Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by Arthur Rubin »

wserra wrote:
Arthur Rubin wrote:The student may not be fake, although, considering his/her legal opinion, perhaps it would be better if he/she took up another line of work.
Ya think?
I didn't say they were good law students. I just wanted to note that, although the J.D. is usually a 3 year sentence (oops, degree), part-time students are usually there for 4 years, and ABA rules allow one or two additional years in case of performance issues.

I'm trying to forget the conversation we had in the break room about dating as contract negotiation. We all broke up when it came to "acceptance by performance".
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by laidback »

IF "Jake Simmons", "Kalina Jordan", and "Stevie Y" are by some stretch of the imagination students at UCLA School of Law, Dean Moran might want to know about their shenanigans,as it is a reflection on the school. However, the more likely scenario is that they are stooges of Bogdon. A search of the UCLA directory doesn't turn up any of their names. God forbid that they would be anonymous posters criticizing others for being anonymous posters...! :whistle:

Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by laidback »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
wserra wrote:
Arthur Rubin wrote:The student may not be fake, although, considering his/her legal opinion, perhaps it would be better if he/she took up another line of work.
Ya think?
I didn't say they were good law students. I just wanted to note that, although the J.D. is usually a 3 year sentence (oops, degree), part-time students are usually there for 4 years, and ABA rules allow one or two additional years in case of performance issues.

I'm trying to forget the conversation we had in the break room about dating as contract negotiation. We all broke up when it came to "acceptance by performance".
Note: Per their published policies, UCLA requires its Law Students to devote a minimum of 3 years (6 semesters) full time, and must graduate within 5 years.
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Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by soapboxmom »

Bogdan's buffoonery knows no bounds. is now a page about trolls that then resolves to Bogdan's Adlandpro solicitation page. So much for his long diatribe filled with all sorts of legal mumbo jumbo and threats of criminal and civil action. Now, Bogdan is apparently preparing for an audition for a role in Troll Hunters part 2 which I have no doubt will be announced soon! I mean who would pass on the chance to star in the sequel to this: Heck, I will offer to play a troll for free!

His brilliant fake law students made the mistake of bragging about a course they were enrolled in. Indeed! Law 500 was not even offered this semester. After a thorough browbeating from many trolls including me about their lack of legal prowess and being exposed by me, they have all landed back on their bar stools likely never to be heard from again.

Adlandpro not only boasts many schemes and scams advertised on its pages, but is also littered with prostitution solicitations, porn links, illegal pharmacy ads and the piece de resisitance --- used underwear ads. Who wouldn't want some quality pre-owned drawers for the holidays! Craigslist in the U.S. and Cananda was forced to remove content that could be related to human trafficking. Scamlandpro should be forced to clean up as well. It is a complete cesspool of filth!

Humorously, the darling elderly former member that got the letter from the very high dollar law firm in London has heard nothing from the lawyer in weeks. She politely responded to his letter and nothing. I conversed with the law firm as well on several occasions and have since heard nothing. Judging from the troll page I suspect the law firm is done with Bogdan and has no interest in pursuing the matter any further. There is nothing quite like being fired by your own attorney. Tim Darnell would know. He paid $2,500.00 to have a prestigious law firm based in New York, John Carney and Associate's, write me a C & D letter. One phone call and e-mail from the dear rep that sued Timmy to recover her losses and that Dallas member of the firm dropped him like a hot potato. I hope Boggy paid through the nose for his nasty little letter! What a screwball!!

Adlandpro's trafficking has been dropping all year and the slide continues! ... #post13656

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Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by wserra »

The combat seems to be about over, one side (Bogdan Fiedur) having withdrawn from the field.

His blog still has but the one entry, posted a month ago. The "UCLA law students" have gone strangely silent; perhaps they're taking that remedial course in English grammar after all. The last two comments invite him to participate in this thread and in the one on RealScam; nothing. No law suits have been filed; apparently no one is even getting threatening letters anymore. As SBM points out above, Fiedur's "class action" page aliases to an Adlandpro solicitation. And four of the top six results in a google of "Bogdan Fiedur" lead to critical sites, such as this thread, the thread on RealScam and the Patrick Pretty editorial.

All in all, a classic illustration of the wisdom of the Kevin Trudeau school of scammers responding to criticism: don't. Just smile and keep selling the crap.
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Re: Bogdan Fiedur of Adlandpro Threatens

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote: is now a page about trolls
And now it's not even that. It's like it all never happened.

Guess he never found anyone who could fly that plane.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume