Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:
David Jones-Cook Robert Menard
granted that you made a contribution to the cause but now you can confess to stealing tips as well

David Jones-Cook
p.s. also tell those assembled here of your behaviours at Paul Chauvin's, Yup! You're a legend all right for being a mooch and a thief

Robert Menard
You mean when my Father was dying, I was in a bad place in my life and financially, and he helped me? As for being a thief, if you have no proof, then you are being maliciously defamatory. Paul and Val love me. And I them.

Robert Menard
I trust that anyone reading your accusations will get to know you before giving your words any weight. I am sure once they do, they will see the lonely, angry, irrelevant old man you are, and give your words no weight. Paul has blocked you but is still my friend.


David Jones-Cook Robert Menard
Yes, Paul blocked me but long before he did he also told me of you wearing out your welcome at his place. as to your suppositions about me, and that is all they are, they are unprovable or the opinions of those like yourself that paint others black so that they might appear white and do it behind my back, hardly standup folks, That your father was dying has no bearing on your act of petty theft and for you to use it an an excuse show your distinct lack of character

Robert Menard David Jones-Cook
Out of curiosity, what petty theft are you referring to? Have you stopped taking your meds?

David Jones-Cook
As it was told to to me by a close friend you were at a gathering when you pocketed the tips meant for a server. There can be no denial on your part that you have alienated many that believed in you, By your using the old lawyers gaff of planting suspicion you have yet again shown your true character

Robert Menard
That absolutely never happened and as someone who has made my living on tips as a waiter, bartender, and Maitre'D, is not something I would ever do. Also, I am not a thief. But hey it was told to you by a close friend, so it must be true. As for planting suspicion, that is exactly what you are doing here, using hearsay. So maybe it is YOU showing your true character, for all to see.

David Jones-Cook
Maybe, as anyone who has studied psycho-linguistics can tell you, is also, when used in the manner you do, is a weasel word

Robert Menard David Jones-Cook
You are clearly a source of division and seem to constantly seek to create disunity and dissuade proper discussion. I understand you have been repeatedly banned from many groups for this very same thing. You either have some personality defect which causes you to do this without being aware of it, or you are doing it purposely with hidden intent.

David Jones-Cook Robert Menard
There is no question to my being band and blocked That part is accurate. What is not accurate is your guess work as to why, and it is that guess work that trips you up

You being the pot that called the kettle black Also have your share of being blocked as well as abandoned by supporters and backers, have you not?

You once were a fighter for Justice, and had an international reputation and now?
Nice find from Bobby's Facebook page, Burnaby.

This is classic Menard! Stealing tips from a server and then trying to talk his way out of it like a ten year old caught sneaking condoms from his dad's sock drawer.

What David Jones-Cook needs to know is that Bobby hasn't just recently fallen from grace. . .he's been like this since childhood. It was when he saw the opportunity to do so in his 40's that he milked the freeman subculture for all he could.

Dope Clock: It has been 54 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Jeffrey »

The freeman gurus jockeyed for position. . . trying to come up with the coolest legal theory. . . and every freeman with a key board spread misinformation like it was cheap peanut butter.
This is slightly different. The Guru's recognize that Boisjoli being charged means that they themselves will be facing criminal charges the next time they send off a fee schedule or try to file liens on a cop or judge.

The era of handling Freemen with kids gloves is over and they know it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Allan gives his side of the story!

It was all a terrible misunderstanding! Allen wasn't trying to file a default judgment or a lien! He was just asking the court to check his paperwork for spelling, and punctuation, and components and stuff! And he's not a freeman! he just dabbled a bit, once, years ago.

That traffic stop was just a misunderstanding because he was just telling the police they had no jurisdiction to stop him because there was no crime since there was no victim. All he'd done was violate a private copyrighted internal corporate statute code.

