Here we go again. . .

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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by GlimDropper »

That being said, here you go Ninj:

I swear the man is in love with the sound of his own keyboard.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by bmxninja357 »

Philistine wrote: Yikes! You know ninja, sometimes estranged lovers will get back together but it's not always the best idea.
Also, you forgot chemtrails...
your lovers comment seems rather silly and irrelevant as does your chemtrails comment. if you are trying to infer i prescribe to bizarre conspiracy theory, and all of them as chemtrails have nothing to do with facebook i will thank you to keep your bizarre speculation to yourself. im stating straight facts about facebook. it dosent take much reading to find the tip of the iceberg about facebook messing with people. here is a link to an article on stuff they have pulled on its users. its a short list and no where near comprehensive. ... 15c8601c3d

to me it seems odd that so many otherwise smart people openly give so much monitoring and subliminal chicanery license to a multinational that clearly has no intent of being helpful to society in general.

now go hit a like.
Last edited by bmxninja357 on Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by bmxninja357 »

GlimDropper wrote:That being said, here you go Ninj:

I swear the man is in love with the sound of his own keyboard.
thank you. interestingish read. however i dont think i should respond as its 3rd party and if rob wishes to communicate with me he can do so directly here or by email or any of the other means available.

but again thank you for the non facebook link. very much appreciated.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Bobby isn't interested in communicating with anyone, he wants to lecture and lead. He's had more than sufficient opportunity to do so, and he avoids it at all costs. He never says anything except in a forum he can control. Some thing s never change.
I find it interesting that in his Facebook diatribe Menard tries to give folks the business for not communicating directly with him regarding questions they have about his beliefs or his products.

There are countless youtubes around in which Bobby describes in detail exactly what he believes. The you-can't-talk-about-my-freeman-beliefs-because-you-aren't-talking-to-me shtick is just another of Bobby's avoidance games.

He's still a 10 year-old hiding his Hustler magazine from mommy and daddy.

I can say that my attempts to contact him directly and personally were resounded to by that same 10 year-old attitude. After trying to contact him, straight up, regarding one of his projects about three years ago the response to fill up my email box with gay porn.

A few months ago he went off on Facebook saying he would meet me anywhere and anytime his schedule and travel restrictions (read: this free man can't go back to T.O. or travel to the U.S.). When I took him up on the offer via email and offered to meet in a public, secure place convenient to him he backed out saying he didn't want met with me and said my responding to his offer was me stalking him.

But at least this account hasn't been filled with gay porn.

I'm up in Canada right now for a family wedding and have the wheels and the some time to meet Bobby and buy him a couple of Mooseheads. But, Bobby's ignoring my latest attempts to contact him.

Maybe he's hiding under his bed with his Hustler.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by TheNewSaint »

I stopped reading when he compared himself to Steve Jobs. :sarcastic:
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by grixit »

Well they both started out tinkering in a garage. But Jobs moved out of his garage to a mansion, while Menard wishes he still had a garage.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by Chaos »

grixit wrote:Well they both started out tinkering in a garage. But Jobs moved out of his garage to a mansion, while Menard wishes he still had a garage.
and jobs
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by arayder »

True to form Bobby has been distracted from the task of getting the grow box project together.

Plans, drawings, recruitment of workers, locating manufacturing space, finding materials and creating a final proposal for submission to the unnamed vegetarian restaurant have all fallen to the wayside as Bobby tries in vain to dig up personal information on yours truly so he can dox me!

After hours of stumbling through old forums freemanary's leader in hiding managed to find old goggle forum posts in which Eldon Warmen misidentified me as another individual. Now freemanary's self proclaimed brilliant leader has exposed that person to harm by posting his picture and a goole maps photo of what he believes is his apartment on his Facebook page.

One can only hope Bunker Bobby is not madly messaging his minions about pestering this individual.

In doing so Bungling Bobby has once again exposed to harm a person he doesn't know and has in no way harmed him. How very unfreeman, of him. Menard's dishonor is hanging out farther than his beer gut.

One might wonder how it is Menard managed to set aside the work of the grow box project, which he has said was consuming all his time, in order to spend hours tracking me down.

