Advantage Conferences II

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Post by soapboxmom »[/url]

Please check out the TGIM call from 1/28/2008. Mike and Lisa Ferrin are hosting a call with a whopping total of 9 people that spoke. Another packed Advantage Conferences call to be sure. Mike and Lisa credit AC for getting them back to church. Lisa has a degree in biblical studies, but found it necessary to spend 10 grand plus God only knows how many thousands more to be in this scam. Tim is not an ordained minister, licensed psychologist, licensed psychiatrist, CPA, certified financial planner, successful businessman or anything that qualifies him to counsel people or give them financial advice. Why on earth are folks involved in this silly venture?

The 9 folks chatting discuss Pradeep from India. He was only able to get a plane ticket and attend the November conference because his credit card company upped his credit limit. So, the poor guy is up to his eyeballs in credit card debt of all things. That is totally irresponsible. That is what Tim creates. We have no millionaires, but legions of paupers who get on calls and discuss their financial woes. That is a great selling point, huh boys?

We hear from Catherine Mc Lean who has been in for over a year, but has never been able to make it to a conference. She is sitting in England wishing she could come for an in person therapy session of the paupers support group, otherwise known as the Mindset Mentoring Conference.

AC sounds like a church, but is a telephone ministry for the broke, desperate and lonely. Folks could save themsleves thousands and just go to their local parrish in the first place. There is certainly no legitimate business activity here!

Lisa also mentions that with AC they have a multi-million dollar business. That with all the other claims made is beyond ridiculous. ... h/id9.html Jack has not cleared 1 million after he had reps claiming it for months. Jim Wald and Don Goldstein made around 200 grand each my sources say. Everyone else either barely broke even after expenses or has lost money. Many of those who lost were MMC-IVs who are out tens of thousands in expenses and fruitless advertising. Many reps have faced financial devastation including hunger, sold homes, sold possessions, homelessness, foreclosure, mountains of credit card debt, spent savings, spent retirement funds etc. Tim has created legions of paupers in order to line his pockets and those of a few heavy hitters. ... /id21.html

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Post by soapboxmom »


Announcing the Advantage Conferences Fire Sale!

Jack is announcing a new way to join the AC Paupers Support Group formerly known as the Millionaire Mindset Conference and the Mindset Mentoring Conference. This was on a packed call as usual. Monday 1/28/ had a whopping 9 people on the call. Did you guys make an even 10 for this one or get to your high for this year of about 15?

The boys, Tim and Jack, have decided to reduce the MMC-IV price to $7000.00 from the current $11,995.00. So, Tim gets 3 grand and Jack can pocket 4 grand. Doesn't that just smack of desperation?

Anyone who has bought an MMC-IV should immediately demand a refund for the difference in price. All the reputable companies out there will give customers (reps in your case) a refund for the difference as a matter of policy. Who wouldn't want $2995.00 back after losing thousands in this venture!

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Post by soapboxmom »

District Civil -OTHER CIVIL CASES 296-04376-07

Judge Hon. John Roach, Jr
296th District Court
Plaintiff REP X


Transaction Date Time Entry
PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION 12/27/2007 12/27/2007......
DARNELL, & JACK M WEINZIERL 01/29/ 01/29/2008
Jack is so clueless that he chose to use the same attorney as Timmy. That attorney is Jason Ciarochi who represented Timmy in the Better Business Bureau suit. Looks to me like the plaintiff is going to prevail. Timmy always talks about God being involved and God certainly did see to it the truth prevailed in the AC vs. BBB suit.

Jack and Tim, you could look at the 21 questions I posed and prepare to answer them under oath for the judge, lads. That will be good practice and no doubt those pesky issues will come up.

Remember how Ciarochi lost virtually every motion he filed in the documents I have from the BBB case. One document alone logged 37 motions decided in favor of the BBB. Ciarochi and Timmy were also notorious for filing things late and turning documents over late. I hope you boys enjoy the paid babysitter you are likely to get when the plaintiff prevails!

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Post by soapboxmom »

Timmy is being a naughty boy again it appears.

Here is just a sampling of the questions posed by state insurance licensing departments and various insurance companies for insurance people wanting to be appointed with them.
License Qualification Information:
A) Have you ever been convicted of, or are you currently
charged with, committing a crime, whether or not adjudication
was withheld; or are you currently a party to, or have you ever been found liable in, any lawsuit or arbitration proceeding involving allegations of fraud, misappropriations or conversion of funds, misrepresentation or breach of fiduciary duty?

If you answer yes, you must attach to this application:
a) a written statement explaining the circumstances of each incident;
b) a copy of the applicable charging document or petition; and
c) a copy of the official document which demonstrates the resolution of the charges or any final judgment.
If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, you must provide all pertinent court or agency documentation,
as well as a dated and signed complete written explanation, and have your application reviewed....

