Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Go back to sleep, flyboy. If the previous posts in this thread don't make it clear that Yankson has been a naughty boy, nothing we say to you now will change that.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by AndyK »

Woooosh :!: Right over flyboy's head.

Flyboy: Please note that ANYONE who attempts to avoid their legal obligations to pay taxes is fair game for discussion here.

Despite your opinion that "he is not scamming anyone, he is not trying to sell his program"; the information concerning his behavior, theories, and attitudes has been published and is available to others who might be of similar mind.

It is important to clearly show that illegal activities -- no matter how much they are couched in pseudo-legal terminology or based on premises which are only valid on some other planet -- are doomed to failure.

Demonstrating the ultimate doom of these actions might save someone else from following the same course.

One starfish at a time.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just back from a day of pubbing so my response to Flyboy may not be as cogent as usual. Flyboy seems to be of the opinion that if Bernie is not actually a convicted criminal he should be accorded respect and deference no matter what his opinions. Fair enough except that Bernie was eating up huge amounts of court time, better used elsewhere, in a self-serving attempt to get the government to give him money for nothing except to satisfy his totally irrational personal grievances. While my relating of the events at the court hearing may have seemed to Flyboy like I was making fun of Bernard what can I say? I was working with the material Bernard gave me. I was not just having "fun at his expence (sic)" I was relating, as objectively as I could, what actually happened at trial. If there is humour in the story Bernard supplied it, in abundance. I don't see Flyboy actually coming up with an alternative perspective about what happened at the court hearing but instead is just whining that I'm being cruel. Tough. If that makes me "the root cause of all the hatred in the world" I'll just have to live with that somehow. Maybe head back to the Brass Neck for another beer to celebrate my evil deeds.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Greetings flyboy, and welcome to Quatloos.

I will not repeat various themes that emerged in other replies to your posts, but instead focus on the underlying basis for my interest and contributions to this message forum. I hope that will not seem overly narcissistic, and perhaps may indeed prove of interest.

I am very interested in 'meme' theory. In case that term is one that is new to you I will offer a brief explanation. The term is one coined by evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins, and it attempts to frame ideas and concepts in a context analogous to the manner in which information flows over time in biological systems. A 'meme' is an idea that can pass from person to person, much in the same way genes provide the subunits for the flow of biological information between generations that ultimately lead to species change via natural selection.

Memes operate in a similar way, but for cultural. The current culture of a group of persons is the composite of the memes that group has adopted.

Dawkins observed that some memes are highly selective - that is favoured over time - because they provide powerful advantages to their host communities. An excellent example is the scientific method. Cultures that adopt the scientific method have a very great competitive advantage over those that do not - this meme is a force multiplier for the identification of other useful memes, such as sophisticated scientific models to predict technological, medical, and other outcomes.

Some memes are spectacularly unsuccessful and as a consequence die off, for example the 'belief in the teachings of Jim Jones of the People's Temple' meme.

There is a curious category of meme that could be categorized as "parasitic". These are memes that are readily transmitted between persons, are attractive to persons, but in fact degrade the operation of either the individual 'infected' by the meme, the society in which that person exists, or both. An excellent example of a parasitic meme is the belief that past results in a random event generator affect the odds of future success. Put another way, I've kept losing at this game of dice, ergo the odds are better I will succeed if I continue to play with those dice. No, actually not. But it is this mistaken belief that is the foundation for much gambling activity.

I study the beliefs of persons who were grouped as "OPCA litigants" in the Meads v. Meads decision as an investigation into deleterious, parasitic memes. If you are not familiar with that judgment it may be read here ( It reviews the characteristics of memes that are propagated in Freeman-on-the-Land and Sovereign Citizen communities, and the deleterious effects of those memes on the persons who attempt to apply them, as well as other topics.

I am intensely curious as to what would drive a person to believe, for example, that sending a letter to government officials that states the person has "opted out" of social and legal responsibility would have the intended effect.

