Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

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Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

Jevin Sports Management Software owned by Dan Ptak, is just down the street from me in Allen, TX. Jevin ripped off our local soccer association while I was on the board. I have been in contact with all of Jevin's customers over the past few years and have worked with the reporters and authorities. Jevin in 2016 had around 153 leagues using its software. Today 37 leagues and many preparing to bail are let using Jevin. 19 customers in 2016 had late or missing payments totaling over $400,000.00. Over a dozen news stories were published.

http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninter ... ey/2299711

http://www.cachevalleydaily.com/news/lo ... 5de9a.html

http://www.athleticbusiness.com/busines ... round.html

http://wfla.com/2016/10/25/st-pete-litt ... wed-35000/

http://www.realscam.com/f12/jevin-inc-d ... acks-3939/

Dan Ptak is such a complete lunatic that he sues one of the leagues and 75 of its parents that he paid late:

http://www.realscam.com/attachments/f12 ... imized.pdf
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

From: Heather Dobrott [mailto:hdobrott@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 10:46 AM
To: GSA Board Members
Subject: Possible Felony Theft

Dear Fellow Board Members,
Please find attached the Executive Committee Minutes from the June 30th GSA meeting. That document makes it quite clear that “slow payments” from Jevin are now “missing payments.” At the regular monthly GSA board meeting on July 8th it became glaringly obvious that the explanation for that is wholly unsubstantiated and the board had nothing but David Arciniega’s recounting of what Dan Ptak allegedly claimed on which to base any decisions. David Arciniega stated that Jevin was said to have missing payments in the amount of not just the $8,000.00 plus owed to GSA, but a whopping $50,000.00 including other organizations using Jevin software.

The board was informed that all this must be kept secret as Dan Ptak of Jevin was filing suit against Corduro (the payment processor) to collect those funds. $50,000.00 alleged to have been stolen by the payment processor is a possible felony. That high dollar amount theft when a non-profit is involved could be a second degree felony. We have an ethical obligation to report this to all the proper authorities. I made a report to the Garland police on the morning of Monday July 8th. The detective handling the case has been informed that the new figure for the “missing payments” was $50,000.00. He needs more documentation and expects that our president will be turning that in and meeting with him to discuss this case. I have the case number for this case that is listed as a theft ($1,500.00 - $20,000.00) and contact information for the detective and want to get that meeting set-up ASAP. If Dan Ptak of Jevin is running a legitimate business then he should have no problem cooperating with law enforcement.

We as a board must demand that Dan Ptak of Jevin provide all the documentation that substantiates the payment processor Corduro is in fact responsible for the “missing payments.” That documentation would include, but not be limited to all financial records, correspondence, reports filed with the authorities and the lawsuit related to this matter. I believe a registered letter from the board giving him 10 days to turn over the requested documents would be appropriate. We as a board should reconsider our vote and not have David Arciniega sign a contract with Dan Ptak / Jevin until this matter is properly documented and completely resolved. GSA should not be looking the other way when there is possible criminal activity going on, nor should we risk any further loss of GSA funds if in fact it turns out Corduro is not the culprit.
Corduro is a huge Google backed start –up with over 6 million transactions on Visa annually alone and on the list of 19 Master Card Approved mobile payment processors. Corduro is reported to be handling 1.4 billion a year in transactions. If Corduro is involved in theft it is vital we alert the authorities to protect other non-profits, businesses and individuals who are using them. If the “missing payments” are not due to Corduro then we need to mitigate our losses and change software providers immediately. GSA should not be risking further monetary losses with Jevin. Why are we going forward with Jevin when we don’t have concrete, verifiable documentation on all this?

I have been an administrator on an anti-scam forum that exposes financial fraud for several years. I have worked with numerous enforcement agencies including the Texas Attorney General’s office, the Texas Department of Insurance, the Texas State Securities Board, various police departments, the FBI and others. I have been sued twice for my blogging about financial fraud and won in district court. I am adamant about getting to the bottom of these “missing payments.” I consulted with several experts that I have worked with over the years about this matter.

We should for the good of GSA and for our own protection seek out legal counsel to advise us in situations such as this. I have two lawyers among my coaches and have worked with several fine attorneys in the Dallas area. I would be happy to search for a volunteer to help us out.

