Australia: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

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Re: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by Thule »

ashlynne39 wrote: I do wonder though if God is aware that the free man commonly called Peter-Andrew: Nolan© is "standing in His kingdom."
I'm pretty sure He would tell Nolan to get of His lawn and stop trespassing.
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Re: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by notorial dissent »

What I don't understand how this bozo has avoided serious time for contempt.
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Re: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by Quixote »

I do like how he calls the judge by his first name. I somehow don't see the judges I appear in front of being too impressed with that.
Things are done differently in Australia.
Principal then searched the ladies (sic) garments for evidence of the ladies (sic) legal standing and could find none.
Default Judgement (sic) Against David Dunkley, page 3

I can't see most of the ladies I am acquainted with putting up with that.
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Re: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:What I don't understand how this bozo has avoided serious time for contempt.

I don't know about Australia or Ireland, but local courts at lst in England are extermely tolerant of this kind of behavior up to a point. You will know when you cross the line, but in some communties they actually go to council courts for the entertainment.
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Re: Australia: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Peter Andrew's been busy since the last posting in this discussion, and it's not pretty. He's got some new books available for download and, well, that bitter divorce that bmielke mentions in his February 2011 seems to have erupted in a burst of obsessive hostility against the fairer sex. Peter Andrew was quoted as saying, in a previous posting, that;
Note: My company, Instant Business Intelligence, was destroyed by my ex-wife, Jennifer Nolan, in an act of vindictiveness during our divorce. So now I perform consulting work under my own name as well as through colleagues. I am still a 'DW guru for hire'.
But he's bounced right back with this new website A-MAN-ZON Biz (What a clever punster!) He notes that while his real name is Joschua-Brandon: Boehm© he continues to use Peter-Andrew: Nolan© because that is how the whole world knows him. He, has books, lots of books! And services, mainly focused on helping bitter men go after the ex's in their lives. ... Nolan.aspx

But it isn't all negative! He has relationship advice on how to enhance and enrich marriages! I'm sure all the married men reading this post will be very interested in acquiring a copy of "How to Be A Good Wife" to surprise and delight their spouses at Christmas. To quote from his self-penned review;
It was Joschuas experiences with Jennifer in divorce that had Joschua realise that there is something very wrong with how western women treat even the best of men today.

Joschua is delighted to be able to mix his interests in helping Men and Women in the area of Relationships with his unique skills and ability by being the author of this book "How to Be A Good Wife". "How to Be A Good Wife" gives women the advice and guidance they so desperately need to transform their way of being if they wish quality men to remain married to them or to marry them in the future.
I have a good idea how Mrs. Burnaby49 would respond to that (badly, very badly) but I'm sure that the other married men reading this have much more open-minded, supportive wives who will benefit immensely by learning from this instructive tome. It teaches lessons that just cry out to be taken to heart by the women in our lives! Particularly 02, 07, 08, and 11.
Lesson 01 - The Golden Rule
Lesson 02 - The Problem is Women Not Men
Lesson 03 - Be Honest
Lesson 04 - Respect Honour and Integrity
Lesson 05 - Stop Your Double Standards
Lesson 06 - Stop Your In Group Bias
Lesson 07 - Present Yourself Well - Be Physically Attractive
Lesson 08 - Learn How to Cook and Clean
Lesson 09 - Learn How to be Friends With a Man
Lesson 10 - Stop Enslaving Men Through Lies
Lesson 11 - Reward Good Husbands
Lesson 12 - Help Your Husband When He Is in Need
Lesson 13 - More Examples to NOT Follow
Lesson 51 - Give Up Your Right to Lie and Steal
Lesson 52 - Give Up Your Right to Lie and Steal
I've read a few of the lesson summaries and they all turn into bitter diatribes against his ex-wife and their divorce so it might not be as helpful as it first seemed. The woman in your life might not responds well to this description either;
"How to Be A Good Wife" will show you the transformations that you need to make in your behaviour to make yourself more desirable as a wife. If you make these transformations as an individual your chances of having successful marriage will be much increased. If large numbers of women start to make these transformations we will slowly start to reduce the damage being done by ensuring that children are brought up in in-tact families.

If you think this book is going to pander to you and tell you that you are perfect and everything is the fault of men as Dr. Phil and Oprah have been telling you, then you are in the wrong place. This book is directed primarily to women to give them good solid advice rather than to pander to you and make you "feel good" by giving you advice that "feels good" but that will sabotage your relationships.
So on to the next title; "Living Free in the Femnazi World". Apparently the book was written under the direction and instruction of god or, well, that other guy;
The two books I have on offer represent the culmination of a life time of learning and experience. "Living Free in the Femnazi World" was, quite literally, dictated to me by a voice. It was necessary for my life to be the way that it was so that "Living Free" could be presented to the world by a man with absolute credibility and integrity with no ulterior motive.
He's still espousing his Freeman beliefs but has changed the focus of his rage from governments to women. Essentially a radical anti-feminist screed on how to use conventional OPCA foisted unilateral agreement and split/double person concepts to fight off the Feminazis.

Fine, screw the books and move on to the Men's Right Movement's critique of him. He should find a comfortable home here. Right? Unfortunately they are not entirely in synch with his views; ... nd-others/

They do explain the consequences of using, as I have, his copyrighted names;
Any woman or mangina lackey who uses my name, my calling or my image without my written consent signed in red ink by my hand only is violating my copyright.

The cost of copyright violation PER VIOLATION is 1,000 troy ounces of 99.99% pure gold. So all of you women and mangina lackeys might want to consider that before you write your lies about me. I will pursue copyright violations ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD so as to collect gold to be able to re-distribute to those I perceive as in need. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to take gold off women and their mangina lackeys and give it to men who are struggling to raise their boys because of the oppressive nature of the western ‘legal’ system today.

Any slander of me will be pursued ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. So if you women tell lies about me and try and[sic] slander me to damage my business you will be pursued. I will take your property off you as a point of honour.

If any woman wishes to make a rebuttal for anything I have said they are welcome to do so directly to me at on an Affidavit with a Notice of Intent and Proposed Remedy signed under penalty of perjury and full commercial liability.”
The full-meal deal on how airtight his name copyright is can be viewed here; ... fault.aspx

Seems pretty solid to me! Fortunately, while I'm a pathetic wimp, I'm not a woman and I have no idea what a magina lackey is either so I assume I'm not one of those. So I'm good. But the rest of you be careful. Remember;

I will pursue copyright violations ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Australia: Anyone ever heard of Peter-Andrew:Nolan(C)

Post by notorial dissent »

Somehow, I can see why he is divorced.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.