In case you are unfamiliar with OPCA memes, this is a standard Freeman-on-the-Land motif.

Is it greed? Was that person driven simply by a desire for a quick buck? Is that person in some desperate stress, such as a desire to avoid the consequences of their own criminal misconduct? Is this actually only symbolic, and the person fully intends to comply with state authority but has a personal need to 'stick it to The Man', at least on paper? Is the person mentally ill?

And what of those who are the Typhoid Mary's of these memes? What is their motivation? That too interests me.

So does what kinds of parasitic OPCA memes are particularly effective in 'infecting' new hosts. Do OPCA memes follow a pattern of social infection that can be modeled in a pattern analogous to the epidemiological spread of disease?

These are some of the questions that lead me to study these people, their behaviour, and how their beliefs (sincere or otherwise) impact and degrade themselves and the community in which they live. I am unclear whether that kind of study is, as you put it "... the root cause of all the hatred in the world ...", but to me it is a fair investigation of a troubling phenomenon.

My responses are not always neutral. As I noted, I am very interested in how parasitic OPCA memes cause harm. I do not know if this will help but perhaps an illustration may assist. In this message thread (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9267) I commented on how parasitic memes of this kind have terribly harmed an elderly woman, Dr. Alicija Jastrebske. Dr. Jastrebske was an academic, a successful and productive researcher and teacher. I have located and read some of her professional writing. She is clearly an intelligent woman.

Dr. Jastrebske was introduced to these ideas over a decade ago, and these memes obviously now dominate her life. She has probably lost her life savings to unscrupulous persons who propagate parasitic OPCA memes. Her belief in these concepts then led to her attempt to evade her bankruptcy obligations, and forced a court to sentence her to a term in prison, when the judge explicitly stated he would have preferred to sentence her to house arrest. But the judge had no choice - Dr. Jastrebske simply refused to abide by any legal restriction other than those imposed by force.

In a purely analytical sense this is memetic parasitism at its worst. Dr. Jastrebske clearly obtained no benefit from this very unfortunate choice of belief. Neither did the community in which she lives. Why this happened is, to me, worthy of study. I also think it is terribly sad.

On the other end of the spectrum we find the callous OPCA guru. I won't name names, tour around here and you'll find plenty at which one should point and direct derision. I attempt to maintain an intellectual distance from what they do, but then I read accounts of persons who have bought into schemes propagated by these conmen, and how their situations have been aggravated. Not pleasant.

I hope that helps a little to understand my perspective. I see a social disease. Understanding that disease is the first step in learning how to better address the deleterious effects of these unfortunate belief systems.

In the meantime, state and court actors have large, weighty mallets. It's not an elegant solution, but, a solution nonetheless.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mowe puts, far more eloquently and analytically than I can, a reason I follow these guys. We had a thread a while ago with the subject (more or less) Why Did You Join Quatloos? I commented to the effect that I was fascinated by how someone could be stopped for a broken tail light and end up with a ten or twenty year jail sentence. Why did these people virtually force the authorities to drop the hammer on them? What impelled them to destroy their lives following outlandish beliefs? The link below covers a Quatloos thread on the Kanes, father and teenage son. They were pulled over for a minor traffic violation and executed two policemen. A few hours later they were dead themselves. Why did they do that?

I have the same questions about Bernard. As I said in a prior post he is obviously intelligent and can carry on a lucid conversation when required. He handled himself well in delivering his "case" in court but his case was just made-up nonsense and his oral arguments were meaningless gibberish. Secret CRA trust accounts, people declaring themselves dead then become their own executors, we are actually all two people, the legal person and the flesh and blood man? He apparently sincerely believes this stuff but why? He had no evidence at all for any of his claims except the words coming out of his mouth. While he submitted masses of written evidence neither the defense or the court made any reference to it so it was all obviously totally irrelevant. And he had a courtroom filled with what seemed to be young and at least reasonably intelligent and informed supporters. Did they believe this stuff too and, if so, why?

