Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

notorial dissent
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by notorial dissent »

My question, is how did he ever pas a psych evaluation?

I did like the bit about being taken to the hospital after being in an "accident", him trying to blow up the pipe line and failing that is. The rest of it reads at about the same level of veracity.

The idiot is lucky to be alive, and he is claiming they were trying to kill him, maybe he has a case for incompetence, since they obviously didn't succeed, and you'd think that with 20+ defendants, and least one of them could have gotten it done. :sarcasm:
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:My question, is how did he ever pas a psych evaluation?
Because he isn't crazy. He may be doing stupid, idiotic things, but that doesn't make him crazy.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by darling »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Well, I'll give him points for at least having legible handwriting.
It's more than just legible - it's impressive!

Like, 'maybe someone would pay to have him write things' impressive. Or maybe I'm just easily pleased.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Famspear »

As noted above, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued an order back in February granting Chi's motion to withdraw his guilty plea. Oral order, Feb. 26, 2014, United States v. Chi, case no. 4:12-cr-00155-RAS-DDB, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

On May 14, 2014, a Second Superseding Indictment was filed against Chi in the case. He is charged with:

1. one count of knowingly possessing a destructive device not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, in violation of Internal Revenue Code sections 5841, 5845, 5861, and 5871; potential prison time: up to 10 years;

2. one count of malicious use of an explosive, in violation of subsection (i) of 18 USC section 844; potential prison time: 5 to 20 years;

3. one count of using or carrying a destructive device during a crime of violence, in violation of subsection (c)(1)(B)(ii) of 18 USC section 924; potential prison time: not less than 30 years; and

4. one count of making a false declaration before a court, in violation of 18 USC section 1623; potential prison time: up to 5 years.

See Second Superseding Indictment, docket entry 98, May 14, 2014, United States v. Chi, case no. 4:12-cr-00155-RAS-DDB, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

No trial date has yet been set.

That last count relates to statements he made before the Court on March 25, 2014. He reportedly complained that his legal papers, books and confidential work product had been confiscated. The government says that he actually signed a release turning those materials over to his mother.

He's been moved from the Collin County Jail to the Fannin County Jail at Bonham, Texas.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Demosthenes »

http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2014/06 ... rial.html/
On the eve of his federal criminal trial, a Plano man pleaded guilty late Monday to charges related to his attempt to blow up a natural gas line with a homemade explosive.

Anson Chi, 35, pleaded guilty to two of the four counts he was facing at trial – the same two counts he pleaded guilty to during a hearing last year. The difference with this plea agreement is that the prison sentence is essentially open-ended. Chi will be able to argue issues related to sentencing and will have the opportunity to appeal in some cases. The sentence will be imposed by U.S. District Judge Richard Schell. No date has been set for sentencing.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Demosthenes »

http://www.dallasnews.com/news/communit ... bomber.ece
Federal prosecutors hope to use letters that Anson Chi exchanged with Unabomber Ted Kaczynski in Chi’s criminal trial, according to court documents. Jury selection starts Monday.

In the letters, Chi flattered the convicted killer and asked for help with the content of a website he was creating. Kaczynski elaborated on some of his beliefs but ultimately became wary of Chi. At one point, he warned the Plano man that he was headed for “big, big, trouble.”

Also important to the case, according to prosecutors, will be excerpts from a website believed to have been activated in early June 2012 called endthesystem.org. Prosecutors allege that Chi activated the site a few weeks before his bombing attempt. Among the site’s claims is that technology is destroying the world.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Demosthenes »

From Anson Chi's Endthesystem.org website:
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End The System to Save The World

“Technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal.”—Albert Einstein

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What is The System?”

The (techno-industrial) System is the prison we all live in, which is fueled by destructive modern technology such as nuclear power plants, domestic drones, GMO, AIDS, chemtrails, weapons of mass destruction like atom bombs, et cetera, and it's quite literally an omnicidal virus pregnant with the seed of its own demise as it consumes and eventually destroys the entire planet—unless we break out of this prison and stop it.

Why End The System?”

