"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Dismal Dave's Disillusionment Diary - Day whatever...
David Robinson

Good morning constitutional protectors.....

Since things are changing very quickly these days we need to be fluid with those changes and adjust accordingly....


Frankly we as a movement are still well undermanned....and things are becoming increasingly more dangerous by the minute.....we have attempted to align with other groups over the years, Fracking, anti austerity groups, the Brexit groups, Agenda 21...freeman on the land and sovereign para legals etc...without much success sadly.


Most people are victims of the toxic environment, they may not think so but we have all had our brians compromised. It seems people are generally unable to think a process through...the nurol connections in the brain have been targetted making it a much more difficult process.....truth seems to be secondary to may people these days..truth is always evidential or it must be considered to be hearsay.


I'm really unwell guys...I think I'm under attack by silent weapons (not that we all aren't)....My head spins and the headaches are consistent. My appetitie is almost non eistent and sleeping is a problem too. I have other serious health issues but no need to go into them I just don't know how much longer I can go on....yet I cant give up and never will.


if all 12 thousand people in this group were promoting the truth and compelling others with the truth, we would be a much bigger group by now...Sadly people seem to care more about how to save money than thier lives and rights....just look at the Beat the Bailiff and the Bank group....last time I loooked it was 80K strong...they have done nothing to reassert the constitutional law in the courts because they aid and abet them. Its absolute insanity but try telling them that.....Rant over folks I need a break. Peace.
I'm going to put my white pretend doctor coat and play stethescope on again and say that adding the previously reported blurred vision and ringing in the ears to the headache, dizziness, loss of appetite and possibly insomnia Dismal Dave is showing a hell of a lot of symptoms of acute hypertension.

If you're reading this Dave... Go to the doctor you prat! You might not be able to find one who is 'under oath' but 'duress of circumstances' and all that.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

I didn't know that I had a "brian", let alone that it has been compromised.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hyrion »

longdog wrote:I'm going to put my white pretend doctor coat and play stethescope on again and say that adding the previously reported blurred vision and ringing in the ears to the headache, dizziness, loss of appetite and possibly insomnia Dismal Dave is showing a hell of a lot of symptoms of acute hypertension.
[Dons pretend psychologist sweater]

Likely brought on due to the extreme stress he's putting himself under. When you go down that path of thinking everyone's against you to the extreme - you place yourself into a no-win situation. His actions have brought very predictable results and a good question is: why?
David Robinson - outside wrote:truth is always evidential or it must be considered to be hearsay
Dave: Examine the truth underlying why you have made the anti-establishment choices you have. Is it backed by actual facts? Or is it hearsay evidence? You'll default to actual facts but ask yourself what actual evidence exists to support the conclusory evidence you claim to exist. If those you currently trust to provide you the truth are asked to provide you with evidence - not just claims, but actual evidence - will they do so or will they resort to ridiculing you... to name calling.... perhaps even claiming you are planted by the powers that be. If they do that... they are not people you can trust - and if they are not people you can trust, you absolutely should question the facts they claim they are presenting.
David Robinson - outside wrote:I think I'm under attack by silent weapons
Sadly, in a sense you are. But it's not external weapons - it's the internal weapons of your body trying to fight extreme stress and not being able to - because that stress originates in the beliefs you have decided to take on.

The problem is that your brain is in control of your body's arsenal of internally-produced-drugs such as adrenaline. Long term consistent application of adrenaline is very unhealthy. When your system experiences a flight/fight response situation, such drugs are released to deal with the situation. And it is incapable of determining a real threat vs an imagined threat.

In your case, it's your choice to believe the "whole system is corrupt" and out to destroy you that's caused the fight/flight response.

I'm with Longdog - get yourself to a real doctor, preferably one who has a psychologist/psychiatrist background. Be entirely honest with that doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing as well as your chosen belief in how corrupt "the system" is. And try and do so with an open mind rather than automatically thinking the Doctor is part of the corrupt trying to destroy you. The end result of that belief path is that it'll lead you to your own destruction. And it won't matter if it's real or not - it'll still lead to your destruction.