Could it be there is really no grow box project?
Last edited by arayder on Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by notorial dissent »

Point of order. One must actually have followers and minions in order to actually get them to do anything. Remember who of we speak. I doubt if anyone is paying much attention to him other than the usual voices in his head.

As to the person he supposedly outed, mayhaps they would want to file cyberstalking charges against the beFezzed one, then he can have two warrants out for his arrest, and that one they will probably take seriously.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by arayder »

Bungling Bobby responds already.
BWAHAHAHAHA! Araryder has outed himself! He has acknowledged that I have tracked him down and admits that the picture of the house I posted is the address of **** *****, something he would not know unless HE LIVED THERE AND IS **** ******! hahahahahaha
I know you think the apartment belongs this person (who you think is me) because you are using the same MO you used when you misidentified Jargon Buster years ago.


You posted a house (which didn't belong to JB) and pretended it certainly must be his. When you finally realized your mistake you told Jargon Buster the only way he could save the unfortunate person who you had misidentified as him was to cough up his personal information.

He told you to go F yourself and you backed down.

Do you plan to pull that stunt with me, Bobby?
Incidentally, the grow proposal is going swimmingly, and it is because I am ahead of schedule that I had time to find and post the pics. Which took all of seconds. hahahaha
When you were 13 wasn't the story was that you had your homework all done and were just going down the street to meet that pretty student teacher who had fallen for you and your handsome, manly cammo jacket?
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by arayder »

Robert Menard Ah, he is a sad, pathetic, lonely, broken 89-year-old man.
Bobby, have painted yourself in corner yet again.

You have time and time again over the years opined that you need only my name and address in order to start serving me with papers. One wonders why you over those years didn't do what you say were the few minutes of research needed to find me, but the fact remains you think you have found me, my name and address.

So when do you start filing, big boy?

Or are you scared of a "broken 89-year-old man"?
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by LordEd »

arayder wrote: Or are you scared of a "broken 89-year-old man"?
If he comes to visit you can tell that damned hippie to get off your lawn and to get a job.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by LordEd »

That's enough back sass from you Menard or grandpa arayders going to take his cane to your backside.

And get a haircut.
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Re: Here we go again. . .

Post by The Observer »

Ok, Arayder, enough.

Quatloos does not exist so that personal vendettas, cyberstalking, and the like can be accomplished. This thread, like others about Menard, has turned into being a vehicle to wage a proxy war with Menard over the Internet. I know that it is sad and unfulfilling for you that Rob will not deal with you directly, but that is not our problem. You want to taunt and harass Menard, you do it on your own website or some other website that is willing to support you. You have been warned several times about this and you seem to think that the warnings do not apply to you. It is ironic that you had no sympathy for Burnaby when he expressed concern about Menard's threats about litigation against him, but you think it is newsworthy that now Menard is attempting to come after you because of your deliberate provoking.

If this thread had merely stayed on the topic of whether Menard was scamming people over his new venture, that in itself was not really relevant to what Quatloos covers here in terms of tax protester and the sovrun movement. The topic has only survived to this point because it involved a sovrun guru. But you pushed the topic beyond irrelevancy in your pursuit of Menard.

In light of this, 3 things are happening:

(1) the current thread is getting locked,

(2) the issues and past issues of your war with Menard is going to be discussed with the moderators and admins,


(3) you will be going on a Quatloos vacation for a week during the above discussion so that you can think about the warnings we have given you previously and understand exactly what is appropriate for a topic about Menard.

For the rest of the viewers and posters here, please do not take this as a rule forbidding Menard being discussed at all. If Menard is pushing sovrun nonsense, it is open season and he is fair game - as long as the discussion focuses on that aspect of Menard's behavior and related antics. But if the issue is going to be (a) discussing such irrelevant issues as his childhood/relations, or (b) reliving Menard's past actions by beating them to the level of a dead horse, or (c) merely going taunting, provoking or harassing Menard for no other reason than trying to get Menard's goat (not his ninja goat) and then post about him reacting to the provocation, then those posts are not going to survive. And the poster is going to suffer some consequences if they continue to persist.

Finally, it is up to Menard whether he participates here or not. Quatloos will always give him and any other person a right to post what they believe in. But we are not going to set a standard that allows for the baiting that has gone on merely because people think Menard is obligated to provide answers to them at this site or elsewhere.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff