Rekha Patel loses her house

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NYGman wrote:Translation: I know I am going to lose spectacularly, and will be kicked out of "my" house soon and am likely to lose my job. I am trying to save face by saying I plan to go to India to write a book, so I will have an excuse for not pursuing this further in court. There will be no book,and I will disappear into irrelevance within a few months. This is my goodbye, my last hurrah, my last 15 minutes of fame.
And avoid being jailed in England don't forget.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:I think rather that she is claiming it is worth £200,000. She bought it as a fixer upper, and I believe she was advised to not touch it or else to get professional help if she did it was in that bad a shape, which means she probably got it for considerably under £70,000 to start with, I think the actual number was mention a long way back, and I believe she borrowed the money to renovate from her family. Now if the renovation work was done properly, and considering all the things that happened, that is questionable, it might actually be worth £200,000 with the way housing prices have shot up. If she damaged it that could be a fantasy. No one has ever really said what the house itself is like now. She doesn't strike me as particularly bright, and we know she was taken advantage of by at least one contractor, the one that did all the damage.
It's further back somewhere but I think it was about £130,000. I think the £200,000 is an optimistic, nice round figure some "journalist" pulled out of their backside. It might just be worth that if it was perfect and didn't have the history of the dispute (which has to be declared at selling). Edit: no it would be worth £200k at present under any circumstances from what I can now see.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

I was going by the article, which says "home she spent 200,000 on." I overlooked that "spent on" can include costs beyond the initial purchase price of the home. A purchase price of 130,000 plus 70,000 in repairs and upgrades would make sense, except that I doubt she spent that much on the latter. Maybe they're including her legal expenses in that total. :snicker:
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by SteveUK »

right, own up you lot!
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by exiledscouser »

Rekha has played most of the cards available to her.

Facebook campaign? Check
Mainstream media exposure? Check
Garner victim status? Check
Attractive two tonne physical barrier to premises? Check
Display pathos in her appeal to Indian press interested in how it's expat citizens get on in the UK? Check
Elicit help from the fringes of society (EFOTB and BDW etc) and follow their advice. Double check.
Involve your elderly parents in a borderline criminal conspiracy? Sadly, check.

She has one card left to play, it's still face down at the moment but I think you can guess which one it is.

On her FB page someone presses the nuclear option;
Femke Femkita
This is about racism. I know rekha and the only explanation for her neighbour's behaviour is vicious racism. If there is any justice the courts will recognise this and help rekha and her family to get back her rights to her private property, for which she has worked extremely hard as a wonderful, dedicated high school maths teacher.
So no prevarication there, straight in with penetrating insight. A chap called Barry responds;
Barry Evans
Complete and utter rubbish - it is about the damage caused by Rekha's builder, who at that time did not have planning permission.

Race doesn't even come into it -

By way of example there was a gentleman that built a home behind bales of hay without permission who had to pull it done. Another gentleman built a home in a barn again without permission both were white and both lost their cases.

How would you feel if someone moved next door to you and damaged your 300 year old home and then bodged a repair with inferior and cheap materials ?

Put the race card down and play snap or something with it, as it has no place in this dispute
Of course it has become quite the fashionable thing to hop on the right-on post-Trump racist outrage bus but it is heartening to see that someone is prepared to tackle nonsense from the eternally offended.

I thought I'd post this as a number of other posts on Rekha's FB pointing out the more obvious flaws in her story, her unwise actions and the likely (real world) outcomes have been deleted.

The ever predictable Hayles Owen who gets mentioned here on Q from time to time demonstrates on the same FB page that she's been forgetting to take her meds again;
Hayles Owen
lo v e.. .... A V is a VersUS .... R v US BUT WHO IS R... REGINA OR REGIS TERRE... KING SOIL.. KINGSOIL ;) all spells to trap n snaRE... Reigns/reins energy calling USALL neighboUrs... Richard HeADs.. hads cos USALL R DE;AD app A rent ally .... IO ants on hour own'd land... 9[nein in germ an] ne in .. ne is male ie IL ie na IL en femme is NEE ie NEE'D as in to NEE'd or NEE'D y come NEE'D E ... E for Energy.. plugged OWT/OUT plug is busin in chinese... ness?? just a mon ster[e] my length... a stere is a log of lenght to FIT a french firep[a]lace chat o ;) our place theIR palace... watt a diffERential an E makes ;) cat[USALL] chat[french] meow[chinese] ... languages are tongues of age... french langue.... parle means talk parl[e] our... where the ladies with theIR pinkies UP on les promenade des Anglais en CANNES/CANS AND CANT ERS.. le e-light/lite de cided our fate via ours for hours and cidered for cided or sided... 2 sided... COIN IS FRENCH AND MEANS CORNER CORN ER... RYE STONE COWBOY RING ANY BELLES ;) stone ground soil... sow ill so il ... so he... so to CON and steer le pease[gruel/pudding] ANTS ... IO ANTS... TENANTS LETTERS... LETTERS VIA LETTERS FOR LETTERS ... TIME IS MALE IN GERMAN GERM AN GER MAN ... le Gers region ie touche land of le grois musk et eers... ears hears...
After which further comment just isn't possible :D
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Bones »

exiledscouser wrote:
Barry Evans
Complete and utter rubbish - it is about the damage caused by Rekha's builder, who at that time did not have planning permission.

