Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by JimUk1 »

littleFred wrote:So, Tobe was the landlord, evicting tenants? It turns out Tobe and Chrisy were on opposite sides? Weird.

This is indeed very peculiar! I thought Chrisy was throughly against the greedy landlords and housing associations? And here it's beign revealed he has a friend who appears to be one?

More to come I suspect!
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by TheCoz »

So, Tobe was the landlord at risk of losing his home because his tenant(s) weren't paying their rent and he couldn't afford the mortgage?

That's my assumption of the situation given the document of him being the claimant.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by aesmith »

Is he (Tobe) bankrupt? Claimant looks like it's some sort of insolvency practitioner. Could it be his administrator trying to get possession of the house in order to sell it to discharge part of his debt? Otherwise seems pretty odd that he's fighting an eviction where he's the claimant.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Penny Wise »

aesmith wrote:Is he (Tobe) bankrupt? Claimant looks like it's some sort of insolvency practitioner. Could it be his administrator trying to get possession of the house in order to sell it to discharge part of his debt? Otherwise seems pretty odd that he's fighting an eviction where he's the claimant.
https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters. ... rue&bhcp=1
Law of Property Act receiver (LPA receiver)
A person (not necessarily an insolvency practitioner) appointed by a lender holding a fixed charge over property, to enforce that charge over the property. A lender holding a fixed charge or mortgage has a right to appoint an LPA receiver pursuant to section 101(1)(iii) of the Law of Property Act 1925 (LPA 1925), once the secured debt has become due. An LPA receiver has the powers and duties specified in and limited by LPA 1925 (notably these do not include the power to sell the charged property) but these can be modified and extended by express provisions in the security document. An LPA receiver is usually appointed with a view to selling the charged property or collecting the rental income from it for the lender.

A receiver appointed under an express power in a security document creating one or more fixed charges over assets is termed a fixed charge receiver (though often also referred to, incorrectly, as an LPA receiver). Most modern security documents contain an express power to appoint a receiver and it is now rare for a lender to rely on the power provided by the Law of Property Act 1925.

Both fixed charge receivers and LPA receivers must be distinguished from administrative receivers, who can be appointed by a floating charge holder, providing one of the exceptions to the general prohibition on appointing an administrative receiver applies.
It would appear to have been a buy-to-let property and not Tobe's actual home. He would for whatever reason fallen in arrears and the lender appointed a receiver to act on behalf of Tobe. On this occassion the tenant (Mr Flack) had an assured shorthold tenancy ... -tenancies
Introduction to Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreements

An Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement is the most frequently used tenancy agreement in the letting of residential properties. This type of agreement is also referred to as an "AST" or "Shorthold Tenancy".

Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreements are normally arranged for a six month period, but can be agreed for a longer period, e.g. twelve months. This type of tenancy allows the tenant to remain in the property for the first six months, or initial fixed period.

Still doesn't change the fact that Chrisy is a loud mouth bully and thanks to the tv show a lot more people are seeing him for what he really is
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by aesmith »

Penny Wise wrote:It would appear to have been a buy-to-let property and not Tobe's actual home. He would for whatever reason fallen in arrears and the lender appointed a receiver to act on behalf of Tobe. On this occassion the tenant (Mr Flack) had an assured shorthold tenancy
Cheers. The court order refers to granting possession on "mandatory grounds", but does not state which. Rent arrears alone can form a mandatory ground, but if that was the sole reason then I can't see why the LPA receiver would be involved. Equally if the ground was solely the lender seeking possession under the mortgage terms, surely they wouldn't award costs against the tenant?
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Penny Wise »

It would depend on if the mnimum term of the tenancy had expired or not.

If it had and the tenant was asked to leave, to enable the property to then by sold by the LPA receiver and they did not move, then I believe that court costs may be award against the tenant as the named defendant
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by JimUk1 » ... 9445577423
Brilliant entertainment on Toby's FB....

When freemen fall out episode 1
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by TheCoz »

JimUk1 wrote: ... 9445577423
Brilliant entertainment on Toby's FB....

When freemen fall out episode 1
There is all kinds of crazy there...
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by mufc1959 »

Okay, so from looking at the court papers posted upthread, I know what's gone on here. I deal with this all the time at work.

What's happened here is that Tobe had a BTL mortgage and got into arrears. Whether this was because the tenant didn't pay the rent or he just didn't pay the mortgage, who knows. Doesn't matter.

Anyway, the T&Cs allow the lender to appoint LPA (Law of Property Act) Receivers to take control of the property, evict the tenant, put new ones in if they want to and collect the rent, or sell the property.

Although they're appointed by the lender, under s.109 of the Law of Property act 1925, they're considered to be the agent of the borrower. So the proceedings to evict the tenant have been brought by the LPA Receivers but for formality's sake it's said to be as agent of Tobe, even though he had (a) no say in the appointment of the Receivers and (b) no control of the proceedings.

So it doesn't look as if he was ever in danger of losing his own home, only the investment property he bought to rent out.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by SteveUK »

Fellow fmotl fails member James wades into their spat, with this stunningly accurate thought


Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

"Does the police know about blacks law? All contracts are in UCC. Every corporation operates under Black's law."

