James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

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Bill Lumbergh
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James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Bill Lumbergh »


I'd love to tell you what this particular lawsuit was about but it makes very little sense to me. It seems that he is trying to regain ownership of all Indian lands in B.C. Good luck with that.

And I realize that religion is a banned topic on here, but when God himself is suing Canada, well, it's worth mentioning.

What is noteworthy is Sterritt's long history of frivolous court actions and the many God-related names he gives himself. He's been at it since the 90s!
Counsel for the defendant Province has provided the following summary of Mr. Sterritt’s litigation history:

(a) His first apparent claim to divine and aboriginal title and rights before Canadian courts dates back to a claim in Federal Court from 1995. In the 1995 proceeding, aside from claiming that he was the “un‑contradicted Messiah” and the owner of the “radical root title in all the country of CANADA,” Mr. Sterritt also claimed damages in the amount of $250,000 in relation to a roe on kelp operation which he was allegedly deprived of. In the 1995 proceeding, the Federal Court noted that Mr. Sterritt had no authority to sue “on behalf of all INDIANS” as he had purported to do: Sterritt v. Canada, [1995] F.C.J. No. 1102.

(b) In 1996 Mr. Sterritt applied to the Supreme Court of Canada in Delgamuukw v. British Columbia, 1997 CanLII 302 (SCC), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 1010 to intervene as “GOD, in the person of James Russell Sterritt, on behalf of the KINGDOM OF GOD and the CROWN OF CHRIST”. Mr. Justice Major dismissed Mr. Sterritt's application for intervenor status.

(c) On September 21, 2000, Judge Saunderson of the Provincial Court of B.C. dismissed a claim by Mr. Sterritt and ordered that he was not to commence any action in any registry of the Provincial Court of British Columbia against any person without first obtaining leave of the court: God, in the name of James Sterritt aka James Russell Sterritt v. Rockwell Developments Ltd., Campbell River, File C4480 dated September 21, 2000.

(d) In 2002 Mr. Sterritt applied for a declaration of indigent status and waiver of filing fees in relation to a proposed claim against the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert, the Mayor and others, including a claim in the nature of aboriginal title to land: Sterritt v. Prince Rupert (City), 2002 BCSC 429 (CanLII). Justice Halfyard dismissed the application finding that the proposed statement of claim disclosed no reasonable claim and that certain portions thereof were scandalous, frivolous or vexatious, or otherwise an abuse of the process of the court.

(e) In June 6, 2003, Mr. Sterritt filed a claim against one Mr. Cheema. Mr. Sterritt claimed that he was, inter alia, “Christian King & Prince,” “Indian” and “Executor of the Estate of Jesus Christ”: James Sterritt v. Karnail Singh Cheema, Provincial Court of B.C., Small Claims, Vancouver 2003-81606. The claim was later dismissed by Judge Tweedale on March 2, 2004, who also ordered that Mr. Sterritt was not to bring any further actions in Provincial Court without prior leave of the court.

(f) On July 16, 2003, Mr. Sterritt filed a claim against an officer of the Vancouver Police Department (the “VPD Claim”) in which he also claimed the right as “King and Indian”: James Sterritt v. Vancouver City Police Officer, Provincial Court of B.C., Small Claims, Vancouver Action 2003-82341. On October 5, 2004, he applied to amend the style of cause to have his name replaced with “Christ James Sterritt” given that his right of action was “as the ‘Christ’, owner of the absolute right in the entire Province of British Columbia - in capacity of ‘God’ the King.”

(g) On February 8, 2006, Mr. Sterritt was the subject of a recognizance under section 810 of the Criminal Code imposed by Judge Brecknell. On February 10, 2006, Mr. Sterritt argued unsuccessfully before Judge Brecknell that the court did not have jurisdiction to try him for uttering threats on the grounds that he was “the Christ”, having, therefore, “imperial power”, “temporal power” and “infinite power” which was higher than the authority and power of the court. Mr. Sterritt’s claims of aboriginal rights under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, Schedule B, Canada Act 1982, 1982, c. 11 (U.K.) [R.S.C., 1985, Appendix II, No. 44], were also dismissed: R. v. Sterritt, 2006 BCPC 335 (CanLII).

