The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

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Paths of the Sea
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The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

It's been awhile, but this case has moved me to again revisit this place and post this note and just maybe get some of the resident authorities here to weigh in.

Some may already be familiar with the case of Christian and Danielle Holm and their newborn baby.

I got interested and involved when, a few days ago, maybe a couple of weeks now, Ernie Land made an audio appearance in a YouTube broadcast and announced that Brady Byrum was secretly working with the parents in the Holm case in their effort to get their child back.

Brady Byrum, I think has been featured here before, or mentioned.

Holm promoters have since trumpeted Karl Lentz and Luis Ewing, and a fellow named Al Thompson has been spouting sovcit silliness all over the FaceBook public group entitled #freebabyholm. Other similar sorts may also be involved.

Apparently, Brady intended to stay operating in secret considering the Holm folks did not take kindly to me outing him as the man behind the curtains. References to him and news reports always seemed to indicate it was some unnamed person that was involved.

The Holm promoters seem to be hung up on the allegations that the Alabama DHS is involved in baby snatching, kidnapping and trafficking in children, and they seemed determined to make the Holm case a showcase for that issue.

Lots of details for those interested, but it was the sovcit, Brady Byrum angle that got me involved and, despite all my efforts, the parents and promoters seem determined to stick by their sovcit agenda as if that is going to bring the baby home.

The basic facts are that the parents had gone "off grid" and started hiking around enjoying the "natural life", though the wife was pregnant. They wound up in Cheaha State Park with the mother in labor and were wanting to simple have a natural birth and move along, no questions asked.

After 2 days in labor, they called for help and wound up in a hospital with questions about their identity, social security numbers, vaccinations, ID bands, and, of course, how they were equipped to provide for a newborn.

So, the State took custody and the battle for custody began.

And continues.

In the last few days they tried a Byrum type federal writ of habeas corpus which as quickly was all but disposed of by ORDER of the Court, in order, as the Court stated, to provide them with some feedback before the holidays while being very sympathetic to their plight (the Court suggested they exhaust their State remedies).

Anyway, if there is interest, maybe some here will be able to pick up on the story, continue the coverage and commentary, and help out a bit.

I appeared on a BlogTalk Radio program a few days ago with host Sherrie Saunders, who is an activist of sort and pushing the "DHS is kidnapping kids and selling them" line.

Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Jeffrey »

Was there malnutrition stuff? I'm trying to track a similar case.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Here's a just released audio recording of the Holm parents interacting with DHS employees and proving why they are having problems with DHS. It appears to be a bonafide recording and is consistent with other facts known about the case. ... nref=story

As to the nutrition question in the above post, the baby was taken, allegedly, from the mother's breath the day after it was born.

Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Jeffrey »

Looks like a different couple. I think child custody cases have become the new "speeding tickets" for Freeman Gurus. Absent extreme circumstances, the state has to give the kids back so it's very easy to fabricate a "win" that has nothing to do with the Freeman tactics.

Ironically though, in several cases I've followed, the Freeman advice can lead to the parents losing the kid permanently when had the followed through with the advice of social workers they could have gotten the kids back.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Here's a just released link to a video of the parents planning a protest march: ... =3&theater

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Here are links to a dropbox where the relevant documents in the federal case are posted on-line. The parents and promoters didn't seem to like having these documents revealed.

Writ of Habeas Corpus:




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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Brady Byrum also appears to be responsible for what has been advertised as a 25 page document created early on, a few weeks ago, which was presented to DHS people and sent around to various others.

That document, as I recall, appears to remain secret.
It was mentioned in one or more news reports, but to my knowledge has not been published.

Here's a link and excerpts of the possibly undesired blabbing by Ernie Land regarding Brady Byrum's secret mission:

Time marked link to Ernie’s comments:

(Begin transcription of Ernie Land comments.)

And he (Brady Byrum) did a good job here on Alabama soil with
that couple he helped that they kidnapped the baby right off
the mother’s breast while newborn, one day old.

They took the baby away from them.

They’ve been fighting for a month and a half to get their baby
back because they didn’t want to give it a birth certificate and
didn’t want to have a social applied to it at that point and Brady
came in there and he’s been the helping hand behind the scenes.

Of course, everything has to be done pro se so they’re doing it
pro se and they’re nailing the state of Alabama to the tune of 1
billion dollars.

The FBI has now opened an investigation into that matter.

So, Brady is going to be, he’s going to be, he’s going to help a lot
of people across the nation.

(End transcription.)

The FBI involvement is kinda muddled. It may have been simply due to the reported mistaken identity when they thought they might be related to some drug smugglers. The parents and promoters are thinking that maybe the FBI is still involved and working on the kidnapping allegations.

Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds a right mess. Looks like the "help" our free range sovereigns have been getting hasn't been much help. I'm equally certain they can be "helped" in to even more trouble.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

In the last few minutes Danielle (apparently) posted the following comments using Christian's FaceBook ID.

(Begin quote.)

Because we are 100% honest, humbled and have nothing to hide, we will
share whatever we can to shed light on the darkness and truth among the lies.


This is not an official diagnosis of Christian despite what they claim him to be.

When Christian was diagnosed at one point in time with chronic fatigue/depression
and ADHD, he was prescribed wellbutrin and adderall.

Christian complained of side effects of these medications which included tingling
sensations on skin over a year ago. The doctor who he reported these symptoms
to, told him it was most likely symptoms of the medications (a symptom called
FORMICATION), but they were also ruling out Schizophrenia (usually patients with
schizophrenia complain of tingling/crawling sensations on skin).

On Christian's medical records it lists:

- "Schizophrenia (somatic type) RULE OUT."

And they are running with this, even though the most recent diagnosis AFTER
that point was chronic fatigue/ADHD which he was already prescribed
medications for (which he no longer takes, BECAUSE of these symptoms of
tingling skin which he no longer has since coming off of the medication.)

This is the LAST thing they are hanging their hat on and holding against us,
portraying us as crazy because of these twisted things they are coming up
with from the medical records they retrieved despite Christian revoking
permissions for any type of HIPPA release and because of our

- "views on life being delusional",
- aka following the path of Yeshua and loving all life,
- EVEN them who betray us.

When Christian came off of the medication, these tingling sensations on his
skin stopped and he is no longer in need of prescriptions that only made
him feel worse.

They use this against him and persecute him. If he is on medication there is
a problem in their eyes, and if he is not on medication it is also a problem
to them, although this is not a problem with a doctor.

An important question would be:

How many people in the world currently or have in the past taken any kind
of prescription medication (anti-depressants) and are still able to be a fully
functional loving parent? How many parents used to be on anti-depressants
who no longer need them, heal themselves through therapeutic coping
avenues and are able to be fully functional loving parents?

We have done nothing wrong and we continue to be persecuted, but only
time will heal and the truth will set us all free. #freebabyholm

(End quote.)

My experience is that they and their promoters are NOT "100% honest"...
with "nothing to hide".

When I asked Christian about Brady Byrum, for instance, on his FaceBook page, he blocked me and deleted the message without responding. Similarly, when I asked their main man Jonathan Payton about that he kicked me out of the # free baby holm" group and deleted my messages.

As they admit themselves, they have a lot to hide and don't care for anyone knowing what it is, and if they try to hold firm with that approach how do they expect to convince the State to release custody of their child?

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Jeffrey »

Thanks for the links. Skimmed through the Habeas, definitely "sovereign citizen" arguments but it's old school stuff, doesn't use the same lingo that the guys I been following are using.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Jeffrey wrote:Thanks for the links. Skimmed through the Habeas, definitely "sovereign citizen" arguments but it's old school stuff, doesn't use the same lingo that the guys I been following are using.
You might find this of some interest.

It's a link to one of Brady's articles regarding drivers licenses: ... -argument/

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by notorial dissent »

I usually see it as a red flag when someone comes out with the "100% honest" and "nothing to hide" comments, and I would say this is definitely a case in point.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by wserra »

I read the docs, and took a look for myself at the docket from whence they came. I'm not comfortable with this thread.

First of all, the content of the various docs bears only a tenuous relationship to sovs. No, that is not an invitation to comb through them. I too see the various references to things like jurisdiction that show sov overtones. However, the thrust of their position seems to be that they didn't do anything that would warrant removing their child, and that they didn't receive notice of what Alabama relied on. Those are perfectly rational, non-sov positions.

Yes, some decidedly unsavory characters are circling - Byrum, Doc Fogbound, maybe Hovind. However, that is not a reason to publicize the troubles of others. There is plenty on which to focus without dragging innocent bystanders into the mix. Moreover, the unsavory types frequently latch onto the innocent types as frontmen, knowing that their own images are tarnished. They use people like the Holms. We shouldn't help them.

