Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by SteveUK »

letissier14 wrote:Amanda struggling with reality once more

In the second picture. Donna has been hounded and abused by the Crawfords and they posted her address over the internet. They also took the piss out of Donna's autistic son


Send them PoEs address!
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

longdog wrote:Oh that's priceless... The courts are all corrupt so can you give me your address so we can serve court documents on you.

I'll love to be the desk sergeant when that family of loonies turn up asking for their help in serving fantasy court documents on a person from teh interwebz who's upset them.

What is police speak for 'go fuck yourself madam'? :snicker:
I just had a criminal defendant ask the judge at his trial for assistance in forcing me to reveal my actual identity in open court so that he could subpoena me to testify in his defense.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by LordEd »

Was he/she successful?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:Was he/she successful?
Has Menard triumphantly blared out that he knows who I am yet? I assume that once any of them find out my name all of them will know. They don't like me. I immediately fled the jurisdiction of the court (two weeks in Palm Springs) and when I returned it had all blown over.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Pox »

Burnaby49 wrote:
LordEd wrote:Was he/she successful?
Has Menard triumphantly blared out that he knows who I am yet? I assume that once any of them find out my name all of them will know. They don't like me. I immediately fled the jurisdiction of the court (two weeks in Palm Springs) and when I returned it had all blown over.
Would it have mattered if they had found out?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by exiledscouser »

Peter Parker? Bruce Wayne perhaps. Maybe he's .......Clark Kent. After all Superman, Batman and Spidey are NEVER ever in the (court) room at the same time as Burnaby.

A secret or at least a private identity is a right to which anyone posting interweb opinions in "challenging" arenas (within acceptable boundaries) should be entitled. Unless you choose to "out" yourself by getting very publicly bankrupted, filming court appearances, maliciously defrauding the weak and gullible or inviting the media to film you sitting on the roof of your former house.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by afateworsethandeath »

NYGmanAdmiral of the Quatloosian Seas

Not to downplay it, and I will preface this with, Tom is an ass, but in his deluded mind, having your honest stolen from under you, when you believe you own it, is a fate worse then death. 

Hey, why am I being dragged into this??
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by JamesVincent »

I'm like 10 pages behind in this debacle. Did anyone push him off?
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by bmxninja357 »

JamesVincent wrote:I'm like 10 pages behind in this debacle. Did anyone push him off?

I would like to think it looks something like this...

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pox wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
LordEd wrote:Was he/she successful?
Has Menard triumphantly blared out that he knows who I am yet? I assume that once any of them find out my name all of them will know. They don't like me. I immediately fled the jurisdiction of the court (two weeks in Palm Springs) and when I returned it had all blown over.
Would it have mattered if they had found out?
Yes. I'm not popular amongst Canadian freemen and I face potential serious harassment from them if outed. Robert Menard has publicy said he wants to lay criminal charges against me and I know he would like to sue me. The criminal charges are bullshit but he can sue me even without having any case. I'd win but expense and time consuming. Fat chance that Menard would pay costs. This is his rant about criminal charges. Ron Usher is the chief counsel for the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia;
To Ron Usher
General Counsel,
The Society of Notaries Public of BC
Monday, January 11, 2016
Hello and good day. I am contacting you hoping to secure certain information identifying someone whom you know, and who is engaged in a very concerning non-stop campaign of defamation and harassment against me. He is known to me as BURNABY49. He is a moderator on the Quatloos forum, and last year you had him speak to a group of Notaries concerning the Freeman movement. I know you know who he is, and I intend to uncover that information and use it to bring criminal charges against him. I am offering you the chance to do the right thing and provide me with that information without needing to have a court order commanding you, or bringing the police to your door to do so. As you are a lawyer, I feel you have a duty to the law to provide that information to me, as he is engaging in continuing unlawful actions against me, which I intend to see stopped. I do not wish to include you in any future civil actions, but as you granted him a platform for his defamation, he now apparently feels that he has the official sanction of the Society of Notary Publics of British Columbia. You emboldened him. This is very concerning to me.

As a vocal and active critic of the government, I expect a certain amount of push back from those who consider themselves protectors of society, however I also expect them to act with respect to the law, and not believe that due to my criticism of the system that I have abandoned the protection the law affords us all. I personally believe that any good society should make room for its critics, and provided they are not advocating unlawful behaviours, should be afforded the opportunity to exercise their rights and freedoms. His actions in trying to defame and harass those who do not share his love of the government can have a potentially chilling effect on societal participation, and harms us all, regardless of our personal views on the source, nature and limits of governmental authority. Societies require deliberation and he does not wish to counter my views with his own, but merely seeks to silence me for mine. He is doing so unlawfully.