You have everything to lose on the path you are on. You have your sanity and health to gain by choosing to trust that "not everyone in the system is corrupt". It's totally up to you though - if you're intent on it, Free Will guarantees no one can save you from yourself.

[Removes pretend psychologist sweater]
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

I think a physiatrist would have trouble reasoning with Dave.

He's being drinking at the mad hatters tea party for too long.

He also exhibits typical narcissist traits, found in personality disorders-
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
That's his problem, he more than likely has issues with inadequacy and must find some trumped up way of rallying the masses against a titanic enemy.

Sadly, he's still sat at head of the table at the mad hatters tea party.

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by mufc1959 »

JimUk1 wrote:Mark sounds like a first class a******e.

Putting his parents through that, and they still paid, says to me he should respect them for the fact they've just saved him from jail.

I hope they make him pay back the money, with interest.
What really annoys me, though, is that the DCA knew that the parents had no obligation to pay their son's debt. You see it all the time on "Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away". Pressure is put on family members to pay a debt they have no need to pay. If they refuse, and it's not the debtor's house and s/he has nothing of value on the premises, then the DCA should walk away rather than pressurise people who don't owe the money to pay up.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheNewSaint »

Dave Robinson wrote:we have all had our brians compromised. It seems people are generally unable to think a process through...the nurol connections in the brain have been targetted making it a much more difficult process...
Well, his writing style certainly doesn't disprove his story. Maybe something really is attacking the nurol connections in his brian. :snicker:

In all seriousness, I agree with hyrion and longdog that that is all self-induced. Robinson really should seek medical help. Just talking to someone wouldn't hurt. He's trapped in a fantasy world, and desperately needs to get out of his own head.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

I agree with the previous comments that this sounds like a really severe case of hypertension, having witnessed it in a friend I am familiar with the symptoms, I would also say it looks like extremely low blood sugar from not eating, which will drop whatever your IQ is by several decades, and I don't think Dim Dave has all that many points to spare to begin with. So at the very least we have severe depression, severe hypertension, low blood sugar, and incipient paranoia, not a good combination of symptoms. He really needs to go see a competent qualified physician, and then have his internet connections severed. He's NEVER going to be anything but a serious waste of protoplasm, but at least that way he'd be a healthy waste of protoplasm.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Gregg »

Right, who thinks he would take any prescription needed? Don't you know all that is a conspiracy by big pharma to keep us sick and mind control?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

Mark "mum-please-pay-my-fine Abbot's thread saw two members ejected for criticism of the groups methods. How long do we think this guy will last after his response to someone moaning about deductions from benefits ..
Ian Tennison wrote:I thought this group was about breaking away from & revealing a false system? I cant understand why you want to ask a question about why your benefits are wrong in a group that is against our system. The magna carta didnt include taxing working people to pay less fortunate ones to stay at home. If our goverment get overturned there would be no benefit system. May i ask how one would survive in a real world, because it does not cater for lazy people sick elderly or disabled? A rebel on benefits boils my piss
Dave doesn't agree ..
David Robinson wrote:Thatsa very ignorant opinion let me explain why....blah blah blah
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheCoz »

mufc1959 wrote:
JimUk1 wrote:Mark sounds like a first class a******e.

Putting his parents through that, and they still paid, says to me he should respect them for the fact they've just saved him from jail.

I hope they make him pay back the money, with interest.
What really annoys me, though, is that the DCA knew that the parents had no obligation to pay their son's debt. You see it all the time on "Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away". Pressure is put on family members to pay a debt they have no need to pay. If they refuse, and it's not the debtor's house and s/he has nothing of value on the premises, then the DCA should walk away rather than pressurise people who don't owe the money to pay up.

Former EA. The reason we attended a property is because the Court is advised that the address is the debtors. Sometimes, the parents live there. We cannot establish which items are not the debtors in that property so we have to assume that they all are until shown proof otherwise. The problem being for the debtor/parents, its very very difficult to prove ownership of a tv/dining table/sofa etc.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

TheCoz wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:
JimUk1 wrote:Mark sounds like a first class a******e.

Putting his parents through that, and they still paid, says to me he should respect them for the fact they've just saved him from jail.

I hope they make him pay back the money, with interest.
What really annoys me, though, is that the DCA knew that the parents had no obligation to pay their son's debt. You see it all the time on "Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away". Pressure is put on family members to pay a debt they have no need to pay. If they refuse, and it's not the debtor's house and s/he has nothing of value on the premises, then the DCA should walk away rather than pressurise people who don't owe the money to pay up.

Former EA. The reason we attended a property is because the Court is advised that the address is the debtors. Sometimes, the parents live there. We cannot establish which items are not the debtors in that property so we have to assume that they all are until shown proof otherwise. The problem being for the debtor/parents, its very very difficult to prove ownership of a tv/dining table/sofa etc.
You've also got to ask why he continued to use his parents address.

He knew all about this fine, so he must have been picking up the mail from that address but never changed it to his own knowing full well bailiffs would attend and harass his parents - what a webel !! :snooty:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

TheCoz wrote:Former EA. The reason we attended a property is because the Court is advised that the address is the debtors. Sometimes, the parents live there. We cannot establish which items are not the debtors in that property so we have to assume that they all are until shown proof otherwise. The problem being for the debtor/parents, its very very difficult to prove ownership of a tv/dining table/sofa etc.
What are the current "not allowed" items? In the above I would have thought you could take the TV but not the table or sofa if it was the only one in the house.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

TheCoz wrote:Former EA. The reason we attended a property is because the Court is advised that the address is the debtors. Sometimes, the parents live there. We cannot establish which items are not the debtors in that property so we have to assume that they all are until shown proof otherwise. The problem being for the debtor/parents, its very very difficult to prove ownership of a tv/dining table/sofa etc.
Surely if there is a reasonable doubt that property belongs to the debtor it cannot be taken or at least not be taken without the risk of court action for the return of the goods which would be at the creditor's expense not the debtors.

In the example of a person living with their parents in the parent's house the assumption would be that the everyday goods in the property such as TVs (and I'm pretty sure tables and sofas cannot be removed which makes me seriously doubt the claim to be a former EA) would be that they belonged to the householder not the debtor.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hyrion »

Gregg wrote:Right, who thinks he would take any prescription needed?
Realistically speaking, as long as he's unwilling to let go his fantasy that "the whole system is out to destroy him" I seriously don't expect him to anything that's not predictably self-destructive.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by exiledscouser »

I think before things get entrenched I'd like to point out that we only have the word of the OP, Mark Abbott, not someone with a terribly good record when it comes to telling the truth. I suspect there is a kernel of a story here but that it has been 'breathed on' for the consumption of the rest of the PLD gang.

For instance, not content with having just cadged £1,200 from his old man and having allegedly caused his elderly parents grief, fright and heartache by ignoring his own court fines, without pause for breath or a bit of a reality check he's all good to go on Dismal's latest foray, to 'seize' some Magistrates Court in Birmingham. Doesn't ring true to me. I suspect he lives at home with his parents, one of the new generation that is finding it difficult to buy or rent their own home.

On the subject of which the PLD'ers are gearing themselves up for the big event. So and so can't do a Thursday and such and such can't afford the day off but sends his best wishes. Only the truly inculcated or jobless seem willing and able to respond.

Others want to set up their own system of 'justice', here's David Hoole;
we as a collective could appoint sheriffs of the land using our constitutional law just a thought
and there is general agreement that sheriffs are indeed needed.

Now, who do you know as would be a good candidate for Sheriff of Nottingham? And remember what happened to him (in the film versions anyway....).

