True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

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True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Hey I think this guy deserves a thread based on 1. Youtube views 2. Scope of SovCit activity 3. Recent escalation of rhetoric. ... ture=watch

As you can see from his Channel he has the usual A4V How-To videos, Right to Travel nonsense, UCC and lien abuse (innovative in that he puts a $100 billion lien on his dog).

More recently he's been trying to transition into guru-ship, charging for web seminars and conference calls. His recent right to travel seminar cost a $50 dollar paypal donation.

This other youtube Channel actually went and dug up some of TF's history, good detective work on their part. Currently he seems to have a bit of a troll problem combined with dissatisfied customers.

TruFreeman is definitely interesting as it's yet another example of SovCit memes being adopted by African Americans which for us aficionados is fascinating to observe given that SovCit has its roots in white supremacist circles.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Fresh video. He is trying to do something involving public officials' bonds, Elizabeth White, county clerk and Sheriff John Layton @ Indianapolis.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Trying to make sense of his latest update. It appears from what I can tell that due to some tax issue his house may or may not have been sold, his neighbor purchased the house at tax auction, but he's contesting the sale and remains living in the house, he is also upset that his water got shut off?

Dude has become increasingly deranged in the last month or two, had a pretty public breakdown on Facebook.

Money quote is at minute 53: "I didn't fucking threaten, you can get out of here with that shit, man I'll beat your ass dude... I'll bust his fucking jaw"
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by fortinbras »

Jeffrey wrote:Money quote is at minute 53: "I didn't fucking threaten, you can get out of here with that shit, man I'll beat your ass dude... I'll bust his fucking jaw"
I cannot imagine anyone forcing themselves to listen to this incoherent drivel for 53 minutes. Thanks so much for doing it so I don't have to.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

fortinbras wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Money quote is at minute 53: "I didn't fucking threaten, you can get out of here with that shit, man I'll beat your ass dude... I'll bust his fucking jaw"
I cannot imagine anyone forcing themselves to listen to this incoherent drivel for 53 minutes. Thanks so much for doing it so I don't have to. ...

A kind person has snipped out the 53 minutes for anyone interested.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Tyra's latest videos concern a dispute he is involved in with one of his customers. It appears he got a $100 donation from a woman asking for legal advice, rhe advice was ineffective, she asks for the money back, he posts 4 hours of video on YouTube complaining about her.

Where it gets interesting is that he posts her Skype name and despite "marking over" her name and email you can still make out that the woman he's been arguing with is one "Sharon L. Thurman". Tyra avoids mentioning what her specific legal troubles are but luckily Google can help with that. ... to-uncover

It appears Ms. Thurman's Daycare is dealing with serious legal challenges from social services. ... dianapolis
A daycare owner filed a $10 million lawsuit against the state of Indiana. Sharon Thurman said the state unjustly shut down her daycare. Now she wants compensation.
The case was dismissed. ... 1347707451

There are other cases she's been filing but I don't have PACER subscription so I'll just leave the links. ... 1722/49667

Further searches show she has a history of Pro Se litigation including a 1998 case over paid leave. ... on=ACROBAT

And perhaps more disturbingly, possibly the same Sharon Thurman is involved in a complex polygamy situation where she is married to a guy that also has two other wives on the side. ... my-charges
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

True's slow motion soap opera may be coming to a climax. His latest update concerns a writ of assistance he received from the attorney that represents the people who bought the property he used to own (his neighbors) which was sold in a tax forfeiture sale. True takes issue with the lawyer's contention that his objections to the tax sale are "without merit" (minute 10) because the basis of the objection is True's belief that "there is no legal duty to pay property taxes". True expounds on the basis of his argument, stating that because his property is not being used as an investment but is a primary residence then it is not subject to property tax. No such exemption appears in the Indiana Tax code in fact it clearly states that "all tangible property" is subject to taxation.

The midsection of the video contains vague threats to the sheriff who may evict him and threat of RICO prosecution.

The end of the video contains him awkwardly skipping through the Indiana code concerning oaths and bonds of public officials to argue that the county clerk's bond is not properly filed and thus everything she has since done is not valid. The gist of it is that he uses some sort of spaghetti logic, taking different subsections of the act that apply to different officials to argue that her bond is invalid. Even if true, an invalid bond with the clerk would seem to fall under the category of harmless error and the tax sale would remain valid.

I have to wonder why he even uploads these videos, the view counts max out at 300. The good news is there'll finally be an eviction soon.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Jeffrey wrote:I have to wonder why he even uploads these videos, the view counts max out at 300. The good news is there'll finally be an eviction soon.
There's a reason for that I have discovered from following Orly Taitz. Google software kicks in at 300 views to check there is no fraudulent clicking going on.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Tyra's case reaches a new level of absurd. Apparently Tyra has been given an extension on paying his property taxes. Apparently since the house was owned by Tyra's "common law wife" but she gave the house to him but Tyra didn't properly record that property transfer, the judge decided they were supposed to contact Tyra before selling the house at the tax sale and since they didn't they will give him an extension. Whole thing seems ridiculous since he clearly knew about the tax sale and received the notifications.

Meanwhile his rhetoric has gotten tougher and is straight up threatening to shoot anyone that tries to evict him.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Thanks to some comments I've been able to figure out where Tyra is basing his claim for tax exemption:
(c) The General Assembly may exempt from property taxation any property in any of the following classes:
(4) Tangible property, including curtilage, used as a principal place of residence
Tyra is apparently interpreting "may exempt" as "shall exempt".