This board needs to act on this possibly felonious activity immediately. We have a fiduciary responsibility so, I suggest we treat this as the serious matter it is. This could generate tremendously negative publicity for GSA. A special board meeting needs to be scheduled immediately and a demand letter sent out to Jevin / Dan Ptak as soon as possible.


Heather Dobrott
U6 Girls Director
Garland Soccer is still using Jevin and has never documented what happened to the money
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

From: Heather [mailto:garlandsoccerrocks@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:29 PM
To: 'dcrawford@ntxsoccer.org'; 'david@ntxsoccer.org'; 'chris@ntxsoccer.org'
Cc: 'jsutter@usyouthsoccer.org'
Subject: Garland Soccer Association Financial Accountability

Dear North Texas board members and office staff,

I am respectfully requesting that North Texas exercise jurisdiction over the Garland Soccer Association and conduct a thorough investigation into the missing funds. It is also imperative that the phony charges filed against me and the U12 director and the no-confidence vote (brought against me for seeking proper documentation related to the missing funds and taking the appropriate action by reporting these missing funds to the proper authorities) be evaluated in relation to their validity and adherence to proper protocol and procedure as prescribed in our by-laws.

2.2.6 Jurisdiction
This Association shall have jurisdiction over all Member Associations’ administrators, referees,
coaches, assistant coaches, managers registered players and teams affiliated with it. Each Member
Association shall retain its own autonomy, but will adhere to its Bylaws and Rules and Regulations
and will comply with the authority of the Association. If the Association is presented sufficient
evidence that a Member Association is not adhering to its Bylaws and Rules and Regulations, the
Association may form a committee to investigate the allegations and make recommendations to the
Executive Committee to correct the infraction(s). If gross misuse of funds, misapplication of
Bylaws, or misapplication of rules and regulations is discovered, the Member Association shall be
declared not in good standing and given sixty (60) days to correct the situation, or the Association
may take more immediate action if deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

Please see the accompanying documents attached. Note the executive committee completely and unnecessarily bypassed the board. They agreed to a discount on future withholdings by Jevin to repay over $8,000.00 of missing payments from the spring 2013 soccer season. Jevin, already had a history of late payments and issues. The payment processor Corduro was the convenient scapegoat for this missing money without a shred of documentation to substantiate that they were in any way responsible. The story that Jevin couldn’t get a loan to pay GSA the money owed is beyond laughable. That suggests that Jevin has serious financial concerns as they cannot qualify for a small business loan among many other possibilities.

Another director pointed out the obvious at our monthly meeting in July 2013. This whole financial issue is fraud plain and simple. The first step (which I in fact took) should have been to go to authorities as it cost nothing and was personally recommended to me by my licensed attorney and a forensic fraud investigator. When I took that proper step of going to our local police, I was attacked by the board and David Arciniega told the police and the board that any talk of these missing payments was “unfounded.” What we have been writing and saying about Corduro, for months without any verifiable documentation amounts to libel and slander. And, reduced fees do not address the critical issue of who was responsible for the late and missing payments to begin with and why anyone might wish to cover up that problem.

The second page of the attachment shows Jevin’s glowing testimonial about Corduro. They claim they are getting funds the next day from Corduro. Next, I have included my August board report. I documented in writing the information we had been given by David Arciniega. In July when I asked for more information about the missing payments from Jevin, David Arciniega went on about $50,000.00 in losses he claimed Jevin suffered due to Corduro. I was horrified to think other non-profits and businesses might have been harmed and continue to face losses due to Corduro and that GSA was taking no action. I questioned why Jevin didn’t go to the authorities and why they were filing a court case in lieu of a free investigation by the police. I also questioned how Jevin could fund a court case if they couldn’t pay GSA the 8 grand owed or even qualify for a loan. I am very concerned that we are continuing to do business with Jevin when we have no verifiable documentation about any of this.

