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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

An "article" by "Macon Carrington" posted at NESARA News caught my eye because it was so obviously slanderous (the sort of thing the person named could sue for, which I encourage the subject to do). Looking into this alternative reporter, I found the following very-disturbing flight of fancy about Pizzagate:

PizzaGate- Favorite Torture Methods of Masons and Scientologists
Thursday, December 1, 2016 16:42

Hi, I’m Macon Carrington and as I have previously stated, I have a 100% credible source on child torture that has worked in the intelligence community in Washington D.C. for decades. I warn you now, that the following information given to me is so vile, and so disgusting, please stop reading right now if you are terrified easily. Child torture and murder in Masonic and Scientology rituals is widespread. ALL A-List celebrities like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Jay Z, and Lady GaGa perform these rituals. ALL politicians like the Bush and Clinton families and almost every CEO and Royal Family perform these rituals. They sell their soul to Satan, who gives them ideas for business, songs, ways to steal money, etc. For example, people like Bill Gates get all their ideas from “The All Seeing Eye,” for the horrific acts they do to children.

Satan loves sodomy, so the number 1 most common child torture technique is to rape a child’s anus. Then the Mason or Scientologist will, many times, rape the child with a foreign object like a large tree branch. Many children are tortured in basements or tunnels that have false brick walls to conceal the torture chamber. Hence, the term Masons. In these dungeons, children will often times have their feet cut with a razor blade, and be forced to stand, or sit naked in human feces. By design, gang green slowly sets in, and then house flies are introduced to infest the child’s legs and private parts with maggots. The maggots slowly eat the child alive. The wealthy mason will have a nurse on the payroll to keep the child alive and in pain for as long as possible, sometimes for months.

Sometimes the Satanist has cameras and microphones in the dungeon. They will invite their friends over for a child sodomy party, and leave one child in the dungeon. Then they release hundred of starving rats into the dungeon, and force the other children to watch as their friend is torn to pieces by the rats, who always go for “soft tissue” first.

As previously stated, the Luciferian cult member recieves visions from “The Eye,” and the Satanists are all bound together in this fraternity, so they only do business with each other. An example is The Rap Music Industry. Rap music sucks, it is not art, and the lyrics are far from uplifting. But since the performers are Masons and Scientologists, they are marketed and make millions. If you push homosexuality and rap culture you can make 100s of millions. You can be a fantasticly gifted guitar player and poet, but if you are a Christian you will starve to death trying to get a record deal.

These Luciferians also love to use acid to “wash off” or “burn off” a child’s face. Many have elabotate, satanicly, decorated silver basins that they fill with acid so that they can put on their rubber gloves and goggles, and wash off the child’s face, to the face bones. The child can live without a face, and the Satanisis love to put them back in with the other children to terrify them. Or they put funny hats on them and parade them around at their child sodomy parties. Hence the saying, “Steal your face right off your head.”

The final pain the child feels is the fire. Satan loves fire, and most of the time the child is burned alive in one way or another in the end. But just before the child dies, the Satanist usually cuts away the colored part of the child’s eye, and has it imbeded behind his or her eyebrow, or on their forehead. Many masons and scientologists are trained in this minor surgery, or they hire other Luciferian nurses or doctors to complete the procedure. The diciple of Lucifer believes that in this way they are able to “steal” the magic of the child’s soul, and that the child’s soul will always be their captive. They get super human powers from the child’s captive soul, or so they claim. A part of a boy’s testicles can also be grafted into the scalp in the same way, for the same purposes.

My intention for this article is to call attention to the actions of these sick criminals. This article is not fiction, and such thoughts could never enter my mind. And these were just the tortures I learned about in a 10 minute conversation. God only knows what other unspeakable tortures the Hollywood and Washington elite are doing to children right now. So share this article, and demand that law enforcement put an end to these insidious practices. Macon Carrington

This guy had gone WAY off the deep end. I suggest he have his testicles grafted onto his scalp.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

This would suggest Mr Carrington is a deeply sick and disturbed individual. Anyone who can come up with that level of delusion is seriously not well, which does not mean he is also not dangerous, usually it means the contrary.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Pizzagate Conspiracy Theorists Think Guy Fieri Is Involved in Their Imaginary Satanic Pedophilia Cult
Andy Cush // April 5, 2017

Months after the Pizzagate shooter conceded that “the intel on this wasn’t 100 percent” and Alex Jones apologized for his misleading coverage of the topic, a group of hardcore conspiracy theorists remains convinced that a satanic pedophilia cult with many elite Democrats as members operates out of Comet Ping Pong, a formerly unassuming pizza shop in Washington D.C. Just yesterday, the Trump-approved Gamergate muscleman Mike Cernovich was tweeting about a “deep state pedophile ring.” And if you haven’t been following closely, you might be surprised to learn that the Pizzagaters have accused Guy Fieri–Food Network host, human meme, American icon–of being in on the action.

The accusation stems from an old episode of Guy’s show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, which featured the host chopping it up with Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis in the restaurant’s kitchen. Pizzagaters have been rumbling about Fieri’s supposed involvement for a while: “COMET PIZZA WAS ON DINERS, DRIVE INS AND DIVES, GUY FIERI, VIDEO TAKEN DOWN. ALAFANTIS SAYS HE HARVESTS 10 TONS OF TOMATOES, CANS THEM AND STORES THEM IN HIS BASEMENT,” reads a comment on the apocalyptic financial “news” site ZeroHedge from December. (If you’re unclear on the sinister intimations of harvesting and canning tomatoes in your basement, you’re just not deep enough into PizzaGate yet.) And this week, the satirical Twitter account @lib_crusher tweeted screenshots to a post about Fieri and Comet Ping Pong on the Facebook group “Pizzagate – Stop the Ring.” “They even put these sick molesters on the food network,” the Facebook poster wrote.

If all of this sounds like gibberish to you, allow me to quickly explain. Late last year, paranoid right-wing users on websites like Reddit and 4chan noticed that Alefantis’s name appeared several times in the hacked email account of the Hillary Clinton-affiliated political operative John Podesta, which had been published on Wikileaks shortly before. Based on the insane claim that “pizza” is a codeword for pedophilia among those who practice it, the baffling idea that pedophiles would openly broadcast their own crimes via arcane symbols rather than try to conceal them at all costs, and the longstanding belief among fringe conservatives that the Clinton family belongs to a violent and secretive illuminati of liberal elites, Podesta’s friendship with Alefantis became fodder for the theory that Clinton and her allies were abusing children in Comet Ping Pong’s basement.

Eventually, Alex Jones picked up on the theory from the backwaters of the web and began promoting it to his millions of listeners. In December, a man named Edgar Welch drove to Comet Ping Pong from his North Carolina home and fired multiple rifle rounds inside, claiming he was there to liberate the child sex slaves. In a subsequent interview with the New York Times, Welch identified himself as an InfoWars listener.

(For more on the bizarre symbology and conjectures of the Pizzagaters–underground tunnels, a map printed on a handkerchief, occult sex rituals with the world-famous performance artist Marina Abramovic–read our earlier post on the conspiracy theory.)

To the ordinary viewer, Fieri’s Comet Ping Pong coverage looks no different from any other episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. He samples the sauce, cracks a bunch of corny jokes, hammily challenges Alefantis to a fight if he doesn’t hand over the ‘za. But if you’re versed in the supposed secret language of elite child abusers, even an episode of a daytime cooking show can start to look like a confession. “Would you like some pedophilia with that Guy?” reads the since-edited description on one YouTube clip of the episode. “I know oysters and clams are part of the a code word but i cant remember what it means,” reads another, referencing a clip from the episode in which Alefantis cooks a pizza with clams. “Drugs, viagra, undeveloped organ?”

“Fuck you Guy,” a commenter weighted in on the latter video. “Say hello to your secret friends the podestas and the Clintons you fat pig.”

