More Bioperformance (Now BPI Worldwide)

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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More Bioperformance (Now BPI Worldwide)

Post by wiseone »

Doc Fog's most recent rant which can be found at ...
The Revolution Part 2 begins in........Only the Attorneys know and they will announce to everyone on March 14 the exact date of launch. Remember Wednesday March 14 we will all receive an email from Bio with the launch date. I am told by management only the attorneys know and that date will be very soon after that announcement of March 14th.

Why did we miss the forecasted date of launch? Answer the legal team, which now consist of 5 different law firms, had a few more i's to dot and t's to cross so as to place Bio, our business, your business in the best possible position to have all the expert witnesses, all the proper completed lab testing, all the legal scrutiny to never have a hic up with any AG that can't have a cure already prescribed. We want to never have any possible slow down due to legal again.

Remember the shipping is ready, the supply is ready, the bankers are ready, the programmers are ready, the management is ready (They say after 9 months no one wants it as bad as them), quality control is ready, so when the lawyers say's launch time. I hope you're ready cause ready or not it will be huge!

I've thought for 9 months about the mistakes we made and how even through the mistakes it exploded and I have some new thoughts about network marketing at its best. Bio paid out like many pure money games pay...but even see when you ask someone to put up $500 into a money game the only thing you have for that person is pure money. They must be greed driven only and they must ask other people to put up money for greed. At Bio it was even better than pure money because we all knew that if that person did nothing but use their 13 bottles of product they would save so much money on fuel cost no one was being driven on pure greed. WE HAD VALUE FOR EVERYONE.....even those who never told another person. No one had a feeling of everyone would do it and enjoy telling their friends to save them money.....and if they wanted to save a lot of money and make a lot of money we had something for them on the make money position. IT WAS A WIN/WIN for anyone. That's why it exploded even with mistakes and it will one out there has a product so needed and no money game out there can offer the realism of a real business with a needed product and money. We have the best of all it will explode again and very soon.....GET READY! LOOK for the announcement on March 14 and tell the world....We're back!

Sincerely Yours,

Doc Fog
I can hardly wait! :wink:
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Post by wserra »

I had heard of Doc FOG some time ago. However, until I looked at his site today, I didn't realize that "FOG" stood for "Favored of God".

Don't get me started on those reserved spots in Hell closest to the boiler room.

Post by madinsacramento »

They are all nuttier than fruitcakes. Why no federal agency has not swooped in an carted these two twisted con artists off to the slammer is beyond me. Remember, they have everyone's bank account numbers - WITH NO WAY TO CANCEL!! So lets make it as difficult as possible, shall we? And this is LEGAL?

From the BP braintrust, the anarchy continues:

"Getting a refund or restitution from the Texas AG and cancelling participation from BioPerformance are 2 separate things. It's very important to know that you must get any and all refunds and restitution of any kind from the Texas Attorney General. If you did not receive your product order(s), DVD's, a check bounced, or you did not deposit a check, etc. then you must get your refund or restitution from the Texas Attorney General. You will NOT be deleted, removed, terminated or deactivated if you get a refund or restitution of any kind from the Texas Attorney General. You will only be deleted or cancelled if you request to be in writing with your signature to a P.O. Box that we will release soon."

So even if you GET a refund, there is no way currently to stop them from taking more money . . . and you lawyers are telling me there is no class action attorney willing to take these bozos on?
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Post by wserra »

madinsacramento wrote:you lawyers are telling me there is no class action attorney willing to take these bozos on?
Tell you what, mad - you get me a signed guarantee by an entity with sufficient assets (bank, insurance company) that it will be responsible for a judgment against these scammers, and I will see if I can find you a lawyer.

It seems quite unlikely that they have insurance which would cover such a suit, and nobody willingly works for nothing.

Post by madinsacramento »

I'll try to be a little less frenzied.

As a lay person, it seems to me to be a continuation of the scam that the AG deemed illegal to not let any one scammed, all of whose banking and/or credit card info is in the hands of BP, cancel. There is LITERALLY no way to cancel the automatic withdrawal of funds. BP has no address where they will accept mail, and won't allow you to do it online or via email. An oversight by the top law enforcement officials in the state of Texas, perhaps?

As to your offer, both BP principals were left with their homes in Texas (at least - since the judgement was for 8 million and they testified in court to taking in about 29 million). Doesn't Texas require homeowners insurance? And didn't OJ Simpson's homeowner's policy defend him against the civil wrongful death suit, as an example? Its just a thought . . . .
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Post by Burzmali »

It isn't that easy to pierce the corporate veil. You can sue the company without a problem, but trying to get the assets of the owners of the company can be tricky.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

madinsacramento wrote:There is LITERALLY no way to cancel the automatic withdrawal of funds.
Just because the scammers won't let you cancel, doesn't mean that you can't stop them from taking money out of your bank account.

You can stop the automatic withdrawals by simply contacting your bank and requesting it. Be armed with the AG's scam finding, in case they need or want it.

You can also close that bank account, and open another.

Post by madinsacramento »

[quote="Burzmali"]It isn't that easy to pierce the corporate veil. You can sue the company without a problem, but trying to get the assets of the owners of the company can be tricky.[/quote]

It seems to me the Texas AG has already done that. All the BP money was siphoned into their personal trust funds, bank accounts, etc. That is where the $8 million in restitution in the settlement came from - the AGs office drained those. The entire court process BP already went through successfully pierced the corporate veil - it was a joke and a sham.

I don't think that is a problem. What might be a problem is that they seem to have endless funds to draw from to pay lawyers - $400,000 from the settlement, and now supposedly, they have five legal firms working on their "great Leap forward." So, I guess that's where all the rest of the money will be going - plus the new influx of funds from true believers (all 12), and the rest of the poor schmucks who can't cancel in time . . .

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Mad, I wasn't following this thread in the old forum, so please excuse me if you've already been asked this question. How much money did you lose to this scam, and how much is being withdrawn from your bank account each month?
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Post by webhick »

ElfNinosMom wrote:You can stop the automatic withdrawals by simply contacting your bank and requesting it. Be armed with the AG's scam finding, in case they need or want it.

You can also close that bank account, and open another.
As told to me by a teller, the bank will only stop transaction from "Name" for x amount. It won't stop transaction from "Name" for x+.01 amount, etc. - Which is a dirty little tactic even legitimate companies will use to try to get the transaction to clear.

Closing the account might be a viable option.
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Post by wserra »

madinsacramento wrote:It seems to me the Texas AG has already done that. All the BP money was siphoned into their personal trust funds, bank accounts, etc. That is where the $8 million in restitution in the settlement came from - the AGs office drained those.
Very different. It wasn't that the AG pierced a corporate veil - it was a consent judgment, meaning that the scammers agreed to do it. And if they had not, an AG's Office has enforcement powers that no private litigant has. And even piercing the veil isn't enough, it's finding and seizing the assets. Residences are likely immune from judgment seizure (although they are certainly lienable). There is no way a homeowner's policy would cover this - if OJ's covered his civil defense, it's the first I've heard of it, and would like to see proof of that.
What might be a problem is that they seem to have endless funds to draw from to pay lawyers - $400,000 from the settlement, and now supposedly, they have five legal firms working on their "great Leap forward."
That's what isn't a problem. As a civil litigator, I would quite confidently and happily sue Donald Trump if he did something worth suing over - after all, he can pay the judgment. BTW, why don't they name the five firms they allegedly have on retainer?
the rest of the poor schmucks who can't cancel in time . . .
Write them certified, return receipt requested, telling them that they no longer have your permission to debit your bank account, effective immediately. Better yet, if you're able, serve them with such a notice. Copy your bank and the Texas AG at their address for BP complaints, and then later send them either the signed return receipt or an affidavit of service.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

webhick wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:You can stop the automatic withdrawals by simply contacting your bank and requesting it. Be armed with the AG's scam finding, in case they need or want it.

You can also close that bank account, and open another.
As told to me by a teller, the bank will only stop transaction from "Name" for x amount. It won't stop transaction from "Name" for x+.01 amount, etc. - Which is a dirty little tactic even legitimate companies will use to try to get the transaction to clear.

Closing the account might be a viable option.
This is a good example of why I don't ask tellers anything more complicated than, "Can I get that in small bills?" :lol:

Banks can indeed stop an electronic transaction without knowing the amount. I know this for a fact, because I did it not long ago.

Now, whether they want to do it or not is another question. I understand it's not as simple as the typical electronic stop payment, so their willingness may depend a great deal upon the nature and length of your relationship with your bank.

I don't know how much they charge for a stop payment of that nature, since my account is completely fee-free. You'll need to weigh the cost options based upon your financial status, of course.

Chances are they'll suggest you just close that account and open a new one, which of course won't cost anything and will cure the problem, but may come with problems of its own, again depending upon the length and nature of your relationship with your bank.

Post by wiseone »

What amazes me is that the Consent Judgment (which they agreed to) forbids Bio and Rep’s from making claims that cannot be backed up (which is all of their former claims) and, that they must provide the danger and warning of the ingrediant Naphthalene on all of their written materials (including websites).
All one has to do is google ‘Bioperformance’ to find website after website still in blatant violation of the Consent Order (Such as this one …
One wonders if the authorities will really enforce it?
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Post by wserra »

wiseone wrote:One wonders if the authorities will really enforce it?
Unfortunately, even though the judgment applies to distributors as well as Biohazardance management, enforcement will be spotty. The particular politician in question has already received his headlines, and will not get many more for shutting down individual sites.

Enforcement (if any) will thus depend on complaints. For example, one Patrick Moore of Highland/Ontario, CA, owns the site you mentioned. I used the Texas AG's complaint form to complain about it - but he isn't in Texas.

But nothing will ever happen without complaints.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by wiseone »

wserra wrote: But nothing will ever happen without complaints.
Thanks wserra!
I've sent complaints as well, but back when the 'restraining' or 'cease and desist order' was in place, and not since the Consent Judgement was filed. I will though as I find them.
Here's another ...

Post by madinsacramento »

Latest communique from the BP scammers in chief. Apparently, even they have figured out that the jig is up with a market for mothballs @ $50/bottle, so some new deviltry is afoot:

"This journey is just like traveling to your favorite destination and asking--- "Are we there yet?" We're not there yet, but we are very close. The reason we cannot release an exact date today is because a new product without the naphthalene has been developed and the testing of it is causing a short delay in the launch. We are very close to releasing the exact date, so bear with us as we prepare to launch your BioPerformance business. Immediate plans are underway to get you back in business very soon. We hope to have all the details out of the way so we can launch as soon as possible.

So, stand by and... GET READY! ! More exciting details coming soon!!!!"

Note there is still no word on how one can get out of this hellish nightmare. Just a promise of more worthless products to come . . . .

Post by fuelsaving »

madinsacramento wrote:Latest communique from the BP scammers in chief. Apparently, even they have figured out that the jig is up with a market for mothballs @ $50/bottle, so some new deviltry is afoot:

"This journey is just like traveling to your favorite destination and asking--- "Are we there yet?" We're not there yet, but we are very close. The reason we cannot release an exact date today is because a new product without the naphthalene has been developed and the testing of it is causing a short delay in the launch...
Hmm, interesting. A month ago they claimed the original product was brilliant and they had the test data to prove it, now they are abandoning that product and developing something else. Could it be that - gasp! - those of us who claimed the original product was worthless were right all along? 8)

Post by madinsacramento »

Still no launch date OR details on how to cancel your account. But a new tag line indicating BP will be entering into (drumroll please) - vitamins/and or nutritional products as well. Can you believe that - imagine, an MLM selling vitamins. Here's an excerpt from the latest overblown garbage email I received:

[i]BioPerformance International, Inc.---
Fueling Your Car---
Fueling Your Body---
and Fueling Your Finances!![/i]

What crap. I'm just now crafting my new complaint to the TX AG re: no way to cancel, since, according to BP, there is no physical address, and the only way to cancel is a physical letter to a physical address . . . Catch 22! And where's my refund . . . also, what is an environmentally friendly way to dispose of of poisonous product. You know, same old, same old.

Guess you'll have to start your correspondence with Doc Fog up again, Fuelsaving, since they are fixing to release a WHOLE, NEW more better revolutionary ultra double dog secret bestest fuel saving product ever . . .with vitamins that's safe to eat and good for you! Ya think?
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Post by wserra »

"New Shimmer is both a floor wax and a dessert topping!" - Chevy Chase
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by Shakespearegirl »

Oh wow - been away for a bit, but it's nice to see nothing's changed.