To quote Legal
a choice to act or not, or a promise of a possibility, as distinguished from "shall," which makes it imperative. 2) in statutes, and sometimes in contracts, the word "may" must be read in context to determine if it means an act is optional or mandatory, for it may be an imperative
It seems pretty clear to me that the Indiana Constitution is using "may" in the optional sense and the Indiana legislature has chosen not to exempt primary residences from property tax. In fact given that the majority of Indiana's tax revenue comes from property taxes and given that subsection 1(f)(1) sets a cap on the maximum property tax that primary residences can pay (1%), there's clear legislative intent showing that "may" is being used in the optional sense and they are opting to not exempt primary residences.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Tyra's war of attrition with his neighbor continues.

In this current battle he decides to burn some trash in his backyard and his neighbors call the cops on him for doing so.

It plays out interestingly in the comments. Tyra relies on the following to support his claim that he has the right to burn trash and documents in his backyard:

Which as people including the guy from the county explains isn't exactly relevant because of this: ... urning.pdf
It shall be unlawful at all times to cause, suffer or allow any open burning at any place within Marion County
So a bit of a summary. Tyra thinks that because a total ban on burning was lifted in 2012 he can burn trash but ignores that there's a permanent ban on burning in his county.

Doesn't seem like he's in that much trouble though. If I read it right the fine for burning is either $50 or up to $2,500.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by notorial dissent »

Selective reading comprehension, stupid, generally obnoxious individual??? Sounds like a candidate to me. Not my idea of a good neighbor.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Lambkin »

Jeffrey wrote:Doesn't seem like he's in that much trouble though. If I read it right the fine for burning is either $50 or up to $2,500.
But wait, let's see if he can upgrade that fine to some jail time. Contempt, or a scuffle, would be my bet.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

His plan of selling T-shirts must not be going well because he's just straight up begging for money now.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Bill Lumbergh »


Jeffrey you troll/paid agent/shill:
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by JamesVincent »

So.... one of the things this guy apparently has a problem with is Jeffrey saying that he charges for his webinars and has paying customers. Claims he only accepts donations and doesn't charge anything. Calls Jeffrey all kinds of names and cusses him out good over that. Well, slick, then explain this:
Tru Freeman
7 months ago

For those of you wanting to correct your status I am doing a webinar Wednesday Dec. 18,2013 3:00 pm ect. until and there is a donation required.
Last time I checked requiring a donation means you're making someone pay for it, and that you're charging for it, and that you have paying customers. So.... you lied. Again.

He took great exception to Jeffrey bringing up his tax issues, such as when Jeffrey mentioned his home being up for sale due to past due property taxes. Even called Jeffrey stupid 'cuz his neighbor didn't buy his house, had nothing to do with his house. She was only offered part of his yard. You see, his house has been up for sale. No one wants it. So they offered the neighbor part of his yard in a surplus sale. Why is his yard in the surplus system? Because the government seized it as part of trying to collect on past due taxes. So he called Jeffrey every name in the back.... and Jeffrey was right. Funny that. (And apparently his yard is such trash that they only were charging $500 for his yard, go figure)

He also takes great exception to Jeffrey referring to him as African-American. Makes a big point of saying he has nothing to do with Africa, was never there, was born in America, etc. Fine, so now we know what name we can call you.

Laughs at being referred to as a Sov'run. Don't you know that shit means a Queen and shit? Yet in almost the next sentence mentions that he has been traveling peacefully for several years without a drivers license 'cuz he don't need one. His legal person does but he can't drive anyway so he doesn't have a drivers license.

I don't know if I have ever run into someone so disconnected from reality short of TNT Tony. Claims everyone else lies yet, if you go back through his videos like he says, every word he says is proven a lie from his own words. I curse like a sailor (then again, if I was a sailor, they'd probably throw me in the brig as bad as I curse on occasion) but the cursing on this video was downright dumb. Curse words are there to brighten up a conversation, not be the conversation. "I can't think of anything intelligent to say so I think I'll just throw a bunch of curse words out there, in a row, and use that as my supportive sentence." seems to be his logic.

All of his rhetoric seems to be the same, old, tired, worn-out crap that every other sov'run tried to pull and loses over and over again. Not only a sov'run but a TD as well, totally uneducated and apparently a failure at either, and a failure at life.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I didn't bother listening for more than a few minutes and it looks like I made the right choice. What turned me off was the umm-ing and ah-ing and the swearing as the guy struggled to think of something to say. Combined with his complaint that Quatloos was a waste of time and all posts were by paid government shills and should be ignored. So, in order to ignore us he makes a 20+ minute long video about one poster.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I didn't bother listening for more than a few minutes and it looks like I made the right choice.
Arthur, I am staking my entire internet reputation on this. Sit down and listen to the full 22 minute video. I have not laughed so hard in easily a full year. I wish he'd have read the full thread.

Anyways, I'm going to the bank to cash in my shill checks.

p.s. He posted a follow up.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:Anyways, I'm going to the bank to cash in my shill checks.
I presume you're paid in shillings?

Gotta get me some of those...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

The government pays me in actual gold-backed currency, not those silly Federal Reserve Notes that you can only exchange for food, goods and services and even gold if you're so inclined.