You pick:

“There are more slaves today than at any point in human history.”—E. Benjamin Skinner, TIME magazine
“The world has more poor people today than ever before.”—David Korten, Harvard professor, Stanford Ph.D.
“Today, the gap between the world’s rich and poor is wider than ever.”—Workers' Liberty
Worse, “there are more illnesses today than ever before, there are more sick people today
than ever before.”—Dr. Rolando Garcia
“There are more diseases today than there were a few hundred years ago.”—Dora Roper, The Epicure of Medicine

Worst, 98% of the world's original forests are gone; 99% of the world's grasslands and wetlands are gone; 90% of large ocean fish are gone; toxic oil spill after toxic oil spill are serial killing the land and water; nuclear wars and disasters like Fukushima are murdering the planet—all because of The System's ruthless need to keep growing. And as Edward Abbey said, “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell [The System].” “Only cancer cells respect no limits, and in doing so they destroy their habitats and perish.”—Roderick Nash

End The System or The System Will End Us: you choose.

How do I End The System?”

Read on...

Technomythology: Exposing the Myths of Technology

by "Dr. Derek Frost"
We've all heard how technology will brighten our future, solve all of the problems in the world, and save us so that we can live happily ever after; if any of this was true, then we wouldn't be in the huge mess that we're in. What is true is the fact that technology causes the problems. If you don't believe this, then just look at the world around you: oil spill after oil spill, chemical fire after chemical fire, radioactive disaster after radioactive disaster. Worse, 99% of the world's grasslands and wetlands are gone, stripped bare and depredated from over-drilling and mining; 98% of the world's forests are gone, cut down and completely denuded by logging machines; 90% of large fish are gone because oceans have been decimated into massive dead zones from toxic dumping, overfishing, and bottom trawling. Worst, worldwide nuclear disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima are happening over and over again, causing major birth defects and widespread cancer; over 200 species are murdered into extinction every single day which will soon make the wiped-out dinosaurs pale in comparison; severe pollution is everywhere, making air, water, and land unsafe for everyone—all thanks to technology! So not only will technology not fulfill any of our dreams and promises, technology will take away all of our dreams and promises, along with the entire world, all down the drain.

So why is technology bad?”

Because technology is never neutral so there is always a price to pay for using it—and I don't mean money—I mean the price of severe resource depletion, which will lead to the extinction of most species on Earth, which will lead to the extinction of mankind, which will ultimately lead to the collapse of everything on Earth. (If you think this is some doomsday conspiracy, even famous technophiles like Bill Joy, Jared Diamond, and Martin Rees have expressed solicitude about the problem of technology. Check out Bill Joy's Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us (The title says it all!) And remember that the great empires like Rome and ancient Egypt fell and they were not even a fraction of how destructive we are today!
So if you're willing to skin the Earth alive for resources just to make more televisions, mobile phones, cars, microwaves, and laptops (shit none of us need that just cause cancer), then you'll have to pay the price of the destruction of the entire world. And it doesn't matter whether you ride a bike, recycle, buy stuff with less packaging because in the end, we will all pay the price if we keep using large-scale technology.

But if technology is never neutral, then that means it can be good and we'll all be okay.”

Not quite. Technology can be good but only small-scale technology, like the bow and arrow, because it's sustainable and exists in harmony with the natural world. However, large-scale technology is never good because it's always detrimental and hurtful to the natural world and always has unintended and intended negative consequences like radiation, pollution, toxic chemicals, etc. Just trace every large-scale technology back to its source and you'll invariably find a trail of wholesale destruction still wet with blood. Summarily, small-scale technology is good but large-scale technology—the one we all use—is bad.

But technology keeps 'advancing,' so all of the world's problems will be solved eventually.”

