Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:I assume, that when, not if, he is apprehended, that the court will insist on the Canadian equivalent of a sanity hearing? It certainly sounds like he would be a prime candidate. ...
Probably not. There was a time when that was the almost automatic response by the courts to a Freeman/Sovereign litigant. Now they're just too well known and understood. So, if Marcel/Marc were to engage in his usual speeches, the result would simply be "oh yeah, another of those guys."

Though perhaps Marcel could ramp it up to the level he is still sent for an examination. At the rate of $133 million per minute.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

The familiarity with FOTL part I can understand, I made the comment I did though based on my feeling that I think this one actually does sound more than slightly unhinged as well as having swallowed the FOTL koolaid.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

While prowling around the websites of some of our less monitored “specimens” I discovered that Marcel “get my name right!” Zurawell has had a change of heart. As readers may recall, Marcel Oft Bessette was very upset on being named one of Winnipeg’s Most Wanted. This led to video recordings of him calling up various government official, angry posts, and well … he kept doing that. If one is to believe Marcel (probably a risky prospect) he then started sending Freeman-ish documents to government agencies, for example this one doppelled on his Facebook page ( ... 3817698676), where he seems to purport to operate his own court, with himself as the Chief Justice. It’s kind of fun, so I’ll reproduce it in full:
Attention: Andrew Swan & All Agents/Staff/Contractors - Department of Justice MB
Law of Agent Applies, Notice upon one, is equal to notice upon all.

Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Keeper of the Great Seal

Minister responsible for Constitutional Affairs

Minister charged with administration of Manitoba Public Insurance Act

Peace Maker Society, Corporation Posing As Government Control Officer & Agent Accountability Program.

NOTICE: To the Corporation Control Officers, Deficiency Notice. . From Peace Maker Society Private Unregistered Unincorporated Law Firm of Laymen & Laywomen advocates & representatives.

On _May 5th, 2014___, we received a complaint your Agents/Agency are committing Securities Contract Fraud. Our law firm contacted Karen Chambers via phone call, on May 6th 2014. She stated that call, and once calling us back that your office would be in touch to resolve the matter. Then we called both Karan, as well as left a voice message on your efficiency office line, as well as with the Personal Assistant to Andrew Swan. You are all liable corporately and personally, as you have and are now being noticed of your willful negligence. You have harmed Marcel several times with fraud and unlawful process, we are beginning all remedy and action available to us, against you and your offices, as you do not wish peace, as your actions have proven time and time again. You are attempting to act upon Marcel of the family Bessette, Founding Member, Signatory & Chief Justice to Peace Maker Society under an identity which does not exist under stats Canada inc. for many years now known as Marc Marcel Zurawell. The claims are baseless, as you have listed Marcel of the family Bessette on crime stoppers top ten most wanted, for a warrant which is invalid, and of which Marcel was the only injured party, as he was assaulted by downtown biz and held unlawfully by police for 217 hours which they were billed and debt was cured at 2.1 million per agent. This was July 27, 2011. Now you are attempted to charge him with uttering threats, which he does not stand under act or statute, as we are including his notarized documentation, which proves our position.
You are all liable for your actions or lack thereof. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, conduct yourself accordingly. Our private security can and will arrest any and all unlawful agents in coming months and years.

As per due process we are serving notice, honor between equals, through communication via notice, which is due process, is so important to keep the peace.
See our notice of facts below and no injured party equals no crime. (1) You are attempting to restrict Someone’s right to liberty, life, property, and enjoyment thereof.

Clearfield Doctrine

No Corporation can be a Government by Definition.

No Corporation can force you to Contract.

Abuse of Right Doctrine Case law – Any Agent may be personally liable if they use incorrect legal corporate contracting techniques against another’s Moral Right.
This notice is a conditional acceptance upon proof of claim. Proof of claim would be a valid contract, which you do not have.

A. Valid requirements every contract must meet to not be considered a fraud:

1. Full disclosure
(Meaning whoever attempted to make me contract, explained their corporate status which proves, as per Clearfield Doctrine case law referenced above, in fact, that no corporation can be a government by definition; one excludes the other. As well as all the details of the contract including my right to cancel within 10 days, their agent number, etc.)