Sounds like he's found his winning argument all by himself without any help from those squabbling egos over at Cody's FaceBook page. And that's not all! He's actually found a brand-new argument I've not yet heard expressed. The government has violated his rights under section 2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom;
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Specifically part d, the freedom of association. Apparently that means the freedom not to associate if you so chose so he's chosen not to associate with Canadian society or its laws. Since that's a guaranteed right under the Charter he's found another winner in court!

Turns out he's not even a Canadian citizen, at least he says he isn't. His word isn't particularly reliable on this because he also said that his children, who were removed from his care by the government of Alberta, aren't Canadian citizens either but it is my understanding that they were born here which automatically makes them Canadians whether he likes it or not. However he's filed papers with the American consulate accusing Alberta of kidnapping American citizens. Apparently the American government is going to step in over this outrage. He said that his investigation has uncovered a "cash for kids" operation going on here in Canada which was why his children were kidnapped. And he has evidence of the coverup! This is the original Kids for cash (Allen reversed it) scandal
The "kids for cash" scandal unfolded in 2008 over judicial kickbacks at the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Two judges, President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan, were convicted of accepting money from Robert Mericle, builder of two private, for-profit youth centers for the detention of juveniles, in return for contracting with the facilities and imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles brought before their courts to increase the number of residents in the centers.[1][2]

On top of all this he's talked to a lawyer, must be the same one that Menard keeps meeting by chance at barbeques and whatever, who told him the government has no case against him. Sounds like Alberta's in for a real ass-kicking from Allen! Bet they wish they'd thought of that before they charged him.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, right!!! :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by LordEd »

Just wanted to pull this case into this thread as it outlines what he did to earn his charges. His video popped up on reddit and the poster also linked to this case, which on reading again is extremely clear to explain what is happening now and why.
[57] There is no default judgment for Boisjoli to file. He has not proven any claim over the Officer or Alberta. Instead, he has foisted a demand via an OPCA scheme. But, while Boisjoli obtains no advantage from this paper exercise, his misconduct does have other legal implications.

4. The Criminal Character of Boisjoli’s Actions

[58] Boisjoli’s plan is obvious, and he has stated it. He wants the Clerks of the Court of Queen’s Bench to enter his paperwork as a default judgment under Rule 3.36 so that he can then enforce his spurious claims:

... i should be able to have judgement just by the notary holding the negotiation docs as public record and witnessing the certificate of non-response. ... the sheriffs I am sure will refuse to accept my public judgements without the blessing of the court.

so what i am sending you has already been settled on the public record. I would just like, require you to enter it and provide me with a case/action number, so I may file a writ of enforcement and seizure.

... I have experienced first hand the corruption and abuse of VESTED authority by PUBLIC SERVANTS who seem to believe that because they have a position of authority they are the master, when we all know they are SERVANTS, and its time it stopped and there is accountability. I seem to be the only one who knows how to take these people to task and expose their abuses of the system. So please find it in your heart to help me out here and lets get these corrupt individuals out of a position where they can do more harm.

[59] In fact, Boisjoli does not know how to take court officials to task and his erroneous attempts here to do so will not be countenanced. His documents indicate that he will file liens against Alberta and the Officer, personally. His July 3, 2015 documents include draft versions of liens against the Provincial Court Building in Vermillion and the Officer.

[60] The “Bill of Lading” is explicit that the Three/Five Letters claim against the Officer is in retaliation for the Officer engaging in his duties as a Peace Officer: issuing a traffic ticket after he observed Boisjoli speeding.

[61] Criminal Code, s 423.1 makes intimidation of a justice system participant an indicatable offence punishable with a sentence of up to 14 years:

423.1 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority, engage in any conduct with the intent to provoke a state of fear in

(a) a group of persons or the general public in order to impede the administration of criminal justice;

(b) a justice system participant in order to impede him or her in the performance of his or her duties; or


(3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than fourteen years.

[62] “Justice system participant” is defined in Criminal Code, s 2, and includes:

(vi) a peace officer within the meaning of any of paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of the definition “peace officer”,

Paragraph (c) of the definition of peace officer is:

(c) a police officer, police constable, bailiff, constable, or other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace or for the service or execution of civil process,

The Officer is obviously a peace officer who is a justice system participant.

