Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

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Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bobhurt »

You might appreciate these links about the law of Government-paid bribes to public employees:

Go to for the following docs:

IRS Agents Can Get Cash Awards for making your life a LIVING HELL.pdf
also at

The Best Judges that Money Can Bribe.pdf
also at

Do I have absolute proof of any such (up to $35,000 - 5 USC 4501, etc) bribes going from Government to public employee? No. But a half-billion-dollar fund (5 USC 5408) for such bribes should scare any IRS victim. So far I have not succeeded in getting anyone to show me evidence of the bribe payments. I guess the bribe targets, amounts, and reasons comprise a national secret. But the law and rules seem quite public:

5 USC 4501 et seq.
5 USC 5401 et seq.
IRM (10-16-1992) - Delegation Order 81 (Rev. 17)
28 USC 602
5 USC 3771
5 USC 7342
5 CFR 870.103
5 USC 101, 102 appendix - awards kept secret
4 CFR 91.5 waiver of repayment of excess payment up to $10,000
28 CFR 0.143, 0.11, 0.155 - waivers for others
28 USC 455 exonerates judges from conflict of interest for taking secret cash awards

We have no way of determining, through FOIA request, audit, or any other tool outside stealthy private investigation, how much money IRS agents, DOJ attorneys, or US judges receive as secret cash award bribes for persecuting favorite targets of the Executive or Judicial Branch, and apparently the Legislative Branch likes it that way. Today they persecute so-called "tax protesters." Tomorrow, dubitably, Quatloosians.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Duke2Earl »

You will obviously believe just about anything. Yes, the government gives cash awards to employees who perform "above and beyond." But almost every employer does so as well.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Gregg »

They only get a bonus for persecuting YOU Bob....

we're the Illuminati, do you really think this applies to US? :mrgreen:
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by illiterati »

Thank you Bob for posting this important information. It certainly will serve as a "heads up" to those who are not "in the know" like you are. The "sheeple" that read the postings in this forum will likely not believe it is true though. Keep up the "good fight" though, and please post more of these "revelations". Obviously the government must resort to these so-called "awards" to keep the entire "judiciary" from admitting that compensation for personal labor is not "taxable" and that only "federal employees" are subject to "income taxes". If only someone like you could hold these black robed tyrants accountable and "hold their feet to the fire" and "pierce the corporate veil" that protects them. Keep trying though. We're with you out here!

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bmielke »

Come one people If you want to go hunting...(Trolls?) (Idiots?) (Fresh TP's?)... I'm not even sure...

Anyway, don't leave the bait out without a lid, and for God sakes turn the call off, they get really annoying when when they find there way back to Camp Quatloos. I need my Guard Cat... HERE KITTY, KITTY, KITTY, BRING YOUR AK 47! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by wserra »

bobhurt wrote:You might appreciate these links about the law of Government-paid bribes to public employees:
If Ford gives cash bonuses to those employees who have excelled in preventing Ford from going the way of other US automakers, do those bonuses constitute "bribes"? If not for Ford, why for the government?

Oh, yeah, you don't like the government.
So far I have not succeeded in getting anyone to show me evidence of the bribe payments. I guess the bribe targets, amounts, and reasons comprise a national secret.
So far I have not succeeded in getting anyone to show me evidence of the transformation of shape-shifting lizards into world leaders. I guess the lizards, leaders and process comprise a national secret.
But the law and rules seem quite public:
Helluva way to run a conspiracy.
We have no way of determining, through FOIA request, audit, or any other tool outside stealthy private investigation, how much money IRS agents, DOJ attorneys, or US judges receive as secret cash award bribes for persecuting favorite targets of the Executive or Judicial Branch, and apparently the Legislative Branch likes it that way.
We also have no way of determining, through FOIA request, audit, or any other tool outside stealthy private investigation, how many homes in the United States are under surveillance from the stealth black helicopters persecuting favorite targets of the Executive or Judicial Branch, and apparently the Legislative Branch likes it that way.

It's amazing, the claims you can make if you don't require proof. You can make even more amazing claims if the absence of proof magically itself becomes proof.
Today they persecute so-called "tax protesters."
You mean they actually go after people who break the law?

Those bastards.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Nikki »

When you consider that these "secret bribe payments" go to people like computer repair technicians, librarians, employees at National Park Service gift shops, and smoke-jumpers, it becomes necessary to question the number of functional inter-neuron linkages possessed by the original poster.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by The Observer »

Nikki wrote:When you consider that these "secret bribe payments" go to people like computer repair technicians, librarians, employees at National Park Service gift shops, and smoke-jumpers, it becomes necessary to question the number of functional inter-neuron linkages possessed by the original poster.
No it just shows how LARGE the conspiracy is and how many people it takes at all levels to keep it going. I'm sure if bobhurt took some time to calculate the number of people involved, he would realize that he is the only one not involved in the conspiracy at some level.

It hurts to be the only one left out, right bob?
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by LPC »

I'm having a strong sense of deja vu here, and I think that's due to the fact that we've already hashed out all this "secret cash" crap in a previous thread, back in November. (See page three, around 11/29/2009.)
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bmielke »

Wow, I must admit, I didn't bother reading the links before my previous, post, I thought this was the ramblings of an Idiot. I have since skimmed through the links. I must say that now, I know the program exists, but am convinced an IRS Agent would need to do more than make someone's life a living hell to get an award.

It seems to be the government's way of avoiding patent disputes. When a Government employee invents, creates, or discovers something that makes the job easier, more efficent, or more cost effective he gets some money. Is that right?

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Brandybuck »

Yup, many government agencies give out bonus for employees who perform their functions above and beyond the level of their peers. This is not a conspiracy in any way. Not even when the IRS does it. That these bonuses provide incentives that lead to perverse consequences is a problem, but that still doesn't make it a conspiracy.

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bmielke »

Brandybuck wrote:Yup, many government agencies give out bonus for employees who perform their functions above and beyond the level of their peers. This is not a conspiracy in any way. Not even when the IRS does it. That these bonuses provide incentives that lead to perverse consequences is a problem, but that still doesn't make it a conspiracy.
Thats really not that bad, I would rather see hard working government employees get the bonus then see a Consulting firm brought in for 10-20 times the cost.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Doktor Avalanche »


What's the square root of intellectually lazy?
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:Image

What's the square root of intellectually lazy?
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Nikki »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:Image

What's the square root of intellectually lazy?
Peter Hendricksonet al, et seq.
Corrected. You're welcome.

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by illiterati »

I don't really even understand your post bmielke, and can't really even tell if you're responding to my post, but I love your kitty. Your kitty rocks. I'm not sure if I've ever said that to anyone before this moment.

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bmielke »

illiterati wrote:I don't really even understand your post bmielke, and can't really even tell if you're responding to my post, but I love your kitty. Your kitty rocks. I'm not sure if I've ever said that to anyone before this moment.
My first post was that I thought this just another conspiracy theory, I will admit i was lazy and didn't read the links. I later did and found it was not a conspiracy theory just someone making something out of nothing. The first post was an attempt at humor.

Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bmielke »

illiterati wrote:Thank you Bob for posting this important information. It certainly will serve as a "heads up" to those who are not "in the know" like you are. The "sheeple" that read the postings in this forum will likely not believe it is true though. Keep up the "good fight" though, and please post more of these "revelations". Obviously the government must resort to these so-called "awards" to keep the entire "judiciary" from admitting that compensation for personal labor is not "taxable" and that only "federal employees" are subject to "income taxes". If only someone like you could hold these black robed tyrants accountable and "hold their feet to the fire" and "pierce the corporate veil" that protects them. Keep trying though. We're with you out here!
The first time I read this and followed it up with my snarky comment, I took it as you were an "adoring fan" of Bobhurt, rereading it, I think I got that wrong, I apologize.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

bmielke wrote:...

The first time I read this and followed it up with my snarky comment, I took it as you were an "adoring fan" of Bobhurt, rereading it, I think I got that wrong, I apologize.
Sometimes sarcasm is so good that it's hard to recognize.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bobhurt »

To all of you snide quatloosian pedants:

I posted the information about secret cash awards to government employees for several reasons.

1. We should not treat government employes like those in private industry because government employees can and often do kill, rob, imprison, and harass their victims with impunity. We should never allow cash awards, secret or otherwise, to people for doing that terrible work.

2. Secret cash awards reward judges, IRS agents, DOJ lawyers, and others for destroying the lives of their victims, most of whom NEVER DID OWE ANY INCOME TAX. Those awards therefore ought to be outlawed.

3. Quatloosians act like intentional idiots, deriding anybody who differs with their general apparent view that everybody owes income tax who receives money in exchange for intellectual or physical productivity, as a gift, or just for the hell of it. Thousands or millions of thinking, educated, intellectually HONEST Americans have an opposing view. They deserve a voice, and NO gestapo rewards ought to oppress them or prevent them from getting justice in regard to that view. But secret cash awards do precisely that. I believe THAT constituted the lesson of the Nancy Bergeson murder in Marcel Roy Bendshadler's Portland Oregon USDC tax crime case. My making the point about secret cash awards shows my intention to further the cause of stifling the asinine Quatloosian mentality supporting unfettered illegal implementation of income tax.

But, take note that the secret cash awards do far more damage than merely encourage government abuse of people who don't want to pay taxes they don't owe. Those awards affect EVERY area of government with respect to abuse of the public, including FOREIGN public. They encourage ultra vires behavior in EVERY area of government, including behavior like assassinations.

Some jackass Quatloosian might someday become the target of such an ultra vires act. And God knows we don't want that to happen.

Do we?