False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

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False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by Lambkin »

The latest arrest:
http://blog.al.com/east-alabama/2013/07 ... ested.html
Etowah County Sheriff Todd Entrekin said Mary Whiteside Quillen, 65, of Weaver, was arrested July 23 and charged with one count.

Investigators said Quillen recorded several documents against government officials in a lien.
Investigators said they believe the cases involve the sovereign citizens movement
And the previous one from last month:
http://blog.al.com/east-alabama/2013/07 ... nty_f.html
Everett Leon Stout, 71, of St. Clair County, and Miriam Clare Shultz, 66, of Marshall county, were both charged with two counts of offering a false instrument for record. Stout was arrested June 25 and Shultz was arrested June 30.

According to investigators, the two recorded false documents against a circuit clerk, municipal prosecutor, federal judge and federal probation officer.
notorial dissent
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

My first reaction is that you'd think that by the ages of 66 and 71 that some semblance of wisdom and common sense would have manifested, but alas, I know better from far too much experience lately. Do we have a new class now of senior delinquent? It would seem so.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

Doesn't look like this was Mr. Stout's first trip to the rodeo.




Essentially what it looks like is that Mr. Stout and associates attempted to steal motor vehicles by claiming to pay them off with "securities" filed at the courthouse. Altogether Mr. Stout and others were found on multiple counts running from motor vehicle theft to transportation of stolen vehicles to interstate transport.

Justia also lists multiple "Habeas corpus" suits, including one against Obama.


ND, some of these cases are going back several years, old age wasn't the cause.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

Didn't really think it was, just being facetious. i thought they sounded like some of the old group that was active back in the 70's passing their special money orders or whatever it was they were calling them, some of Sweitzer's group maybe, as they never seemed to learn with age.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by KickahaOta »

I had to peek at the action (which the court construed as a habeas corpus action because it challenges a conviction, even though "habeas corpus" lacks the ringing force of "NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS LIEN / NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF ALL PUBLIC ISSUED CREDENTIALS, EXCLUDING NONE WHAT-SO-EVER"). Why? Why did I have to do that? Explain this to me. And to make matters worse, now I feel compelled to share.


A few selected highlights:
  • The usual you-must-respond-on-my-terms gambit: "You have (10)(TEN) calendar days in which you MUST PROVIDE "PROOF OF FACT" that all of your actions have been committed within the Bounds of Constitutional Authority."
  • The following dastardly crimes alleged: "1) Malfeasance, 2} Misfeasance, 3)Nonfeasance, 4) Mal1cious Injury, 5) Malicious use of Process, 6 Misprison of Felony, :Misprison of Treason, 7) Acting under Color of Law, 8> Acting under Color of Constitutional Authority, 9) Taking Oath under the Executive Division of United States Government, Violation of oath to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America, 10) Violation's TITLE 18 USC.§241, §242, §371, §1341, and many more U.S.CODES, AND United States Statutes at Large.
  • Demand for "$999,Centillion U.S.Dollars, Gold". This is "NON-NEGOTIABLE".
All this and so much more, in the space of just two pages.

Thankfully, our nation does not have to cope with a $999 centillion debt, since the case was eventually thrown out for failure to use the proper form and pay the $5 filing fee.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by Lambkin »

It looks like a hand-written document post OCR.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

KickahaOta wrote:I had to peek at the action
Aren't you a glutton for punishment.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

Apparently Mrs. Quillen had riden here also. I can't find what the action was about, can only find where it was dismissed due to failure to file a claim upon which relief can be granted.

Also Mrs. Shultz seems to be playing around a little. First, her profession. Ready?........ chiropractor. Secondly, she also had a case where I can only find the order dismissing it with prejudice.

Even though Mr. Stout seems to be an old hand (hehe) at this the other two seem to have been in Federal Court before, filing things that were dropped and relatively quickly it seems. Mrs. Shultz' case was listed as a civil rights action IIRC.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:Didn't really think it was, just being facetious. i thought they sounded like some of the old group that was active back in the 70's passing their special money orders or whatever it was they were calling them, some of Sweitzer's group maybe, as they never seemed to learn with age.
Sorry ND, after I read your reply I realized I worded that kinda wrong.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

"$999,Centillion U.S.Dollars, Gold", nice round, nonsensical number, to go with the rest of their nonsensical filings.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by LightinDarkness »

This is where I confess the sov'runs baffle me (I mean, more than usual). Lets say your deluded enough to think all this is real, that by filing fancy sov'run paperwork the courts will bow to your will and judges will flee to their chambers. If you really believe that, why do you demand insane sums of gold and silver - 999 centillion is the most insane I've seen, but these filings routinely demand insane sums in the millions or billions. Obviously, even if its all real, your never going to get millions or billions in gold - ever - if the US government handed out that kind of bullion for every traffic ticket/false lien charge (which is what most of the sov'run citizen arrests are), there would be no gold left on earth.

It leaves me pondering if they know its all a joke, but if they do that why would you do this to yourself? How many people like going to jail and try this hard to ensure they lose their court case?
notorial dissent
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it comes under the heading of if someone is delusional enough to believe that they are going to get "$999 centillion in gold" for whatever foolish paperwork they are filing, then they are delusional enough to believe a lot of other equally nonsensical things, and there is no point in either trying to reason with them or argue with them. A good sturdy 2x4 is a better response and much less effort, and imminently more satisfying.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by KickahaOta »

In any contentious negotiation, you want to go in demanding more than you expect to get, so that when you eventually meet the other side somewhere in the middle, you'll still get something resembling what you really wanted.