That same thinking is tantamount to you putting your entire life savings, car, and house on the roulette table just because you had a hunch on a "sure bet"; in other words, that argument is completely balderdash—not to mention downright laughable—and based on nothing but faith. And as Nietzsche said, “Faith means not wanting to know what is true.”
So instead of faith, how about I present you with the facts?
FACT #1: Modern technology depends entirely on nonrenewable energy sources like oil for everything: oil for transportation; oil for electricity; oil to make fertilizers and pesticides to grow food; oil to make soap, shampoo, vitamins, plastic, et cetera. Oil is used for everything and oil is in everything!
FACT #2: Oil will eventually run out since it is nonrenewable, as aforementioned. (Oil has already peaked worldwide—around 1970 in the U.S.—and experts say oil will probably run out by 2030.)
Now, let's put these two overarching facts together: if modern technology depends entirely on nonrenewable energy sources like oil and oil will eventually run out, then how can technology solve any of the problems when oil is gone?—it can't! And before you say we have "new" technology like solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or nuclear, none of this is new! Solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass have been around for thousands of years—actually since the beginning of time—nuclear has been around for about a hundred years—and don't even get me started on how disastrous nuclear power is because one word sums it up: Chernobyl!
So if these technologies have been around for such a long time, how come all the problems are still here? After all, aren't these "new" technologies supposed to solve everything? Why is it taking so long?—obviously because they haven't solved the problems; they can't solve the problems; and in fact, the problems are only getting worse—and this ain't a coincidence because technology is making the problems worse!
Moreover, any renewable energy source requires oil to build, harness, transport, and deliver. For example, solar panels require silicon for photovoltaics, which requires oil to extract and transport the silicon; plastic for components, which requires oil to make; copper for the wiring, which requires oil to extract and transport. (“A solar panel may use more energy in its production than it will save in its use.”—Lierre Keith) Wind generators require even more: plastic, copper, steel, circuits, etc. and all of that requires oil to extract, build, transport, and deliver.
Now here's a paradox for you: how can renewable energy sources like solar or wind replace oil after it runs out when in fact, renewable energy sources are completely dependent on oil even after it runs out? Obviously, renewable energy won't do a damn thing. And don't even bring up shale. Shale is not oil and takes more than 3 barrels of crude oil to turn it into just 1 barrel. You don't need to be a mathematician to see that shale doesn't add up.
Summarily, technology will not solve any of the problems because technology is the problem! The more technology there is, the more problems there are, the worse those problems become—just look around you: oil spill after oil spill, nuclear disaster after nuclear disaster, war after war, problem after problem because of technology! So it's no coincidence that the more technological "advancements" there are, the more disasters, epidemics, droughts, famines, and wars there are. This is simply because mankind evolved for 3 million years using small-scale technology and has only used large-scale industrial technology for a few hundred years; thus, mankind is not experienced enough to handle large-scale technology and definitely not smart enough to understand the consequences or to use it wisely without destroying the world.

But technology has helped the sick with medicine, provided GMO food for the poor, etc.”

So why are there more sick people, more starving people, and poorer people today than ever before? If technology is so great and so advanced, then why are the problems worse than ever before? If technology is so great and so advanced, then why are there more problems today than ever before? If technology is so great and so advanced, then name one world problem—poverty, famine, war, you pick—that technology has solved. (Hint: none. Now would you like me to give you a million problems that technology has caused?)
And sure, technology has helped some of the sick with medicine; no one denies this. But have you considered all the sick people caused by technology from pollution, radiation, chemicals, toxic waste, poisoned water, and so forth and so on? Sure technology has provided GMO food for people but have you considered how many people have died eating GMO food, not to mention that GMO mutates unpredictably and is contaminating every growing thing on earth? Sure technology makes life more convenient with cars, mobile phones, and televisions but have you considered all the destruction and devastation of the earth for the resources to make those nonessential things? Remember: there are two sides to every coin so it would behoove you to look at both sides and not just the "good" one.

Your website was created using technology so aren't you being a hypocrite by using technology to fight technology?”

Nice try but no, and I'll prove it succinctly with an anecdote. During World War II, Hitler and the Nazis used violence to conquer almost all of Europe. So how did The Allies stop them? The Allies did not use nonviolent methods like signing petitions, peacefully protesting, holding candles, or singing songs. Do you honestly think signing petitions and sending them to Hitler would've stopped him?—no. How about a peaceful protest at the local park with everyone holding signs?—no. Or how about holding candles, singing songs, or writing letters?—no. (Gandhi wrote a letter to Hitler asking him nicely to stop and was completely shocked when it didn't work!) The Allies knew nonviolence would've been useless against the Nazis' violence, so the Allies used violence, even greater violence, to beat the Nazis.
Now getting back to technology, do you think using non-technological methods like singing songs, holding hands, or praying will stop technology from destroying the world?—no. You can't take down a nuclear power plant by singing songs. (laughter) You can't blow up war planes by holding hands or blow up military bases by praying. So it'll take technology to destroy technology; so it'll take our website that's built on technology to destroy technology.
Furthermore, it's called fighting fire with fire. For example, Theodore J. Kaczynski (a.k.a. "The Unabomber") is against large-scale technology, but he made bombs using large-scale technology in order to get his message out. He's fighting fire with fire to get his point across about how seriously threatening large-scale technology is. Kaczynski's manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF), is a must-read for anyone who wishes to understand the gravitas of the large-scale technology problem.
So instead of compromising about whether or not to use technology to fight technology, why not just simply use technology to destroy technology since it's already there and makes things easier? Remember that the primary goal isn't about bickering on which methods are technological or not. The primary goal is to get rid of large-scale technology by any means necessary, technological or not. (“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”—Stephen R. Covey)
By using technology to destroy technology, we will show how truly destructive technology really is. Besides, using technology to destroy technology is rather poetic, don't you think? :)