(h) On May 15, 2007, Madam Justice MacKenzie dismissed a petition proceeding brought by Mr. Sterritt in relation to a residential tenancy dispute in which he claimed to have “imperial and aboriginal titles and claims” to land. He also claimed “imperial title (as God, King, Christ and Emperor) and individual aboriginal title to the lands within the Province of British Columbia.” Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia was a respondent in that petition along with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (“HMQ Canada”) and others: Sterritt v. Canada (Attorney General), 2007 BCSC 922 (CanLII).

Justice MacKenzie, in part quoting from the reasons of Justice Halfyard in Sterritt v. Prince Rupert, supra, concluded that Mr. Sterritt “not only lack[ed] the capacity to advance a claim of aboriginal title, but his claims ha[d] no foundation in law”. The court also concluded that the “claim ... was procedurally defective,” as well as “scandalous, frivolous and vexatious”.

(i) On May 11, 2010, Mr. Sterritt commenced an action against two officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the “RCMP”), another two individuals, as well as the Gitanmaax Indian Band (the “Band”) and the “Minister of Indian Affairs” in Sterritt v. RCMP, Terrace Registry 17041. In that action Mr. Sterritt claimed, inter alia, that he was the “Chief of the Kitsilano Indian Band,” the “only Christian Prince of Wilpse Haaxw," as well as that the aboriginal titles “Kitsilano and Christ combine to produce the highest right of land ownership in the world, which right in the Province of British Columbia is the highest Indian title that it is possible to hold and assert as a right in Provincial land ....” On April 30, 2012, the Band brought a claim against Mr. Sterritt for trespass on reserve property and for an order enjoining Mr. Sterritt from maintaining possession of a portion of a certain campsite within the reserve land of the Band (the “Band Claim”): Gitanmaax Indian Band v. Sterritt, Smithers Registry 16313.

Mr. Sterritt has been the subject of a number of orders in the course of the claim, including an injunction ordered by Justice Crawford on May 4, 2012, and an order by Justice Warren from April 12, 2016, finding Mr. Sterritt in contempt of the previous order, for which he was sentenced to a 24-month suspended sentence in August 5, 2016. In imposing the sentence for contempt of court on Mr. Sterritt, Justice Warren noted that Mr. Sterritt had filed a “largely incomprehensible” affidavit in which he made reference to being born to “Alma (Isaiah 7:14 says an Alma shall receive and bear an El’ Em, which means SPIRITUAL PRINCE).” He also had filed, in the course of the proceedings, a “Notice of Appeal or Application for Leave to Appeal” arguing that the court had “no jurisdiction against [him] as Christian Prince, per Hudson’s Bay Company Charter 1670.”

(j) On August 8, 2016, Mr. Sterritt filed an application for leave to file five notices of claim in the Prince Rupert Registry of the Provincial Court. In those proposed notices of claim, Mr. Sterritt calls himself “Prince Kitsilano” and repeats many of the claims he has made over the years, for example, as “God” he is the paramount owner of all land in B.C.

(k) On August 30, 2016, Mr. Sterritt filed a notice to dispute a Prince Rupert bylaw ticket number 011991 (the “Bylaw Ticket Proceeding”) relating to his dogs being at large and having been seized by a bylaw officer.

(l) On October 3, 2016, Mr. Sterritt served Her Majesty the Queen, the City of Prince Rupert, Premier Christy Clark, the Prime Minister, and others, via email, a draft notice of constitutional question in relation to the Bylaw Ticket Proceeding claiming that the respondents had no jurisdiction over him, “as paramount owner of the private right belonging to all Indians by natural law, in all land in the Province of British Columbia.”

(m) An additional number of voluminous documents were served on the parties to the bylaw proceeding by Mr. Sterritt on October 11, 2016, including a notice of constitutional question in which Mr. Sterritt claimed again that he was the “paramount owner of private rights in the land, belonging to and ‘Reserved to all of the Indians’ in British Columbia” in the capacity he and others enjoyed as “Christian Prince and sole Landlord of the entire Province” (Prince Rupert Provincial Court Registry 011991.)

(n) On October 16, 2016, Mr. Sterritt wrote an email to counsel for the City of Prince Rupert claiming, inter alia, that “the Country of Canada, the Province, the City is an association of gangsters imposed on good people here robbing us” and in which he also accused counsel for the City of being “a terrorist fraud.”

(o) On October 31, 2016, Mr. Sterritt emailed counsel for Her Majesty the Queen, the City, as well as the Prime Minister, the Premier, members of the RCMP and others, claiming that he interpreted their actions “as JIHAD” and that he will “use the LAWS OF WAR TO REGAIN [his] PEACE.” In the said email he gave the addressees until November 8 to respond, which was, according to him, “the 3rd birthday of the reborn Jesus Christ to [his] family.”

(p) On November 2, 2016, Mr. Sterritt filed a “Notice of a Dispute Resolution Hearing” with the Residential Tenancy Branch in which he again claimed he was the “paramount landlord owner of Indian title” in relation to a residential unit in Prince Rupert, File No. 261800.

(q) On December 22, 2016, Mr. Sterritt filed a Notice of Claim in the Smithers Registry of the Provincial Court against, inter alia, Her Majesty the Queen, Canada, the RCMP and the Band in relation to the right of possession to land, which had been the subject of the orders by Justice Crawford and Justice Warren in the course of the Band Claim, and in addition in relation to a camper: Sterritt v. Canada, Provincial Court of B.C., Smithers Registry, Small Claims 17679.

(r) On December 28, 2016, Judge Stewart denied Mr. Sterritt leave to file four of the proposed notices of claim from August 8, 2016, and granted leave, on conditions, for Mr. Sterritt to file a claim against B.C. Ferry Corporation upon payment of the filing fee.

(s) Finally, on February 24, 2017, Judge Stewart dismissed the application brought by Mr. Sterritt in relation to the constitutionality and applicability of the bylaw in the Bylaw Ticket Proceeding.
You would think that after 20 years of failure that Sterritt might start questioning whether he is the omnipotent personification of God that he claims to be. In particular, I wonder how God can be bound by the vexatious litigant order that the court ended up making.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by notorial dissent »

He does seem to have a thing for Prince Rupert, and disregarding court injunctions. I would have thought he would have long ago been banned from the courts for vex lit.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And I realize that religion is a banned topic on here, but when God himself is suing Canada, well, it's worth mentioning.
Not entirely true. Religion is an entirely valid topic when it is directly related to whatever the idiot being discussed is arguing as being the basis of his actions. As a follower of my Canadian postings you'll have read the numerous religious issues I've discussed in, amongst others, the Belanger threads. It would be impossible to discuss Belanger otherwise since his whole song and dance is based on his belief that his religious beliefs override the laws of Canada. He relies almost entirely on his demented interpretation of the King James bible. The Volks, a pair of Belanger's suckers, are an excellent example of how religion and mammon intertwine in the sovereign world;

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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by arayder »

This thread and the freeman rage thread, where Burnaby49 posted an article on Corey Eib has reinforced my belief that elements of the freeman subculture are about mental health, not law.

I want to be clear in saying that I am not talking about the freemen who live simple, independent lives and aren't much different from the folks all of us know who don't have any need for government and everybody else's rules. They can regulate themselves, thank you very much.

I say God bless 'em.

But some elements of the subculture is just plain nuts. When you think you are God, or after 20 years think the next whacky mound of paperwork is going to win the day, you are nuts.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

You can read one decision Statement of Claim against Sterritt here;


Edited after I realized I'd screwed up.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I like this part;
Plaintiff's mother is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967) who did not know how Plaintiff was conceived, while her husband was away in Europe during the Second World War.
He must be the result of an immaculate conception!
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by notorial dissent »

Don't you mean Immaculate Deception????? Hmmmm! :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by notorial dissent »

He certainly has a number of very odd fixations and a definite thing against what he considers a capitalist culture.