The November General Coaches Meeting minutes follow. Following is the quote of what David Arciniega said at the September meeting:

“GSA receives it largest income from the registration fees so all income must match the data in the Jevin System daily. Jevin/online provider owed GSA $8,061 (in June 2013) which was paid in full to GSA as of August 20th. To compensate GSA for this delay, Jevin will lower its rates resulting in additional revenue for GSA. Litigation is on-going between the online provider and Jevin so additional information may not be divulged per the North Texas lawyers.”

Why is this misinformation being sent out to our coaches? Board members have asked for proper documentation for months and none has been forthcoming. The president and executive committee members must be aware at this juncture that the court case is pure fiction. I need the contact information for the North Texas lawyers to be forwarded to me immediately, so that any records they have related to this financial fraud can be accessed by the GSA board members seeking clarification on this matter. The GSA board must make decisions based on verifiable fact and not rumor, innuendo and hearsay.

I checked with Collin County (where Jevin is located), Dallas County and Tarrant County (where Corduro is based) and confirmed there was never any action filed. Knowing that, I went to Corduro to get their side of the story as should have been done by the leadership of GSA in the beginning. The CEO and president of Corduro, Robert Ziegler, generously offered to speak with me and respond to my request for information in writing. Said correspondence is attached. Mr. Ziegler indicated that Jevin and Corduro had parted ways amicably a year ago. He stated that Corduro does not owe Jevin any money, much less the $50,000.00 claimed by David Arciniega. Jevin never threatened or filed any litigation against them. And, no investigations by law enforcement were conducted to his knowledge. So, GSA, David Arciniega and NTSSA by association have been libeling and slandering Corduro and frankly we are fortunate that Mr. Ziegler is not pursuing any litigation against us at this time in light of the wild tales that have been told regarding his company.

The actions of the GSA president and executive committee defy logic. We are a charitable organization and everything we do should be well documented and completely transparent. We are to be the good stewards of the funds of the families of Garland that come to us. I have been asking for open meetings and proper documentation, all of which constitutes normal procedure and ordinary care for a board member that is executing their legal obligations and duties. Our president is still advising people they are not welcome at board meetings and operating this public charity under a veil of secrecy.

To allow continual harassment and retaliation against board members that are making ordinary and necessary request for proper documentation related to financial and other matters is reprehensible and must be addressed. The phony charges and No Confidence vote filed against me are nothing but a dirty tactic employed by our president and vice president to scare off board members who ask questions and demand that business be conducted openly and above board.

I have no intention of tolerating any more nonsense and will get my attorney and the media involved if I am subjected to any further abuse and retaliatory measures. That is precisely why I have come to North Texas for help. The GSA board is no longer able to fulfill its mission with the secrecy, lies, and misinformation being spread. This board and office cannot function when members and employees fear reprisal and retaliation by the leadership when they are simply trying in good faith to carry out their jobs. We have a board where members are afraid to stand up and do the right things as the leadership has made it clear what will happen to those who ask too many questions or don’t follow the wishes of the president.

Again, I respectfully request a full investigation into the financial dealings within GSA and the obvious attempts at bullying and harassing board members who are working hard to serve our member families. We board members come from various professions and backgrounds and a scandal involving financial fraud would seriously harm our personal reputations and even our livelihoods in some cases. This issue effects the good standing of GSA and North Texas and needs to be addressed immediately. I look forward to your response by the 23rd please.


Heather Dobrott
U6 Girls Director for the Garland Soccer Association
Garland Soccer's parent organization, that includes its group tax-return no less, ignores problems. I fought a No Confidence vote that was filed in retaliation for supporting a far more qualified candidate for president. Fiduciary duty demands I vote what is best for the non-profit. Garland is still trying to get the corrupt leader, David Arciniega, out.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

http://www.realscam.com/f12/jevin-inc-d ... post102882

http://www.realscam.com/attachments/f12 ... imized.pdf

Dan Ptak threatened to sue me and I am totally insulted that he sued the youth football league and 75 or so parents and neglected to include me.

Jevin ( Dan Ptak ) started getting payments from the parents on April 26 and despite the contract specifying that he will "initiate an ACH transfer ... the next business day," They do not see a dime until June 6th when they got a measly 20% or so of what they were owed. Ptak sends the rest of the funds owed on June 27th, an unbelievable 2 months later. He doesn't even give them proper notification according to the contract. Ptak should have been contacting everyone by registered mail.