I have recently been researching and studying the law concerning harassment and defamation and now conclude this man is acting in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. I have screen captures of his postings on the aforementioned forum where he admits his actions are his retirement hobby and that he is acting for his own amusement. He may refer to his actions as ‘debunking’ but I am confident a judge will see his actions as harassment and defamation. Certainly a letter he sent to my home is in no way ‘debunking’ and is clearly an act of harassment. Him posting my address online is also not what a reasonable person would consider to be debunking. When viewed in light of his two year campaign of online defamation, it becomes highly questionable and concerning. He is in fact cyber-stalking me, spreading malicious and untrue information, encouraging others to join him in his ‘hobby’ and has crossed the line by using the postal service to send letters to my home.

After our last phone discussion, he decided it would be a good idea to escalate his actions by sending a letter to my home, where he informs me that he knows where I live, what the interior of my home looks like, and that he cyber-stalks me on Facebook. He also informed me that he had shared my information with someone known as D’Rok whom I have previously attempted to identify for the purposes of civil action. I intend to use the courts to force him to divulge that information and to hold him accountable for his two year campaign of harassment and defamation. Incidentally, I thought our conversation was civil, respectful and not in any way harassment, or ranting and raving. I can at times be animated and aggressive with my communications, especially when I feel I am being unfairly targeted and attacked, and if you did feel I was ranting and raving or my phone call to you was harassment I apologize, however that is not the feeling I had after our discourse. I felt our discussion was both civil and reasonably conducted, and was closed with mutual good wishes and respect. In fact I was left with a feeling that you were an honourable man, and would be a decent guy to go fishing with, and it would be fun to debate politics around a campfire with you. I was appreciative of your time, and sensed at least an openness on your part to examine my beliefs. Funny how meeting someone can do that, eh?

Here is the text of that letter BURNABY49 sent to my home:

Hi Rob! Just a quick hello from Burnaby49!

Glad to see you landed on your feet in such a nice spot. I had squirrels running across my yard today too. Summer at last!

I don't want to take too much of your busy time that could be better employed working on all those videos you're busy churning out. Just one very minor critical comment. The sink and those cabinets are getting a little bit stale as a backdrop. Why not turn the camera around to the "Corner Bar" blackboard and use that for your next presentation?

P.S. D’Rok says hi! Maybe he’ll write to you too, he has your address.

He posted my address on line as well.

Can you imagine the effect that had on me for the next couple weeks? It is obviously harassment, and serves no other purpose. Although it may be argued as a simple hello, and innocent in intent, the fact that he did not put a return address, or sign it, or identify himself speaks volumes to the contrary. What he was actually saying and how I took it, was “I know where you live, I have seen the inside of your house, I stalk you online, and I have shared your address with someone who you once tried to sue for defamation, but could not identify.” I would like to see him explain to a judge in a court of law how that is debunking my political beliefs. That letter served no purpose but to harass me. That was his intent and goal in sending it. And this concerns me greatly due to what I have learned about people with his psychological profile. When this letter is viewed in light of his hundreds and hundreds of posts about me, and his clear unhealthy fixation concerning me, any argument of innocent communication is lost.

It is clear to me, based upon my understanding of numerous studies concerning cyber-stalkers, trolls and harassers, that he enjoys and intends to cause harm and pain to others. It amuses him, and is according to him, his retirement hobby. He apparently feels it is justified due to my actions as a critic of the government, and is acting like the law will deny me protection from his actions due to my previous criticism and sharing of what is arguably fringe beliefs. His continuing online stalking, defamation, sharing of my personal information and encouragement of others to do the same identifies someone with serious psychological issues, and I am now concerned for my safety and well being - physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. Psychopaths like him do not stop, and like addicts who need more and more to get their fix, his escalation shows that he is a threat to my safety and well being. I do not think he will stop until he faces court sanctions. He has expressed he wants to see me in court. I want to give him that opportunity personally.

Ron, I believe very strongly in the freedom of expression, and seek to use it to peacefully achieve a positive social change. I fearlessly share my views, even though they may be contrary to governmental agendas. I am appreciative that I live in a country where criticism of the predominate paradigm does not result in death squads at my door, or jail time for merely questioning the government. I seek to use my freedom responsibly and with an eye towards a greater good, and to initiate needed dialogue. He however seeks to use the same freedoms to attack those who exercise said rights. He perverts the rights and freedoms we share in order to silence those with whom he disagrees. He apparently feels a duty to protect the public from certain ideas and beliefs, instead of offering a counter view to be weighed, deliberated and rejected or accepted.