Is he actually First Nations, or is that another of his fantasies?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by TheNewSaint »

In the 1995 proceeding, aside from claiming that he was the “un‑contradicted Messiah” and the owner of the “radical root title in all the country of CANADA,” Mr. Sterritt also claimed damages in the amount of $250,000 in relation to a roe on kelp operation which he was allegedly deprived of.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:I like this part;
Plaintiff's mother is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967) who did not know how Plaintiff was conceived, while her husband was away in Europe during the Second World War.
He must be the result of an immaculate conception!
Well, theologically you are off the mark. Immaculate conception means that his mother was conceived without sin, not that she conceived a child outside all known methods of getting pregnant.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Didn't you read the Statement of Claim?
3.Plaintiff claims his rights in the same lands as he is the present heir of the title of Christ by virtue of competent prescription of the title of Christ. Plaintiff's claim of right in the title of Christ is based on being born in the very way predicted in Isaiah 7, verse 14, which predicts that the next Christ would be born, as Jesus was, by being conceived by and born to the Alma.

4. Plaintiff's mother is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967) who did not know how Plaintiff was conceived, while her husband was away in Europe during the Second World War. Plaintiff was subjected to spite and other abuse by his step-father and half-siblings, all of his life, including in the harassment and mischief set out in this claim.

5.The aboriginal title Kitsilano is commensurate with the Biblical title of Christ, by virtue of its genesis in the Kitksan Adaawk, while the Biblical title of Christ is equivalent to the aboriginal title of Kitsilano, by virtue of both titles deriving from the founding story of the world, which begins in Genesis, continues in the Holy Bible up to the Revelation of St. John, and having continued throughout history up to the present day.

Isaiah 7:14 (King James) says;
14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
I think it is common ground that the first Christ, foretold in 7:14, was born of immaculate conception. And Sterritt's birth mirrors this exactly. He's said so himself including the 7:14 requirement. So the weight of evidence forces us to conclude that his mother was also without sin, we have no evidence pointing otherwise. And if God didn't impregnate her during her husband's absence who did? She claims it was a mystery to her and she should know best. Seems pretty conclusive to me.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Didn't you read the Statement of Claim?
Yes, but that doesn't mean he understands the Catholic definition/doctrine of Immaculate Conception.
Burnaby49 wrote:I think it is common ground that the first Christ, foretold in 7:14, was born of immaculate conception.
No, just common misunderstanding. Again, immaculate conception only applies to the nature of Mary according to Catholics. Jesus's birth did not require God's intervention to keep Him from inheriting the sinful nature of His parent since He was already divine and perfect. This is one of those areas where over the years people keep mixing up Immaculate Conception with the doctrine of the Incarnation of Christ.

I have no doubt Sterritt has this totally confused in his head, thinking that immaculate conception is a descriptor of the infant being born without the requirement of a father. So he immediately concludes that since his mother has no idea of how she got pregnant, then ipso facto, that means he was immaculately conceived. But I agree with nd - he was more likely maculately deceived by his mom's attempt to explain away her unwanted pregnancy.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

WHAT? You dare dispute theology with me, a man who has assiduously studied the biblical writings and lectures of that renowned theologian Paraclete Belanger? The Parakeet has spent his adult life in deep study analyzing the bible, THE KING JAMES BIBLE, not some recent knock-off, and I have read and absorbed much of his biblical wisdom. And you imply that I'm wrong? And, by extension, that the Parakeet is wrong?

Come to think of it Belanger been a bit remiss on sharing his theological viewpoint on the immaculate conception. He's been too busy applying the King James bible to the task of helping people torch their lives by fighting their creditors rather than trying to come to agreement with them. I guess he hasn't yet figured out a scam using an immaculate conception hook. However, since the secular authorities have ignore his interpretations on how deadbeats can screw their creditors through biblical authority, he very unfortunately just hasn't had the time to share with us his interpretation of the bible as a whole.

