Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

The REAL Man of La Mancha, is it Ron Van Dyke :

"An impractical and quixotic" Dreamer

(this video says it all - about New Agers who seem to prefer "Impossible" Causes to Reality)

Comment from there:


"I see him as the Man of Lamancha..., and he even looks a bit like him. He is so, so desperate for change, that he ignores any truth that gets in the way of any possible cause, which he sees as positive. The result is:

Ron Von Dyke lacks discernment. In fact, he seems to have Negative discernment, steering towards "noble" causes that are not practical and will not stand up to research and scrutiny.

There's a long list of such things he has backed: The RV, Tim Turner's Republic, OPPT, Heather's bank documents, and now Indo-swiss. It is a long list of failed causes and likely flops. So, my new rule of thumb now is: if Ron Van Dyke backs it, there's an excellent chance it will not stand up to research. It's a pity. The man seems to have a good heart. But he needs a more critical brain to go with it."

You could say this about many New Agers. But Ron has an "excellent" radar, which leads him to things that simply will not work.

RVD's YouTube Channel is called: "Paradoxman316":

It is a rich vein of material for observation of what New Agers think matters
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

The Resemblance really is remarkable


Which one is on this clip: ?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Deep Knight »

He's old and has a beard, and so did Peter O'Toole in the movie. Now, if he looked like this, I'd be impressed.

Bronze Don Quixote bust by Otto Gutfreund
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Look again, more closely:


It must have been RVD in this scene:

This must have been the past life where he was Mr Sino's father.
The "other guy" in the scene is called Aristo, I think.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

WINDOW-DRESSING? - A wake up call for S.I. delegates ?

Here's an explanation that seems to fit the behavior of the Swissindo cause that RVD is supporting... Just below are some posts taken from the YouTube channel:

It seems that RVD, and in particular the "foreign delegates" who attended the Conference in Indonesia are being used as a sort of "window dressing" to support Sino's claim that he is wealthy, and will use some of his wealth to help the world. Why does he want to make a big and visible claim like this? So he can collect more money from Indonesian, who are promised big returns when they give him money. In other words: Swiss-indo looks like another Ponsi scheme. by going down to Indonesia and and showing up in photos and videos from the conference, the silly foreigners make the scam look more credible.

That's what these posts suggest. Does anyone have any further info, supporting and refuting this possibility? I am putting this idea out there to give people some perspective as to why Swissindo and Mr Sino may be making these big inflated promises.

(YouTube postings):

Marc Krisnanto /
Swissindo is a scam. It has been reported by some local TV stations. I'm an Indonesian. I know these things and this sort of things makes me sick!

Geologic8 /
Interesting, Marc. Are those local stations reporting it as a scam, or are they backing up Mr Sino's story? Perhaps they are in his payroll. He must have some money, to be able to stage the conference, etc. Is there any portion of his supposed wealth that can be proven to be genuine?

Marc Krisnanto /
+Geologic8 The report says they are taking money from people selling promises that they will get huge amount in return. As far as I know, there is no money. Sino probably has managed to get some money, I honestly don't know. There is no news about him in local TVs nor newspapers that I know of. If he really is what he says he is, there should be headlines everywhere, eh?

The Soekarno treasure scam has been going on in Indonesia for years. That include things like burried gold, bank certificates (oh and Swiss is the favorite, of course), people claiming that they hold the "key" etc. There is always a mystical background because Indonesians believe in such things and Soekarno is to many many Indonesian a mystical figure.

Many many people have lost their money, and believe it or not, including a couple of my friends with university degrees. It's not difficult to imagine that a whole bunch of people will easily fall for that. Alas, people are desparate. So sad.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron's latest Video is more revealing than most. Here it is:

= =

The Video reveals much - as one poster (G.L.) put it:
"What a sweet and innocent woman Karin is!
I hear in this Video she has now seen and admitted that No Money is going to be forthcoming from Swissindo. It sounds like the whole thing was stage-managed, and Mr Sino and his team want to stay in firm control of everything that happens with their organisation. I like Karin's idea that the main positive thing that may have come from the conference is putting people in touch with each other, a Global Group, who by cooperating with each other may be able to achieve something positive. My strong suggestion is that they try to establish a new organisation, but without Mr Sino in a central role, if only to have an option on how to move things forward."

It is very much to his credit, that he has refused to do so
, and has posted this:

I have now been notified by two people within the delegation to take this video down. Here is my second response, with a name removed.

Karin already informed me that __ wants the video taken down. Please tell him for me: NO WAY! Even Mr. Sugih, in the interview with MelVe, said the press must be independent. If there needs to be further clarification of the subject regarding what Karin said, I will address that in another video. I have never, and will never take videos down. I have made corrections though, which, as I already said, I am willing to do here.