It's all beyond me how people can lose themselves so completely in these fantasy worlds but I find the end result, when fantasy meets hard reality in court, fascinating. And, the malicious side of me coming out, vastly entertaining.

Last edited by Burnaby49 on Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

Flyboy, let's try this in simpler terms then. Yankson is an idiot, he'd be an idiot regardless of his, as you put it, "opinions that are different from most people", and on top of that he is a litigious idiot, which makes him worse. He is an idiot for going to court to do something that he is not entitled to do, and admittedly for a totally idiotic reason, which does not alter the fact that he most likely has NO legal right to be doing what he is trying to force the court to do. I suspect, that had he approached the Vital Stats people in a proper manner he probably could have accomplished what he set out to do, but there is no indication that he did so, and as has been pointed out, he is most likely not eligible to get a BC for his putative daughter since he is not married to the mother. What isn't clear in this narrative, at least to me, is whether he was trying to get a copy of an already existing birth record, or trying to file for a delayed cert, which is what it sounded like to me on first reading, in either case he is most likely not legally entitled to do so. I think it probably hinges on an inability or unwillingness to read and follow directions, from the Vital Stat dept, because, as has been pointed out, he thinks the rules don't apply to him, and he is so very wrong, that led up to all of this, and thus he is proven yet again, an idiot.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »


But he didn't like it...

It's a nice long screed so I won't quote it in full, but perhaps I may tempt the gentle reader with a few excerpts:
If you had NOT actually been there in the court, at the summary trial, where the judge wore no gown and the flag of canada nor the picture of the Queen was to be seen for that day, and high levels of sheriff’s stood during the savage decision, this weblink would make you believe another story but of course, it was a summary trial.


... i myself have to emphasis with the above website that theres a lot of people mixing information together or using the wrong court procedures or saying (metaphorically) “cheese instead of mozzarella”. of course for today, it seems to be this lay litigant’s process that seems to be the topic of curiosity and gossip. (allow me to point out its your world, not mine). i am only presumed to be the hostage and part of a chain of associate property. yet, the presumption is a guarantee also found in the name and account and again, that is property of the CROWN (cleverly by ones association with the subject matter jurisdiction to a general understanding of a shade that could apply to any thing, place or noun.). ...


so, i thank you for putting all that resource ($$) into a short timeline for yours truly. it is a good reality check, and for everyone. today with the courtesy of some esteemed colleagues, the litigious moor is officially the splatter of QUATLOOS, the seemingly legal weblink of (place noun here). sometimes i feel like theres no opposition, even when i put up videos of some public officials just behaving badly or maybe i can say, sometimes i feel like no one is paying any attention. people will be people, in a costume or not, whether costumes gives them a sense of superiority or not, people will be people and more often than not, behaving badly.


… the lieutenant governor may choose to give assent to this act as the policy for claims pursuant a form 32 (under constitutional questions act) brought forth under criminal code 749 relieving the presumption of vexatious litigators alleged by third party as warrant for national and international obligation via funding for curricula and enterprise. of course lets not be too hasty here, thats almost an impossible thing to do with so many ignoramuses’, they need to controlled! (lol). (its always a numbers game and people are built for different things. me, all this paperwork and leagl-jargon hurts the noggin but, its always good to be good at a variety of things including knowing some civil procedure and if anyone could part some wise words, they may say “watch them coat tails, if you have coat tails, watch out for people trying to ride them.)

for me, ive learned a lot from study on organized pseudo commercial argument as a book or a novel or scripture and a type of a legal bible of authorities written by Judge Rooke as a type of legal opinion. (with so many lawyers having a loose grasp of the legislation, i need to ask, ”is J. Rooke’s opinion bi-partisan or impartial”?) I have seen and read a good part of it. some points are valid others are not but all must do their own research and when you come to the table with facts agree on “what are real” or “impenetrable” facts. i think, people need to go to the legislations that help us create our rules implied or not. it is better than being bullied into some one else’s paradigm shift. Then again, the education and self accountability of each man or person is really what this is all about. one leaves with the opinion after reading the pseudo commercial argument theory with… why dont they just call them lay litigants or “the L.A.Y.S”? are they NOT not experts? i think the “lays” has more of a truthful meaning then organized pseudo commercial argument and is easily digestible to most then trying to jerry-rig your mind to more legal nonsense.