Annotation: Nonviolence, also known as pacifism, has already been proven to be completely ineffective and useless against The State, as revealed in Peter Gelderloos's How Nonviolence Protects the State and Derrick Jensen's Endgame II: Resistance; both books also expose Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and destroy the myth of civil disobedience. (But civil disobedience is not the problem. The problem is civil obedience.)

So do you expect us to just stop using technology and go back to the Stone Age?”

This is probably the most popular pro-technology argument, albeit the most nonsensical and ridiculous. Of course I'm not saying we should go back to the Stone Age. Hell, we couldn't go back to the Stone Age even if we wanted to because techno-industrial civilization (our society) has destroyed and extirpated everything in sight!
So then where do we go from here once large-scale technology is gone? The good news is that there's a myriad of solutions and you can pick any one you want, like when you were a kid at Baskin-Robbins. Solutions include William Kötke's New Human Culture, Leopold Kohr's small-state, Daniel Quinn's New T. Revolution, permaculture, intentional communities, egalitarian communities, ecovillages, bioregions of watersheds, biotectural Earthships, gift economies, and so forth and so on. The point is that the solutions are many, sustainable, and works in balance and harmony with the natural world.
With a plethora of solutions, that means there is no one right way to live, but there's sure as hell one wrong way to live—our way! Actually, to be perfectly accurate, our way is not our way but "their" way. Their way is The System that we are forced to live in and be a slave of. The System is the gun and large-scale technology is its ammunition. If we take out the ammunition, then the gun is worthless; so if we take out large-scale technology, then The System is worthless.
So the sooner we destroy The System using its technology, the less devastating the impact will be from its technology; and of course, the better it is for future generations of all life on earth—looks like a win-win to me! (Go to Our Mission for more details.)

But how about...”

How about we give you $50,000 U.S. (which probably won't be worth shit in the near future anyway) if you can prove us wrong when it comes to technology? For details, click on $50,000 Award.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no intent, express or implied, to promote illegal activities. We're just joking and if you can't take a joke, then you're a cop. Moreover, we assume no liability for the potential actions of any third party; this means we are not responsible for anything you do. Again, we do not endorse or engage in any of the dumb and dangerous activities documented herein and neither should you because we all ❤ The System. All data compiled here has been gathered from, and is available through, independent public sources. Have a bad day, officer!

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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Famspear »

...excerpts from a website believed to have been activated in early June 2012 called endthesystem.org. Prosecutors allege that Chi activated the site a few weeks before his bombing attempt. Among the site’s claims is that technology is destroying the world.
Sooooooo...... Chi may have believed that technology is destroying the world.

And he has again pleaded guilty in connection with an incident in which he apparently tried to rectify that problem by setting off a natural gas explosion to destroy a peaceful residential neighborhood in Plano, Texas.

The man's logic is impeccable.

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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Randall »

If he believes that technology is destroying the world, why is he using the interweb?
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by AndyK »

In his own words
lunatic wrote:Now getting back to technology, do you think using non-technological methods like singing songs, holding hands, or praying will stop technology from destroying the world?—no. You can't take down a nuclear power plant by singing songs. (laughter) You can't blow up war planes by holding hands or blow up military bases by praying. So it'll take technology to destroy technology; so it'll take our website that's built on technology to destroy technology.
Which, I suppose, makes as much -- or little -- sense as everything else he posted.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Shale is not oil and takes more than 3 barrels of crude oil to turn it into just 1 barrel.
If that's the case, "shale oil" would seem counterproductive. Now, it make take 3 barrels of water, but.... [Let's not talk about fraking. That would approach a political issue.] Although much of his screed is nonsense, this one is falsifiable.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas l

Post by notorial dissent »

I kinda sorta thought we'd been here before, and that it kinda sorta imploded when it came down to the final little signy bits with the court. Can't help seriously wondering why they think it will be any different this time around.

