isn't a legitimate investment, or anything else for that matter, none of that would apply, maybe loss due to fraud, but then you'd have to prove it and prove that you had taken steps once you discovered it was fraud.

I just don't foresee any kind of a happy ending here.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Victim »

Dresdner are a bunch of criminals, they take your funds, string you along for a few months and then stop all communication. They should be shut down and locked up for fraud!!!
notorial dissent
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

We seem to have been over this particular real estate before, and the topography has yet to change.

At this point the question is why have you not filed a complaint with your local DA and your state's AG since that is what needs to be done.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

As of this afternoon this matter is being reported to the SEC enforcement agency in Washington.

No further info can be provided at the moment.

Police investigations in both the UK and USA are under way and the outcome will be reported in due course.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

The company has today been reported to the SEC in Washington and the UK and USA police.

The lack of contact with clients that have paid a 44,000 USD fee is worrying and follows the same path as many upfront fee frauds of the past.

The fact that no one is in contact and cannot answer pertinent questions seems to indicate a major scam is taking place here!!

No payouts have been made nor any promises of info and timelines met !!

Conclusions have been drawn!!

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by Victim »

Has anyone been able to get hold of Geoff Lunn, the criminal???
He does not respond to messages, emails or take any calls
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

And you're surprised about this why?????

STOP!!!! Smell the coffee. Get a grip.

Follow the advice previously given earlier in this thread!!!!

At this point that is what can be done!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

Both Darlene Bishop and Geoff Lunn are now being tracked by police in Texas,Washington,NYC and also via FI agencies based in the UK.

There is also an investigation being made into the movement of funds into Geoff Lunn (WGC) and his bank account in NYC and to where the funds have gone from there. A fraud flag is being lodged on his bank account.

It is hoped an eventual freeze on his operation can be achieved.

Further info to follow!

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by sknarf »


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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by webhick »

sknarf wrote:I am here to tell the public about the facts that everything you 3 parties are saying are not true in any shape or form. I also found it very interesting that the last posting done by v323elo shows that the post was done on March 11th, Friday and yet today is still March 10th, Thursday.
The forum stores all times in UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) and there's a setting in your profile which will localize that time to your time zone, but you have to set it. I checked and you haven't. You can do that here: ucp.php?i=165
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by wserra »

sknarf wrote:I am an attorney who is in the program for my second time and I will tell the public first hand that these are false statements 100 percent.
I'm sure you'll agree that anonymous personal vouching is not worth the electrons it takes to transmit. Since you are vouching for them, who are you? You're perfectly free to remain anonymous, but why doesn't that render "I will tell the public" meaningless? After all, you could be Bernie Madoff.
The more you slander people the harder it will be for you parties to get out of what you could be getting hit with!
If you read that again, I'm sure you'll agree that there is nothing quite so pathetic as anonymous internet threats.
And to finish this off, if you really knew what was going on, you wouldn't be so stupid as to the statements that you have made.
Why not?
Quantloos will be handing over your real contact information and IP address to the proper parties if you do not cease this nonsense.
What in the world makes you think that? And who are the "proper parties"?
People like you 3 are the reason for our funds to keep getting delayed for payout
Hey, guys, have we heard this before? Up until now I have had no opinion about these guys, but if this nitwit speaks for them I just formed one. Every financial scammer on the planet seeks excuses for why the "payout" keeps getting delayed. Now you blame some posters on a bulletin board? Who's next, shape-shifting lizards?
and this my friend causes me to step in and use my firm to stop you all.
What "firm" is that?
Ooh. Capital letters.
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by JamesVincent »

Well jumping jiminy, he cyberly yelled at Notorial.... whatever will we do? We shouldnt post anymore of our researched nonsense, he might cyberly yell at us too.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, my, what ever will I do???? Sorry I couldn’t get right back to you, I can see how really concerned you are and how urgent this is, but I had something important to do, laundry, scratching the cat, something, but I know it was important.

I’m ever so glad we have provided some little bit of amusement in what must otherwise be your tawdry, humdrum, and uneventful life.

I just can’t begin to tell you just how pleased I / we are that you have deigned to grace us with your presence, I just can’t begin to tell you.....

Now on to the matter at hand, my very dear sknarfy. First and foremost old thing, you seem to be in need of a serious reality check. So far, there hasn’t been anything said in this thread, at least by the members here, that hasn’t been checked and verified. Like for instance that DF is not licensed or registered or anything else in any of the jurisdictions it claims to be doing business in, and that curiously none of the individuals linked with DF seem to be either.

As to “butting in others lives and starting trouble”, oy, have you made a mistake. No one here started this thread, it was started by someone claiming to be a victim of DF, and we but checked up on the alleged company, only to find there is no legal existence for that company, so if that is butting in, you should see what happens when things like this are forwarded to the securities and bank licensing agencies, now what they do is really “butting in others lives and starting trouble”. However, enough of this particular issue, it has already been done to death, is very old news, and incredibly boring at this point, and since you won’t provide anything proving the contrary it isn’t worth pursuing further.

I find it fascinating that you “claim” to be an attorney, and yet haven’t a clue as to what constitutes slander or the difference between slander and libel, makes one wonder whether you got your alleged license out of a cracker jacks box, or from some diploma mill.

Also, if you were really an attorney, you would know that representing yourself as one when you really aren’t is in many states a felony, and generally a jailable offense in most, as I said, if you really were an attorney.

Also, if you really were an attorney, you would know that making threats over a wire is a Federal offense as is participating in an ongoing fraud by wire.

And, if you had even half of a brain, you would not go on a board that is largely frequented by lawyers, and by that I mean real civil lawyers, and making rash pronouncements and threats, really really not a good idea. And that doesn’t include the financial people who are here as well, who actually do or did work in the financial industry long enough to get a good laugh at your nonsense.

So at this point it comes down to put up or shut up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

In reply to Sknarf:-

Please proceed as you state by all means however the facts are.

Darlene Bishop is acting as an agent for DF.


She gets funds sent to an account owned by Geoff Lunn OF WGC GROUP at BOULDER COLORADO

44,000USD for the supposed Magnum 44 trade.

They have non performed and now GL and DB come back with all sorts of excuses,delays mentioning the US Treasury, Fed usual stuff.

They are some three months over on some of their programmes and now do not answer calls or messages.


The 44,000 USD has been paid to a NYC account at JPM in New York and it is this account that is under investigation.The SEC and police have now been informed of the activities of these two individuals and JPM have been asked to look at WGC account to track the movement of monies to and from this account.

This investigation is under way.

By the simple fact that DB and GL do not reply to calls and emails and have many annoyed clients is proof that they have something to hide otherwise they would be in contact with the clients who have passed the ADVANCED FEE to them on the back of a signed contract from DB.

After all WGC have happily taken the money and not performed on any promises made.

Should they act properly and not hide having taken money under false pretences these forums would not have entries from agencies like ours.

THESE ARE FACTS !!!!!!!!!!

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by v323elo »

Important point:-

One of the reasons given for the delay by Geoff Lunn on the DF Magnum 44 trade is that there was a five week delay in securing an Insurance wrap through Lloyds of London.

One of our contacts in the UK has a connection who works on the floor of Lloyds of London in London and this would be simple to verify by Geoff Lunn confirming the Syndicate and the Syndicate number who are underwriting the policy or slip on the marine or non marine floor of LLoyds of London.

Again no proof is ever given to verify these statements.


The main point Sknarf is this " methinks you protest too much" is that GL and DB have taken money and not performed as per the promises on the contracts signed by DB.

This non performance and broken promises made by GL as to information that will be provided has turned this now into a potential fraud that needs to be investigated.

Three options for Darlene Bishop and Geoff Lunn.

Immediately repay the advance fee monies taken from clients and give a full proven explanation of what they have done with the money. So proving they have not just been using money as an elaborate ponzi scheme.

The repayment of advance fee without the proof of how the money was used will not stop the investigation.

Now forward MTN 103 to the various clients and pay out what was promised.

Immediately communicate with their clients.

An investigation is now in full swing involving SEC, UK and USA police , Financial intelligence agencies and JPM as bankers to WGC.

All the above is factual.

We wait to see what happens!!

Sknarf any continued ranting on this site will not stop the investigation train proceeding full steam ahead. Actions by DB and GL as stated above may mitigate the situation in their favour.

I will not comment further as the police will now be dealing with matter along with the other authorities.

All the above stated is factual !!

Re: Dresdner Financial / Concord Latin America NA - SCAM?

Post by shawn1067 »

Darlene Bishop has a history of defrauding money from potential clients. Read the posts here. Like the saying goes "Birds of a feather, Flock together". For the life of me I cannot understand why people continue to fall for her lies!!!