These parents paid this youth football league ( charity ) so that their kids could play football in the fall. They need those funds in order to have a season. What kind of business that has been operating for 16 years is this dishonest and totally inept? These leagues would have checked out Ptak and found out that Jevin was operated out of his home and that likely the only way to get their funds was to do chargebacks as several other leagues were already doing. Who would waste their money ( tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars ) to sue what appears to be an assetless and failing business that they could never recover anything from? Dan Ptak is completely nuts to be suing his customers!
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

SVYF Update 10/17

To the Parents of SVYF:

We are aware that some of you, maybe all of you, have received a threatening letter from the attorney of Jevin. This is the mess we have been dealing with all season. We have representing legal counsel from Olsen & Hoggan Attorneys at Law in Logan to help us with this case. This threatening letter is designed to scare and panic parents into paying. Please do not respond, or pay a dime to Jevin. You as parents have done nothing wrong or committed any fraud as stated in the letter from Jevin. Nor has Sky View Youth Football. Remember we did nothing wrong, we were the victims in this. If Jevin would have paid us our money when they were supposed to we would not have had any of this mess.

We are currently working with Olsen & Hoggan to respond as needed both to Jevin and to you as parents. We are trying to get a letter by tomorrow. We have talked to 4 other groups who say they are missing money. A reporter working with one of those groups told us he has uncovered 15 groups just this year who have had money issues with Jevin. We stood up to Jevin and it seems they did not like that at all. We will be strong and we will not back down. Please understand that we as a Sky View Youth Football board are aware of the concern and hassle this is to you as parents. We have tried to ensure that your kids have had a good and enjoyable season while dealing with this headache that was not brought on by anything we did. We have over 100 pages of supporting documentation we have submitted to our attorney regarding this mess. Again you as parents are not legally liable for this and that will not change no matter how many demanding letters Jevin sends out.

Why does Jevin feel they are owed money? When Jevin failed to pay the amount of money that was owed to SVYF we had no other choice but to take the legal and law enforcement route. We were counseled to send out the case number to parents and have them do all they could to get their money back. Some parents were able to get money back and then paid us. Some banks and credit cards took the entire 8 weeks or longer that they had to figure out the fraudulent claim. Then Jevin turned around and paid us the full original amount of money owed to us knowing full well there were people who got their money back. Jevin then claimed to the banks, when they did their investigating, that they paid us the money. Some banks pulled the money back out and gave it to back to Jevin. This has become an accounting nightmare for all involved. The board has spent hundreds of hours to trying to sort this out.

During the summer when Jevin first approached us about getting money back we told them that we would work through the accounting nightmare they caused which would require contacting all of the parents involved. After doing all of this, we thought that we were close to having it complete and giving Jevin the money that was collected by us, minus all extra fees that SVYF incurred because of not having our funds when needed which was over $6,000. Jevin turned around and added thousands of dollars in fees and other charge backs that we were unaware of and were unaccounted for. Jevin is claiming that we owe over $20,000 back to them. That is outrageous. Because of Jevin’s unwillingness to pay us when they were supposed to, the fees that where accrued and the extra time and resources that have been required on the part of the board and parents exceeds any amount owed to Jevin. But because we want to make sure everything is done legally and honestly we have turned everything over to legal counsel to determine the amount if any is owed.

We will keep you informed.

SVYF Board
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2016 by Karin Kunz.
The hell for these dear folks will just never end!
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

Register of Actions
Case No. 199-00984-2017
Jevin, Inc., a Texas Corporation vs. Sky View Youth Football, a Utah organization; Wasatch Front Football League, Inc., a Utah Corporation; and Jared Furgeson, et al. §

Case Type: Other Contract
Date Filed: 02/28/2017
Location: 199th District Court
Party Information
Lead Attorneys
Defendant Blake, Matthew Pro Se

