Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by EagleOne »

I had heard there was a court hearing that KT and his lawyer were required to appear last Thursday. What was interesting to me was that KT was said to be at sea doing a seminar and wouldn't be back in port until Saturday.

Has anyone seen anything about this hearing and what the outcome was? I find it strange that I have not seen or heard of anything about it happening; but then I also haven't been following the KT saga of late due to other pressing issues.

I think if it happened and something dramatic happened, it would haver been all over the news.

But on another note, Dr. Coldwell, and I use the term Dr extremely loosely, and Peter Wink have started their new Ponzi program called IBMS Master's Society, which is just GIN Redeux. What is funny they used GIN's Membership Agreement and forgot to change the name to IBMS Master's Society in one section and it read GIN. As soon as it was pointed out it got changed immediately. Too funny. So one dies and a new one takes its place.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by wserra »

EagleOne wrote:Has anyone seen anything about this hearing and what the outcome was? I find it strange that I have not seen or heard of anything about it happening; but then I also haven't been following the KT saga of late due to other pressing issues.
Truedough and the FTC have been going round and round before poor Judge Gettleman over the contempt penalty. Truedough's latest is that he is, well, short on true dough (as in he can't pay). The FTC (likely with considerable justification) thinks he's full of shit. Last December 6, Judge Gettleman issued an order providing, in part:
In the instant case, the court ordered Trudeau “to pay forthwith to plaintiff the sum of $37,616,161 . . . .” Forthwith has come and gone without any significant payment by Trudeau. Thus, there is no question that the FTC has met its initial burden, establishing a prima facie showing of contempt. Trudeau maintains that he does not have the financial ability to pay this rather substantial sanction, but the evidence he has submitted to date falls woefully short of demonstrating that, or that he has made all reasonable efforts to comply. His failure to make any payments prior to the filing of the instant motion by the FTC demonstrates a lack of good faith.

Therefore, as an initial matter, the court orders Trudeau to file (under seal until further order) a complete sworn statement of financial condition using the FTC’s form (see FTC Exhibit 4, Attachment C, filed July 13, 2012) on or before January 25, 2013, and to appear at a hearing on a date to be set by the court.
Truedough filed the financial affidavit and forms last Thursday as ordered. Unfortunately, the Court filed them under seal. The hearing date will be set on Friday. I'll keep you posted.
But on another note, Dr. Coldwell, and I use the term Dr extremely loosely, and Peter Wink have started their new Ponzi program called IBMS Master's Society, which is just GIN Redeux.
Cosmic Connie has done her usual hilarious stuff with it. Cosmic Connie rules.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Cosmic Connie has done her usual hilarious stuff with it. Cosmic Connie rules.
Another interesting site I came across that takes on KT is: Salty Droid (you can’t make money online).
The Salty Droid puts the smack down on: Scammers :: Spammers :: D-Bags :: Frauds :: And other doers of no good. Read him for giggles and justice.
Interestingly, I learn from Tracy Coenen that Jason Jones, aka Salty Droid, ...
... is an attorney in Chicago who writes about scammers who pitch their wares on the internet.
Never would suspect that from the language he uses!

Must be interesting when he's in court.

Some good material on his site for sure.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Truedough and the FTC have been going round and round before poor Judge Gettleman over the contempt penalty.
Seems Truedough and his former personal physician and best bud, the eminent "Dr." Leonard Coldwell, have had a falling out.


Wonder what that was all about? Might it have something to do with this?
As Peter Wink, Abe Hussein, and myself (Dr Leonard Coldwell board certified NMD, PHD, DNM, CNHP licensed physician) told you for a long time now- The conman Kevin Trudeau screwed all the GIN members! He will get arrested soon and will not show up for Nashville either.
The good "Doctor" was even kind enough to provide a list of relevant court documents.

CLICK below to review court papers:

Public Court Papers #1

Public Court Papers#2

Public Court Papers #3

Public Court Papers #4

Public Court Papers #5

Public Court Papers #6

Public Court Papers #7

Public Court Papers #8

Public Court Papers #9

Public Court Papers #10

Public Court Papers #11

Public Court Papers #12

Public Court Papers #13

Public Court Papers #14

Public Court Papers #15

Public Court Papers #16

Public Court Papers #17

Public Court Papers #18

Public Court Papers #19

Public Court Papers #20

new Public Court Papers #21

new Public Court Papers #22

new Public Court Papers #23

new Public Court Papers 24

new Public Court Papers #25
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Seems Truedough and his former personal physician and best bud, the eminent "Dr." Leonard Coldwell, have had a falling out.
Too bad they broke up, because those two deserve each other. I've run into "Leonard Coldwell" (born Bernd Klein, in Germany) in connection with various scams on multiple occasions. Little Bernd could easily be the subject of his own thread in the "medical scams" forum, except that there is no evidence that he is in any way qualified to opine on anything medical.