His actions in real life in some public space would be clearly seen as provocation possibly resulting in justified retributive actions. It is unfortunate that the anonymity afforded by the internet gives such psychopaths opportunity to engage in what would otherwise be seen as clearly anti-social and unlawful actions. Their belief that they will not be held accountable due to said anonymity merely identifies a coward aware that their actions are unlawful.

Researchers have found that people who engage in actions such as his demonstrate four dangerous psychological attributes. They are called ‘The Dark Tetrad’. These are psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. What he considers to be ‘fun’ or a ‘hobby’ is what many would consider to be insanity. And like many with such a psychological makeup, he justifies it by pointing to my actions. Many domestic abusers claim their victim ‘brought it on themselves.’ He likely feels that I asked for it, merely by sharing my beliefs and exercising my rights and freedoms.

Ron, I think I am dealing with a predatory sadistic psychopath, who with an insane fixation has targeted me for cyber stalking, harassment and defamation, all as a retirement hobby and for his own sick amusement. I would like your help. I intend to bring his actions to the attention of the police and the courts. I will use every lawful tool at my disposal to stop him.

Will you tell me who he is so I can bring that information to the police and the courts to avail myself of the protection afforded by law? Or will you protect him and through inaction condone his unlawful actions, possibly incurring civil liability doing so? If you insist on a court order to reveal his identity, knowing I am claiming his actions are contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada, you will not be able to claim any moral high ground. I will no longer consider you to be an honourable man, nor will I want to go fishing with you. If your concern is that I would abuse that information to engage in my own unlawful course of action, allow me to assure you I will not. Unlike him I am neither a psychopath, nor a coward, and I fully intend to continue to act lawfully.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Robert Arthur Menard
You can read the whole story here; ... c10940b629
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:
To Ron Usher
General Counsel,
The Society of Notaries Public of BC
Monday, January 11, 2016
Hello and good day.. . . .

. . . Robert Arthur Menard
It's Bobby's usual long letter written for show. Whether he's bitching about a traffic stop, an airline requiring I.D., impotently threatening a judge or whining about child protective services throwing him out of his teen aged whore's house all Bobby can do is write a protest letter and hope it makes him look like a man.

Bobby's never followed up on any of these letters any more than he's made a single one of his "projects" work.

Despite his claims to be actively seeking me for civil and criminal action he has consistently refused to contact me and my attorney via the email address I have provided for him.

Bobby's all fez and no do. He's a fat, booze addled loser who never answers the bell.

Bobby's been busted by his debunkers for violating the use agreements for the halls he's tired to use. His comedy career is a bust because show business promoters have been informed that he's an on the run criminal. He can't get the eat and cheat/ACCP going because Canadian restauranteurs have been alerted to his attempted fraud. He can't go public because he knows we'll turn him to the cops over the bench warrant issued on him.

You can crap in his fez and all he'll do is write an internet letter about it.

I invite everyone here to bitch slap this loser at will.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Of course Menard's comments bring up another issue relating to those of you slated to meet me for a beer or two. Do you really want to share a pub table with someone from the Dark Tetrad?
Researchers have found that people who engage in actions such as his demonstrate four dangerous psychological attributes. They are called ‘The Dark Tetrad’. These are psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. What he considers to be ‘fun’ or a ‘hobby’ is what many would consider to be insanity. And like many with such a psychological makeup, he justifies it by pointing to my actions. Many domestic abusers claim their victim ‘brought it on themselves.’ He likely feels that I asked for it, merely by sharing my beliefs and exercising my rights and freedoms.

Ron, I think I am dealing with a predatory sadistic psychopath, who with an insane fixation has targeted me for cyber stalking, harassment and defamation, all as a retirement hobby and for his own sick amusement. I would like your help. I intend to bring his actions to the attention of the police and the courts. I will use every lawful tool at my disposal to stop him.
I'll do my best, such as it is, to refrain from any predatory sadistic psychopathic actions while in your company. Well, for at least the first half-hour or so before I lose control. After that I make no promises. I might even force you to drink Molsons Canadian!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by LordEd »

I invite everyone here to bitch slap this loser at will.
That is best achieved by ignoring him. Less exposure means he's less relevant.