Defendant Furgeson, Jared Pro Se

Defendant Hellstern, Brandt Pro Se

Defendant Radford, Jenni Pro Se

Defendant Saxton, Dave Pro Se

Defendant Sky View Youth Football Pro Se

Defendant Wasatch Front Football League, Inc. Pro Se

Plaintiff Jevin, Inc. Leann Wainscott Diamond
Events & Orders of the Court
02/28/2017 Plaintiff's Original Petition (OCA) $293.00
03/02/2017 Request for Citation $8.00

Sky View Youth Football Unserved
Wasatch Front Football League, Inc.
Served 03/08/2017

Returned 03/14/2017
Furgeson, Jared Unserved
Blake, Matthew
Served 03/08/2017

Returned 03/14/2017
Saxton, Dave
Served 03/07/2017

Returned 03/14/2017
Hellstern, Brandt
Served 03/07/2017

Returned 03/14/2017
Radford, Jenni Unserved
03/13/2017 Service Return
Proof of Service- Dave Saxton
03/13/2017 Service Return
Proof of Service- Matthew Blake
03/13/2017 Service Return
Proof of Service- Brandt Hellstern
03/13/2017 Service Return
Affidavit of Service- Wasatch Front Football League, Inc. c/o Steve Brooks Registered Agent
Financial Information

Plaintiff Jevin, Inc.
Total Financial Assessment 349.00
Total Payments and Credits 349.00
Balance Due as of 03/14/2017 0.00

03/02/2017 Transaction Assessment 349.00
03/02/2017 Payment Receipt # DC-07625-2017 Jevin, Inc. (349.00)
Only 70 some parents to go! Business suicide in the most public fashion imaginable!
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafe ... at/2296291
"Whoever else has been given this runaround needs to stand up against him, so he can't keep doing it to other people," Young said. "These are kids. This is their money. I have kids who play football who earned their (money) to register. He is, in essence, misusing that."
19 charities getting late or totally missing payments totaling more than $400,000.00 must be addressed. The president of the board I served on, David Arciniega, is going to have fun explaining that I was right all along. David Arciniega refusing to allow the board to see any documentation and then running me off just shows how totally mismanaged Garland Soccer really is! He is certainly brilliant to risk hundreds of thousands of dollars and possibly ending up with our parents getting sued by this lunatic, Dan Ptak and his Jevin scam.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by notorial dissent »

So let me see if I've got this right. You have a vendor who is supposed to be collecting money for your soccer league to pay your dues and fees so that the kids can play????

And your vendor is, what's the word, oh yeah, embezzling-misappropriating-taking those fees and NOT paying for the things he is supposed to or in a timely fashion and then you all are having problems as a result??? Is that about it?

And then the vendor has the unmitigated gall to sue people when they do charge backs for things he hasn't done.

Even for TX that is going some. Sounds to me like your board president is either colossally stupid or in it up to his eyeballs. Neither prospect is acceptable. And this has been going on FOR HOW LONG????
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

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I cannot tell who is to blame here - Jevin or Corduro. I am confused as to what Jevin is actually supposed to be providing to the soccer associations (software, or just collecting monies?) and why the payments are being processed through Corduro. If Corduro is failing to remit monies to Jevin, then I might understand why Jevin is not able to keep whatever commitments it is supposed to be making. I think I need a basic outline of who are the players in this mess and what they are supposed to be doing.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

The Sordid Saga (trademarked, copyrighted and more) began when I joined the Garland Soccer Association board in December 2012. My son had played for years and it was obvious that it was time to clean up the corruption and mismanagement of that charity that was supposed to be serving our precious kids. The president of many years, David Arciniega, runs it like a dictatorship and keeps the charity's records and meetings secret. David Arciniega claimed he helped write the software for the player pool portion of the Jevin Sports Management Software. Jevin's owner, Dan Ptak, is just down the street from us in sunny Allen, TX.