2. Equal consideration
(Meaning I was offered something of substance or value in the contract. Corporations posing as government agents offer no value, as all legality is fraud in contract inflicted upon free people who did not comprehend how it works, or speak legalize, the jargon lawyers and judges use in contracts. No meeting of the minds equals no contract)

3. Lawful terms and conditions
(Every contract the Government of Canada, Inc. is a form of securities fraud, proven in their being listed on Dunn and Bradstreet Securities, Washington, DC (ie) Manitoba Justice at 408 York Avenue is listed under Manitoba Act and Statute Corporations Act thus has limitation of powers as a corporation because they do not have a valid contract with me, and they have not witnessed me commit an indictable offence which is harm to life, liberty, property or rights of someone else)

4. Signatures of both parties, with a meeting of the minds
(for signatures to be valid they must be given without threat, force, intimidation, and without holding someone hostage until they sign. All parties who are contracting must comprehend what is taking place in the contract to have a meeting of the minds.

B. Valid requirements every debt must meet to not be considered a fraud.

1. Validation of the debt (actual accounting paperwork)

2. Verification of their claim against me (a sworn affidavit or a signed invoice)

3. A copy of the lawfully valid and binding contract both parties voluntarily agreed to an signed (please see valid requirements must meet to not be a fraud)

I understand this as proof you are a corporation as referenced by links above.
The Complainant has not committed and indictable offence nor did they voluntarily or willingly consent to any contract that you offered. I have in place, cured as law, claim of right documents, copies of the documents sent by registered mail, available upon request.

As referenced by Defence of Property with Claim of Right in the Criminal Code of Canada (s.39).

Adverse Possession in Blacks law Dictionary is defined as enjoyment of real property under claim of right.

I have proven in fact, you are using incorrect legal process against their moral Right and natural/universal Law, as Society flesh and blood woman/man, and living soul. Who holds all rights Unregistered Unincorporated, we are Competent and Lawful Jurisdiction to hold you & your Agencies Accountable.

That I the unregistered, unincorporated woman/man and living soul known as Marcel of the family Bessette reclaimed all alienable rights as of September 3rd 2009..

I no longer contract my private, unalienable rights to be governed under act or statute but rather as an unregistered, unincorporated, flesh and blood woman/man and living soul, which now stands under and is bound to my cured as law, claim of right, as per lawful excuse, via claim of right and i am in harmony with corporate law, common law, and natural law.

Equals cannot give other equals orders, everything must be offers. We are equal before and under natural law.

I conditionally accept all orders upon proof of claim. If you fail to prove your claim and act on me anyway, you are liable for my fee schedule as a private contract for hire.

This is an unalienable right of all mankind.

The Agency if wilfully negligent from this point on has been noticed. Wilful negligence is equal to fraud. By committing fraud my understanding is under Maritime Law, that your agency through being wilfully incompetent and having no plausible deniability have in fact abandoned your one million dollar $1,000,000 public insurance liability bond.

It is our lawful right, to our understanding, to claim the one million dollar liability bond, as we acting on behalf of would be the injured party and a member of the public in fact, which you would have or are harming through incompetence.
All response must be under oath or attestation upon penalty of perjury, under FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILTY.

Any response to this litigation must be sent

c/o Peace Maker Society, unregistered, unincorporated, private law firm.
201 Portage Avenue, 18th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Dominion of Canada, General Delivery

They do not represent me but they are acting as a third party witness to your response or non-response, of a breach of contract.

These rights are hereby lawfully claimed and are established as Law thirty days hence.

Any and all concerned parties wishing to discuss or dispute these claims must send a Notice of Dispute or Offer of Discussion within thirty days via Registered mail to the address below.

Failure to do so means that all parties agree that these rights herein claimed are lawfully established and will not be infringed, violated or abrogated in any way.
All parties who have been served proper Notice of this claim and fail to discuss or dispute, and then infringe, violate or abrogate said rights, directly or through their agents, employees or proxies, agree they do so under FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILITY and further agree to pay to me upon my demand a sum certain of One Million Canadian Dollars for every infringement, violation or abrogation.

This Claim of Right is made and served with the intent of bettering my society and myself and, without ill will, malice aforethought, frivolity or vexation.