THERE MUST NEVER BE A CONTROLLED PRESS in what we are doing. People must be free to speak from our hearts.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

So Van Dyke sees himself as a new age Woodstein, slinking around Internet chat rooms rather than dark parking garages? Van Dyke considering his goofy Youtube rants as an extension of "the press" shows how far down the rabbit hole we have traveled in the 21st century.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

I can certainly picture him in a dirty raincoat, in a dark alley.

Maybe selling photos of a certain unencumbered UCC filer.
She has great "assets", which should be "unencumbered" now that the banks have been foreclosed upon
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Ron Van Dyke has been named "Prime Minister' - by Mr Sino, King-of-Kings
(Prime Minister of What? You might ask.)
Here are two different takes on this important development

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by wserra »

DailyPlanet wrote:Ron Van Dyke has been named "Prime Minister' - by Mr Sino, King-of-Kings
(Prime Minister of What? You might ask.)
Probably Freedonia. Don't you cry for me.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Haha. Yeah.

"Freedonia", Free-Load-ia... must be the same thing.

I cannot resist posting this Excerpt from the Project Avalon website:


"Basic income for all people of the world"??
Come on, L.! The money is not there.

How can you take any of these people seriously??

+ Swissindo has no money - there is no evidence for the huge sums they are claiming, and instead there are reports in the Indonesian press (apparently, but I do not read Indonesian), that S.I. is scamming local people: promising them money for a huge reward, "when" they get control over their treasure

+ "King-of-King" Mr Sino had a "coronation" - which sounds like a comic affair, according to Pieta Morgan's account:

+ Sino and Swissindo are highly controlling - squeezing out people who ask logical questions, while rewarding those who fall in line with promises of future money, plus phony passports and phony titles

+ In a move that seems designed to encourage mockery, Sino has now granted titles to Ron Van Dyke and Karin Kolland

RVD has been named "Prime Minister" - but even he admits that he knows not what country or territory he is Prime Minister of - Yet RVD assures everyone that all those delegates who get titles will accept them merely as "servants of the people".

How can you "serve" someone, if you know not whom you are meant to serve?

It is a comedy beyond our 3D reality perhaps. And I think the real purpose of Swissindo may be to serve as a distraction, and suck energy away from serious purposes that might actually lead to some needed change in our world.

Now is the time for truly Aware people to turn away from S.I., and maybe "fight" the energy trap with the best possible ammunition: humor.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

Wow! Warrior Ron has popped up...

= =
Responding to a Reader's comment:
"This is out of control and so messed up, and too energy draining. I feel used, that the indigos might be on a fools errand, like I am some sort of pawn in the spiritual con game."
(And also maybe to the notion that SwissIndo delegates are being used as Window Dressing)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wow, these people are more gullible than I knew - the SWISSINDO group (which seems to be about half a dozen mentally deranged people from Indonesia) went around promising all the conspiracy bloggers $6k each to go attend Mr. Sino's "coronation" at a conference. And, much like all SWISSINDO promises of free money, it never materialized - yet PEOPLE STILL WENT USING THEIR OWN MONEY.

I almost think SWISSINDO is a big research project by some psychologist somewhere on how you can get people to do incredibly stupid things that are demonstrably not in their own best interest IF you make them feel important. That is essentially all these guys do - they go around and tell nutters like Ron Van Dyke that he is Prime Minister or Ambassador and send them gibberish sov'run fake paperwork. After that, they do whatever SWISSINDO wants - including paying to go for a fake coronation half way across the world after failing to deliver on their $6k stipend.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know about the deranged part, dare we say it, of the perpetrators, but some/most all of the followers certainly qualify. I would bet that if one were to check in to it, that at least some of the leaders of this were involved in some fashion with the old Roy Dam OTC scam from several years ago, as this reads and runs almost word for word like that did. It's painful to believe that there are people out there that gullible, but there must be lots of them.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

RVD seems to have woken up !

He has made a second podcast, speaking against New Age Bullsh/t. This seems to be a big turnaround from some of his earlier messages. Have some of the (mild) criticisms here and elsewhere gotten through to him? (Maybe.)

Here's his latest piece:
= =

Excerpt from his description:
"Perhaps all religion has cognitive dissonant elements; but the New Age religion of modern spirituality, as I see it, takes the prize for creating a belief system that defies logic and justifies ignoring and circumventing the hard realities of the world in which we live. The irony is that I see the people who believe these lies as contributing to maintaining the status quo because silence is consent. They see people like me as resisting the status quo, which, in their belief system, allows the matrix to continue: what you resist, persists, is their dogma..."