Race doesn't even come into it -

By way of example there was a gentleman that built a home behind bales of hay without permission who had to pull it done. Another gentleman built a home in a barn again without permission both were white and both lost their cases.

How would you feel if someone moved next door to you and damaged your 300 year old home and then bodged a repair with inferior and cheap materials ?

Put the race card down and play snap or something with it, as it has no place in this dispute

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by exiledscouser »


Excellent, thank you. Your IT skills are way better than mine.

I loved the last three or so posts making Barry and the Baron 'foist' amongst equals!

I'm constantly surprised at the confluence of threads on this board with all these Freeman gurus and their followers popping up all over like Footle whack-a-mole.

However on a sadder note I've had to pause for a moment to lament the departure, back under his bridge, of the once king of the Footle pile Mark Ceylon/Selyon/Sellon Haining who, despite his new-age wizardry with all manner of quack panacea can't seem to find one for the following ailments;

Giant Strop
Loss of Face
Running Joke
Dropped Bollock

His remedies are probably past their sell-out date.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Chaos »

Bones wrote:
Barry Evans is a riot.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

LMFAO! Barry Evans is mint taking on two on at once. Btw, Ricky Hall was at Rekha Patel's eviction last summer filming her speech calling it "the dignified after word on this disgusting eviction". Search "Ricky Hall" on FB's 'Eviction the Fraud of the Bank for the film (I'm not techie enough to put it here). Glad to see he might be having a change of heart about the Freetards now.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by JimUk1 »

Has Baron finally being relieved of his equity?

He seems to admit that the eviction happened?- "everything since the eviction"?
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Bones »

It relates to Rekha's eviction
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Wakeman52 »

As regards the price Ms Patel paid in October 2010, according to Zoopla, it was GBP162,500. I think the figure of GBP30,000 has been mentioned in various places as her spend on 'repairs & improvements'. There's another cottage in Simmondley Village (49), of a similar vintage, currently on sale with a local estate agent, Ryder Dutton, for GBP199,950. Given that Hanover Cottage is likely to go for auction in due course and is, to put it mildly, distressed, I would be amazed if it reached the 2010 purchase price.

She also tried to play the race card last June in a speech from a window - found on one of the YouTube videos made of the eviction. I also see its attempted use in her adoption of 'traditional Indian dress' at the recent hearing.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

It looks like Rekha Patel has already tried to play the race card in court in 2013 and it got thrown out. 'Roger 1927' wrote in the comments section of the Daily Heil:

"This is taken from the Manchester evening news "The neighbour tried to sort it out amicably but Miss Patel wouldn't admit she was in breach of the Party Wall Act, or that she'd damaged the neighbour's grade 2 listed building, or that she'd damaged the neighbour's drain gulley with overloaded scaffolding. Both parties went to mediation but Miss Patel wanted the neighbour to pay her! Miss Patel then used a Manchester barrister in 2013 to accuse the neighbour of being in Breach of Human Rights which was thrown out of the Manchester Court as being irrelevant to a property damage case. Miss Patel then lost the 3-day trial over property damage, but took it to High Court Appeal - TWICE - using London Barrister, Henry Hendron. So contrary to the MEN report, she did not represent herself throughout the case. She had 10 weeks from 1st April to pay her legal fees but still thinks she is above the law, she organised a group of Essex 'Freeman Of The Land' to act".

If you have a strong enough stomach for it, Google her public access barrister Henry Hendron - makes fascinating reading.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by rosy »

I googled him. He's an interesting chap! :shock:
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by exiledscouser »

rosy wrote:I googled him. He's an interesting chap! :shock:
And no longer able to act as a barrister (he has a criminal conviction for a drug matter acquired in tragic circumstances) so he'll play no part in the whirlwind of events coming up in Rekha's life in the next few months, even pro bono.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

exiledscouser wrote:
rosy wrote:I googled him. He's an interesting chap! :shock:
And no longer able to act as a barrister (he has a criminal conviction for a drug matter acquired in tragic circumstances) so he'll play no part in the whirlwind of events coming up in Rekha's life in the next few months, even pro bono.
He could assist as a Mackenzie Friend, even address the court if the judge permits it. But he appears to have the chance of resuming his professional career in a few years, and he would be mad to attach himself to Wrecker's delusional disaster.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Bones »

Anyone know if a date has been set for the next hearing yet ?
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

Some interesting and hilarious comments made on Rekha Patel's Facebook page by Barry Evans (again!), James Pallister and Jake Abbott. Anyone able to screen shot them to share here? (Afraid, I'm technologically challeneged)
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Bones »

Here is one exchange

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Bones »


Don't understand it but I know it is corrupt :thinking: