UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Jeffrey »

Karl Lentz lives in the US so it'd be Internal Revenue.

Unless you guys know something I don't.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by NYGman »

Bali Mann is UK, hence my confusion, although I do have a feeling that anything Bali Mann makes isn't necessarily declared to HMRC. I also thing the same true for Karl Lenz, with respect to the IRS.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say a near certainty in both cases.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Bones »

Another win for Karl :sarcasmon:
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by YiamCross »

Trawling through the lore of Lenz I came across a little gem of a video on

This is Video is BASED Upon a TRUE Story on how to:

Offer / Counter-offer

Sorry, for some reason I can't find a way to paste the video or a link to it here, you'll have to go to the web page and look at it yourself. It's the second one down.

Anyway, long story short, I recognized the story about the spider and after I picked my jaw up from the floor where it dropped, I hunted out the original. It's from a website created by an Australian (I think) graphic designer with an acerbic sense of humour and a very low tolerance for fools. Here's the link, well worth a read as is most of the other stuff there. Nothing at all to do with mad people for a change, though saying that I think his victims are pretty mad by the end of the exchange.

Enjoy. Then suggest why this turned up as a Karl Lenz primer on how to stave off debt. Then again, I suppose it did prove more effective than anything he's come up with himself...
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by YiamCross »

I was so impressed I thought I'd fire off an email to the author of the story.

I have recently discovered the rich vain of crazy called Freeman on the Land, you may have heard of them or you may be lucky enough not to. Best not to dig too deep if you haven't but it helps to know the essential message of the movement, and I use that word with the medical meaning firmly in mind, is the law is illegal, the banks are robbers and our debts are a fraud so we don't have to pay them. Or taxes. Or motoring fines, parking tickets, hell we don't have to pay anything we don't want to pay.

At first I laughed but now I just cry at the stupidity. They have all kinds of reasons why which, again, I would caution you not to investigate too closely. These people make Shannon* look like an intelligent, well adjusted and compassionate human being. Really.

So, you may ask, what does this have to do with you? Well that may make you laugh too, though I expect it's more likely to make you cry. Apparently the story of the spider is held up as a real life example of how to avoiding paying your bills. Yep, they're really that dumb.

You'll find the video on this page, second one down. A masterpiece I'm sure you'll agree.

And, tempting as it may be, probably not worth wasting any time or effort suing them. They'll probably just send you a picture of a spider, always assuming they can find someone with access to a crayon who can have a stab at drawing one before they eat the crayon.

Love your work, keep it up.


* A particularly dense receptionist I believe the originator of these emails had little respect for. Learn more from his website, hell, you could even buy one of his books, though I doubt he'll take WeRe cheques.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by FatGambit »

Is Bali man the one helping out our local rebel farmer? I think he is.

Long story short, planning regulations say if a building is constructed without consent and no objections are made within 5 years, retrospective permission is granted automatically, the farmer Robert Fiddler, built a house on his farm and hid it behind a wall of straw bails for 5 years before revealing it, the locals loved it, nobody objected. The council on the other hand didn't like being beaten at their own game and have spent the better part of the last 10 years trying to get it torn down (it's not the slightest bit ironic that less than 0.5 miles from the farm is another green belt piece of land where the council granted permission for a devolper to build 2000 houses on, even though the land is a flood plane and is regularly under a good 6 foot of water, pot meet kettle).

Last year a public enquiry ruled permission should be granted, but this was overruled by Eric Pickles and he ordered the place destroyed, the deadline was last week. The day after the deadline expired the farmer announced he no longer owned the farmhouse so if he destroyed it, he'd be breaking the law, the building still stands.

I can't help that feel this tactic came from the brains of Bali man, and is probably deeply flawed, but we'll see what happens.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by NG3 »

I just noticed on Bali Mann's Facebook that he has a post promoting British Israelism

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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Bones »

Bali Mann breaking a habit of a lifetime and not posting a link to his crap dictionary on GOODF ... ip8_2stUqI


The man himself


Another success !1!!!!!! ... court.html
Daily Mail wrote:A judge has ordered that a farmer be arrested after he refused to tear down the mock-Tudor castle he built on his land in Surrey without planning permission

Robert Fidler, 66, claims that he will be homeless if he tears down the luxury four-bedroom castle that he hid behind a giant mountain of straw bails for years so that the council wouldn't see it.

But a judge has now issued a warrant for his arrest after he failed to appear at a court hearing - because he thought it was happening later in the day.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Pox »

Well spotted.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Jeffrey »

Clearly the dailymail must be lying and this is a victory!