[63] I conclude that, on a balance of probabilities, Boisjoli has attempted to intimidate and intended to intimidate a justice system participant, the Officer, contrary to Criminal Code, s 423.1. I make this finding as a basis for possible prosecution under the Criminal Code and, more explicitly herein, for the purposes of evaluating whether Boisjoli is currently engaged in vexatious litigation, and as a consequence should be the subject of a vexatious litigation order under the Judicature Act.
And here's what he threatened the officer with:
A “Bill of Lading” (reproduced at Appendix D), for “Injury to Trust Property by Ecclesiastical Dishonor (Bill1/3)” that charges the Officer, acting for the Government of Alberta as a Peace Officer, a total of $225,000 for various activities:

o 1 hour of unlawful detainment - $5,000

o a false statement of fact - $5,000

o a breach of public trust - $5,000

o application of corporate statute policy after protest & under duress - $10,000

o unauthorized use of copyrighted property (presumably Boisjoli’s name) - $100,000

o creation of colorable persona under colorable right by willful coercion and deception, without lawful consent or authorization - $100,000

The last item probably is intended to mean Boisjoli is complaining he was treated as being the same individual as his “Strawman”. The Bill warns that failure to pay in seven days:

… shall cause the Bill and obligation to be perfected by & through a subsequent “Draft Bill” and a notice of fault, and a final “Accepted Bill” and issued “Certificate of Non-Response” for judgement in default …
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by notorial dissent »

Boisi really does need to be slapped down and slapped down hard, he is and has become a public nuisance.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Chaos »

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:
And here's what [Boisjoli] threatened the officer with:
A “Bill of Lading” (reproduced at Appendix D), for “Injury to Trust Property by Ecclesiastical Dishonor (Bill1/3)” that charges the Officer, acting for the Government of Alberta as a Peace Officer, a total of $225,000 for various activities:

o 1 hour of unlawful detainment - $5,000

o a false statement of fact - $5,000

o a breach of public trust - $5,000

o application of corporate statute policy after protest & under duress - $10,000

o unauthorized use of copyrighted property (presumably Boisjoli’s name) - $100,000

o creation of colorable persona under colorable right by willful coercion and deception, without lawful consent or authorization - $100,000. . .
Boisjoli's band of toady defenders are claiming he is merely questioning the government's authority. But the plain fact, well documented by LordEd, is that Allen tried to send an everyday traffic cop to financial ruin!

Boisjoli is a mean spirited bully and his defenders are willfully deceptive. This sort of stupidity and madness that typifies the freeman subculture.

Dope Clock: It has been 55 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Chaos wrote:
Bill of Lading
Agreed. Totally moronic. Even a novice would know that he had to charge the officer using a warehouse receipt. I apologize for the ignorance of a fellow Canadian.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:Boisjoli is a mean spirited self centered bully and his defenders are willfully deceptive. This sort of stupidity and madness that typifies the freeman subculture. FIFU
That is about the best and most apt description I've seen of that little exercise in pustulence. Although you did forget self centered.

Although I'm still trying to figure out the "Ecclesiastical Dishonor" bit, that sounds more like something the Parasite would pull.

Actually Burnaby, you may not have to apologize, don't I remember that Boisi claims he ISN'T a Canadian citizen? If so I'd definitely take him up on it.

We have several of our own home grown variety that I would like to begin deportation proceedings the next time they start claiming they aren't US citizens.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:
arayder wrote:Boisjoli is a mean spirited self centered bully and his defenders are willfully deceptive. This sort of stupidity and madness that typifies the freeman subculture. FIFU
That is about the best and most apt description I've seen of that little exercise in pustulence. Although you did forget self centered.

Although I'm still trying to figure out the "Ecclesiastical Dishonor" bit, that sounds more like something the Parasite would pull.