A site called Hera’s Blog, whose commentary on Pizzagate, aliens, and the Illuminati is almost indistinguishable from satire, has a detailed “decoding” of a Fieri profile that was recently published on Vice’s website Munchies. Here, Hera’s blog decodes a sentence in the Vice profile about how Fieri’s restaurant in Las Vegas sometimes serves as many as 1,800 customers a day:

As usual, add up any numbers in articles to see their significance. This one is 1+8= Nine. Nine is the Family number assigned to Grey Aliens. We already knew Fieri was both a Grey and a Pizzagater because Jimmy Comet told us, in this article. Fieri also did a video story on Comet Pizza, discussed in this post, where a “patron” called Comet’s “Pizza” “to die for.” There are no coincidences with these vicious Pizzagate Illuminati Players.

Fieri isn’t the only seemingly unrelated celebrity who has found himself in the Pizzagaters’ crosshairs. Hera’s Blog also includes “decodings” of Anthony Bourdain and the legendarily hermetic chef Damon Baehrel. While searching through YouTube for Fieri Pizzagate content, I found a video alleging that Fiona Apple is involved, based only on the title of her classic single “Criminal” and the brief appearance of a half-eaten pepperoni slice in the music video.

Don’t worry, though: as long as you’re innocent, Pizzagate won’t come after you. But if you’ve ever eaten pizza, touched a pepperoni, uttered the word “crust,” looked at a child, or attended a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese–you might be next.

Outrageous. The people who work at the Food Network have zero influence at work after that phony human flesh incident a couple years back (I thought it tasted a little TOO much like chicken). Still, here is a picture of Guy at his fire altar in happier days before that scandal.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're juiced-up on pizzagate conspiracy hyperbole, everything looks like paedophilia. Most of the original post repeats the same things over and over and over, as if this somehow confirmed the author's ravings. Enjoy!

Friday, May 26, 2017
The TRUE REASON James Comey was FIRED!!!!

FBI Director James Comey is a Pedophile who had sex with little boys and Prince Andrew

Sent to us by reader with request to provide FYI:

Today, in the morning, I watched GoldFish Report #96 with Kent Dunn (see a link below), in which Mr. Dunn briefly mentioned about Pedophile James Comey and a little boys whom Comey likes…

As a responsible citizen of the United Stated of America Republic, I immediately started my investigation. This is what I found out: FBI Director James Comey made trips to Pedophile Jeffry Epstein’s Island. He loves little boys... FBI Director James Comey likes to dress up as Howdy Doody, and he had sex with 12 years-old boy. When a boy was not available, James Comey had sex with Prince Andrew, who was dressed up as Howdy Doody! Bill Clinton was watching James Comey having sex with little boys and Prince Andrew…
BREAKING NEWS: FBI director James Comey Is a Pedophile! Hillary Has the Tapes to Prove It… [VIDEO]
Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation Comey's 12 Year Old Victim Testifies; Prince Andrew Claims It Never Happened

James Comey had young boys dress as Howdy Doody on Orgy Island. When the young boys couldn't be available, Prince Andrew would have James Comey dress as Howdy Doody if Virgina Roberts was suffering from the MOODY BLUES.

The Judge in Ellsworth Wisconsin refused to hear testimony from Field McConnell on 21 August, 2014. Pedos in Wisconsin government soon to be exposed. Think Senator level, and such. It's Howdy Doody Time Comey you...
James Comey's Howdy Doody Infatuation and Subliminal Messaging (pizzagate)

Hey guys, so today I was showing a few of my friends a video as some of you may have seen before, which is E.T. Williams calling out FBI Director James Comey, saying he's a child molester and is obsessed Howdy Doody, as well as his affiliation in trafficking rings with Prince Andrew, Epstein and Bill Clinton.

Now, I've been a pretty longtime subscriber of the Doctor of Common Sense, and while he may be comedic at times, he is always seeking the truth and trying to call things how he sees it. I do believe his story. So we wanted to see what Howdy Doody was all about because we're god damned millennials, so we went to Youtube. But what my friends and I discovered after watching a few Howdy Doody videos was pretty fuckin creepy to say the least.