Claimant Signature___Marcel of the family Bessette_____________________Print Claimant Name__Marcel______-__Riley_________:___Bessette_________
Signed before Peace Maker Society verifiers and witnesses, who swear to God and on their honor that, at the geographical location of Winnipeg, in the Geographical location known as Province of Manitoba this __13th__day of ___May______,2014

All Rights Reserved

Reference notes:

1. There must be an injured party; a complaint is invalid on its face. Gibson v. Boyle, 139 Ariz. 512

2. Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942)

"Public Policy" according to the wishes of the "Creditors of the US Corporation".
Clearfield Doctrine:

“Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen. This entity cannot compel performance upon its corporate statute or rules unless it, like any other corporation or person is the holder-in-due course of some contract or commercial agreement between it and the party upon whom the payment and performance are made and thereby, willing to produce said documents and place the same evidence before trying to enforce its demands called statutes.  For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.” ” Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and takes on the character of a mere private citizen [where private corporate commercial paper (securities) are concerned]“. . . “For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as an entity ENTIRELY separate from government.” Bank of US v. Planters Bank, 9 Wheaton (22 US) 904, 6 L. Ed. 24

3. Abuse of Right

The Swiss Civil Code states " The manifest abuse of a right is not protected by law."
At least one of four conditions is required to invoke the doctrine:[1]
• the predominant motive for exercising the right is to cause harm
• no serious or legitimate motive exists for exercising the right
• the exercise of the right is against moral rules, good faith, or elementary fairness
• the right is exercised for a purpose other than that for which it was granted.
The principle does not exist in the Anglo-Saxon system.[citation needed]

4. Defence of property with claim of right: Criminal

39. (1) Everyone who is in peaceable possession of personal property under a claim of right, and every one acting under his authority, is protected from criminal responsibility for defending that possession, even against a person entitled by law to possession of it, if he uses no more force than is necessary. (2) Everyone who is in peaceable possession of personal property, but does not claim it as of right or does not act under the authority of a person who claims it as of right, is not justified or protected from criminal responsibility for defending his possession against a person who is entitled by law to possession of it.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 39.

This is a matter of public record. We are sharing all litigation with the public at large, as well as law groups, law firm, advocates, and government supporters we have worldwide. We are the new law, we outrank you, we suggest you learn fast, because you’re a willful criminal. Legality is corporate contract, which makes lawful rights illegal, to the masses, who do not comprehend the crime of securities fraud. We are well educated, and well connected, conduct yourself accordingly, as you are a criminal at the moment. Thank you for your cooperation. We are hopeful to resolve this peacefully, that will ultimately be up to you, and if you don’t, we will win. We are supported by many churches, attorney generals groups, knights of Jerusalem, David Harper of the Cree Nation Mb., Many reserves, Canadian Action Party, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Manitoba Volunteer Rewards Program Social Assistance, Probation Services Kieth Biggar Provincial Manager, now retired… plus many diplomats worldwide. Conduct yourself accordingly, you are not a government by definition, but we are, we suggest you stand down, or else we will use all lawful means at our disposal, including arrest of your agents as our staff and programs grow. We are the law, you are not, you are just corporate legality, and you are all personally liable from this day on, no longer covered by your insurance bonds.
Isn't it funny how he keeps getting confused just which jurisdiction's laws are in play? And really - Marcel's backed by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. C'mon government stooges, it's time to realize the jig is up!

So this kind of stuff keeps getting posted along with tons of FREE-Dumb copypasta. (I'm adopting this useful term coined by Scott Duncan of The Tender For Law Facebook group.) Another I liked was this third party account of Marcel by Marcel, as ninja-dude, master of the courts, and “marshal arts” ( ... 3817698676):
Peace Maker Society Our founder Marcel used to be VERY dangerous.. but only in self defense... he has been in over 500 street fights, won 6th in canada wrestling.... studied many marshal arts.. lived on streets and walked in all types of communities to this day.... he is somone you don't f--- with... if he didn't find law, and found our society, you would be in danger for talking to him how you have.. luckily, he cares more about saving freedom, and his loved ones, then any stupid people or revenge. He has been to court many, many times, and never jail, as he knows the line, he is proven results, that is why many video's don't have comments, as stupid people leave dumb comments, and your not entitled to be stupid in our society, in fact we are here to ensure stupid never runs anything ever again.. love and light.. peace
(Language redacted.)

The last post is on May 18 ( ... 3817698676) and reports someone interfering with Marcel’s security camera:
Some f---er just reached into my home, and tried to steal my security camera... hey dumb ass, I'll see you around... you should have seen that bitch run.. lol... anyway.. back to chilling, love being the tough f---er I am.. Night all... if you f--- with me, its my lawful right to beat your ass... Peace.
(More language redacted.)

Then … there’s nothing. It’s quiet for almost two weeks (VERY unusual for Marcel) but last night he begins one more to post to Facebook. It looks like his attempt to lawfully beat someone’s ass didn’t work out so well:
Marcel Otf Bessette
(May 31, 2014)
My old phone got destroyed by police, then stolen by them also, so have no ones numbers for most part... if you need to reach me.. my new number is 204 881 6452. I'm a new man, sorry to anyone I was a prick to before. love and light. Marcel Otf Bessette

I'm wiped, going to mop my blood off the floor, from when police beat my ass, in my home unlawfully more than a week and a half ago. I forgive them, but man am I bushed.... Night all, peace.

I look forward to rebuilding my life... yep. Done with a bad reputation, or with people thinking I'm a monster.... I am brilliant, but that has lead me to be almost alone. Only a few people even care about me.. enough to bail me out.. only one..... I must be a big prick, if all around me but one, would have let me rot in jail, when I didn't even break a law... time for change within me.. very sad about my life... very excited about the new start and direction.. night world.. the prick you knew, is no more. love and light.
But has Marcel really learned his lesson? Is he really going to turn over a new leaf and ‘get with the program?’ Of course not.
Marcel Otf Bessette
(June 1, 2014)
We now have an economy version of our Your Freedom Your Way How To Rights Package... check the page for details.. thanks.

I will announce the date of my upcoming University of Winnipeg lecture later this week... how to escape your corporate slavery.. have a birth certificate.. your a bonded slave in fact...
Poor Marcel not of the family Bessette. I sense a cyclic pattern in your life ahead…

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I didn't want to waste my brain cell energy on Besette's latest legal poo-fling; but I couldn't help noticing this:

"Adverse Possession in Blacks law Dictionary is defined as enjoyment of real property under claim of right."

Way to go, Marcel. Instead of citing actual court cases, which ARE the law, you cite a single sentence from a legal dictionary, which is NOT the law but only a guide to it. Had you bothered to research the actual law, you'd have realized that adverse possession applies ONLY to real property; and that the possession has to be actual (i.e., you can't just post a sign there saying "this land is mine" and then do nothing further with it), open and notorious (i.e., it has to be obvious to anyone who passes by that you are occupying the prop[erty as if it were yours), exclusive (you can't share the land with the actual owner or anyone else), adverse (you have to keep the owner of record away) and continuous for the statutory period (usually, 20 years).

This is another case of a ten-cent legal brain trying to perform a thousand-dollar legal analysis.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Burnaby49 »

Ok, we've had our fun and games at the Peace Maker Society's expense but we have to stop. They've put us on notice that any slander of their good name will result in severe financial penalties.

Nott my assetts! Please, I promise tto sttop mocking you if you'll justt lett me keep my assetts! They said that they would locate us through our IP addresses and who can doubt their technological capabilities? They have a working video on the home page of their website!

One comment on the webpage intrigued me;
This is Amanda & I have an announcement from Peace Maker Society World Wide Headquarters. I am just following up with you the world today, as many of you have contacted us from around the world in the past with regard to working with us, advocacy help from us or membership.
So I thought I'd see if I could locate their World Wide Headquarters. It took a lot of research but I think I found it;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by LordEd »

Oh no, they're tracing your up address... It looks like you're somewhere in....... Burnaby!

Perhaps they should do an all-out internet attack on my local IP of
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:Oh no, they're tracing your up address... It looks like you're somewhere in....... Burnaby!

Perhaps they should do an all-out internet attack on my local IP of
And next, with their legendary investigative skills, they'll find out that I was born in 1949. There's no escaping them!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by grixit »

ok, i promise not to slander their *good* name. I'll just be content with describing their *actual* name: The Peace Maker Society is a scam. Oh, and their strawman, THE PEACE MAKER SOCIETY, is a SCAM.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
LordEd wrote:Oh no, they're tracing your up address... It looks like you're somewhere in....... Burnaby!

Perhaps they should do an all-out internet attack on my local IP of
And next, with their legendary investigative skills, they'll find out that I was born in 1949. There's no escaping them!
Once they have your birth year, it'll just be a matter of days before they know your age!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

Ya know, the only thing marginally dumbern' taunting the IRS with a "I'm not paying taxes and there isn't a thing you can do about me" red flag, is someone threatening to sue a group that is made up largely of lawyers, not a few of whom are trial lawyers. Now short of standing out in the middle of a busy street at rush hour and daring the oncoming express bus NOT to hit them, I' hard pressed to think of anything more intentionally stupid.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

grixit wrote:ok, i promise not to slander their *good* name. I'll just be content with describing their *actual* name: The Peace Maker Society is a scam. Oh, and their strawman, THE PEACE MAKER SOCIETY, is a SCAM.
This ^

Lord Ed my local IP address is, why are you on my IP address?

ND, you missed out the "somewhere on the planet" part.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by LordEd »

Must be the super secret government shill address. They're really going to come after it now.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Burnaby49 »

Marcel hit bottom with this previously quoted comment;
I look forward to rebuilding my life... yep. Done with a bad reputation, or with people thinking I'm a monster.... I am brilliant, but that has lead me to be almost alone. Only a few people even care about me.. enough to bail me out.. only one..... I must be a big prick, if all around me but one, would have let me rot in jail, when I didn't even break a law... time for change within me.. very sad about my life... very excited about the new start and direction.. night world.. the prick you knew, is no more. love and light.
So, after a painful self-examination that revealed to him what a worthless pile of crap he really was, he pulled his socks up and reformed! Gone are his freeman ways exploiting others, his confrontations and hostile attitude. After much study and hard work he's become an academic and started his own university, the All Rights Reserved University. ... ents/c24vq

With the proud motto;

Start With Nothing, Retire 2-5 Years After Graduation.

He's invested millions and consulted the world's experts in all aspects of the curriculum, people with Masters degrees!
The Private Self Governing Society which gifted the Competent Heir Degree Course to got the results and credibility by collaborating with over 400 experts.

These were people at the top of their field for over 20 years, or had masters degrees, or ran NGO'S globally for years. This cost them millions of dollars in money, time, labor etc.

We are so proud to offer all this knowledge & proven results to our students, for so little financial investment. Those who want to be leaders, MUST have this education. As it is the foundation and superior in our minds, to the PH.D. Education system, which can always strip ones right to earn a living, as you need a license. Equals as we teach, need no permission or license, they use due process to notice, then do it. Cause no harm, that’s it. No one can stop you lawfully from any lawful act.
It even has a campus, looks pretty spiffy;


At least that's the picture on the website and Marcel, a man searching to find meaning for his life, wouldn't lie about it.

Our entire prior discussion on Marcel's disasters is apparently wrong because he says that the methods he teaches have had nothing but perfect success for the past seven years;
All Rights Reserved was founded on the real results of a private society which produced perfect undefeated results and recognition for 7 years. We now teach you the people. This University is for everyone, no formal education required. If you can read, write and mail a letter, along with a willingness to learn, you have the basic skills you will need to participate. Once you graduate your earning power is unlimited!

For each tuition gift a student gives to attend All Rights makes you competent at your own freedom, where to access what parts within legality or how to access other kinds of law globally as it may suite you or your needs. You will get the access codes to a specific course lesson/step to have the most advantage you can have in life. As you do each step in reality, you graduate that course/lesson/step. When you have done all the courses, you get your Competent Heir Degree.

Please check the headings above for Competent Heir Course Outline, along with Min Gift Tuition to attend each course/lesson/step.
Unlimited earning power if you can read and write! What does this life-changing education cost?
Tuition Minimum Gifts To Attend - Individual Courses

All Tuitions Are In Canadian Dollars. Our Teachings Apply & Work Globally. We Are A Global University For All.

- Found Your Own Society/Purpose/Process
$50.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Notice/Due Process/Claiming Rights Papers.
$300.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Society Branding (Global)
$25.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Independent Contractor Agreement/not liable for others or tax
$250.00 Min Gift.

- All Rights Reserved Private Legally Valid Lawful I.D.
$150.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Unregistered Unincorporated Major Bank Accounts
$50.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Public/Private Advocates - Advocacy Process - Enforce Law
$250.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Time & Wealth Management
$50.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Money Management/How To Go From Little To No Money To Having Alot.
$100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Your Philosophies Into Your Community Law
$75.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Privacy Equals Safety
$150.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Relationship Circles, What They Are, Why They Matter
$25.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Banking Administrative Process - (Eliminate All Debts)
$300.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Individual & Community Wealth Economics/Empires
$100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Community Court System/Global Competent Law
$100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Social Networking - Low/No Cost Marketing
$100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Setting Up Your Society Global HQ
$100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Merchandising
$ 100.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Why Drugs & Guns Are Your Lawful Right
$150.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Private Security/Hiring Sherriffs
$200.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Complete Mastermind (Off Radar - Multiple Valid ID'S.)
$300,00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Project Management - (Access To Our Unregistered Unincorporated & Proven Society Programs)
$300.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

- Unlawful Arrest Response Team (Lawfully Fight Back)
$200.00 Minimum Gift You Must Give To Us To Attend This Course Section.

Total Minimum Gift - Complete Course

$2900.00 (Discounted)

If 100% Of Course Minimum Gift To Attend Is Provided By You Upfront.
Bargains all compared to the cost of going to a regular university nowadays. And regular universities don't guarantee you unlimited earning power.
Our Graduates Make $10,000 Per Client!

Those who graduate with a Competent Heir Degree, you can easily bill $10,000 plus per client for helping people with the transfer legal assets into own tax free society process.

Graduates will be referred clients by Freedom Tune-Up Life, Time & Wealth Management Firm. For those who wish to, voluntary, great gift/pay schedules.
And he'll even help you to invest all that money that's going to rain down on you through his investment firm;
If you need help sooner we can help as an investment firm. Through Freedom Tune-Up Wealth Management Firm. Just let us know, which way, works best for you. If you have time to study/graduate or if you need your society up right away with the help of Freedom Tune-Up Wealth Management Firm.

However he ssttill hass a littttle problem sspelling "assetts"

You will now claim personal rights in law & legality so you can use both at once.
- You now get you or anyone, out of any legal debt you wish.
- You now use privacy so no strangers, including government, know what assetts you have,
where you live, what you make.
- You now earn a non-taxable living. No More Income Tax.
- You will now be able to charge people money who violate you.
- You know to lien property on those who owe you money.
- You know to reserve All Rights in contracts in or out of legal system.
- You know how money, law, rights & healthy community work.
- You know how to prove fraud or validity in any contract.
- You know how to use banking administrative process, to defuse all legal debt.
Isn't it heartwarming when a lowlife huckster sees the light and redeems himself by attempting to help his fellow man?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Chaos »

I look forward to rebuilding my life... yep. Done with a bad reputation, or with people thinking I'm a monster.... I am brilliant, but that has lead me to be almost alone. Only a few people even care about me.. enough to bail me out.. only one..... I must be a big prick, if all around me but one, would have let me rot in jail, when I didn't even break a law... time for change within me.. very sad about my life... very excited about the new start and direction.. night world.. the prick you knew, is no more. love and light.
notorial dissent
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, right!!!! His one true friend should have left him in jail, he'll be back soon enough as it is. :snicker:
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by erwalkerca »

Burnaby49 wrote:
It even has a campus, looks pretty spiffy;

It should look spiffy. It is the 135 year-old Founder's Building at Royal Holloway College, University of London. Completed in 1881 and officially opened by Queen Victoria in 1886. :naughty:
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Burnaby49 »

erwalkerca wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
It even has a campus, looks pretty spiffy;

It should look spiffy. It is the 135 year-old Founder's Building at Royal Holloway College, University of London. Completed in 1881 and officially opened by Queen Victoria in 1886. :naughty:
Well, thanks for making me look like a buffoon. Here I was mocking him and his university is so legitimate that it is run out of a building opened by Vicky herself!

Hold on, he has an online university, so bricks and mortar are superfluous. Maybe they let him use their server just for the prestige it would bring them to have his name associated with their institution.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by The Observer »

Or maybe he is hiding out in their library and teaching his courses online by borrowing the library's computer when the staff is not looking.
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Fresh Fruitcake?

Post by Tuba Cain »

Does anyone know anything about this character? Any chance it's related to the lean, mean Dean machine getting out of the clink? ... -1.4071305
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
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Re: Fresh Fruitcake?

Post by wserra »

It's our old buddy Marcel "Cárcel" Bessette. From his "Peace Maker Society" site:
Peace Maker Society Empire which was and always will be governed by the Sovereign Competent Law Authority originally Master Minded by Marcel of the family Bessette. Long Live Emperor Marcel of the family Bessette. This is a Global Think Tank & Local Community/Freedom For All. We Support All Lawful Community Standards. We Are Teaching Complete Freedom Knowledge. Those Who Don't Want To Guess Freedom Sign Up & Enroll So You Can Join The Unincorporated Economy/Empire at WE ARE AHEAD OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!
No ego problem there.

I'm moving this to the Bessette thread.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume