Advantage Conferences - Tim Darnell - Jack Weinzierl

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Post by soapboxmom »

Scammer Tim and Wacko Jacko,

After Judge Murphy granted the Better Business Bureau's superb Motion for Summary Judgment and ordered you to pay all court cost for the BBB, you still had a trial date set to meet the formidable Dr. Jon Taylor. After his assuredly brilliant deposition, you Timmy, the sniveling wimp, realized you were once again in way over your head. Remember you proclaimed God had promised you and Advantage Conferences would triumph over the BBB and you would make millions off of the egregious Hidden Treasures third party insurance on senoirs that immediately bombed after 60 reps got insurance licenses to sell it. God could lie again and no doubt Dr. Taylor would have easily trounced you in court. So, in order to keep Dr. Taylor's fine deposition secret you,Timmy, dropped the case against him and prayed the public would never discover your folly.

Your latest mark is an 81 year old man. Once again you are fleecing the elderly and vulnerable. How low will you go, scammer?

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Post by soapboxmom »

Dr. Taylor has Timmy's All Star Entrepreneur and Advantage Conferences back on his naughty list!

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Post by soapboxmom »


Please stay tuned for a major anouncement concerning the conference. The only question is will Tim be honest about what is going on or will I personally have to make this announcement. God does work in mysterious ways and through people in very unexpected ways. God answered one of my prayers today and I cried tears of great joy!

May God bless all who visit our humble thread!

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

traditional gaelic blessing
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Post by soapboxmom »

************, you leave us no option‏
From: Jack Weinzierl (
Sent: Mon 10/29/07 7:08 PM
To: (
************, you leave us no option. I trust that you are prepared to face the consequences for your continued actionable statements and actions.

In Service,


Your husband is ** and you homeschool--wow‏
From: Jack Weinzierl (
Sent: Mon 10/29/07 7:11 PM
To: ************* (
************ I guess that is where the similarities end. I sure hope that your husband is aware of your actions. I continue to pray for you.

In Service,

Hi **********...‏
From: Tim Darnell (
Sent: Mon 10/29/07 7:19 PM
Security scan upon download
image004.jpg (3.3 KB), image005.jpg (4.3 KB), image006.jpg (3.3 KB)
I want to thank you for stepping out of the shadows, and especially for crossing the legal line. I knew you couldn’t resist doing so!


Tim Darnell


Advantage Conferences

Office: 972-727-4995

You can't sue me for telling the truth. You can't sue me for sharing public records!

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Post by soapboxmom »

What Tim doesn't want you to know is the speaker for Thursday and a session on Friday will not be coming to Dallas for the conference.


Post by Nikki »

soapboxmom wrote: You can't sue me for telling the truth. You can't sue me for sharing public records!

Sorry, but he can sue you for just about anything he wants.

The actual questions are (1) can he win on the merits and (2) do you have a deep enough pocketbook to last him out?

Unfortunately, a lawsuit might be the least damage he can do to you.

It appears that he has uncovered your secret identity. You have to know that that discovery severly crimps your super powers.

On the serious side, he is now able to do nasty Internet things, credit rating attacks, and all sorts of other slime attacks.

Keep posting and us posted.
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Post by soapboxmom »

Timmy and Jack,

Now you know who the unstoppable Soapboxmom is. I will tell Mr. Robert FitzPatrick and Dr. Jon Taylor their expertise is needed again. They were the experts that helped the Better Business Bureau triumph against you when you losers filed that frivolous suit against them. I will let those fine attorneys at Jackson Walker L.L.P. know their superb legal talents are needed as well. I guess that Writ of Garnishment didn't teach you your lesson. How about another Writ of Garnishment compliments of Mom here!

By the way I spoke with headquarters for Penn Mutual Life Insurance and the bankruptcy filing and many of the court papers from your frivolous suit against the BBB are on the way snail mail as they requested hard copies. I am sure they will find that stuff educational reading, lads.

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Post by soapboxmom »

Oh, Timmy boy and Wacko Jacko, what has happened. Where is all that love?????????????????? And, boys I will be at the conference. There are refunds to discuss!

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Post by soapboxmom »

Nikki wrote:
soapboxmom wrote: You can't sue me for telling the truth. You can't sue me for sharing public records!

Sorry, but he can sue you for just about anything he wants.

The actual questions are (1) can he win on the merits and (2) do you have a deep enough pocketbook to last him out?

Unfortunately, a lawsuit might be the least damage he can do to you.

It appears that he has uncovered your secret identity. You have to know that that discovery severly crimps your super powers.

On the serious side, he is now able to do nasty Internet things, credit rating attacks, and all sorts of other slime attacks.

Keep posting and us posted.
I left out and win. Those buffoons have been threatening to sue me for 2 years now. By luck, as I have contacted everyone ever associated with them someone spilled my identity, but since I have been very actively fighting to expose them they could have ferreted out my identity long ago if they had wanted to. Jack and Tim are devout Christians and have professsed great love for me, so no doubt they will pray over me some more and perhaps God will have the bus run me over. What else can they do since they run a Christ centered business with God as their guide. They should remember how I love to post court documents and the Quickbooks Ledger of Advantage Conferences was quite entertaining before and now over a year later it should be even funnier. You lads are good for a laugh. Thanks Timmy and Jack. See you soon!


Post by Nikki »

soapboxmom wrote: I left out and win.
Details, details, details.
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Post by soapboxmom »

My love to each of you this morning! We are full-steam ahead and anticipate an excellent, exciting conference weekend after next!

See: Titus I:15 “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.”

With business, we have wonderful times of fulfillment, fellowship, and reward. We also have times where we have to deal with unsavory situations and even ‘dark’ characters. This communication is for internal use (Advantage Conferences Reps) only. You have a non-disclosure responsibility regarding all postings from corporate to the field. Please read the following carefully.

Many of you are aware that we have faced opposition from loosely organized attackers, people vehemently opposed to our concept and growth – determined to do everything possible to undermine every aspect of our ministry and business. They have anonymously demonized, mischaracterized, and found fault with virtually every single announcement, initiative, and direction we’ve taken, and through a barrage of communications, have been effective in thwarting our efforts to some extent. However, that situation has taken on an interesting and significant development this week.

We are pleased to announce that the identity of one of the most vocal ‘belligerents’ to AC has been uncovered. Operating anonymously, an outspoken individual who has called herself, Soapboxmom, has organized an ongoing, destructive assault on the AC business. She has also assassinated the personas and character of myself and several AC leaders and our families for over two years now with inflammatory, disgusting, always completely negative blogs, messages, and phone calls. She has been identified as a Scambuster in Texas. This, to say the least, ‘misguided’ woman has been quite vigorous in her attacks, and while I don’t mind disagreement regarding our being a Christ-centered company, how we market, or the validity of our concept, products, opportunity, and compensation structure, etc., her efforts have far exceeded the boundaries of civil discourse. Her opposition has now crossed the line, turning to legal, actionable events.

Here is where you come in. Several Representatives and Mindset Mentors (guest speakers) have been contacted by her. If you have had any contact with this person, you are obligated to provide a complete, comprehensive, and detailed report regarding any aspect of “soapboxmom” contact and/or communication in writing. You will need to send those via e-mail to Please include dates and the nature and content of her communication(s) with you. While we regret the inconvenience, we are thankful for the opportunity to put a stop to the incessant and vitriolic poison that this woman has spewed over the last two years.

While I have, personally, for the most part, ignored most of her efforts, which have actually included her literal stalking of our homes, my attendance at recreational events, and our public conference events, the time has come to deal decisively with this self-appointed enemy to our company and cause.

Again, I apologize for having to even bring this up, but we can’t ignore these ridiculous assaults any longer. IMPORTANT: your participation is not optional. You are obligated to issue a full report regarding any past, present or future dealings with “soapboxmom” via e-mail, phone, personal meetings, or any type of communication – in detail. I am also compelled to state that withholding, or not fully complying with this request – not reporting any information of this sort could indicate complicity on your part and create further problems for you personally. Even if your involvement has simply been to look up postings on one of the negative blogs, you must report what, when, where, and the effect the postings had on you personally and/or on your Candidates.

Forwarding any internal AC communications to other non-AC parties, other than the Messenger, Company approved public broadcasts, or a generic “ministry oriented” communiqué is strictly prohibited. While this should be understood without an announcement to that effect, forwarding, disclosing, or sending messages that are private to our company, staff, or Representative team is a serious violation of corporate trust and unfortunately could require action against any Representatives who have been engaged in such activity.

On the positive side – let’s make MMC, Number Six, the very best event possible! I am highly encouraged and excited, and I look forward to seeing each of you there. I’ve got a special hug just for you!

Nice, Tim!


Post by Nikki »

Again, I apologize for having to even bring this up, but we can’t ignore these ridiculous assaults any longer. IMPORTANT: your participation is not optional. You are obligated to issue a full report regarding any past, present or future dealings with “soapboxmom” via e-mail, phone, personal meetings, or any type of communication – in detail. I am also compelled to state that withholding, or not fully complying with this request – not reporting any information of this sort could indicate complicity on your part and create further problems for you personally. Even if your involvement has simply been to look up postings on one of the negative blogs, you must report what, when, where, and the effect the postings had on you personally and/or on your Candidates.

This sounds like the voice of someone who is having salt forcibly applied to some of his open wounds.

It appears that SBM is having a measurable, negative impact on the scam.
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Post by soapboxmom »

Scammer says:
3...The Company offers a full purchase refund in compliance with Texas State law's 72 hour Right of Rescission provision, AND ADDITIONALLY a 100 percent satisfaction, money back, post¬conference guarantee for anyone dissatisfied with the content or benefit of their attendance.
4.The "opportunities" are always short lived and shut down within days or months of their inception. Advantage Conferences is here for the long term, Including periodic reviews with our attorneys regarding any and all compliance issues on a state and national level. The Company owner has been a marketing professional as an independent contractor since 1982 and has owned hIs own marketing company since 2001.

5.Also known as "ponzi schemes", these structures pay those at the top ¬those at the bottom will not get paid unless they rise to one of the top positions. This is an inescapable win/lose scenario. Reps are paid based on their sales, not on other people coming into their business.

If you have any other questions, please call Advantage Conferences Office Manager, Laura Porter, to schedule an Interview with me.

Thank you for your dialogue and scrutiny, both of which serve to elevate the Company's high standards of fairness and Integrity.

High Regards,

Tim Darnell President
Advantage Conferences
Demand your refunds! Timmy assured the Better Business Bureau he would happily give you one! Timmy, remember the rep you sold a conference to that couldn't fly. If you sold it knowing that rep couldn't travel they should benefit from the same policy. You had no business taking that money or refusing a refund. You knew full well they were unable to attend and no doubt they are dissatisfied with the content. Remember that or, so not being happy with the content is all they need to get their money

Texas law states:
Involuntary Bankruptcy
Unlike the types of situations described above, in which the debtor decides whether to file bankruptcy, in an involuntary bankruptcy creditors force the debtor into bankruptcy. Under certain conditions, creditors can petition the bankruptcy court to initiate a Chapter 7 (but not a Chapter 13) bankruptcy against a debtor. The court will accept such a petition only if it is signed by at least three creditors who are owed a total of at least $5000 in unsecured debt. If a debtor has fewer than 12 unsecured creditors, however, just one unsecured creditor owed at least $5000 may file an involuntary bankruptcy petition.
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Post by soapboxmom »

Texas law states:
Creditor Scrutiny
One of the first events in a bankruptcy is the creditors meeting. At this meeting, the creditors and a court-appointed trustee are allowed to examine all of the debtor's financial records, such as bank statements and loan documents, and ask questions about how money has been spent. For anyone with anything to hide, such as gambling debts with a bookie, a bankruptcy proceeding can be incriminating.

Fraudulent Conveyances
The Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act is designed to remove any temptation a debtor may have to hide property before declaring bankruptcy--by giving it to a relative, for example. Any transfer of the debtor's assets made within 90 days of filing bankruptcy, or within one year if a relative or business associate is involved, is carefully scrutinized by the bankruptcy court. If the court determines that the debtor attempted to defraud creditors by selling property at a below-market price, the court can order the property or other assets be given over to the trustee. Anything that was sold at a reasonable market value before a bankruptcy filing, however, cannot be recovered by the court under the rules of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act.

A preference occurs when a debtor treats one creditor more favorably than another. For instance, suppose a debtor with only $100 owes creditors A and B $100 each. If the debtor pays the $100 to A, leaving nothing for B, A has received a preference and B has been harmed by the preference. Bankruptcy condemns preferences if the following conditions exist:

The transfer is for the benefit of a creditor

The transfer is made for a debt owed prior to the initiation of bankruptcy

The debtor is insolvent at the time of the transfer

The transfer is made within 90 days before filing bankruptcy or within one year before filing if it is made to an insider such as a relative or director of a corporate debtor
Creditors receiving preferences can be forced to return them to the debtor's estate.
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Post by soapboxmom »

11-01-2007, 07:01 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 1

Re: Advantage Conferences BS (Merged)


Soap Box Mom

If you have not been told this, you should seek immedaite legal counsel for your upcoming legal challenges that will be be quite costly for you to defend and when you lose.

I actually think that this will be Darnells first legal victory and because of the overwhelming evidence against you (your posts) it will be a
iron clad.

The majority of your posts have been libelous in nature and only recently have you started quoting from legal documents and even when you did you added statements that were clearly liable.

You have not simply posted legal documents here but have added your
own liblous comments with it.

But do not take my word for it.. talk to your attorney right away.

Your have bragged about being a Milionaire here on this board so finding legal counsel should not be a problem... this will cost you BIG bucks to defend.

I think that Darnell will argue that being a bad businessman does not make him a con man and regardless of former reps who think his business is now a scam they are no different than a millions of other people who start business's and fail and then blame the company.

Happens all the time.

They will not negate your libelous comments and I doubt very seriously if the few people who post here will have the guts to testify for you.

Your only shot was to stay anyomous but somehow you blew that and you know it.

Maybe that is why you posted your emotional post earlier about a prayer being answered and then have gone on the offense with FEAR based postings.

You best shot to to get legal representation NOW

You know Darnell is probably coming with legal action and I honestly think he has a strong case against you.

But seriously talk to a attorney right away....

Good Luck

Law Dog
Tim has brilliant legal experts! LOL


Post by Nikki »

Attention :!: Attention :!:

UGALawDog: It appears that someone is attempting to use an unapproved likeness of your copyrighted, trademarked, patented Internet handle.

You should institute appropriately threatening pseudo-legal e-mail messages immediately if not sooner.

Perhaps, they'll agree to stop threatening their baseless lawsuit if you agree not to file your's.

Oh never mind. I just noticed that they are threatening some fictional person named "Soap Box Mom" not our beloved soapboxmom.
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Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:
I am also compelled to state that withholding, or not fully complying with this request – not reporting any information of this sort could indicate complicity on your part
Not anywhere that counts.

You've really rattled his cage, SBM.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Post by soapboxmom »

11-01-2007, 11:02 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 29

Re: Advantage Conferences BS (Merged)


Yes, I too received a threatening e-mail from Tim Darnell.
All I wanted my $ 10,000.00 refund after I caught Tim being dishonest, unethical, etc. But Tim believed he did nothing wrong.
Here is the email read for yourself. Stalking?

Subj: RE: Tim
Date: 10/30/2007 2:49:33 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

The next message from you to me, or copied or forwarded to anyone else about me or AC, or posted to any blog or scum site, sets you up to be complicit and named in a forthcoming lawsuit. I promise you our attorneys are surveying moment by moment every move you make. Be forewarned and advised. Ive had it with your darkness, hatred, accusations, lack of self responsibility, and demonic evil.

Try me out on the first sentence. I actually hope you do, and you will find that I am totally serious and sincere in my word.


Tim Darnell
Meet the real Tim. He threatens everyone on the planet and scares reps out of seeking help .

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Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:
I promise you our attorneys are surveying moment by moment every move you make.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Post by soapboxmom »

I went to the Allen Police Department this morning. I have been accused of stalking Tim Darnell, parking outside his home all hours of the day and night and taking pictures of his family. Apparently Tim has stated that I have made death threats as well. I demanded the police investigate me immediately.

There will be no investigation. Tim never filed a report. Reps, call Tim and ask to see the police report immediately. When he admits he never made one, demand he go to the Allen police. They do investigate legitimate complaints.