Look at this video of the show from 1950s:

Look closely and you can see subliminal messaging multiple times. Here's a video I found which shows how the "Doodyville" sign in the intro represents the Moloch.

But here's the creepy part: look at the video right around the 33 second mark. Did you catch that?
CREEPY HUH? It flashes for about a millisecond. And this is what they're showing children?

Also there's another one at 24 seconds:

Weird, a creepy Wayne Gacy- esque clown holding a sign that seems to be a PO Box number, but weird, because when I watch other episodes from the same year, they advertise their PO Box as this:

Why would they flash that image so fast and why is the PO Box different?
Look at how the host creepily puts his arm around little girls, and they're clearly creeped out! just look at their faces.
Could this show be an early form of MK Ultra? Could this kind of stuff be a reason why James Comey has a sick obsession with Howdy Doody? Is my tinfoil hat on too tight?

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:36:00 AM


Anonymous May 26, 2017 at 3:32 AM
No records of James Comey or Bill Clinton (former POTUS) exist at the U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender website.

Anonymous May 26, 2017 at 11:33 AM
You HONESTLY BELIEVE these 'elites' names would be ALLOWED to be made public for the world to see when they make EVERY effort to HIDE who they are and what they are doing, including murder? Have you not been keeping up with the videos, pictures and reports issued in recent months-weeks and days depicting, among many others, Clinton and his buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, on their way to or from Epstein's private Caribbean island known as “Orgy Island"?

Howdy Doody is Moloch?



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notorial dissent
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're juiced-up on pizzagate conspiracy hyperbole, everything looks like paedophilia. Most of the original post repeats the same things over and over and over, as if this somehow confirmed the author's ravings. Enjoy!
No, when the only thing you can focus on is paedophilia, then that is what everything looks like. And you are so tightly focused on paedophilia because that is the the ONLY thing you can think about and obsess over since you are fighting against the very thing that controls your life. Neat little circle that. People general denounce the loudest the very thing they see foremost in their own personality's. Says a few things about the crowd at NESARA NEWS and the alleged author of that article, possibly.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're juiced-up on pizzagate conspiracy hyperbole, everything looks like paedophilia. Most of the original post repeats the same things over and over and over, as if this somehow confirmed the author's ravings. Enjoy!
No, when the only thing you can focus on is paedophilia, then that is what everything looks like. And you are so tightly focused on paedophilia because that is the the ONLY thing you can think about and obsess over since you are fighting against the very thing that controls your life. Neat little circle that. People general denounce the loudest the very thing they see foremost in their own personality's. Says a few things about the crowd at NESARA NEWS and the alleged author of that article, possibly.
I always wondered about Popeye being attracted to Olive's undeveloped secondary sex characteristics, which of course are indicative of prepubescence. In non-technical terms, itty bitty titties & a no junk in the trunk, like she ain't "a woman, fully grow'd." As for Popeye not being able to "perform" without first eating spinach, this screams "dietary deficiency," which undoubtedly influences his hormones, if you know what I mean. In such a case, Olive's lack of sexual maturity would hardly matter, explaining why they're still together. Less is known about Freewill's deviant practices, but the fact he lives alone in extra-rural Michigan, where women are scarce and sheep are scared, speaks volumes.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Ialways put it down to really poor eyesight and really poor taste, I mean anyone who eats canned spinach, and particularly straight out of the can has really poor or no taste. Otherwise, i really rather NOT think about it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Burnaby49 »

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Idiot, gullible fool, is right, he's just damn lucky he didn't get himself shot, and would have deserved it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Damning Podesta evidene unsealed - Pizzagate!



[Video link, the YouTube summary sez: "The House intelligence committee this week plans to interview John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign chairman whose hacked email account became central to Russian meddling in the US election last year. But will they question him about the murder of Seth Rich? Will they ask him about he and his brother Tony's possible involvement in a child sex trafficking ring? Will they ask him about their possible connection to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? Will they ask him about the disturbing audio of someone who sounds like John Podesta abusing a child? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!"]

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:28:00 AM

33 minute long video that complains endlessly about their anticipation that Podesta won't be asked about Pizzagate by the Intel. Committee looking into Russian interference. Ya think?
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Even a blind squirrel can occasionally find acorns, although on this one it is a sure bet since the whole thing is a figment of their fetid imaginations.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

The only thing I want to know is if they are going to ask Podesta about what he knows regarding Deep Knight's connection to the "Covfefe" Incident.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Podesta to Testify IN SECRET!!

June 28 2017

All of the MSM’s are reporting that the House intelligence Committee plans on interviewing embattled John Podesta later this week. Podesta served as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman.

What is disturbing is that Podesta’s testimony will be held in secret because usually when something is done in secret, there is something definitive to hide. Indeed, the secrecy aspect is very troubling on a number of fronts. James Comey recent testimony was carried on every network. Attorney Jeff Sessions testimony was carried on every network. Yet the Podesta testimony will be held in secret and the participants will not be able discuss their testimony with the public. Why the discrepancy? The answer is as simple as the nose on your face. The House Intelligence Committee is doing the work of the Deep State and are protecting them from further exposure as to their collective forays into child-sex-trafficking. Podesta, literally and figuratively knows where all the bodies are buried in this heinous arena of subhuman, Satanic behavior called the Deep State.


Some speculate that this video took place inside of a basement in Comet Pizza.
Voice analysis is showing that the man in this video matches up to the voice of John Podesta

Please forward the following Youtube video to the 18:45 mark. The evidence presented purports to be John Podesta’s voice as he violates and tortures a child. Listen and observe the evidence.


Is this indeed John Podesta doing what is being alleged? From my perspective, there is certainly a lot of smoke. Is there a full blown fire? Will Congress dare touch on this subject? Is this one of the reasons that Podesta’s testimony has to be held in private? In the comments section, please tell us what you think.

Will Podesta be Questioned About Nick Bryant and the Franklin Scandal?

Over 8 years ago I interviewed Nick Bryant, the author of the book The Franklin Scandal. Among all the scandals in the book that were revealed included the fact that many newly elected members of Congress are implicated and framed in sex scandals involving children after they are first elected and this takes place at a location called the Franklin House. The tapes that are made can be used as leverage against the congressmen at a later and more convenient time. Bryant’s work has stood up to extreme scrutiny through the years.

Three years prior to Nick Bryant’s work, I was told the same thing by the late Bill Pawelec who had done some contract work for the CIA. Vance Davis, a personal friend who is formerly of the NSA and a recent interviewee on The Common Sense Show, on multiple occasions was a part of these discussions. Bill’s wife, Annie DeRiso, was my News Director for six years and was also privy to these discussions.

Subsequently, we have another motive as to why the Podesta hearings will be secret as some of these congressmen will have a lot on the line given some of their collective and nefarious past. Podesta feels the walls closing in and he is a wounded animal who is likely desirous of taking everyone down with him. No doubt he blames fellow Democratic Congressman for Hillary’s defeat because they did not do enough. These are very strong motives that lead to secrecy.

Relevant Background

Podesta drew some much unwanted attention last year when thousands of his emails went viral as they were released on WikiLeaks a few months prior to the 2016 election.

Many in the Independent media believed that the Wikileaks emails, a few short weeks, caused more damage to Hillary Clinton’s campaign than what Comey’s FBI did with the revelation that Hillary “grossly” mishandled over 33,000 classified emails.

Most in the Independent Media (IM) are keenly aware that Seth Rich was finished off at the hospital. This is an omnipresent claim from the IM.

Many Feel that Podesta Made the “Leaker” Pay With His Life

As previously reported on The Common Sense Show, after the Wikileaks emails appeared, Podesta stated “let’s make the leaker pay”. And as history would have it, Seth Rich was murdered a few short days later. It was later discovered that Rich was the “leaker”. As has been widely and previously reported, Podesta was prominently linked to the organization known as Pizzagate whose euphemism was altered to pedogate. In other words, Podesta was, and remains, a strong person of interest in the child-sex-trafficking allegations connected to Pedogate.

Reportedly, Podesta will meet with the House panel in a private session. He is one of the first set of key witnesses to appear before the House panel to testify about the 2016 election. The committee is expected to question Podesta about the leak of his emails that goes back many years. They are particularly interested in his emails connection to Russian influence in the election and possible tampering. At least this is what the House Intelligence Committee is saying. In reality the House Democrats are very nervous about another factor.


Liz Crokin

Liz Crokin, writing for the Hagmann Report produced a very revealing article in support of the claims made in the above mentioned paragraphs as evidenced in the following:

“John Podesta and a group of Democrats called for Rep. Steve Scalise to resign shortly after he began his efforts to combat human trafficking as the Majority Whip of the House.”

And what was Scalise doing at the time he was attacked? He had sponsored a bill on child-sex-trafficking which was to be heard on the day that he was shot. This puts a whole new light on the assassination attempt on Scalise at the Congressional baseball team practice.

It is as plain as the nose on your face as to why the Podesta testimony is being held in private and it was my distinct privilege to connect these dots as to why this is so. Do you need any more motivation than to clean house on Congress in the mid-term elections? This is assuming our country makes it that far.

For your information, Comments from the Hodges' website on this article ............


bee June 27, 2017 at 5:47 pm
This is out of control! I am so sick of him Podesta getting away with this. private my foot how and who can we complain to?

zee June 27, 2017 at 8:40 pm
Bezos thru WaPo giving Podesta cover as ‘ghost writer = MUST STOP ASAP …

Sophie June 28, 2017 at 2:57 am
I found this related video. It is disgusting and vile, but possibly has some use in prevention.

Sophie June 28, 2017 at 2:58 am
I came across this video, of which the content is disgusting. It may be necessary to understand these facts in order to protect society.

gene June 28, 2017 at 3:57 am
Global 3500 arrested when will this be front page news ? No matter where this evil is its necessary to get all , no matter who or how high up the ladder they are! Equal justice all around with public watching no closed doors or classified BS. Time is most important. Please don’t let them off with a slap on the wrist.

mike. June 28, 2017 at 4:07 am
I believe ALL of Congress needs to be removed. They let a foreigner run this Country for 8 years and did NOTHING. They are ALL complicit, bought and paid for, and if Russia dropped a bomb on D.C. No one would weep. They are above the law, corrupt to the corp. if they have not been bought out, they will be. Americans are sick of the politicians, their unjust taxes, their butchering of babies and their promotion of Sodom and Gomorrah. Nothing will come of the podesta hearings, except more coverup. That a–hole should be locked in a dungeon with all the rest of the perverts.
The fox certainly is guarding the hen house.
(MANY in CON-gress may be EXPOSED for the satanic devils they are when Podesta testifies and more questions come forth demanding answers. Let's RID THIS NATION of these evil perverts. DEMAND that the DOJ, the CON-gress and the President's Administration pursue this to its fullest extent with FULL punishment - including DEATH - for those involved in these heinous crimes against the innocent defenseless children and the people of this nation. GET INVOLVED! MAKE YOUR DEMANDS AND VOICES HEARD IN THIS CASE! THE NEXT CHILD TO BE ABUSED, TORTURED AND MURDERED COULD BE YOUR OWN! Don't be one of those to stand before our Lord God Creator YHWH and have to answer to Him that YOU DID NOTHING!)

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:15:00 AM


marie une 29, 2017 at 1:04 PM
We need to light up the phones and demand that he testifies in public just like everyone else! If they don't hear is complains and they don't think we know what's going on.
This is the absolute Achilles heel of the deep State and the 6 satanic b*st*rds!!!!
Obviously most people don't care about the Chemtrails or the GMOs would fluoride in the water... So if we keep exposing this and demand that podesta testify in public and on every TV network then the house of ALL comes.
tumbling down.

Olive Oyl June 29, 2017 at 7:33 PM
Marie - Seems I have to agree with nearly every comment you contribute to this blog!!! I agree totally with your thoughts here. These criminals NEED TO BE FULLY EXPOSED. Most of them, no doubt, are 'employed' in the phony crime syndicate 'government' which they purport to be 'representing' the people - yeah - right! These criminals have been committing illegal acts for years, and it is way past time to hold them fully accountable. Public disclosure is DUE THE PEOPLE and let the chips fall where they do. These should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including public executions for their heinous crimes - to include torture, murder and human trafficking. The people need to make massive efforts to make this known - hold the DOJ and all the other associated department accountable for making this public before the people who have a RIGHT TO KNOW. If the people will make enough noise, perhaps then the public disclosure will take place. Thanks again for your comments. OO

marie June 29, 2017 at 11:54 PM
Thank you. Good to hear from you. Just a note...I quickly send out a comment with Google speak and it appears that it can not pick up my dialect of the words. Sorry to all but I hope you get it.

Olive Oyl June 30, 2017 at 12:23 AM
Not yet - but if/when we do, will let you know! Blessings!

Anonymous June 30, 2017 at 4:57 AM
How do "We The People" know there really is a hearing going on? They could have all been gathered for tea and crumpets for all we know. How is this supposed to gain our confidence? More nonsense. Did either Obozo and Hillary receive indictments for Hillary's public hearing on Benghazi?
The mere fact that both of them are still enjoying their freedom is proof that these hearings don't amount to a hill of beans folks. Podesta is guilty as sin and the all know it because all of these politicians are sleeping in the same bed.
Don't expect anything to become of these phony hearings, public or private as it is just theatre to keep up appearances to appease the American people. The DC swamp needs to be drained first or there will NEVER BE REAL JUSTICE in America.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 5, 2017
BREAKING: Massive PizzaGate Arrests - 3500 Busted!

[Video, a summary of which on YouTube sez:]
A massive operation just came to a head that was carried out across southern California which swept up 238 child predators and traffickers — including clergymen attempting to buy a 6-year-old boy.

Conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Internet Crimes against Children task force, “Operation Broken Heart III” targeted offenders wanted for the sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution, sex tourism and possessing and distributing child pornography.

Since Donald Trump became president, there have been more than 3,500 arrests for sex crimes ranging from trafficking to pedophilia. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!
Posted by Freewill at 12:11:00 AM

1 comment:

Tony Lane July 5, 2017 at 4:46 AM
the question is how many of these creatures will be released or pay a small fine only to carry on doing it, these creatures have got to be into the millions, to stop this you need to severely castrate them or put their lights out. this perverted paedophiliac crime originated with the churches the first one being the VATICANUS, The Dwelling of Deamons, The Old Rome never represented god and the New one does not either, it only changed it's face it is still the house of the Devil where they torture children to death.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

The Los Angeles Times basically confirms the facts of the story, although there is nothing to show that this was an operation aimed at Pizzagate.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Well kinda sorta, although I don't see anything about 3500 being arrested, the sex trafficker was a perv from Australia and the monk was apparently a Thai at a Buddhist monastery in Riverside, so two different people entirely. So it looks like maybe 238 people over all of CA, hardly a significant value.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove was just a 2-bit Omega hussy, posting crackpot theories around a small group of others who couldn't come to terms that they had been conned and that Clyde Hood couldn't get them 52X returns in under a year. Then, she linked an obscure tax proposal to September 11th, and the notoriety sent her on the road to fame and fortune in her mother's trailer.

The Las Vegas tragedy was not only horrific, the "cause" may never be determined (IMHO sometimes people just go crazy, which means they do things that don't make sense). But, being a blank slate at the moment, those wacky conspiracy guys have come up with any number of reasons it happened, including PIzzagate's alter ego Pedogate. Why this would make someone shoot at thousands of people with hundreds of rounds is not explained. What is explained is that there seem to be two businesses with the name "Paradise," and that's such a rare word they MUST be related.

Friday, October 6, 2017
Is There A #PedoGate Connection to the 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting?


Leaving to one side the issue of if this was a psyop or an event exactly as described by the MSM, and the occult elements of the Pyramid, Obelisk, Sphinx and so on...let's focus in on some interesting facts relating to two of the main players.