Garland Soccer started using Jevin in 2009. Late payments became a problem. Every other soccer association under the North Texas State Soccer Association had been using GotSoccer software to run their leagues. But, David Arciniega to this day is determined to keep using Jevin. In the summer of 2013 Jevin was unable to pay Garland Soccer over $8000.00 due from spring registration and tournament fees. I hightailed it straight to the Garland Police. David Arciniega whines that Jevin is actually out $50,000.00 due to the payment processor Corduro not paying them. Professional fraud investigator who also has years of law enforcement experience and another savvy professional on the board join me in demanding documents and are able to see the obvious fraud. David Arciniega lies to the police and says that the whole thing is nothing more than a little "error in processing." The police have no choice but to drop the case. Jevin and Arciniega decide a discount on the fees taken out of the registration monies collected going forward will solve the problem. So, the free police investigation is dropped and we get the phony baloney story about Jevin suing the payment processor Corduro that summer of 2013. Well, I access and post court docs all the time. I can guarantee that no case was ever filed anywhere on the planet. I contact the president and CEO of Corduro. He explains that the software was so crappy that processing payments was a real headache, but that Jevin had always been paid the next day as the contract stipulates and that no police investigation occurred. He also noted that no litigation was threatened or ever filed by Jevin and they had parted ways amicably.

Garland Soccer's president, David Arciniega, confidently proclaims that Jevin switching from Corduro to Chase will completely solve the problem and the money belonging to the children and families of Garland will once again be safe. I keep demanding documentation and support a far more qualified candidate to replace David Arciniega as the league's president and end up getting harassed and slapped with a No Confidence Petition in the fall of 2013. The Garland Soccer board turns into a war zone with those demanding accountability and transparency at odds with the blind followers of David Arciniega. Fiduciary duty, state laws and by-laws are out the window.

Now, Jevin has been with Chase for processing since late 2013 and once again money issues. In 2016 19 leagues were stiffed or paid late. The total of late and missing payments I calculated was over $400,000.00. So, this makes it abundantly clear that Corduro was never the issue. I contacted all of Jevin's customers in 2015 as I had sued Garland Soccer and its president David Arciniega. One of the issues in my suit was the retention of Jevin software. I quickly was absolutely deluged with complaints about late and missing payments from across the country. I served as the go between for all the leagues Jevin was ripping off and numerous reports were made to the authorities. The attorneys on those boards carefully weighed the options for getting their funds back. As Jevin is run out of Ptak's home and has literally no assets, the consensus was that chargebacks made using the case numbers from police reports was the best avenue to recover funds. So, the adult players and parents of young players in a number of these leagues initiated chargebacks.

Dan Ptak refused to pay some of the leagues as they had already begun requesting chargbacks. Those leagues at least got a decent portion of what they were owed. SkyView filed a police report and then Ptak paid them (weeks late). Ptak apparently thought he could stop the chargebacks if he paid at that point, but he was too late as the chargbacks were well underway. At that point the payment processor froze all of Jevin's accounts. SkyView was also among the leagues that sought out media attention. Ptak is now drowning in scathing news coverage across the country and he has had a hefty dose of the Soapboxmom treatment. Now, we watch as that dirty dog tries to take one of the leagues he paid late and their beleaguered parents to court. Business suicide will be fun to watch!
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

https://consumerist.com/2014/07/19/10-a ... -the-time/
7. Can a merchant make me agree to not issue a chargeback if something’s wrong?

Nope. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, you have a right to dispute transactions.

MasterCard’s merchant agreement simply says, “A Merchant must not impose, as a condition of MasterCard or Maestro Card acceptance, a requirement that the Cardholder waive a right to dispute a Transaction.

When there is a problem, it’s good to give the merchant a chance to resolve it with you first. But if they refuse to communicate or to act in good faith, then consumers have the right to take it farther up the chain.
https://www.credit.com/credit-law/resol ... lling-act/
What Is the Fair Credit Billing Act?

The FCBA is a federal law that was designed to help protect consumers against unfair credit billing practices. It provides guidelines for consumers and creditors for managing disputes regarding billing statements, plus rules for removing any interest accrued due to the billing error if the dispute is resolved in favor of the consumer.

