Rekha Patel loses her house

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ceylon2 »

exiledscouser wrote:
ceylon2 wrote:Right, why is Patel in court in November?
So far as we know it is for obstructing a bailiff at the time of the most recent eviction, pretty much the same offence Chrisy 'Bailiff Baiter' Morris was arrested for and ultimately convicted of when Rekha was first evicted. It is a summary only matter but a conviction may well kill off a continuing career in teaching.
Thank you exiledscouser for that. So now we need to go back to when she sold the property for £2 and didn't the judge state he could not interfere with the title register unless in accordance with the law. This is where the legal team would move into action with s423 defrauding creditors. The legal team had a unilateral notice on the asset. Now the judge can do something after hearing all arguments and the eviction took place.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ceylon2 wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:
ceylon2 wrote:
You could be correct, I suppose they evicted her for fun. Maybe you should give your own educational opinion.
She was evicted because the court ordered that he house should be sold to pay her debt.
The court did not declare her bankrupt.
AFAIAA there has never been a petition for bankruptcy in this case.
No one is talking about bankruptcy, it's more to do with unable to pay debts and selling her home to avoid creditors.
When you cite sections of the Insolvency Act, YOU are talking about bankruptcy.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

ceylon2 wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:
ceylon2 wrote:
A clue..................enactments relating to the insolvency and bankruptcy of individuals; and other enactments bearing on those two subject matters,
But bankruptcy is not a subject matter in this case.
Insolvency is
Please explain why, because you are the only person who raised the issue and I fail to see how it affects Rekha as she isn't insolvent as far as I am aware.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

ceylon2 wrote:This is where the legal team would move into action with s423 defrauding creditors. The legal team had a unilateral notice on the asset. Now the judge can do something after hearing all arguments and the eviction took place.
Eh? (he said turning Canadian) What legal team or whose legal team and what judge?
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by longdog »

ceylon2 wrote:
exiledscouser wrote:
ceylon2 wrote:Right, why is Patel in court in November?
So far as we know it is for obstructing a bailiff at the time of the most recent eviction, pretty much the same offence Chrisy 'Bailiff Baiter' Morris was arrested for and ultimately convicted of when Rekha was first evicted. It is a summary only matter but a conviction may well kill off a continuing career in teaching.
Thank you exiledscouser for that. So now we need to go back to when she sold the property for £2 and didn't the judge state he could not interfere with the title register unless in accordance with the law. This is where the legal team would move into action with s423 defrauding creditors. The legal team had a unilateral notice on the asset. Now the judge can do something after hearing all arguments and the eviction took place.
If a high court judge decides somebody has 'sold' an asset for a sum significantly below its true value in an attempt to thwart the collection of a debt he or she can declare the sale (or in this case sales) void and proceed as if they had never happened. This is well within the jurisdiction of the high court and the laws on insolvency are neither here nor there.

If the family members / company RP sold the house to for £2 want to contest the decision of the court that the sale was void they would have to bring actions of their own in the high court. Rekha Patel couldn't start an action and still claim the property was hers. It's either hers and the courts have already spoken or it isn't hers in which case she has no standing to bring the case in the first place. In the circumstances of this case any such action would be doomed from the outset and just attract further costs awards.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

longdog wrote:
If a high court judge decides somebody has 'sold' an asset for a sum significantly below its true value in an attempt to thwart the collection of a debt he or she can declare the sale (or in this case sales) void and proceed as if they had never happened. This is well within the jurisdiction of the high court and the laws on insolvency are neither here nor there.
I agree.
Until it can be proven otherwise I would say that the insolvency act has not seen the light of day in this specific case. Until it has been proven I would say this:
ceylon2 wrote:I get it now, you didn't think of s423 since Jun 24, 2016 hahahahahahahaha
is stupid.
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It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by arayder »

My understanding is that Patel is at the end of her rope. Her alleged obstruction at the eviction is the only matter left to be settled. That's what the Nov. 30 court date is about. If she's smart she'll be contrite and pledge not to misbehave again.

She had the opportunity to minimize or avoid the courts costs. I suspect she might have been able to pay those costs off if she'd seen the light soon enough and not dragged the matter out.

She and her friends could go all Tom Crawford and try to occupy the cottage or act up in some other way. But, that would just be one more cup of gasoline on the fire.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Firthy2002 »

arayder wrote:
She and her friends could go all Tom Crawford and try to occupy the cottage or act up in some other way. But, that would just be one more cup of gasoline on the fire.
They already tried. One of them got arrested. It's a few pages back.

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by arayder »

Firthy2002 wrote:
arayder wrote:
She and her friends could go all Tom Crawford and try to occupy the cottage or act up in some other way. But, that would just be one more cup of gasoline on the fire.
They already tried. One of them got arrested. It's a few pages back.
That was Chrisy Morris, right?

What I am talking about is the phenomena in the Crawford matter when people just kept showing up around his old house. One crew occupied it. I think Tom got up on the roof one time, too. For a while Crawford sympathizers would show up in the neighborhood looking for some conspiracy woo to put on a youtube.

All this messing about just made the resolution of the situation more expensive for Tom.

I really hope this doesn't happen to Rekha.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by daltontrumbno »

arayder wrote:
Firthy2002 wrote:
arayder wrote:
She and her friends could go all Tom Crawford and try to occupy the cottage or act up in some other way. But, that would just be one more cup of gasoline on the fire.
They already tried. One of them got arrested. It's a few pages back.
That was Chrisy Morris, right?