Stephen Paddock ... and Marilou Danley ...
She was conveniently out of the country for 2 weeks in the Philippines at the time of the attacks, and Paddock had just wired $100,000 to the Philippines.

What for?

Well, his main company (since 2004) is called PARADISE RANCH 21 LLC. And by amazing coincindence, there happens to be a Paradise Ranch in the Philippines, too.
Another 'coincidence' there - Marilou Danley was the High Roller hostess at Club Paradise at the Atlantis, Paradise Ranch is close (less than ten miles) from a sex trafficking club called Club Atlantis. Atlantis is the biggest and most famous of Clark's notorious showgirl bars, and is next to the main casino.
Is the child at the bottom right doing an Illuminati one-eye hand gesture? Where would she learn such a thing?

Paddock and his friend have seriously dilated pupils in this photo. They look like they are on ecstasy or LSD or something. Note the cartoon characters visible behind them.

There is not yet any direct link between Paddock, Danley, and Paradise Ranch (Clark Air Force Base). At this stage it is merely a series of coincidences that they are connected to the Philippines, Club Paradise at the Atlantis, Club Atlantis near Paradise Ranch, Paradise Ranch 21 LLC, Paradise NV, Clark County, Clark air base, aviation, the Deep State, and cartoon characters. I hope this trail of breadcrumbs encourages others to dig deeper... [Update #1 5 October 17]

I will add to this post as more research and coincidences come to light. Feel free to share this widely, the truth must come out.
Isis are very active in the Philippines, a few months ago they took over one of the major cities there in an attempt to create an Islamic Caliphate.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 3:22:00 PM

Breaking! Breaking! Breaking!

There is a "Paradise Ranch Pet Resort," a "Dog day care center in Los Angeles." This breaks the whole case wide open!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Gregg »

Another thing, it might be, or might not be, a coincidence that all of these places have in or near them a restaurant that serves pizza, just like Comet Ping Pong. Ping Pong, as is well known, is a very popular pastime in the Philippines AND in basements and recreation rooms near Las Vegas. There are also several know Ping Pong tables within a few miles of Comet Ping Pong in suburban Washington DC.... all you have to do is start connecting the dots and it all becomes clear!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Another thing, it might be, or might not be, a coincidence that all of these places have in or near them a restaurant that serves pizza, just like Comet Ping Pong. Ping Pong, as is well known, is a very popular pastime in the Philippines AND in basements and recreation rooms near Las Vegas. There are also several know Ping Pong tables within a few miles of Comet Ping Pong in suburban Washington DC.... all you have to do is start connecting the dots and it all becomes clear!
It's no coincidence that almost all murders (or for that matter, crime in general) in America take place within a few miles of a restaurant or food service that sells pizza. When that unnamed Italian first put sauce and cheese on a round crust, little did he or she know how deadly an entree they were inventing. It's also no coincidence that all these murders take place within a week of the full or new moon. More dots to connect to already connected dots, making the whole conspiracy dotty.

I feel I need to leave an unrelated note here to mark the passing of my good friend, "Hef." Almost overnight people once shunned as "skirt chasers," "horndogs," and "pervs" became "playboys" and were welcomed in high society and Hollywood. I also took great inspiration from his film, "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers," and have been pursuing strange love ever since. I'm talking, of course, about actor Van Heflin, who died 46 years ago last July and will be sorely missed.

P.S. The person who is really Deep Knight and his wife visited Las Vegas a few years back (at Halloween) and went to this wax museum because they also had a "house of horror" that was supposed to be fun (the jury is still out). There, they had a figure of Hugh Hefner in a robe laying on a big round bed, and some ladies were having their picture taking laying next to him, some cuddling and kissing. My wife took picture of me in a similar pose, giving him a peck on the cheek. She still uses it as the desktop image on her computer.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Jeffrey »

Gaters have largely moved the goalposts at this point to argue any sex trafficking arrest is proof of pizzagate even if it’s done in foreign countries. Even the hardcore theorists that pored over every detail of the original pizzeria have mostly moved on.