Is there trouble in paradise?

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Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder » ... n-you-lose

Here's cut and paste quote from the WFS forum in case the boys at WFS decide to take it down
They won, You lose by nick1104

Well, it seems it's over people. First, for those who are new, turn around & don't proceed. There is nothing here that will help you. I've been at this for more than 11 years, others longer, & there has not been even 1 success for me or anyone else. NONE!!! The only results ever achieved by anyone is loss of home, car, job, friends, family, freedom, prison time, fines, harassment etc.. I could go on but, I think you get the message, unlike the message Rob Menard & other government agents are telling you like peace, prosperity & freedom. It's all a lie. As the cop I just talked to said when I asked him if he was above the law, his answer, "I AM THE LAW" meaning, they can make it up as they go along, do anything they want to anyone, anytime for any reason or, no reason & they know there is nothing anyone can or will do about it. Does any of this sound like you have freedom or do they have the freedom. The best part of all for them, you have to pay them to force their will on you. You have no recourse. No court will stick up or protect you, only them & they'll be protected at all costs, even if they have to kill you & your entire family. Don't worry, the day is coming that they will kill you & your entire family. Why do you think they're poisoning the air, the food, the water, the soil, the medicine & the minds of your children & the cops are protecting & serving, proudly, those who are doing this to you & your family? Don't forget why they're bringing in all the Muslims. It's to create a clash of cultures. They know when their numbers get up there we'll start fighting. It's a small price to pay for them to maintain their power over you. Bottom line, YOU LOSE & THEY WON. Get down on your knees, look your children & grandchildren in their innocent eyes & tell them how sorry you are for creating a living hell hole for them to live in & deal with because of your cowardice that allowed this to happen. How's that 96 working? How's that consumer purchase working? We're still waiting for Rob to show us how he defeated them when driving with no DL, Insurance or registration. He can't show us because he can't work so he doesn't have a car. Final word. ENJOY THE SLAVE LABOR DEATH CAMPS. You did give them your name, didn't you? They now know who you are & who to go after first & there will be no one there to stop them from dragging you out of your bed in the dark of night. I said years ago they weren't done with Dean Clifford & guess what. If he ever wants to drive again he WILL comply & get a DL, insurance & he will register his car or he'll be walking or bumming rides like Rob. Dependent as a 4 year old. It doesn't matter what the law says. They're the law, & you'll shut your mouth, pay them what they say to pay & do as your servants tell you to do, or else. PROUD CANADIANS!!!!! Sorry but they're nothing but COWARDS & LOSERS & your days are numbered. You've been defeated without a shot fired or even a peep from you. Show me how I'm wrong. I'M WAITING!!!!
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by The Observer »

Well, he is right about the sovrun movement not being able to win, but he provides all of the wrong reasons for why they consistently lose. He still has his head fully jammed into the koolade barrel of corrupt-government-conspiracy theory as his explanation for why sovruns lose. But hey, he is farther ahead than his compatriots - at least he recognizes its a losing cause.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by Jeffrey »

I think I know who this Nick is.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:I think I know who this Nick is.
It can't be Brian Alexander. The spelling is too good. However, the writer shares Alexander's disillusionment with freemanism.

I like the part where the guy says freeman gurus are doing the government's work by serving gullibles up for slaughter. That's a point we've been making here for years. I can't remember the last time I heard a member of the freeman brain trust talking about getting your house on solar, growing a garden or running a business the government can't touch.

Instead it's all about sending the guru some money (and your email address) for instructions on how to cheat a restauranteur or avoid paying the bills.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by notorial dissent »

He is just too precious, he is just so earnest and heartbroken.

Query for those of us playing along at home, who is nick1104, and do we should we care???

Now back to our regularly scheduled nuttiness.

Sounds like a pretty good and concise summation of the round robin of failure these geniuses have experienced.

Although bobby being a gov’t agent is a hoot and a half, who knew????? All this time we were thinking he was just a useless POS when he was in reality a civil servant. :snicker: Well, except for teh part of him obviously NOT getting paid.

I see reading/hearing comprehension is still a no go with this crowd.

Poor bunny really is having a meltdown.