... i believe i used all of their laws and also the ones that the public officials are bound by. these laws stated in themselves the torts and they were all dismissed and all this stuff about being a moor and being dead and being a guarantor (which is the PERSON and not the grantor) was brought up on this pseudo legal online site and was also brought up in court. we didn’t even talk about the merits of the case. of course to prove someone vexatious you must slander them first and ignore the merits of their complaint. but if i demand NOT be categorized as ethnically “black” under the police profiling, and present some cultural and historical points about my ancestry, im perceived to be the QUATLOOS? (No one is ethnically a “colour” or a shade for that matter and shades do NOT have the same cultures?)


people can help each other but instead you have some questionable negativity like the above link. i get it, it is extreme and whats funny is, it is needed. im not saying “negativity” is needed, it is my opinion that it is “negative” which is NOT fact that it is negative. it is needed because it, simply gives perspective and the “taking of that” away from anyone just causes more opposition. im sure QUATLOOS would agree, or maybe these so-called vexatious words are simply indicative of the QUATLOOS that im and so many other people are portrayed to be. maybe…its all for the reader to see.


(i guess ill wait and see and since this site is the scrutiny of some lawyers now, hopefully they can accommodate my request for the executive order) of course, administrating the executive order back to “source” would seem crazy to an attorney who worship people like, J Rooke’s opinion and other dis-informationists. ( i hope they sincerely took notes on what was said for their own research). the administrative nature of accounts is becoming more and more apparent as to how the accountability is set up in ottawa. i just don’t understand why anyone would not want to know how accounts are set in conjunction with their in-house and residential books but to an attorney, that sounds like accounting and really, thats not their job. congratulations, to what you have accomplished with all your “infinite resources” because this so called moor, is known to be the greatest scam artist out and only slander will suffice to expose his deception. bravo! job well done.

with all well said and done, lets NOT forget it is a usury or usufructuary system and by definition;
1. : one having the usufruct of property
2. : one having the use or enjoyment of something.
Sadly, Bernie has engaged in some scorched earth ops. It appears almost all the scribd archive has been deleted, the old contents of (, the entire ( website, much of the ( contents are now gone.

Personally I see that as unfortunate as this was an unusual matter in many senses, and the academic in me hates to see information lost, even when that information is ... well ... a little eccentric.

Were I more poetic I'd see if I could somehow adapt Shelley's "Ozymandias" to the present wrack and ruin, but I seem to have exhausted my literary turn when I bastardized William Hanna and Joseph Barbera instead.

On the brighter side of things, we now have an opportunity to bid on and purchase a number of Bernard Yankson original pieces ( Personally I like "Cloud Axis" best.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mowe's hypothetical "gentle reader" can get a general idea, from his quote of Bernard's postings, of the kind of dross I had to cull through in real time to get even a semblance of an understanding of what he was getting at in his oral arguments. You can understand my caveat lector about why I had no certainty about what he was actually getting at.

Bernie said, in Mowe's quote:

"If you had NOT actually been there in the court, at the summary trial, where the judge wore no gown and the flag of Canada nor the picture of the Queen was to be seen for that day, and high levels of sheriff’s stood during the savage decision, this weblink would make you believe another story but of course, it was a summary trial."

I was there so I can agree with all of the above. Sad lack of gowns, wigs and woolsacks. No picture of HRH visible. Not even a gold-fringed flag for Bernie to rant against. Plenty of sheriffs too, court was crawling with security, wonder why. A problem the Freemen, Sovereigns, OPCA types, and other mythology based litigants have is that they get the arcane ritual-based traditions of Canadian courts (none of which are legal requirements) confused with the actual function of the courts. I was quite dapperly dressed (for me, I respect the court so did not wear my Sunday best fluorescent beer-bottle Hawaiian shirt) in a Carlsbad Caverns sweat-shirt with a big bat insignia on the front. The judge could have worn exactly the same sweatshirt without in any way jeopardizing the legal efficacy of his decision. Hell, he could have worn the same pair of denim shorts that barred me from the New Westminster Provincial Court and still have dropped the hammer on Bernard. They get caught up in ritual (stamps on documents, Mowe's recent post on Amy Collins "Call Me My Lady"'s Notice of Mistake) and lose track of the big picture. The court doesn't care about their quibbling that every obscure tradition has been followed. The court decides on evidence, in this case none, and plaintiffs like Bernard have to live with the decision regardless of what their alternate fantasy world thinks of it.

So when they lose it isn't because they are wrong, it is because the courts are corrupt and the decisions are illegitimate because ancient procedures from centuries ago weren't precisely followed. Perhaps Bernard can take comfort from that but out here in the real world where most of us live Bernard had a disastrous conclusion to his quest to have the taxpayers of Canada give him boatloads of money for nothing. So, Bernard, if you are reading this, appeal the decision. It's your last shot at free court time to babble on and on about nonsense and it will give me one last kick at the can to watch you in action. After that, sadly, you will be just another web-based voice in the wilderness.

As an aside one of my sons was married in Hawaii last year. A destination wedding but I was happy to comply just to see him get him hitched. My wife has a cultural tradition that the parents of the groom pay for a lunch for the entire wedding group the day before the wedding. We found a great restaurant for it and the function worked perfect. I wore my denim shorts and tasteful black Hawaiian shirt with the psychedelic assortment of beer bottles. Quite striking. Since I was paying nobody seemed to have a problem with the father of the groom dressing like a derelict.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I missed something.

Bernie has set up a new base-point reference for his websites and materials ( While the website's text infers that it is a re-direct for "" that is a dead link.

Enough of that. I want to share a single document I had initially overlooked: http://consultyourlife.files.wordpress. ... ctures.pdf

What IS it? Is it the legal equivalent of the Time Cube? I do not know... A kind of pseudolegal(ish) Rorschach blot? A master-scheme of a time lost to all but a few? A stiletto-like riposte to the loathed Meads v. Meads?

I simply, simply do not know.

And so I invite interpretation.

(that includes you too, flyboy.)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Are you serious? You don't know what this is? To think I once had some respect for your expertise and knowledge. Next you'll be saying you need help deciding on the correct way to install the toilet paper roll.

It's a Reinsurance Deposit Deed of a Certified Vacancy in the Office of the Missing Person. If that isn't clear enough for you (beyond me why you don't find that self-explanatory) it is also a Due and Payable Certified Estate Settlement on the Terminal Tax Certificate.

I'm afraid I may have been a little too facetious in my prior postings. Bernard has brought out his big guns for the appeal. It is also a Sealed Certified Will giving a Certified Presumption of Death from the Office of the Survivor and a Repository Quitclaim of the Reinsurance Deposit. If that doesn't prove he is dead I don't know what could. Well apart from your traditional non-respiratory room temperature body. When he enters that into evidence at his appeal the case is over. Screw You, Province of British Columbia, hope you enjoyed your momentary victory on your spurious Vexatious Litigant win!

Hold on. The actual law, rather than Bernard's law, says you can't enter new evidence on appeal. Even though Bernard now has overwhelming evidence supporting his case he can't use it! The evil empire wins again.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:BERNIE READ OUR STUFF!! BERNIE READ OUR STUFF!!! ( ... -property/)
From all that dross, Möwe, you didn't quote my favorite line:
wacko wrote:i had to learn a variety of heavy language structures to help clarify and communicate the with attorneys
If only Bernie had spent more time learning English and less time learning "heavy language structures", he would be better equipped to follow along.
sometimes i feel like no one is paying any attention
I'd focus on that feeling, Bernie.

Oh, and Bernie - there's a reason why both of these quotes come from the first 5% of your screed.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:What IS it?
I didn't know that Van Pelt and Python ever met.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

I would say Bernie was downright put out and upset, if not outright offended by us. Imagine that. Poor baby. If we bother him so, he shouldn't go around providing us with so much free comedy material to work with. After all, his antics are definitely in the public domain.

I see he was upset that he didn't get a full dress court hearing, but wasn't he the one complaining about fringe on the flag and the coat of arms and other little details the last time? Just can't seem to please him.

I see he also has a fondness for big words that he really doesn't understand the meaning of, and is a practitioner of the magic words school, and does that badly as well.

I think Bernie is another of those who suffer from thinking that jsut because they have read something they understand it and that their understanding is superior to everyone else's, another area of severe error on his part.

He is definitely a believer in form over substance and ritual, and thus adds to his propensity for loss, as witness his plaint of "I believe I did the ritual correctly(used their laws)" and they ignored me, and that is all he sees.

wserra wrote:
sometimes i feel like no one is paying any attention
I'd focus on that feeling, Bernie.

Yes, Bernie listen to your feelings, they telling you something important and you are refusing to listen.

While the last unintelligible document may not serve the purposes Bernie intended, it does tend to prove that he is at least brain dead, which is maybe part of the way there.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I missed another Yankson artifact ( ... m_one2.pdf). This one is entitled:
Ehtr mDm Archives TM

Briefing on System Processes

©. [Bernard Yankson]: Inventor/


... Law(s) of symmetry and polarity
It’s a 34 page … thing … dated 2004, and credited to:
Aether Medium Archives & ResearchTM

: Rh(ei): El[®TM©]: executor of the BERNARD YANKSON, estate.
[ Canada Business Corporation Act. ]

? : Art Commissions, Creative Projects/ Seminars& Education Consultations, Collaborations (Art/Science.), Fund/Sponsor/Endorse.
It is chock full of illustrations, figures, and … stuff. I choose a paragraph at random to illustrate:
The concept of duality is important to grasp to properly transcend the physical boundaries into the other spheres of consciousness. The reason being is simple, it allows for the accumulation of knowledge. ‘Light’ as we see it, is an engulfing field. In comparison to closing ones eyes, it can be considered the infinity (∞) to the small light particles that we view when starring into the ‘aether’, which naturally should be viewed as the polarity or complement of that engulfing field. The same naturally can be interpreted about shadows. As shadows are ‘particle’ phenomenon’s in the engulfing field of light, when we close our eyes and look into the ‘aether’, the darkness of the field is just as engulfing as the light that we see when we are looking out into the light.
I merely offer this as an item of potential interest to those who wish to delve further into the Yanksonish Cryptogram.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Kestrel »

: Rh(ei): El[®TM©]: executor of the BERNARD YANKSON, estate.
They refuse to recognize legal authority. So where and with whom are they registering those
trademarks and copyrights?

Oh, that's right. It's trademarked because they say it is. Just like their homemade driver's licenses and vehicle plates are valid because they say so.
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig." - Robert Heinlein
notorial dissent
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, but they're magical common law trademarks and copyrights, so they don't have to register them with anyone.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Oh, this is kind of sweet. Bernie hasn't forgotten about us!

He has recently posted a couple blog messages where he rails at his oppressors and deniers. In "A look at TRUST(S)" ( ... at-trusts/) he wags a finger at "NEGATIVE and goolish [SIC] entities", "trolls" and "primitive-low-grade-vibration-junkies":
Although some NEGATIVE and goolish entities out there will dissuade the seeker from making accurate self-reflection and prevent you, the seeker from the execution of your “WILL” for the betterment of your ‘trust’, the ONLY way for anyone to make way, real head-way is to do their own research and discover that reality for self. For those who thought that giving me negative publicity with slander was an effective counter-intelligence strategy, the committee behind all these blogs cautions them, that for this one here, the best strategy is NOT to bring his NAME(S) up at all. In this case, “SILENCE” on who I am is your best strategy. (Simple reason is, ‘ I do not promote any schemes, vices or devices ‘ and I do NOT sit idle when attacked! Furthermore, my purpose is to help create systems for all, and it is NOT in your best interest to embarrass yourself at my expense.)


I warned you and my court process is about communication to the executives to fix their administrative blunders… A dismissal is a WIN / WIN scenario for this one here, you primitive-low-grade-vibration-junkies! Get a grip of yourself before you make things worse by attacking me. I sat here in the dark for a reason, your attempt has already created a ripple that you will need to manage.


LETS NOT BE PRIMITIVE here, although its difficult in this reality. IF one sees the picture clearly and properly, two things would come to mind;
  • 1. Its about simple accounting and the administration of the juridical person back to source. ALL YOU PUBLIC OFFICIALS WILL GET SOON ENOUGH because the spirit of the future is PRIMITIVE, no matter how much FEAR you wish to impose on people, the FUTURE is always about UNIFICATION of all systems.

    2. (For the trolls), it may be wise to leave the creator of this blog alone.
(and yes, the TAX OFFICE is the fiduciary of all of my juridical persons and so are all of you PUBLIC OFFICIALS, is that why you decided to be a ‘government agent’? If NOT, I’ll remind you with your Oath of Office and Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and also remind you how the Vatican really is your superior. What does that mean? Insurance, with peoples belief in good things will happen. It mean that you too are insured, NOT to make the spirit of people look bad or at wrong things, who is to say? Has it not already been written in your oath and duties to follow, NOT trail a path of destruction and falsehood(s)?)
This post also offers some explanation of Bernies most curious diagrams. They are an expression of the "OGCGC (OMNI-GALACTIC COMITAS GENTIUM)" a "non profit corporation that holds the rights to the intellectual property of the Account Science Architecture."

This diagram (http://consultforlife.files.wordpress.c ... ctures.pdf)? An explanation!
... it is one of many models that is derived from a mathematical principle that resolves a universal problem (if you want to know what that ‘universal problem’- you will need to ask me, directly!). (It is also called the MODEL 3Q.) The full scale model is NOT available for just anyone and although what you see as codex or yantra may be revealing, note that the numeric algorithm for the symbols is a closely guarded tool.
Then in a post entitled "Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada" ( ... of-canada/), Bernie offered this postscript:
PS: You jokers would not have such a problem if you had just come to the table with a reasonable offer. How can you offer me 5,000 dollars after what you paid out privately from the first case (which was an insult!). After your continuous abuse, you all know you violated that confidentiality agreement. Now, the audit and price tag (and it was very high – not with an expectation to win in court – of course that would go over the heads of trolls and other public officials willing to help trolls spread hate speech), was the first means for an audit. So, all you administrators of people’s juridical persons can pretend like you don’t know what people are talking about and try to label them as vexatious or whatever you fancy but at the end of the day, the books speak for themselves. So all you trolls can go and post that! Too bad you’re too stuck trying to bash people instead of fixing your administrative blunders.
Posting trolls, trolls a-posting. Posting posting posting trolls!
Trolls bashing people with posts! Posting posting posting trolls!

I don't know what it is about Bernie's stuff, but he always brings me a smile.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm expecting his Reasons for Judgment to be out any time. Then he can figure out a basis for an appeal; not that it will make any more sense than his trial level court filings.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

Now there is an epithet I haven't heard used before, "primitive-low-grade-vibration-junkies", no that I think Bernie has even clue one as to what it means.

"OGCGC (OMNI-GALACTIC COMITAS GENTIUM)" a "non profit corporation that holds the rights to the intellectual property of the Account Science Architecture."
Sure it does, and the Easter Bunny is the chief arbiter as well.

I think Bernie has had one too many, I'm not sure what of, but he has definitely had one too many.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.