Actually Burnaby, you may not have to apologize, don't I remember that Boisi claims he ISN'T a Canadian citizen? If so I'd definitely take him up on it.

We have several of our own home grown variety that I would like to begin deportation proceedings the next time they start claiming they aren't US citizens.
Do you think he'd still be here if he wasn't a citizen? Born in US but, I believe, came here as a child and, unfortunately, got citizenship. While he brags he's not Canadian and is an American I don't see him eagerly planning to return to his home country. Maybe because he's sane enough to realize that the same antics down there would see him getting really hard time if he survived long enough to see the inside of a jail. He also must realize that, in the company of your militias and other gun-toting extremeists he wouldn't even count as background noise. In Canada he has a shot at attaining at least some second-level Guruhood amongst our pathetic excuses for freemen and sovereigns. When a sad-sack like Menard, a total failure at all that he's tried, still has some modest credibility amongst the gullible you can see how low the bar is up here.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by notorial dissent »

I just can't see Boisi collaborating or working with ANYONE. He is pretty much a nutbar faction of one. He truly is the epitome of doesn't play well with others.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:. . .In Canada [Boisjoli] has a shot at attaining at least some second-level Guruhood amongst our pathetic excuses for freemen and sovereigns. When a sad-sack like Menard, a total failure at all that he's tried, still has some modest credibility amongst the gullible you can see how low the bar is up here.
I think Boisjoli has a chance of going straight to the top of the class. . .at least for a while.

It's sort of like when Dean Clifford had everyone convinced he was walking the walk while the all-talk-and-no-do boys, Menard and Belanger, were relegated to sitting on the side lines and commenting on what the real cock of the walk was up to. Right now Boisjoli is getting all the press and web radio interviews while the old line gurus are relegated to the role of mere toady supporters.

Boisjoli appeals to the element of freemandia which has grow tired of fund raising scams, endless talk and debates about theories never put into action. If he can keep himself out of jail (which in itself would raise his stock) Boisjoli has a chance at real stardom. Until now he's been content to be a well known practitioner. But he seemed to get a kick out of his Amerianuck Radio interview.

Is there a new marshal in Freeman Town?

Dope Clock: It has been 56 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Cody Haller's Facebook page imploring all of the Freeman scholars and activists to get together to come up with a viable plan to save Allen from the wrath of Rooke has gone totally off the rails. This lengthy screed has absolutely nothing whatever to do with Allen's predicament and, in any case, focuses on a province almost 2,000 miles from Edmonton;
Maya Dyson
What is Meritocracy Quebec?

Meritocracy Quebec is the platform for the launch of the Republic of Quebec and the abolition of political parties.

Meritocracy elects competent humans to manage the government. If they do not do the job which they were chosen for, they are replaced but not at the next election in 4 years.

Direct representation is the obliged alternative and antidote to the puppets waltz in a false debate of political clowns who are serving the same interests in secret. Democracy is just a fascist corpocracy installed to control the population and keep it in a state of perpetual slavery while giving us the illusion of choosing between a few puppets.

When the inconscience and insouciance of the population become a threat for the respect of unalienable rights and the survival of the entire society, the time has come for the small number to take action.

And unfortunately for Quebec an its population, we are the neighbors of the most corrupt, degenerate, evil and infiltrated country in existence. The satanic politicians of the U.S Congress are about to be arrested and the Federal Reserve Bank will be frozen in a few months. So it is about time to wake up in Quebec and launch the Republic by joining the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and 180 Nations which are starting the People’s Bank to liberate us from the banksters grip.

The people of Quebec have been contaminated by creatures who are controlling the medias, the education system (indoctrination), the government and the business field infiltrated by secret societies, the hijackers of the banksters and big toxic and murderous industries. But we have reached a critical point where the mountain of lies and manipulations has become too evident to be ignored, and too unacceptable to be tolerated any longer. And the reality of the rest of the World is going to catch up with us since the BRICS Alliance will restore the Republic in the USA in a few months and proceed to the Global Currency Reset or GCR which will eliminate the value disparities of the products and services of each country.