Why he thinks Dean would otherwise be able to drive without a license when he never really could before, and after he got caught he never will again. Why this is a big traumatic surprise I just don’t quite get, except maybe TOTALLY CLUELESS.

Since they and their own compatriots do far more damage to them than the authorities or PTB ever manage, I find this long over done whine even more funny.

Observer, you have it there, one of the ongoing failures of the fomtl/sovcit/whatever movements is the near total or total inability to actually step back and look at what they have been doing and their philosophy and the little teeny tiny fact, that IT AIN’T working and accept the fact that it isn’t some outside forces efforts or anything else other than that their philosophy is not just flawed, but IS WRONG. I just don’t see it ever happening, but who knows.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Although bobby being a gov’t agent is a hoot and a half, who knew????? All this time we were thinking he was just a useless POS when he was in reality a civil servant. :snicker: Well, except for teh part of him obviously NOT getting paid.
Menard promised he was going to use the personal information of the C3PO's to develop a formal registry of their ranks and share that information with the authorities so the cops would know they were dealing with a "peace officer" if one of the C3POs showed up at a traffic stop or a crime scene.

That narcissistic dream of relevancy and importance was shattered when Menard got busted for impersonating a peace officer.

The bottom line is every C3PO, ACCP subscriber and contributor to freeman valley has to wonder what Menard has done with their personal information.

It doesn't get much stupider than giving your personal information (including bank account numbers in the case of ACCP subscribers) to a booze addled, snuggled tooth who thinks it's a good thing to freely give freemen's personal info to the same powers that be who have proclaimed freemen to be a threat to society.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by notorial dissent »

While this is all quite true, and I don't think I could think of a more untrustworthy person to have that kind of personal information, but when in all of reality has Babbling Bobby EVER EVER followed through on any of his projects, I mean EVER? I think it would be a much safer bet to assume that it, like all the others lies lost and forgotten at the bottom of whatever midden he is now living in, always assuming that he ever bothered to actually keep track of any of it, or as is more likely got tossed after whoever he was freeloading on cleaned up after his visitation. I think it is much more likely that he used it to start a fire to keep warm with, or that it got left behind in one of his many moves and was ultimately tossed with the rest of the stye litter he left behind him.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:While this is all quite true, and I don't think I could think of a more untrustworthy person to have that kind of personal information, but when in all of reality has Babbling Bobby EVER EVER followed through on any of his projects, I mean EVER? I think it would be a much safer bet to assume that it, like all the others lies lost and forgotten at the bottom of whatever midden he is now living in, always assuming that he ever bothered to actually keep track of any of it, or as is more likely got tossed after whoever he was freeloading on cleaned up after his visitation. I think it is much more likely that he used it to start a fire to keep warm with, or that it got left behind in one of his many moves and was ultimately tossed with the rest of the stye litter he left behind him.
I agree. But at the time of the last ACCP effort Bobby's money man was Wilfred Leger. The C3PO information was financially useless to Bobby and Leger. But the ACCP deal was set up to allow Bobby and Leger to access subscribers bank accounts for monthly dues. There's no telling how long they skimmed money off their marks. The easiest way to stop Menard and Leger from getting their money would have been to close out the accounts. But some of the subscribers were pretty dysfunction. Some were hiding their enrollment from spouses and some had gotten rewards for helping Menard and Leger get new subscribers.

My guess is that like every business relationship Bobby's ever had things went bad and Leger, being the alpha dog, kept all the ACCP account numbers. Judging from Bobby's reduced circumstances one can guess Leger also got most of whatever money there was. This being after Boddy's arrest and flight from prosecution he was no position to drive a hard bargain.

So you see Menard and Leger are "agents" worse than the greediest government tax men.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by notorial dissent »

Or as things would indicate, nothing much ever happened, more talk and no action from Bobby, they really never collected anything, and it was all noise on his part. If someone else actually had that information, I would have expected something to have happened before now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by SteveUK »

Those fmotl, so defeatist and no staying power.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Or as things would indicate, nothing much ever happened, more talk and no action from Bobby, they really never collected anything, and it was all noise on his part. If someone else actually had that information, I would have expected something to have happened before now.
I doubt Bobby ever sent in the registry of C3POs. He may still have that data in the bowels of his computer. One wonders if upon a trial or conviction for impersonating a peace officer there would be justification for a warrant to search his lap top.