Crabby is promoting the Common Law Court, providing the means to 'go lawful' without the need to bother those doddery old Barons, just fill in the form and upload your oath. Dismal approves but - what's this - the green shoots of reality? (my bold).
By entering into lawful rebellion we have already revoked any ties to the legal fiction...no objection to people submitting it to the common law court but since it has no power to do anything (as yet) it wouldn't be of much use in providing credibility to the paperwork....although the common law court is a step in the right direction and I am not against it in principle, it seems to be somewhat of a compromise since ALL courts MUST be common law jurisdictions to be legal.....I don't want any cmpromise on this issue...its all or nothing for me.....but maybe this is the start of or part of bringing the rule of law back, and is a tool for educating others and getting others involved in the rebellion?...if it is unable to enforce the verdicts it may decide then it would be a damp squib and impotent which could actually disredit the common law court...or at least be an effective tool for the trolols to do so. That's my main worry.
The Common Law Court will be as about effective as the Were Bank, less so as it least Petey Smith made a bob or two from the no-marks that signed up to it. Even now, months after it went live it is still just a vehicle for some bloke calling himself John Smith to vent his impotent spleen against those he's fallen out with.

All in all, another few days of top entertainment.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

exiledscouser wrote: Others want to set up their own system of 'justice', here's David Hoole;
we as a collective could appoint sheriffs of the land using our constitutional law just a thought
and there is general agreement that sheriffs are indeed needed.

Now, who do you know as would be a good candidate for Sheriff of Nottingham? And remember what happened to him (in the film versions anyway....).
I wish these people would at least show some consistency in their insane and semi-literate ramblings, but I guess that's too much to hope for apart from their drivel being consistently insane and semi-literate. I thought they were rebelling in support of the (not-democratically-elected) barons to overthrow...somebody or other. Now they want to democratically elect their own officials? What would the barons think about that?

Does the position of Sheriff even exist in Britain anymore?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hyrion »

BoomerSooner17 wrote:Does the position of Sheriff even exist in Britain anymore?
A more important question of humor consideration is:
i) Group creates a Law, thow shalt not steal
ii) The Sheriff they vote into place arrests one of them for stealing

Will they now claim the "old powers that be corrupted our fine Sheriff?"

The biggest problem they keep displaying is that they don't want to be held accountable to actual Laws - whether they consider those Laws to be common, statute, corporate, imaginary, or otherwise.

Until they, as individuals, come to terms with the reality that "whatever Law they want applied equally applies to them" they'll keep providing us with plenty of real life Monty Pythonesque humor.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

BoomerSooner17 wrote:
Does the position of Sheriff even exist in Britain anymore?
In Scotland it does after a fashion, but it is mostly ceremonial as in High Sheriff of somewhere.

I don't think she gets to wear a uniform but one of my partner's friends is Deputy Lord Lieutenant of our city.

We do love archaic titles and there are quite a lot to go round. 'Lord of the Manor'? Certainly sir, that will be £3000.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Hyrion wrote: Until they, as individuals, come to terms with the reality that "whatever Law they want applied equally applies to them" they'll keep providing us with plenty of real life Monty Pythonesque humor.
"Help, help, I'm being oppressed!"
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:In Scotland it does after a fashion, but it is mostly ceremonial as in High Sheriff of somewhere.
Up here a Sheriff is a judge, something akin to an English District Judge or higher ..
The main role of sheriffs is to sit as a trial judge, though they do have some appellate functions. The criminal jurisdiction of sheriffs is both summary (less serious matters where the sheriff sits alone) and solemn (more serious offences where the sheriff sits with a jury of 15 men and women). In summary cases, sheriffs may impose a maximum prison sentence of 12 months or a fine of up to £10,000. In solemn cases, sheriffs can deal with any crimes except murder, rape and treason. The maximum penalty a sheriff may impose in solemn proceedings is five years’ imprisonment or an unlimited fine. Sheriffs also have a range of alternative disposals, including community service and probation.
More here .. http://www.scotland-judiciary.org.uk/36/0/Sheriffs

Worth highlighting for the PLD gang ..
Sheriffs can deal with any crimes except murder, rape and treason.