So, okay, maybe your inane babblings about the meaning of the immaculate conception will have to stand for now. But as soon as Minister Belanger finds the time to share his understanding of the concept with us I'll be back to stomp on your ludicrous explanation.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:WHAT? You dare dispute theology with me, a man who has assiduously studied the biblical writings and lectures of that renowned theologian Paraclete Belanger? The Parakeet has spent his adult life in deep study analyzing the bible, THE KING JAMES BIBLE, not some recent knock-off, and I have read and absorbed much of his biblical wisdom. And you imply that I'm wrong? And, by extension, that the Parakeet is wrong?
Sir, I can only say that one should be careful of the company they keep, and by extension, the company with whom they study theology. Caveat discipulus.
Burnaby49 wrote:But as soon as Minister Belanger finds the time to share his understanding of the concept with us I'll be back to stomp on your ludicrous explanation.
And I would ask you to search the furthest recesses of your heart for some measure of pity towards me. After all, there is not a snowball's chance in the 9th circle of hell that would ever allow me to successfully debate you on the finer (or even coarser) points of beers, ales, stouts, bitters, and the like, or even to compete with you in intellectually dissecting and ruminating on Canadian jurisprudence and its courts' rulings. Yet you wish to pile on and just stomp me for a momentary advantage I may had over you on a topic that you fully admit you have not received in compulsory education? But if you insist on securing your pound of flesh, I will advise you that you may want to reconsider coming back here for my stomping if Belanger informs you that Immaculate Conception involves copious amounts of marijuana ingestion.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I will advise you that you may want to reconsider coming back here for my stomping if Belanger informs you that Immaculate Conception involves copious amounts of marijuana ingestion.
If? There's no if. The good minister has been guided throughout his adult life by the helpful ministrations of his marijuana lifeline. He was even, at one earlier misguided period in his life, a practicing druid, apparently in the belief that professing to that religion (whatever it was, nobody seems to know) made his pot consumption legal. He's argued over and over that God gave us pot specifically as one of the healing herbs in the bible and, from time to time, he goes off on rants like this;


So, having "copious amounts of marijuana ingestion" as part of his Immaculate Conception analysis is a given. But keep in mind that he's free to do so because he is not chained to some stultified, archaic doctrine of an establishment church. He is the founder and head of CERI, the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International;


Making him free to break away from the shackles of the hidebound old religions and forge forward with a new doctrine that includes massive marijuana use. And who are we, mere babes in religious understanding compare to Belanger, to challenge these interpretations. Interpretations that actually give practical help to people here and now rather than at some unknowable future point when they finally check out. Take, as an example, this video from just three months ago;

How to exercize faith to eliminate a contractual obligation to pay interest

He started the video, right after his intro, by telling us,
Now your bible, your King James bible, is always the bible that one goes to when referencing any article of faith relative to Christ.
After expounding how no other bible apart from the King James has any authority over matters secular or temporal he explained how you can profitably use it to screw your creditors. Tell me of any other religious scholar you're aware of who has parsed the bible down into such fine detail that he has found irrefutable religious authority to allow you to renege on otherwise valid contracts with God's blessing.

So there is no shame in admitting that when Belanger finally steps in with his definitive doctrine on Immaculate Conception we will both have to just concede the issue to the master. No doubt he'll put his mind to it as soon as he stops promoting snake-oil medical devices;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: How to exercize faith to eliminate a contractual obligation to pay interest

He started the video, right after his intro, by telling us,
Now your bible, your King James bible, is always the bible that one goes to when referencing any article of faith relative to Christ.
After expounding how no other bible apart from the King James has any authority over matters secular or temporal he explained how you can profitably use it to screw your creditors. Tell me of any other religious scholar you're aware of who has parsed the bible down into such fine detail that he has found irrefutable religious authority to allow you to renege on otherwise valid contracts with God's blessing.
Some anthropologist argue that societies created religions and their associated rules in part to keep people from doing things that would rip society apart. Hence the rules and commandments against stealing, murder, adultery, etc.