The ACCP matter is different. According to bragging Bobby at one point he and Leger had several subscribers. This means they had subscribers bank account numbers and permission to draw funds from those accounts.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by notorial dissent »

If you believe Bobby, but when in memory has he told the truth about ANYTHING?

If it requires work or actual effort, I just don't see Bobby doing it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by LordEd »

I knew any mention of him would invent a pseudo thread on him. Freemanism is dying. WFS and goodf in the same week.

No need to kick him further down. He's been fully neutered and muzzled. Let him fade to obscurity.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by coffeekitten »

LordEd wrote:I knew any mention of him would invent a pseudo thread on him. Freemanism is dying. WFS and goodf in the same week.

No need to kick him further down. He's been fully neutered and muzzled. Let him fade to obscurity.
But that's not what he's saying. He assures he's very busy. Maybe he's helping that psycho guy with a pit bull (Karim Jean Gilles).


But, well, if you prefer I don't mention him anymore, I won't do it. It was just too tempting.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by LordEd »

I saw that. I just didn't bite. Don't care where he's living or if he's working. The less we talk about him, the less he rants. All he has left is his 'detractors', and I'm choosing to ignore him.

Edit: In other words, do not feed the troll.

Lets find and watch some real freemen in action.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:
LordEd wrote:I knew any mention of him would invent a pseudo thread on him. Freemanism is dying. WFS and goodf in the same week.

No need to kick him further down. He's been fully neutered and muzzled. Let him fade to obscurity.
But that's not what he's saying. He assures he's very busy. Maybe he's helping that psycho guy with a pit bull (Karim Jean Gilles).


But, well, if you prefer I don't mention him anymore, I won't do it. It was just too tempting.
It's classic Menard. . .try to control the narrative, play the victim and pretend to be a success. He's been doing it since grade school.

Let's not forget that Menard promised to deliver precedent setting decisions which by their very nature are public information. So why can't Bobby simply point out these "gains"? Because there are none?

Let's not forget that Menard has a long history of lying about his achievements. Some of those lies where the reason he was banned from playing lawyer in B.C.
Last edited by arayder on Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by arayder » ... rds#144627

nick1104 is at it again:
No one has done anything & no one ever will. As my post states THEY WON, YOU LOSE. It's over. There is no way to defeat these people until the cowardice stops & it won't. Americans & Canadians are COWARDS & LOSERS who are on there way to slave labor death camps & the rest will live under sharia law. Except for the so called freemen. They gave their names to these people so they're going to death camps. It's just a matter of time now. They'll kill & imprison as many as they can before then so there won't be as many to deal with at the time. They'll continue to pay the court judgments. So what, it's the taxpayers money anyway. No sweat off their balls & the COWARDICE, LOSER public won't do anything. They'll continue to shut their mouths, pay their enslavers what they're told to pay & do as their servants tell them to do. Get used to it. Were dealing with COWARDS & LOSERS & they'll get what they DESERVE. Any one care to prove me wrong? I'll say it now. I DIDN'T THINK SO. YOU LOSE, THEY WON, IT'S OVER.
I am amused at the notion that the Muslim horde and the government are about to herd everybody into death camps and nobody will do anything about it.
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by bmxninja357 »

more from nick....
2 hours 58 minutes ago #144723
Haven't you people got the message yet? You can't win. NEVER, EVER. THEY'RE LAUGHING AT ALL OF US & THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN, OR WILL DO ABOUT IT. There has NEVER been a success & there NEVER will be. Give it up until you can arrest them & put them in a cage & you will NEVER be able to do that. EVER!!! THEY'RE LAUGHING AT YOU & GATHERING NAMES. PROVE ME WRONG. I DARE ANYONE. They'll commit any crime they want & you can't do anything about it. HA, HA, HA
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by Burnaby49 »

He seems a bit discouraged. What he needs is a pep talk from JackieG, verynewtothis and suziecreamcheese to get him back on the right path.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Is there trouble in paradise?

Post by bmxninja357 »

i was going to put some funny comments in but im in no mood tonight. the local media is being quite misleading on a story and im not quite sure how im going to react. nothing freeman related its just really effected my funnybone tonight.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....