Finally, the principals here - the Holms - appear to be victims, regardless of the merits of the matter. It is unsavory of us to add to their troubles in order to attack the Byrums and Lands of the world. My feelings are those of Judge Haikala: "This would be a deeply sad situation at any time, but it feels particularly wrenching during the holidays." I would archive the thread.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I typically defer to management regarding the propriety of my interests in their venue.

Let the chips fall where they may.

I will add that the Holms and their promoters are seeking public interest in their case and like others would like to the national spotlight brought to their cause. They are, perhaps fancifully, looking to garner the attention of the likes of Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump.

Under such conditions, it hardly seems reasonable to complain when such public consideration doesn't result in everyone agreeing with them.

For those unawares, I would note that Brady Byrum made a big "reveal" recently regarding what he is doing on behalf of his other well-known Alabama client.

See reveal in December 21, 2016 YouTube video at:

On the related website, among other things, you will find Brady's "Sworn Affidavit of Criminal Complaint" which he hopes to get people to sign for submission to various governmental/political sorts.

That document can be found on-line, along with related documents, on Brady's related website at:

https://kenthovindinnocence.wordpress.c ... rst-batch/

There seems to be lots of similarities between Brady's "Sworn Affidavit of Criminal Complaint" and the "Affidavit" filed in the Holm's federal case noted above at:

My efforts to help the Holms has been spurned, to date, by them and their promoters.

If the Quatloosians are thinking it's better not to critically and seriously consider their problem openly and honestly, I can live with that.

There are many similarities between Brady's 2 well-known Alabama clients. I agree, it is most unfortunate that one of those cases involves the life of a newborn child.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

P.S. - I just did a little checking and it looks like the public demonstrations in Heflin, AL have begun today!

See: ... =3&theater

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by wserra »

Paths of the Sea wrote:If the Quatloosians are thinking it's better not to critically and seriously consider their problem openly and honestly, I can live with that.
I don't think that's exactly what I wrote.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

wserra wrote:
Paths of the Sea wrote:If the Quatloosians are thinking it's better not to critically and seriously consider their problem openly and honestly, I can live with that.
I don't think that's exactly what I wrote.
It wasn't intended to be a quote.

The Holms and their promoters have been pushing for people to get the word out.

If management here doesn't think this is an appropriate place for that discussion, from an angle that the Quatloosians specialize in, I can live with that.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Jeffrey »

Well I mean, from the Habeas they argue that:

1. They're being deprived of "ownership" of the child on page 1. Sovcit canard that children are property.
2. Invoke "common law jurisdiction" on page 2.
3. Another reference to "ownership" of the child on page 8.
4. Social security conspiracy theories on page 9.
5. Argues the judge needs "first hand knowledge" in order to issue orders on page 17.
6. Out of context quote from the park director on page 23. Not sovcit but hilarious.

It seems to ignore that Alabama law defines neglect as: "negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child. Such negligent treatment or maltreatment includes the failure to provide adequate food, medical treatment, supervision, clothing, or shelter."

A tent is not adequate shelter.

Their affidavit claims the judge requires a "seizure warrant" under ALABAMA STATUTE 13A-6-45, you can read the statute yourself and verify no such thing is required.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I was hoping that someone might be able to resolve the question raised earlier as to whether the "Al Thompson" who is flooding the "# free baby holm " pubic group on FaceBook with sovcit silliness, quite approvingly, is the same "Al Thompson" mentioned before in Quatloos.

His FaceBook address is:

One if his more recent comments is: ... 776981775/

(Begin excerpts.)

The socialist insecurity number is an interesting issue and
I'm noticing that there are a lot of other cases where the
CPS uses the refusal of the ss# to start a case against the

I've been told by people who have studied the UCC that
each man, woman, and child has a price on their head.

It's called "hypothecating."

If this theory is true, then the "government" is using the
people as security for the phony national debt.

When the social security number is refused then the government
can't monetize the child throughout his life.

The government is running a slave-trading system and we're
all the slaves.

(End excerpt.)

Someone responded to him with the one word comment, "True"!

And he has posted similar stuff over and over and over and over again.

Paths of the Sea
Last edited by Paths of the Sea on Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Jeffrey wrote:
Their affidavit claims the judge requires a "seizure warrant"
under ALABAMA STATUTE 13A-6-45, you can read the statute
yourself and verify no such thing is required.
Of course, they are using their own interpretation of the U.S. Constitution regarding such things, and that trumps any claim regarding some lesser State statute.

Thanks for the reference.

I had just not found the time to try and look that up, but it was on my list of things to consider.

Paths of the Sea