The idea that an ancient society would have sanctioned somebody not paying up for the goat he bought from his neighbor is insane. Likewise, no modern society is going to allow folks to run out on credit card bills, or get car loans and then not pay up.

I think Belanger got some bad weed years ago.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:So there is no shame in admitting that when Belanger finally steps in with his definitive doctrine on Immaculate Conception we will both have to just concede the issue to the master.
I just have no confidence that this event will ever come to pass, despite your apparent giddiness about it. I just finished listening to 5 minutes of a recent 10 minute video by the good Parakeet Belanger where he explains how I can get a bank to open an account for me without me providing a government-issued ID. I only listened to 5 minutes because that is the upper limit of my ability to tolerate him. I am sure you will tell me that I missed the most vital part of this life-changing presentation and that if I had only did something like gnawing my arm off at the shoulder to encourage me to continue listening, I would fully acknowledge what Belanger is desperately trying to get us to understand. But I think I heard the basic elements of Parakeet's lesson and I have heard it before on other similar attempts to separate one's self from mammon. Take your King James Bible with you, be meek but sincere and certain in your beliefs and knowledge, take witnesses in case the bankster discriminates against you for your faith, etc.

And this where I think the whole thing breaks down. What banker is going to listen to any of this for the time its going to take to show him every relevant verse to show why he should defy the government and risk the bank's charter? Maybe Belanger's plan is more cunning than what I am seeing it to be - perhaps this is nothing more than to wear down the bank officer and he or she will just open an account for Belanger in the hope he will just shut up and go away.

In any event, if Belanger takes up the analysis and apologetics of the Immaculate Conception, he better be able to do it in 30 seconds or less, otherwise I will not be acknowledging anything other than he has given me a headache.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by Burnaby49 »

If you want to see an expert's solution to the challenge of wearing a bank down by an unending onslaught of gibberish I give you Minister Michelle, one of Belanger's ordained ministers but now sadly estranged from him;

https://www.facebook.com/minister.miche ... 9935298017

She learned at the feet of the master, Belanger taught Little Grasshopper well. Since Observer is a quitter who can't even get past five minutes of Belanger I'll summarize the issue that triggered that massive outpouring of incoherent verbiage. Michelle had a bank account that she opened because of a promotional giveaway of an ipad mini. She didn't use the account and the bank eventually closed it as a dormant account. She wants it reopened but without having to provide any ID to get it done. That's it. According to her this has caused;
It is agreed upon, understood and professed to be true by all parties without dispute that:
The actions of RBC ROYAL BANK OF CANADA are the direct cause of extreem undue hardship to i am woman and minister Michelle Lynn and my unborn child.
That's right, she's pregnant and even the fetus has suffered extreme undue hardship as a result of the bank closing her unused account.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:That's right, she's pregnant and even the fetus has suffered extreme undue hardship as a result of the bank closing her unused account.
Must be where she kept the Pitocin.
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Re: James Sterritt (aka God) - Over 20 years of lawsuit excellence!

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:He certainly has a number of very odd fixations and a definite thing against what he considers a capitalist culture.
Is he actually First Nations, or is that another of his fantasies?
It appears that the government believes that he's First Nations but part of his problems are that his particular band doesn't want him as a member.
1.Plaintiff is a Status Indian residing at Kitanmaax Village, and was born there April 20th 1943, and is a status member of the Gitanmaax Indian Band,
4. Plaintiff's mother is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967) who did not know how Plaintiff was conceived, while her husband was away in Europe during the Second World War.
Translation - Under the Indian Act, since his mother Alma was a Status member of the Gitanmaax, so is he, and is entitled to the same rights and government benefits as any other Status Indian. That being said, since his father was an unknown his own band doesn't want him as a member under their own rules where band membership is passed on through the father and is therefore not eligible to band specific benefits such as residing on reservation land. It's known as the "marry out, stay out" rule.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/ ... -1.3658202