I can't resist just one single reference: his effusive self-congratulatory blather on his own site. Here's how he "documents" his own educational background, in its blessed entirety:
Dr. Coldwell is the most endorsed and integrated natural Doctor in the world, having earned 4 doctor degrees and 4 PHDs.
"Doctor degrees"? "Doctor degrees"? WTF is a "doctor degree"?
He recently received an honorary doctor degree in Humanity from the University in Louisiana for his achievements for cancer patients and for the improvement of quality of life for humans.
This guy has four "doctor degrees" and four PhDs and only gives us the details about an alleged honorary degree? One in "Humanity"? I suppose he believes that the alleged honorary degree in "Humanity" is important to counter the obvious conclusion that he is a heartless prick who sells useless nostrums to desperate people. And a google reveals that there doesn't even appear to be a "University in Louisiana" from which to get that "honorary doctor degree in Humanity".

But welcome back, Doc Bunkum, it's good to see you again.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Kestrel »

wserra wrote:This guy has four "doctor degrees" and four PhDs and only gives us the details about an alleged honorary degree? One in "Humanity"? I suppose he believes that the alleged honorary degree in "Humanity" is important to counter the obvious conclusion that he is a heartless prick who sells useless nostrums to desperate people. And a google reveals that there doesn't even appear to be a "University in Louisiana" from which to get that "honorary doctor degree in Humanity".
Having sent my own kids to Louisiana universities I have a somewhat passing acquaintance with the Louisiana university system and the course offerings. Grambling State University, Northwestern State University (Natchitoches) and Louisiana Baptist University (Shreveport) all reportedly have awarded honorary Doctorate of Humanities degrees. So it's not impossible for Our Hero to have one too.

Pulling up a list of honorary doctorate degree recipients is a little tougher, and Our Hero is not worth the effort. He's the one making the claim, using all the bad grammar and spelling of an email spammer. If he's too embarrassed to name the (fake? mail-order?) university which awarded him the fake doctorate, why should I waste my time?

I took one final look at Our Hero's website and just realized that the flash video on the right is not a pop-up ad. It's a promo for an appearance he made on "Beyond Belief with George Noory." Yep. THAT George Noory. The "Coast to Coast AM" radio host who sits up all night broadcasting calls from the tin-foil-hat brigade.

That tells me all I need to know. I've got better things to do, like raking out the cat box.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

The best one on his bio page, as far as I'm concerned, is his whopper about curing his mother :
Discovering his gifts at a very early age, he single-handedly cured his own mother from Hepatitis C, Liver Cirrhosis, and liver cancer – a near impossible feat since she had been given a diagnosis of a terminal state and a prognosis of only 6 months to live. Today, 42 years later, she is still alive and healthy!
Or this claim:
Throughout Dr. Coldwell’s successful career, he has to date, cured over 35,000 cancer patients (studies have proven a 92.3% cancer cure rate).
On a related note, I see the GIN cruise apparently did take place in January.

The highlight of the cruise, apparently, was the demise of Mony Vital.

Who is Mony Vital you ask?
Mony Vital is one of about 1,000 people on earth who lives totally on prana, Light energy. He does not eat food of any kind, nor drink liquids of any kind, including water, yet he is in perfect health.
Mony Vital - A Breatharian Speaks Out
Immortality for sale

from the Las Vegas Sun:

Meet Mony Vital. He’s immortal, or at least he says he is, and he’ll be happy to teach you how to be, too.

Of course, it costs you anywhere from $450 (for six months of immortality) to $2,875 (for lifetime immortality), but who, besides Mony Vital, can put a price on eternity?

Installment payments welcome. He does pets, too...
Immortal, huh?
Health advocate Mony Vital passes away on GIN 2013 cruise!