The FCBA allows consumers to file a dispute in order to get rid of billing errors, including:

Unauthorized charges. Federal law limits your responsibility for unauthorized charges to $50
Charges that list the wrong date or amount
Charges for goods and services you didn’t accept or that weren’t delivered as agreed
Math errors;
Failure to post payments and other credits, like returns
Failure to send bills to your current address — assuming the creditor has your change of address, in writing, at least 20 days before the billing period ends; and
Charges for which you ask for an explanation or written proof of purchase, along with a claimed error or request for clarification.
How will Jevin fair in court when it is clearly about him not paying the next business day as agreed, and the parents getting their registration fees back with chargebacks so that they can pay the leagues for their child's registrations weeks after the money was needed? As he clearly violated the terms of the contract by not sending the registration monies to the league on the next business day, does he have any grounds to be reimbursed for the chargebacks? Can he slip that into his contracts with these vulnerable charities?

I wonder if his counsel bothered to check him out before filing? As all the 19 leagues that were stiffed or paid late have been in touch with me and through me each other, Dan Ptak has legions of angry customers who are supporting one another. I hope his victims are able to turn this around on him and teach him a lesson he will never forget. I will attend hearings and the trial and do everything possible to support these charities.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by The Observer »

So from what I can gather, Jevin is the middleman responsible for collecting the fees from the players for their participation in the various leagues and then paying over what is due to the leagues. Jevin has a software package that it uses to administer the collection of these fees (and I guess does other things like schedule games, arrange for game officials, keep statistics?) as well the accounting for the leagues and/or teams. Corduro was brought in since they have the ability tofacilitate electronic/online payments and then turn these monies over to Jevin.

This seems to be a convoluted relationship that requires several entities to get the monies to where they belong. Such systems only create unnecessary confusion and opportunities for skimming and the like. But what is confusing me is the narrative saying that on one hand the parents are getting their money back from Corduro because they could not process the payments to Jevin and getting hit with chargebacks, and yet stating that Jevin has received the monies from Corduro.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

Corduro has been out of the picture since 2013. Garland Soccer's president claimed that switching to Chase would solve all the problems. I spoke at length with Corduro's CEO and President and they have not processed payments for Jevin since 2013. Hilariously, a source from law enforcement told me that Jevin hasn't used Chase for a while either. Apparently, Chase dumped scammer Dan.

Dan Ptak was claiming to customers that he was using a small local outfit to process payments and he would miss their phone calls to get his voice authorization for transfers or that they had to process in batches and couldn't get the payments processed. Of course, all that was when he dog hadn't died again or he wasn't sick or out of town. The excuses have really been something.

Dan Ptak is clearly the problem here.

http://wfla.com/2016/10/25/st-pete-litt ... wed-35000/
Vann wasn’t surprised to hear that. “There have been 10 or 15 other leagues that have done charge backs against Jevin so their situation with the credit card company is not really in a good spot,” he said.
http://www.tampabay.com/news/humaninter ... ey/2299711
Those leagues serve players of all ages in states from Utah and Colorado to Texas, Louisiana and Maryland. Representatives of each league say Jevin collected registration fees on their behalf, then either delayed payment or didn't give them their money at all.

Some have turned to local law enforcement agencies. Across the dozen leagues contacted by the Times, including Northeast, the delayed or missing payments add up to at least $250,000.

Seifert, manager of the Centennial Youth Baseball-Softball Association in suburban Denver, said he first noticed in March that his youth baseball program hadn't received nearly $80,000 he said Jevin owed it.

Registration for its spring season started in December, and he said the league didn't receive any payments until mid May, when the company gave it half of what it was owed. The other half finally arrived in late June, he said.

"The fact that this is not my money and I'm responsible for it, that scared the hell out of me," Seifert said.
The other leagues that spoke to the paper Northeast Little League and the Southeastern Adult Soccer Association were out $35,000.00 and $31,000.00 respectively and Jevin never paid them a dime. They only got what parents and adult players were able to recover through chargebacks.

http://wfla.com/2016/10/25/st-pete-litt ... wed-35000/
Young and Northeast league officials said they fear that Jevin is improperly distributing to one league the money collected from families in other leagues.
Late and missing payments have gone on for years. It appears to be an obvious case of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Jevin has degenerated into a ponzi scheme. New customers are needed to come in with registration money to pay the old customers. Now, that the word is out Ptak's ponzi is collapsing!
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by The Observer »

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that Corduro was collecting the fees for Jevin.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

I don't see much MLM in this one. Just a garden-variety scam, with the added chutspa of sueing the victims, and, in some cases, arranging for victims to sue other victims