I also can't help wondering just how really sane Chi really is. I haven't read all the way through his political screed, not awake enough right now, but what I skimmed really bothers me on a number of levels. What interests me almost as much, is what drove him to this particular mania, and how many more of him there are.

He reminds me in altogether too many ways of a 1930's pulp villain or a turn of the century nihilist.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by Famspear »

Anson Chi again pleaded guilty.

A month ago, on June 11, 2015, he was sentenced to twenty years in prison, based on a guilty plea to one count of possession of an unregistered firearm, and one count of malicious use of an explosive device. The sentence was ten years on the first count and twenty years on the latter count, but the two sentences were ordered to be served concurrently.

Chi has also been ordered to pay other amounts, including $28,127.77 in restitution to Atmos Energy in connection with the damage to the pipe line.

See Judgment of Conviction, June 11, 2015, docket entry 237, United States v. Anson Chi, case no. 4:12-cr-00155-RAS-DDB, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

He is appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by Famspear »

Assuming that he gets credit for the three years in which he has already been in custody, I would estimate he could get out of prison as early as the year 2029, if he behaves himself in prison.

I believe he is 36 years old now, so that would put him at about 50 years old at the projected time of release.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by Famspear »

An afterthought:

Anson Chi's bankruptcy case was dismissed on January 28, 2014, for the reason that -- not surprisingly -- he failed to file some of the required financial documents.

Case no. 13-42942, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Texas (Sherman Div.).
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by Famspear »

A tidbit from a news report regarding Anson Chi:
Chi corresponded with imprisoned Unabomber Ted Kaczynski before the 2012 blast, according to court documents cited by the Dallas Morning News, though Kaczynski eventually told Anson Chi to see a psychiatrist and stop contacting him.
--"Anson Chi Given 20 Years in Plano Pipeline Bombing," June 1, 2015, KXAS-TV channel 5, Dallas-Fort Worth, at:

http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Anson- ... 31811.html


Yikes! It's pretty bad when even a nutball like Ted Kaczynski just wants you to leave him alone!
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by notorial dissent »

Famspear wrote:Yikes! It's pretty bad when even a nutball like Ted Kaczynski just wants you to leave him alone!
I think you mean...
Yikes! It's pretty bad when even a nutball like Ted Kaczynski thinks you're too crazy to deal with! FIFU
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by fortinbras »

I am not sure what Ted Kaczynski's contact with the outside world is like .... maybe he still get lots of letters and visitors ... but most prisoners in for life have stopped getting visits by now and probably also stopped getting mail, so this sort of emphasizes how very something Chi must be if Kaczynski doesn't want any more letters from him.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:I am not sure what Ted Kaczynski's contact with the outside world is like .... maybe he still get lots of letters and visitors ... but most prisoners in for life have stopped getting visits by now and probably also stopped getting mail, so this sort of emphasizes how very something Chi must be if Kaczynski doesn't want any more letters from him.
I know that is usually true, but while I have no idea it would not surprise me that the Unabomber, or any one nutcase for reasons unexplained, gets more fan mail than any other prisoner except Charley Manson...I mean, someone came in second place and Kacyznski is as good a bet as any, except now that I think about it, Terry Nichols, who I'm sure has a certain SOvCIt like fan base.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown fan arrested trying to blow up gas line

Post by JamesVincent »

Famspear wrote:A tidbit from a news report regarding Anson Chi:
Chi corresponded with imprisoned Unabomber Ted Kaczynski before the 2012 blast, according to court documents cited by the Dallas Morning News, though Kaczynski eventually told Anson Chi to see a psychiatrist and stop contacting him.
--"Anson Chi Given 20 Years in Plano Pipeline Bombing," June 1, 2015, KXAS-TV channel 5, Dallas-Fort Worth, at:

http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Anson- ... 31811.html


Yikes! It's pretty bad when even a nutball like Ted Kaczynski just wants you to leave him alone!
Then again, unlike our fledgling nutjob, Kaczynski is extremely intelligent. Maybe he just didn't want to be involved with someone that dumb. I always wondered what ole Ted thought of the modern day movement, considering he actually did most of the things that these clowns claim to want to do.
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