"We told the Dailymail it was a victory 15 times!!!!!!"
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Pox »

Jeffrey wrote:Clearly the dailymail must be lying and this is a victory!
Anybody with a mullet haircut is a bit dodgy IMO :lol:
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by FatGambit »

To be fair I know this story quiet well as the 'castle' was only a few hundred yards from our old home. Fidler is no more dodgy than the cocks at the Town Hall, he used their own rules against them and in the eyes of the majority who live round here, beat them at their own game.

I won't bore you with the full story from a locals perspective as I have an early start tomorrow, but as soon as he teamed up with Bali Mann it was doomed to fail.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by FatGambit »

urgh, so the wife is watching some crap on the TV, so I'll do a quick summary.

Fiddler is a farmer, as a farmer he's entitled by law to a dwelling on the farm, his original house was small and basically fell down, so instead of doing the sensible thing and applying for planning permission to build a new one, he knocked down an old barn and built the castle on it. Planning Guidelines state that anything built without planning permission, that doesn't receive objections within 4 years of construction, should receive retrospective permission, Fiddler relied on this, and hid the 'castle' behind a wall of haybales for 5 years before tearing them down to reveal it.

General consensus of the locals was cool, nice looking castle, nobody really cared, there are no houses near it, and you can't really see it from the road (or not last time I drove by you couldn't), the only place it could be seen from was the flighpath of thelocal airfield, kinda ironic that the councillors used the airfield multiple times a month, but never noticed it until he moved the haybails...

Anyway our local council went apeshit and have spent the last decade and well over a million quid trying to get him to tear it down so far without success, to date as far as I know, they have not had one complaint about the property and I might add, have reclassified multiple greenfield sites to brownfield and sold them off for property development, there was even one site that our old garden led to that they did, the devolper didn't build there after the last big flood left the field under 16 foot of water for 8 months, but youcan probably guess where I'm going, and even one of the Councillors admitted they would do anything to stop him winning as they couldn't have us plebs using the rules for our own benefit.

Anyway that's about the story to date, perhaps Fiddler deserves his own thread as I'm sure he's probably drunkthe freeman koolaid iby the gallon now he's teamed up with this twat.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Jeffrey »

So why go Freeman? From your description it sounds like something a normal lawyer could handle and win.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

FatGambit wrote: Planning Guidelines state that anything built without planning permission, that doesn't receive objections within 4 years of construction, should receive retrospective permission, Fiddler relied on this, and hid the 'castle' behind a wall of haybales for 5 years before tearing them down to reveal it.
To explain why he lost his case, for anyone wondering, it was held that he didn't complete the work until he removed the hay bales. Therefore the Planning Dept had time to object to his building and eventually get an order to demolish it.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by FatGambit »

Yeah it's like arguing over which shade of grey is geyer, they said the time run from when he dropped the bails, he from when they went up, realistically neither is right or wrong, he will never win because if he does it'll open the floodgates, there's an awful lot of land round here that's a greenbelt and the last thing needed is people building houses on it and hiding them behind bails.

However that's not to say the council is whiter than white, this one in particular is a dark shade of grey...
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by PeanutGallery »

He also likely managed to rub a lot of the local councillors up the wrong way, especially when he managed to get his castle and the story behind it featured on national television, I forget the show but I think it was one of those "Houses from Hell" style shows.

As for teaming up with Bali, it's likely that Bali is hoping to get this and his 'advice' service back into the national media which in turn will attract a lot of suckers. I would also suggest that Fiddler has only teamed up with Bali after having sought legal advice, which gave him an answer he did not want to hear, Bali on the other hand will have told him what he wanted to hear and that is a part of the attraction of these guru's. They don't tell you what you should need to hear, they tell you exactly what you want to hear.

I would suspect that with Bali's help, not only is the castle gone, but Fiddler will probably incur costs that will cause him to lose the entire farm.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I would suspect that with Bali's help, not only is the castle gone, but Fiddler will probably incur costs that will cause him to lose the entire farm.
No, he's jut not trying hard enough with his current level of guru. If he is serious about getting screwed big-time by taking ridiculous freeman type advice he has to skip Bali and go to the master, Ceylon. That'll get the job done. Satisfaction proven and guaranteed.
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Re: UK - Bali Mann falls out with Karl Lenz?

Post by FatGambit »

I think it's just the single councillor who he's pissed off, but don't quote me on that.