What I am talking about is the phenomena in the Crawford matter when people just kept showing up around his old house. One crew occupied it. I think Tom got up on the roof one time, too. For a while Crawford sympathizers would show up in the neighborhood looking for some conspiracy woo to put on a youtube.

All this messing about just made the resolution of the situation more expensive for Tom.

I really hope this doesn't happen to Rekha.
It was Peter McDowal who was arrested, He owns one of the sham shell companies that bought the house.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

He Who Knows wrote:
've got new neighbors they're coming to dinner and bringing their new puppy. I made them a present, its on the table over there.

I'm not always the grammar police but when I am, I drink dos Equis.
Aah grammar...the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
And capitalisation is the vital difference between helping your uncle jack off a horse, and helping your uncle Jack off a horse.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

longdog wrote:If a high court judge decides somebody has 'sold' an asset for a sum significantly below its true value in an attempt to thwart the collection of a debt he or she can declare the sale (or in this case sales) void and proceed as if they had never happened. This is well within the jurisdiction of the high court and the laws on insolvency are neither here nor there.
I agree. I think the judge either voided the purported sale, or simply disregarded it on the grounds that Wrecka remained the true owner of the house regardless of any contrived pretence of sale.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

Yes, all evidence is that the Chancery court judge voided the sale.

From earlier:
AndyPandy wrote: this possession order hearing was in January and the Title Register has been 'Frozen' to a date in February, I suspect Plexus Law [the neighbor's law firm] have obtained an Injunction against any further attempts to 'sell' / change ownership on the Land Registry
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Gregg »

ceylon2 wrote:
He Who Knows wrote:
Ceylon2 wrote: Rekha Patel is insolvent unable or refuses to pay her debts
Don't think 'refuses to pay debts' classes as being bankrupt. She's got a house worth almost a quarter of a mill with no mortgage. She's minted.
You could be correct, I suppose they evicted her for fun. Maybe you should give your own educational opinion.
Listen, if you're not going to be bothered to read the thread, or otherwise learn the relevant information about it, repeatedly asking for information about it is a bit tiring. Baiting those who do know what's going on is just downright annoying. If you won't or can't figure out where we're at or how we got to it, I wish you would just shut up.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Firthy2002 »

Rekha has kindly provided us with her version of the events from last Wednesday.

Reproduced with redactions:
Rekha Patel wrote:A brief update, well there was a BBQ at Patel cottage last wednesday, which was good. My landlord went to assess the damage to my home, where he was verbally assaulted by [redacted] and another neighbour who said to the guy accompanying my landlord that he must be Rekha's brother as he has the same skin colour! Well [redacted] is rubbing off on him, as when she first saw me she said ooohhh you are different!!! I have to say I am so disappointed in this man as I thought he was nice.
[redacted] attempted to identify them, hurling verbal abuse at each of them individually, from the window which gave all that were present a snippet of the magnitude of filth that I had to put up with for the past seven years. It is sad that she has so much time on her hands to be able to even attempt to identify people she has never met. Light to you [redacted] as I know you read my every post soul sister, thank you for making me grow. May you be free from the shackles of anger, greed, deceit now and let those shackles be replaced by what is correct, you will pay for what you have done as your soul won't rest until you have, love as always rekhaben xx

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by notorial dissent »

So she has now created another trespassing breach and documented it??? I'm sure the court will be interested in that information.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

Wrecka is thanking her neighbour for making her "grow". Hmm let's see how she's grown...well she's a Sovereign Citizen, a fugitive who's lost £225k, a sofa surfer with a bail warrant pending a criminal hearing, a friend of Chrisy Morris, is potentially unemployable, a disrupter of courts using bizarre spells & Footle mobs, a friend of Ken Thompson and best of all ...she's a little Miss Shoutypants obsessed with being a race hate victim. (Altho I suspect she was always the latter).
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Had a rewarding and secure professional career, owned a beautiful historic cottage, and whatever reputation she had was innocuous and positive.

Piling all of this on a bonfire is a strange concept of growth.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by notorial dissent »

He Who Knows wrote:Wrecka is thanking her neighbour for making her "grow". Hmm let's see how she's grown...well she's a Sovereign Citizen, a fugitive who's lost £225k, a sofa surfer with a bail warrant pending a criminal hearing, a friend of Chrisy Morris, is potentially unemployable, a disrupter of courts using bizarre spells & Footle mobs, a friend of Ken Thompson and best of all ...she's a little Miss Shoutypants obsessed with being a race hate victim. (Altho I suspect she was always the latter).
The old adage that one is known by the company you keep would seem to apply, and the company she keeps is of the truly unfortunate variety. While the crystal ball is currently hazy, the expected outcome is indeed dim.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

He Who Knows wrote:Wrecka is thanking her neighbour for making her "grow". Hmm let's see how she's grown...well she's a Sovereign Citizen, a fugitive who's lost £225k, a sofa surfer with a bail warrant pending a criminal hearing, a friend of Chrisy Morris, is potentially unemployable, a disrupter of courts using bizarre spells & Footle mobs, a friend of Ken Thompson and best of all ...she's a little Miss Shoutypants obsessed with being a race hate victim. (Altho I suspect she was always the latter).
I don't think she has lost anything like £225k. Maybe about half that at present. What she won't be doing for many years is buying a Listed Cottage in that area.
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