Tom dancing on the roof has more entertainment value.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Pox »

Burnaby49 wrote:Of course Menard's comments bring up another issue relating to those of you slated to meet me for a beer or two. Do you really want to share a pub table with someone from the Dark Tetrad?
Researchers have found that people who engage in actions such as his demonstrate four dangerous psychological attributes. They are called ‘The Dark Tetrad’. These are psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. What he considers to be ‘fun’ or a ‘hobby’ is what many would consider to be insanity. And like many with such a psychological makeup, he justifies it by pointing to my actions. Many domestic abusers claim their victim ‘brought it on themselves.’ He likely feels that I asked for it, merely by sharing my beliefs and exercising my rights and freedoms.

Ron, I think I am dealing with a predatory sadistic psychopath, who with an insane fixation has targeted me for cyber stalking, harassment and defamation, all as a retirement hobby and for his own sick amusement. I would like your help. I intend to bring his actions to the attention of the police and the courts. I will use every lawful tool at my disposal to stop him.
I'll do my best, such as it is, to refrain from any predatory sadistic psychopathic actions while in your company. Well, for at least the first half-hour or so before I lose control. After that I make no promises. I might even force you to drink Molsons Canadian!
Yes, I was beginning to get a bit anxious and thought about hiring some beefy muscle to chaperone me.

You hear such stories about the gullible meeting up with an internet nutter - at best they are conned, at worst, kidnapped, tortured and eventually hacked to death by a shard of beer bottle glass. :x
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by SteveUK »

Pox wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Of course Menard's comments bring up another issue relating to those of you slated to meet me for a beer or two. Do you really want to share a pub table with someone from the Dark Tetrad?
Researchers have found that people who engage in actions such as his demonstrate four dangerous psychological attributes. They are called ‘The Dark Tetrad’. These are psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. What he considers to be ‘fun’ or a ‘hobby’ is what many would consider to be insanity. And like many with such a psychological makeup, he justifies it by pointing to my actions. Many domestic abusers claim their victim ‘brought it on themselves.’ He likely feels that I asked for it, merely by sharing my beliefs and exercising my rights and freedoms.

Ron, I think I am dealing with a predatory sadistic psychopath, who with an insane fixation has targeted me for cyber stalking, harassment and defamation, all as a retirement hobby and for his own sick amusement. I would like your help. I intend to bring his actions to the attention of the police and the courts. I will use every lawful tool at my disposal to stop him.
I'll do my best, such as it is, to refrain from any predatory sadistic psychopathic actions while in your company. Well, for at least the first half-hour or so before I lose control. After that I make no promises. I might even force you to drink Molsons Canadian!
Yes, I was beginning to get a bit anxious and thought about hiring some beefy muscle to chaperone me.

You hear such stories about the gullible meeting up with an internet nutter - at best they are conned, at worst, kidnapped, tortured and eventually hacked to death by a shard of beer bottle glass. :x
To compound matters, it could be a shard from a bottle of Molson. The end of Burnaby's dignity.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pox wrote:
Yes, I was beginning to get a bit anxious and thought about hiring some beefy muscle to chaperone me.

You hear such stories about the gullible meeting up with an internet nutter - at best they are conned, at worst, kidnapped, tortured and eventually hacked to death by a shard of beer bottle glass. :x
If I'm an internet nutter planning to hack you all up with a broken beer bottle at least give me credit for long-term detailed advanced planning. Over 4,000 Quatloos posts in a five and a half year period show a true dedication to conning the gullible into mass mayhem. One part of your post is, however, deeply offensive. When have I ever discussed drinking bottled beer? I plan to eliminate you all with genuine British pub pint glasses after I've emptied them of their real ale contents.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by notorial dissent »

The last thing Fezboy wants to do with what is left of his wasted life is find himself back in court where he can't control the dialog and where his past indiscretions can come back to haunt him. He'll rant and rave all over the place, but following through is not in his repertoire.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism
I'm good with this.
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Hercule Parrot
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Hercule Parrot »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism
I'm good with this.
And you'd better be. Our annual performance review is coming soon, and any NWO agent who fails the Dark Tetrad isn't going to get their bonus.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Tom Crawford is on the roof of Fearn Close !!!

Post by Pox »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:
psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellianism, and narcissism
I'm good with this.
And you'd better be. Our annual performance review is coming soon, and any NWO agent who fails the Dark Tetrad isn't going to get their bonus.
Given what Meynard has said about Burnaby 49, he is quids in.
Rolling in it and has smashed his targets - no wonder he can afford Palm Springs and a frivolous beer trip to the UK.