A self-proclaimed health advocate who taught that you don’t need to eat or drink in order to live, Mony Vital was giving seminars on the cruise on how to live an “Ageless life” without death. Ironically, he dies in his sleep on the cruise.
It might be in poor taste, but somehow, I find that extremely funny! :D

Wonder why Lenny didn't jump in and save the fucker? :?:
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by wserra »

Kestrel wrote:Having sent my own kids to Louisiana universities I have a somewhat passing acquaintance with the Louisiana university system and the course offerings.
Maybe I wasn't clear. Little Bernie wrote that he received the honorary degree "from the University in Louisiana" - not "a University in Louisiana", but "the University in Louisiana". There are only two constructions of this that make any sense (although maybe my mistake is expecting him to make any sense). One possibility is that there is only one University in Louisiana. The other is that "the University in Louisiana" is the verbatim name of the place. Both are false. My conclusion: this claim is as much BS as his other claims.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Kestrel »

wserra wrote:Maybe I wasn't clear. Little Bernie wrote that he received the honorary degree "from the University in Louisiana" - not "a University in Louisiana", but "the University in Louisiana". There are only two constructions of this that make any sense (although maybe my mistake is expecting him to make any sense). One possibility is that there is only one University in Louisiana. The other is that "the University in Louisiana" is the verbatim name of the place. Both are false. My conclusion: this claim is as much BS as his other claims.
Ah, I see. I interpreted his hideous grammar as: "doctor[ate] degree in Humanity[ies] from the [unnamed] University [of unnamed in unspecified location] in Louisiana." I was trying too hard. Perhaps I was driven temporarily insane by the odor pouring out of the cat box.

WIth such lack of concern for atrocious writing it's no wonder Bernie has to rely on honorary degrees. He sure couldn't have passed the SAT/ACT, much less Freshman English. God help anyone who relies on him for anything more serious, like a cancer cure.

For pete's sake, he doesn't even have the common sense to hire someone else who CAN spell. Assuming he can afford to do so. Of course, maybe he is too poor to hire a proofreader; that kind of says something about his overall profitability. What the matter, Bernie? Do you have so few buyers for your miracle cures that you can't afford some semi-competent admin support? Surely you can find a few suckers in George Noory's audience.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

It's probably not worth taking the time to look more closely into Blowhard Lenny's claims about himself in his bio, but to note, one reader on SGU did a few quick calculations regarding some of the numbers Lenny's been throwing around.

Using only information published by him claiming to have at least 2 "Doctor" degrees (DNM and NMD) and at least four PhDs, managing to practice as a "general practitioner for 16 years" prior to devoting himself to curing stress related diseases such as cancer, where he then managed to have cured 35000 patients of cancer, with a success rate of more than 90%...
Assuming that he began his advanced medical and PhD work at age 20, and that each degree took him 3 years to complete (I have never met anyone who completed a PhD or other doctorate in less than 3 years), the 6 degrees would take him 18 years to complete (minimum age 38). Let's assume for simplicity that he did not actually work professionally with any of these degrees until completing his multiple educations since that merely extends his age to the absurd. He then spent "16 years in general practice" before devoting himself to curing cancer, which made him 54 when he started his cancer work. (Somewhere in the process he also served as consultant to numerous fortune 500 companies on business matters, getting rich quick and other schemes according to his website, but let's assume he did that during evenings and weekends since it otherwise adds even more years to his age).

So at age 54 he starts curing 35000 patients of cancer. It is reasonable to assume from his websites that virtually every patient he treated was cured, so he did not need to waste much time with patients who died of cancer. We need to understand that cancer is difficult to treat, so even someone of "Dr." Coldwell's prowess could not cure them in a single visit. Let's assume that each patient required an average of 10 visits before they could be declared completely cured, and that each visit required 1 hour of the great man's time. 35000 patients x 10 hour visits = 350,000 hours. Assuming that he worked 60 hour weeks x 50 weeks per year, he could handle 3000 visits, and cure 300 patients per year. At that rate, it would take him more than 100 years to cure 35,000 patients of cancer. During this same period, he was also writing numerous scholarly works, giving numerous acclaimed lectures, dealing with "Nobel Prize winners" as his "patients or students". We can assume he was doing that extra work during evenings and weekends.

Golly. :D

Curious that a man of such prodigious accomplishments would be acclaimed on the internet only on his own websites (or those of his partner and "patient", Mr. Kevin Trudeau, himself convicted multiple times of theft and fraud).

Who would have thought that news of such a magnificent healer and humanitarian could be so effectively suppressed in the age of the internet? I marvel at the "cancer industry" and "tobacco lobby" in all their glorious omnipotence.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by fortinbras »

St. Kitts & Nevis is a small independent island SE of Puerto Rico.

This "group" wants a $1500 initian fee plus $1800 annual dues. It promises vague benefits. There are better classes of membership - but (!) both the terms of admission and the benefits are secret.

The promises are generally the predicted results of following this group's teachings. To tell you the truth, the Rosicrusians were more appealing.