Being a jew, I should know how to spell "chutspa"....
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by The Observer »

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

Jevin's business model didn't start out as a MLM plan. Years of late payments that have snowballed colossally have left us with what in essence appears to be a ponzi that is collapsing as no new charities are signing up to pay in registration fees to our desperate Danny boy.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by notorial dissent »

I may be over simplifying things here, but it comes across to me as plain old garden variety misappropriation of funds/embezzlement/FRAUD to me. It might almost arise to the level of a ponzi but I don't think he is smart enough. I think what happened is that things got tight and he started dipping in to the til until he was too far in to actually stay current on his transfers and so the "delays" started happening. Now while I will conceded that it is possible that the transfer companies could have been at fault, I doubt it, and the simple solution there is a complaint to the Comptroller. They take that sort of thing VERY seriously and will look in to it, and when they inevitably come back and say that the processors weren't processing because they weren't getting the money that will answer your questions there. Also, another little point, when you are doing batch processing like this there AIN'T no password except on the system that you use to set it up. You go in, you schedule the payment to whomever and the amount and the date to be sent, either immediate or future, AND THAT IS IT. The processor doesn't call you for permission, you've already long ago granted that. If you want an everyday comparison, think of the bill payment service your bank provides. Exactly the same deal, just on a bigger platform for your vendor. The bank doesn't call you for permission to process them either, you set them up, you are presumed to know what you are doing, they get processed. Same for a business.

What I am still trying to figure out is why anyone is still dealing with this guy.
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

The Observer wrote:"Chutzpah"
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Re: Dan Ptak / Jevin Sports Management Software Sues Customers It Paid Late!!

Post by soapboxmom »

Our Danny boy has gotten his arse sued. The folks that sued him have bought some of his bad debt. The constable has the papers. Dan Ptak has either not been served or is desperately trying to duck service.
Case Details
Case History
Case Number
Date Filed
Case Type
Contract - Consumer/Commercial/ Debt
TBF Financial, LLC VS. Jevin, Inc. and Daniel E. Ptak
Judicial Officer
Wilson, Dan K in County Court at Law 5

Jevin, Inc.
Pro Se
Ptak, Daniel E.
Pro Se
TBF Financial, LLC
Millard O. Anderson, Jr.

Case Events

Petition for Contract Consumer/Commer/Debt (OCA) $287.00
Request for Citation Pre Judgment - $4.00
Constable PCT #3 - Service Fee - $75.00
Request for Citation Pre Judgment - $4.00
Constable PCT #3 - Service Fee - $75.00
Case Information Sheet - Cover Letter by OCA

Financial Summary

Party Type



Civil Papers

Person to Serve
Issued Date
Jevin, Inc.,
Ptak, Daniel

Back to Case Detail
TBF Financial created an industry - purchasing charged-off equipment leases.....

Since that time, TBF has broadened the type of commercial paper it buys. In addition to charged-off equipment leases, TBF also purchases written-off commercial bank loans and lines of credit.

Today, TBF Financial remains at the forefront of commercial debt buying for the finance industry.

TBF buys all kinds of non-performing commercial paper up to 4 years old from the date of last payment. For example, we buy equipment leases, loans and lines of credit, which have personal guarantees, no personal guarantees, are secured, unsecured, pre-agency, post-agency, pre-litigation, reduced to judgment, etc.

As to pricing, TBF is aggressive and flexible. We want to do business and establish long-term relationships. We understand that aggressive pricing and performance is what makes deals and maintains relationships.
-We are very creative in customizing programs that will maximize the return to our clients.-
The Garland Soccer board was told in June 2013 that Jevin / Dan Ptak could not get a loan for a mere 8 grand to pay the remainder of what was owed from Spring registration and tournament fees. So, imagine how bad Ptaks's and Jevin's credit must be today!

Ptak will have to pay for an attorney to represent Jevin as it is required by law. I learned so many fascinating things while taking on Advantage Conferences in district court pro se. So, this should be a hoot to watch! :haha:

If any of the attorneys who post here have access to court records in Collin County, please throw them up here. I will drive to the courthouse or mail in a request if no one can get them online.