A Nation and its people can’t be sovereign if they are at the mercy of private banks which are enslaving us with taxes and interests. However, no political party in Quebec are presenting the true solutions to get rid of the debt problem and creation of money that bring more cuts to public services year after year while the population is paying more than $30 Billion per year of interests alone on a debt that is impossible to reimburse -- but that should not even exist!
Uh, got all that Allen? But even that is better than Paraclete Belanger's latest where he fondly tells, yet again, the old chestnut about how he had seven judges kicked off his case through the power of the bible;
Edward Jay Robin Belanger
I got 7 judges disqualified by asking them if it was their intent to intimidate me to violate my faith and they did..5 witnesses wrote the Terry Matchett the head judge in Alberta and he disqualified all 7....They have no authority to entice you into contracting with them..Your freedom originates in the first in time first in line law contained in the King James bible the line in the sand they cannot cross...Remember common law got invented as a bait and switch away from the Bible..Civil law was the invention of greece and Rome and false god worshipers...God's law was first is prime and has no precedent that bears any legitimacy in history...Anyone who tries to say otherwise ignores the law that the Queen defends and removes their ability to use it in their defense...Rooting for civil law or democracy or common law denies God and his commands...Albeit many are just seething to elevate themselves to do just that...Without god we have sovereigns and those who claim they are the highest authority claiming rights came before freedom...Watch out for folks who try to twist the meaning of words..Rights are only applicable to persons which indeed are submittted to corporate jurisdiction by consent....If your not talking God as your exclusive reason for avoiding their corporate jurisdiction then your assumed a person of law and a renegade enemy of the state...remove that assumption and your immune..
Like · 14 hrs · Edited

Maybe Allen better just make a run for it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by notorial dissent »

While I can applaud Cody Haller's concern for his fellow fool, since I really DON'T think Boisi is a really a fotl or even really a fellow traveler or even remotely sympathetic, but I will have to say that I think his efforts will for naught. Boisi has shown his dogged determination to go it alone and only on his terms so I don't see him accepting help, let alone advice from outside sources other than the voices in his head(assumption on my own cognizance).

Maya sounds like she has taken a few too many hits of the bong, or maybe her head, hard to tell, but her blatherings are just that. I don't know what Quebec did to be honoured with her particular brand of crazy, but some how I just don't see it being received with universal acclimation, and in Quebec of all places. She's just a sovcit with nationalistic ambitions. Why she thinks the BRICS Alliance is going to be the least bit interested in what is goign on in Canada.

The Paracite likes to make all sorts of claims, none of which he can EVER back up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Chaos wrote:
Bill of Lading
Agreed. Totally moronic. Even a novice would know that he had to charge the officer using a warehouse receipt. I apologize for the ignorance of a fellow Canadian.
I believe in Australia, you need a purchase order.

Here in the US, of course, we make it more difficult and require an both a requisition form and an inventory adjustment ledger.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by grixit »

BRICS isn't a formal alliance, it's a conjunction of interests. And none of those interests involve revamping North American social structures on behalf of someone's pickled brain dribbles.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by arayder »

Belanger recounts old fantasies while ninja goat's daddy, having failed in his fund raising, repeats the Boisjoli propaganda line like the good little parrot he's become.

I laugh with a tinge of sadness.

Dope Clock: It has been 57 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And now you can see the man himself! A film clip of him walking very awkwardly, reminded me of a penguin, and a short interview outside the court. ... CGKlGVsg_4
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:And now you can see the man himself! A film clip of him walking very awkwardly, reminded me of a penguin, and a short interview outside the court. ... CGKlGVsg_4
Yeah, there's the real freeMAN going to open court, with his papers, fighting for what he believes. . .while the all talk, layabout, hiding out freemen gurus yammer like so many magpies on a clothes line.

Dope Clock: It has been 97 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.