It turns out that this Global Information Network is already fighting the US govt: ... 0006892641
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Kestrel »

Doc Bunkum wrote:It's probably not worth taking the time to look more closely into Blowhard Lenny's claims about himself in his bio, but to note, one reader on SGU did a few quick calculations regarding some of the numbers Lenny's been throwing around.
So we now have reason to believe Our Hero didn't score any better on the Math portion of the SAT/ACT than he did on the English portion. Impressive.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Now this is interesting! :D
In order to answer where Leonard Coldwell originates please read this link:

Sorry, it is in German.
No problem - that's what Google translate is for.

Some German court cases on that link regarding Bernd Klein he was involved in the legal types around here might find interesting.
Der Prozess Coldwell gegen Paetow-Froese (The Process Coldwell against Paetow-Froese)
What's really interesting though is this tidbit that Bernie provided to the court:
The plaintiff was a writer and management trainer at prestigious institutions and corporations worldwide. He owns the title Doctor of Psychology, awarded by the Columbia State University in the U.S.. He possessed also a professor at the Virginia Health University of Delaware in the United States and bring an ancillary matter in Germany through seminars and give lectures.
Go figure on that one! :D
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by notorial dissent »

So, it would seem not only a serial, but an international fraud and liar as well. Who'd a thunk it?????? And one of Trudeau's cronies as well.....
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by AndyK »

Per Wikipedia: "Columbia State University was a diploma mill based in California that used a Louisiana mailing address. It operated from the mid-1980s until it was closed by court order in 1998."

"Virginia Health University of Delaware" seems to exist ONLY within his resume.

Why am I not :shock:
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Lambkin »

The degree is real. The proof is right here: ... umanities/
Congratulations, Dr Coldwell. You must be so proud.
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Lambkin wrote:The degree is real. The proof is right here: ... umanities/
Congratulations, Dr Coldwell. You must be so proud.
I feel a keyboard warning is warranted. Fortunally, I had just swallowed my coffee....
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Lambkin wrote:The degree is real. The proof is right here: ... umanities/
Congratulations, Dr Coldwell. You must be so proud.
Dr C A very heartfelt congratulations to you on your honorary degree there is no one on the planet that deserves it more than you.You should be receiving them type of awards daily,For all the peoples lives you have saved and helped and what an inspiration you truly are. God Bless you

Lorcan & Angela.
Yep, he definitely should be receiving more of them type of awards daily!

Wanna bet Lenny himself didn't write that comment? :lol:
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

How much did it cost, I wonder, to rent the academic robes and buy the secondhand diploma? Which office building, I wonder, was the site of this award?
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Re: Global Information Network - Kevin Trudeau's Latest Scam

Post by GlimDropper »

This is perhaps the only forum on the net who can fully appreciate the confluence of bull shittery at the following link:

Meet the Authors of The Only Answer to Tyranny - Dr. Coldwell & Dr. Sam Kennedy

(It's an Archive dot Org link so it's a bit slow)

Here's Dr. Sam's writeup:
About Dr. Sam Kennedy

Dr. Sam Kennedy is the author and founder of The Restore America Plan which made national headlines on April 2, 2010 by issuing warrants arresting the commercial bonds of America’s state governors thereby rendering them personally liable for their actions. As the former host of “Take No Prisoners,” the flagship syndicated radio program credited with bringing truth and freedom technology to listeners around the world, Sam has unique credentials to reveal the remarkable inside story in which a handful of courageous Americans were secretly recruited by high ranking U.S. officials to defeat the rapid decline to catastrophic global economic collapse and World War III. With forty years of writing, journalism and law credentials, Sam has managed to make this shocking book agreeable to logic and reason, answering your innermost questions about banking, politics, law and the economy using official public records. As creator of “The Attorney Repellant Package,” a popular CD seminar used worldwide to repel law suits, summonses and even subpoena’s, Sam is infamous among the nation’s bar associations and courtrooms for ending their stranglehold on the American people. Prior to dedicating his life to freedom, Sam was the director of a New York facial pain center specializing in treating children suffering head pain. As a devout Christian, Sam offers this book in glory to the Lord, that our children may inherit the American dream of our forefathers. He can be reached at*
* - Not any longer

Unsurprising the book is listed on Amazon, but this is rather astounding:
The Only Answer to Tyranny: America's Last Stand [Paperback]
Dr. Leonard Coldwell (Author), Dr. Sam Kennedy (Author)
5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review) | Like (2)

Available from these sellers.

1 new from $1,148.35 4 used from $700.00
Yea, the ONLY answer to tyranny is two con artists. Let me be the first to hope that Dr. Coldwell will soon find himself in a position to make unlimited house calls on Dr. Sam. In fact justice might best be served if they could be forced to share the same cell and listen to each other blather, on and on, and on.