COMMENT from under the video, which may or may not be deleted):

"Golly, Ron. I truly agree with you here.
The purveyors of New Age BS seem to be under the control of the cabal, telling us we must AUTOMATICALLY forgive all sorts of bad behavior by the elites. I cannot buy into that at all. Shall we truly forgive those who start wars, murder our children, or commit sick acts harming our young? I am capable of forgiving people, and I see the power of forgiveness in getting past the negative emotions generated by anti-human behavior - But I will not offer it up automotically to any sort of psychopath. They are likely to just grin, and think to themselves, "What a fool these New Agers are!" And do it again. So when to forgive? Maybe after the snake's head has been cut off, I can forgive it for biting me and poisoning my limbs (or whatver), but not while it is still doing active harm. Or maybe after the perps have truly recoginsed the damage they have done, the suffering they have inflicted, and then taken some action to make amends. Then forgiveness can be granted. Then both sides may be ready to move on in the presence of light with lessons learned."

- G.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by JennyD »

DailyPlanet wrote:RVD seems to have woken up !

He has made a second podcast, speaking against New Age Bullsh/t. This seems to be a big turnaround from some of his earlier messages. Have some of the (mild) criticisms here and elsewhere gotten through to him? (Maybe.)

Here's his latest piece:
= =

Excerpt from his description:
"Perhaps all religion has cognitive dissonant elements; but the New Age religion of modern spirituality, as I see it, takes the prize for creating a belief system that defies logic and justifies ignoring and circumventing the hard realities of the world in which we live. The irony is that I see the people who believe these lies as contributing to maintaining the status quo because silence is consent. They see people like me as resisting the status quo, which, in their belief system, allows the matrix to continue: what you resist, persists, is their dogma..."

COMMENT from under the video, which may or may not be deleted):

"Golly, Ron. I truly agree with you here.
The purveyors of New Age BS seem to be under the control of the cabal, telling us we must AUTOMATICALLY forgive all sorts of bad behavior by the elites. I cannot buy into that at all. Shall we truly forgive those who start wars, murder our children, or commit sick acts harming our young? I am capable of forgiving people, and I see the power of forgiveness in getting past the negative emotions generated by anti-human behavior - But I will not offer it up automotically to any sort of psychopath. They are likely to just grin, and think to themselves, "What a fool these New Agers are!" And do it again. So when to forgive? Maybe after the snake's head has been cut off, I can forgive it for biting me and poisoning my limbs (or whatver), but not while it is still doing active harm. Or maybe after the perps have truly recoginsed the damage they have done, the suffering they have inflicted, and then taken some action to make amends. Then forgiveness can be granted. Then both sides may be ready to move on in the presence of light with lessons learned."

- G.
Read between the lines, he's basically saying that the people that preach "forgiveness" are the ones that need to wake up and people like him, and the OPPT and Swissindo are the true movements to follow as they do not preach this happy happy forgive everyone crap..

Sometimes you have to start to think like a nutcase in order to understand the inmates.. :)
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

He will take some heat from many New Agers, for his view.

But I happen to agree that forgiving everyone, whether they have shown any sign of repentance or not, and just "sending them love", is pure foolishness.

He is not against forgiveness, he is against the "New Age Bullish" that Mark Passio has talked about:

Mark Passio - "New" age bullshit and the suppression of the sacred masculine
= =

This is a big surprise for those who may have thought that supporting Swissindo, would go with buying into New Age BS.

I wonder if he has changed his view on Swissindo, and wants to wait a while before telling people?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »


A Ron Van Dyke -like Face has been spotted on Mars

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

The Latest RVD Update:

Life imitates art !
At 6:14 minutes into this New Video, Ron talks about how he wants to Dream the Impossible dream:
It seems he has finally found his Dulcinella - a polyamorous Love "Goddess"
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by DailyPlanet »

(Ron seems to be very carried away by his new "passion" - as this Comment under one of his videos suggests):


Sharing is fine - 2-3 videos, sure, but to be honest your fixation on this relationship and the way you talk about it just comes off as fishing for validation. It doesn't need to be validated by anyone other than you. What you're sharing doesn't feel like love, it feels like infatuation. No one cares if someone is your twin flame or not. So you find a twin flame? What does that mean? What does that accomplish actually? I advise people to drop the whole "Soul Mate" and "Twin Flame" concepts as they do not help anyone and bluntly put, the concept is down right adolescent. We are complete and whole divine beings. Partner's can be amazing for accelerated personal growth, but if you enter relationship from a state of desperation and yearning, you're just asking to crash and burn.

Don't get me wrong, I was actively searching and even desperately yearning for a partner at one point in my life...but I was 19 years old and once I connected with someone I didn't go around sharing every detail on youtube and expect them to be thrilled about it.
If you don't believe me, just keep posting videos on the subject and see how many viewers you retain.