So obviously, even if our heroic sovereign can extract even a millionth of a percent of his original demand from the government, he'll still have far, far more than all the gold on the planet.

That's power negotiating.

And, of course, crowing "this is non-negotiable" is likewise the first step in any well-planned negotiation; that way the first thing you give up in the negotiation can be a meaningless concession -- "okay, if you unconditionally release me, I'll enter into negotiations with you concerning pardons for your treasonous acts and the reparations you owe me."

See? It's all very cunning. With this kind of strategy, I can't believe he didn't have investors more than willing to advance him the $5 filing fee in exchange for a pitiful percentage of the ultimate riches.
notorial dissent
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

The only problem with that ploy, is that you have have to be dealing from a position of some power, and these bozos ain't got none, so there is no negotiation or anything, they just flat out lose.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by Lambkin »

http://www.annistonstar.com/news/articl ... 963f4.html
Everett Leon Stout, 72, was arrested Thursday by Oxford police. His bond is set at $510,000. Police are looking for Stout’s common-law wife, Miriam Claire Shultz, 67, who is thought to be in the Jackson County area, police said.

Both have been charged with attempted theft of property, one count of first-degree extortion and 13 counts of attempted extortion, Partridge said.

A two-week undercover investigation by the Oxford police, the FBI and the Calhoun County District Attorney’s Office revealed the couple’s attempt to steal millions from Oxford businesses, Partridge said.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

Interestingly enough I found something else about Mr. Stout. When I had looked him up before I found his Federal action involving interstate trafficking of stolen property, fraud, etc. but never found a sentencing document. I still haven't but did find out what his sentence was. Know how? I found his Bivens action against the judge that sentenced him.

http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-a ... 2355-0.pdf
On November 18, 2009, Everett Leon Stout, acting pro se,filed a pleading captioned, Notice to ‘Sharon Harris, Clerk.”(Civ. Doc.1, hereinafter the “Complaint” or “Compl.”). Stout
is an inmate at the Federal Correction Institution in Oakdale,Louisiana. Following conviction at trial in this court on multiple counts of interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, mail fraud, and conspiracy, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2312, 1341, and 371, respectively, Stout was sentenced on May 14, 2004, to a prison term of 60 months on counts 1, 13, 16, 17, and 18 of the indictment; 120 months on counts 2 through 8; and 151 months on counts 12, 14, and 15, to be served concurrently.
If my math is correct he could have only been out for maybe a few months when he was picked up on the charges that started this thread, even with good time. Which I don't think he got much credit for since this action was dismissed as being frivolous. The original document I linked to 26 July 2013 was the grand jury indictment and then his appeal, which was also dismissed. This action is what came out of the Habeas Corpus suit that KickahaOta had linked.
In his rambling and largely incoherent complaint, Stout charges that Judge Bowdre violated the Constitution by allegedly “impersonating an Article III, Judicial Judge” and that she
committed “numerous acts of ‘common law treason’” by “forcing the prosecution” of Stout and his co-defendants in the criminal case. (Compl. at 1 ¶¶ E, F). Stout is seeking his immediate release from federal prison; to have all records of his convictions “expunged”; and, as near as the court can tell, an award of $900,000,000 in damages. If not granted relief, he threatens to put a copy of his complaint on the internet and send copies to the “Fox News Network, Glenn Beck, and Rush Lieumbaugh (sic).” (Id. ¶ J). Stout has not paid a filing fee or applied to proceed in forma pauperis. For the reasons that follow, the court finds that Stout’s complaint is due to be dismissed with prejudice.
Insofar as his complaint is characterized as such a motion, it is due to be denied not only as frivolous but also as barred by the one-year statute of limitations applicable to § 2255 motions.
The memorandum in this case is a good read, they actually attack every single aspect of his suit before announcing it frivolous.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by Lambkin »

http://www.annistonstar.com/news/articl ... f887a.html
Miriam Claire Shultz, 67, was arrested in Scottsboro and was being held in the Calhoun County Jail Thursday.

Shultz and her common-law husband, Everett Leon Stout, 72, who was arrested Aug. 28, are both charged with attempted theft of property, one count of first-degree extortion and 13 counts of attempted extortion.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by AndyK »

Let's see:

She's 67 and he's 72.

WHAT IF they just can't make it on their Social Security payments and Medicare coverage?

This could just be a carefully concocted plan on their part to spend the rest of their lives in paid-for housing with three meals a day and borderline (but free) medical coverage.

Yes, their life style would be somewhat restricted, but it probably beats living in a double-wide and subsisting on whatever they can get from redeeming road-side empty bottles.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by JamesVincent »

AndyK wrote:....and borderline (but free) medical coverage.
Probably better then what a veteran going through the VA would get.
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Re: False lien arrests in Etowah County, AL

Post by notorial dissent »

AndyK wrote:Let's see:

She's 67 and he's 72.

WHAT IF they just can't make it on their Social Security payments and Medicare coverage?

This could just be a carefully concocted plan on their part to spend the rest of their lives in paid-for housing with three meals a day and borderline (but free) medical coverage.
While that theory certainly has some points in its favor, it appears from other reports that they, or at least he is essentially a career criminal at this sort of thing going back several years to when he was doing this sort of thing on small items like cars(state charges), and now he/they have graduated to the big time with liens against federal officials. It sounds like he has been sovcit nuts for a very long time.
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