I bet poor old Black is spinning in his grave by now. I am tad surprised that none of the more racist element have objected to Black's Law because it only applies to blacks.

"Go onto companies house or Dunham Bradstreet "

Dunn and Bradstreet by word of mouth.

"From what I have heard all presumptions made under UCC stand unless rebutted. In court but also on the battle field. Asking if they are public servants and going through the 12 presumptions should make them think"

That would certainly make me think. I'd think a remand for psychiatric reports was called for. And as for the battlefield, I'd pay good money to see 'fraudulent documents' rout the Taliban.

"Its like banks. They rob us which is legal. If we storm into the bank and ask questions, demand answers they arrest us under common law. Pretty clever"

I think it may be the storming in and demanding rather than the questions that lead to arrests. Try a quiet walk in.

I know nothing about cult de-programming, if it is not just quackery I wonder if it could be tried on some people as sadly warped as many cultists are.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Penny Wise »

All very quiet on the new GOODF forum about Chrisy breaking through to the mainstream. In his latest video, Chrisy isn't pully any faces and appears very downcast. I think the complete failure of the show and the resulting fall out has really taken its toll on poor little chrisy. Looking at his live stream freak out, when he was on the radio show, the cracks are starting to show. ... 988901267/
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by He Who Knows »

Chrisy Morris has just done a FB-live Q&A in a cafe with his sidekick Jonathan Marsh who is now unrecognisable with his newly scrubbed teeth. Must have come in for a lot of schtick about dental hygiene following the disastrous Channel 4 documentary. Morris reckons of the 4 evictions filmed (out of 8 evictions over the 9 months, apparently) Rekha Patel's was "a draw" and the other 3 were "wins". Interesting that he says there were never any thackstones when Rekha Patel said in the documentary that there were. She told the Tameside Reporter there were too. And the thackstones were in her planning application as well as on the BBC Britain's Empty Homes film. The case with the 5 children was a "win" because the kids stayed with their mum and live at their nanny's house. The "W&L" case was a win because some "Plebgate" copper kindly paid their arrears. And Tobe Leigh's was a win because he is still in his property thanks to hero Morris going to his aid on eviction day. Deluded.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Penny Wise »

Chrisy Morris wrote:It depends on what you class as a loss, cause I class a win as anything that is positive. Ermmm ya know some people might say that person got kicked out of their house but they are in another house and they are happy, happier than they were, I'd class that as a win
M&L didn't even tell Chrisy that they had moved, he dragged his daughter all the way up there and they had already moved out. M&L were evicted so Chrisy failed to stop the eviction

Rekha Patel genuine ? Sold her house for £2 to companies owned by her parents. She was evicted, Chrisy failed to stop the eviction

M&J the eviction was stopped because the arrears was paid for by a 3rd party who was not Chrisy Morris

Tobe doesn't live in that house, so he was never personally at risk of being evicted

Chrisy's opinion is to either repeat stories he claims he has been told which are clearly BS or just make up BS with the warning that it may not be true

What did he show anyone except that he is a bully
Chrisy Morris wrote:Angry White men on a march

is he talking about his BNP links ?

Claims to be dyslexic but has no problems reading small text on a phone screen hmmmmmmmmm
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by TheNewSaint »

Chrisy Morris wrote:It depends on what you class as a loss, cause I class a win as anything that is positive.
Says it all, really.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Chaos »

It depends on what you class as a loss, cause I class a win as anything that is positive I say it is so there. nanner nanner neener neener
edited for accuracy
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by JimUk1 »

Christopher is at the peak of freeman exposure. Even some of his loyalists followers are doubtful of his claims now.

He runs a small time boxing club which hasn't produced a notable fighter, he probably feels the need for his ego beign stroked and has seen how much the Freeman love a good liar.

The more people he "helps" the more scrutiny he is under, excuses of "corruption" will not wash for ever.

Sunrise, sunset.....another guru will be along next year.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by JimUk1 »

Im not sure how to post images here, but if I could, I would post this picture of what I suspect a bailiffs eyes do when Chrisy turns up-

edit: fixed it for you, you need the "[ image] [ / image]" sequence and you need the true url of the image you want to display
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Burnaby49 »

JimUk1 wrote:Im not sure how to post images here, but if I could, I would post this picture of what I suspect a bailiffs eyes do when Chrisy turns up- ... gnEyes.png

How To Post Pictures

The picture you want to post must be on the internet. Quatloos does not store pictures so you link to them instead. First you decide where on your posting you want to put the picture then click your mouse on that spot. Then go to the options bar above this text box and click on "Img". You'll get this on your spot.


Note - deliberately changed from [XXX] to {XXX] in order to display it here.

Go to the picture you want to post and right-click it. You'll get a column of options. The bottom one is "properties". Click on that and you'll get the link you need in "Address (URL)". Copy that, the whole thing, then place it between the two symbols like this (deliberately screwed up)

[img} ... 9.jpg{/img]

And you have this;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.