Has any insurance company or any securities broker-dealer ever terminated your contract other than for lack of production?

Have you ever been bankrupt or insolvent, either personally or in business?

Have you ever had any liens or judgments, either personally or in business?

Have you ever been investigated by any state insurance department or government agency?

Have you ever been the subject of a penalty, inquiry or action of a regulatory agency?

Have you ever been involved in any litigation, including bankruptcy?

Are you now the subject of any complaint or proceeding that could result in a "yes" answer to any of the above questions?
What did Timmy say on the forms he filled out? Did he acknowledge honestly he was a 33% owner, registered agent and founder of All Star Entrepreneur when it went bankrupt in 2004.

Did Timmy disclose that he is currently being sued for fraud, conspiracy and violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act? That suit that is very similiar to the suit he filed against the Better Business Bureau and lost. He refused to pay the judgment awarded to the BBB until a Writ of Garnishment was executed allowing the BBB to collect.

Has he admitted he is aware the SEC, IRS, Texas Attorney General, FTC and various other government agencies have received complaints and have or are currently investigating him and Advantage Conferences?

Did Tim discuss the Hidden Treasures fiasco honestly? What happened behind the scenes that resulted in no policies being written and agents out tens of thousands of dollars as expected commissions were never paid out? Does Tim have an explanation for why Penn Mutual is no longer doing his whole life Be You Own Banker nonsense? What made Penn Mutual decide to drop him like a hot potatoe?

The scambusters here are sending in all the documents, including the bankruptcy filing for All Star, the BBB court documents, the current case filed in Collin County and all the other materials that these state agencies and insurance companies should be reviewing. I wonder if Tim will have any insurance companies willing to work with him or any states willing to license him once the facts are available to all entities that need them.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Timing is Crucial
Mark November 7-8, 2008 in your calendar. Advantage Conferences is producing the very best Mindset MentoringSM Conference in Dallas, Texas on that date. You deserve to be one of the privileged 100 Attendees who will be forever changed by this incomparable event!

In the meantime (between now and then), you will have grown personally, spiritually, and financially in ways that you aren't aware exist by virtue of the Mindset MentoringSM Tele-Mentoring Calls and products that you will have experienced. The impact of this incredible God given concept is seeping into areas across the globe: Africa, Germany, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Scotland, Australia, Canada, England, India, and more. It is indeed a "movement"!

But, I first have a few questions.

"Would you like to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ delivered to the marketplace worldwide?"

"Do you believe the marketplace is in need of the truth of the Gospel?"

And, "would you like to see thousands and millions of people released from the shackles of the misunderstanding of money, wealth, entrepreneurship, and finances?"

And for you personally, "would you like to grow multiplicatively in your financial situation; and would you like to strengthen and deepen your own personal faith exponentially?"

If those questions ring true with you and you and you can say a wholehearted "YES" to each of those questions, then perhaps you are a genuine fit for a Repship with Advantage Conferences.

This is a business and it is also a ministry where people are changing several facets of their lives. AC is truly the intersection of faith and finances, all to God's glory and to the marked benefit of everyone who comes in contact with our products and unique, exciting culture.


For a limited time, our President's Package is being offered at a fraction of the cost it has always been. The timetable for this offer is unprecedented and may not last but for a few more weeks. Call me at: 817-205-9513 if you have already read the Getting Started E-Package, including listening to the audio that you can access by clicking the title header on page 5 (the compensation plan schematic).

When you call, feel free to ask any question you would like of me in order to get your confidence and understanding to the point that you're ready to move forward. I look forward to talking to you personally, ASAP.

In business, timing is crucial. Your timing will never be better! I have blocked off my calendar and I look forward to talking to you in the next 24-48 hours...
In His Service,

Jack Weinzierl

Posted on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 04:08PM by Jack Weinzierl
Here on my site is the post Jack made about the Super Conference scheduled for March 15th. He brags of how they are moving massively forward into a new larger format. The boys just desperately scrounge for a way to get some more money out of their clueless marks. I thought you, Jack, didn't want only 100, but rather tens of thousands to come to these silly shindigs. ... /id13.html

Jack, I see you have yet another crucial timing issue. What is the rush to sell repships for a November conference, lad? You boys promised 4 conferences a year, then it was 2 and now you will have mangaed only one for this calendar year. It will have been a year between conferences. That is so pathetic. You and Tim must be very desperate for money. This deal is down the tubes. Who would join knowing there is only one conference scheduled and no chance of selling repships under those conditions. If there are 94 reps left at $4000 commission, folks will need (after 2 handups) to sell 25 conferences to make the goal/expected amount of 100 grand. If those 94 sell 25 each you would have 2350 (x 25 ) = 58750.....1,468,750......36.718,750.....917,968,750.......22,949,218,750.... What a joke of an opportunity!

The rumor mill says Jack is suggesting to folks they could forgo their commissions and just throw 3 grand at Tim Darnell. Jack is desperate and irrational at this point. What can the boys possibly cook up to save this venture?

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:
a Repship with Advantage Conferences
Why God gave us icebergs.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Our 7th MMC and the Next 100 Only
At Advantage Conferences, we decided to make an unprecedented strategic move in the month of February, something we've not done at any time throughout four, almost five full years of operation. It's a maneuver that was designed to broaden our market reach, and we're seeing a reaction unfolding exactly like we were expecting. It's a maneuver that mirrors the Fed's lowering of the prime interest rate over and over again. Fortune 500 Companies across the world are responding in kind and in similar ways. Simply put, we've lowered our price on our best selling product, the MMC-IV President's Package to help individuals gain the cutting edge (the "advantage") in their personal lives...but we will only offer this for a very brief period of time.

This incredible window of opportunity is limited, very limited. 100 people ONLY will be privileged to cash in on this significantly reduced price point. Once 100 purchases occur at this super low price point, then the real price will be reinstated at its appropriate and much more accurate valuation. Frankly, 100 ticket purchases to our 7th MMC relative to our domestic and international expansion initiatives, well, 100 is a very small number. And with the amount of time we have to promote this event (more than 8 months), many, no, the majority of people, will end up paying much higher pricing should they not act quickly enough.

100 is the number. And "7" refers to this being our 7th Mindset Mentoring Conference. How well I remember promoting the very first MMC in early 2005, with no track record and no idea of how profoundly powerful these events would turn out to be. It was all "theory" back then. Now, we know that the reality of this concept was indeed to be even more explosive than we could ever have imagined!

The tickets are going fast...and yet the conference is still over eight months away, all factors that require a timely decision and definitive action. 100 is the parameter we're using to determine when the price will go back to its more appropriate level, but 100 transactions will go fast. Will you capitalize on this urgent situation? I know you will find a way to do so...capitalize on this opportunity with your contacts and yourself. After all, who deserves it more than you do, and the people you know?

How exciting is this? The only thing that is more exciting will be the actual event itself...the Mindset Mentoring Conference. I can't wait to see you there! It will be the best experience we've ever had!

Let's get your reservation in before the end of next week to ensure your spot.

In Service,

Jack Weinzierl
Advantage Conferences

Posted on Tuesday, February 19, at 11:20PM by Jack Weinzierl
Jack, you are quite amusing. You guys have had 3 new reps join this year and many left are ready to jump off of this Titanic. They don't want to be tangled up in your reputation ruining litigation.

You were promoting the first MMC in 2005 because Timmy the pathetic goof had both Hawaii conferences in 2004 fall through as he only had 13 reps. He bragged of 1500 priveleged attendees. Gee, what happened boys?

Folks need to get in before the end of next week, you say. How desperate are you boys? Did paying the state taxes clean out the AC millionaire account?

How many reps have agreed to sell this garbage for $3000? Who in their right mind would give Timmy the 3 grand and forgo any commission? That sure isn't rep friendly, is it, lads? Remember that expert that said the most the conference was worth is $500? I guess it is time for another drastic price cut!

Timmy and Jack, you boys always have a desperately difficult time selling folks on these conferences. Is Timmy going to send out another nasty e-mail and try to force folks to attend who no longer have any interest in this scam? With 94 reps remaining out of a total of around 600-650 and all but 13 signing up in 2005 or after, you guys only retained 14-16% of your representatives. Stellar numbers, boys!

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Our scamming lads have given at least 9 refunds of various description. Jack Weinzierl's brother was refunded the entire $7,000.00 commission Jack received from the sale to him. Jerry Weinzierl's name and several others were removed from the rep list. Jack's father-in-law got a similiar commission rebate. So, any unhappy family members do get money. I think all the reps should get that same treatment.

Tim's assistant Laura Porter, who has been with him for almost a decade is officially gone. He was late with payroll a number of times and likely at this point couldn't pay this only remaining office person at all. Tim is on his own to handle this current lawsuit and the others that I understand are headed his way.

Timmy is not paying his property taxes. The penalties and interest are mounting quickly. He claims millions in expenses means success is imminent. So, he should be thrilled with the way things are going. LOL! He had $200,000.00 in credit card debt in early 2005 before Jack started making money and I will bet he is well on his way toward that again.

Tim wrote in his Footsteps of Faith Messenger on Januray 24, 2008:
when a household’s economy dips, blame and accusation flare against a spouse for his or her ineptness, stupidity, and lack of concern. The very subject of money becomes a source of contention, eliciting disgust and frustration.
Tim couldn't be talking about his own domestic situation, could he?

Many have asked for refunds they were legitimately due one but only a handful successfully secured one. Those that were too financially devasted by AC are unable to fund any legal action and many received Timmy's own version of a Cease and Desist letter. His letter references a fictitious lawsuit where he fantasizes that one instance of libel brought an indicment from a grand jury and resulted in that harsh and severe penalty of $405,000.00 he wrote about. Many reps do fear that they will face the criminal proceedings that low life threatend them with and thus do not seek the refunds they rightly are due. Those who got refunds were forced sign bogus apology letters or non-defamation agreements.

I have also learned that Timmy boy was a tax protestor. He filed Affidavits and asked questions of the IRS for both his personal and business taxes, which he believed were one and the same. He was sure taxes were, in fact, voluntary. He didn't pay from 1998-2005. Apparently, that messy lawsuit with the Better Business Bureau spurred the lad into action and he started paying taxes. That is certainly quite amusing.

Tim has angrily stated he was not responsible for All Star Entrepreneur going bankrupt, but curiously he has told yet another version of that story. He claims that Glenn Green was brought in as a partner while he, Timmy, was still president and that his payment for his partnership share was to satisfy an outstanding hotel bill they had. Tim says he learned that Green didn't pay when he got a notice. That notice I assume was one of the lawsuits filed by the hotels Timmy had stiffed. So, Tim can hardly claim that he is not responsible for the banktruptcy. AC was obviously the picture of Abundance long before Timmy jumped ship!

These 2 hotels sued Tim Darnell/All Star Entrepreneur.
Marriott River Center San Antonio Business conference 11/2002 -$62,617.97

Marriott Woodlands Waterway Accomodations 2003 -$29,690.00
Jack is on the new AC audio claiming he has never made one sales call. I find that curious after reading several documents where Jack tells reps to make a list of 200 and call everyone on that list.

Tim claims that by far the greatest number of attendees will be nonreps as of early 2006 after 2 conferences. The 4 conferences since then have not had any retail purchasers that I am aware of. Lots of very interesting things are coming to light. I think God is truly seeing that the truth prevails.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Texas Department of Insurance says:
Agent Profile
ALLEN, TX 75002

License ID License Type Qualification Most Recent Issue Date Exp Date Status
1397199 General Lines Agent Life, Accident, Health and HMO 07/06/2006 07/06/2008 Active

Company Active
Dear Captain,

The little weasel is licensed in Texas. I would very much appreciate the links you referenced. I haven't checked to see if Timmy is licensed elsewhere. The Texas Department of Insurance and those companies listed have or will be warned and informed about Timmy and Advantage Conferences. You know how much it delights me to rattle the boy's cage.

There are some very unhappy reps out there that didn't get thousands in expected commisions on the stranger owned life insurance on seniors Timmy called Hidden Treasures. Timmy pushed that program for months knowing the policies wouldn't get written and then lied for months about commissions coming when he knew those folks would never get paid a dime.

Last I heard several weeks ago Timmy's newest "one idea" whole life Personal Banker /Be Your Own Banker policies had a whopping zero sales. The reps and their families and friends can't afford and don't want those silly policies. The only reason Timmy is pushing these whole life policies is to line his own pocket with the $5,000.00-$10,000.00 commissions he was fantasizing about. His one option wonders are not what legitimate agents would be selling. I am sure all those court records concerning the current case involving of fraud and conspiracy, the All Star bankruptcy and that lovely case Timmy filed agasint the BBB will be enough to sink his boat with most state agencies and insurance companies out there.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

I have a little more cage rattling to do. After consulting with a number of folks and excellent counsel I am going to begin the legwork necessary to file against Timmy Darnell. The "other woman" as he calls her and I are not willing to allow his egregious lies to go unchallenged any longer. Tim has made some very serious allegations that need to be addressed.

He claims I am blogging about his company because I am a disgruntled former Mary Kay rep and my own supposed business failure is the impetus for my efforts to expose the truth about Advantage Conferences and its principals. Mary Kay legal is involved and, as has already been disclosed, have written a letter to confirm I was never a rep for them at any time.

Tim further alleges that he is receiving death threats from me. Timmy also makes claims that he is being stalked at recreational events, that I sit outside his home day and night and am photographing his family. He claims he has an iron clad case against me for any number of things. The Allen Police report is in my possession. They won't investigate without Timmy reporting these threats. Timmy, of course, can't very well report his delusions.

I am now calling your bluff, Timmy. Every page referencing these vicious lies comes down immediately and you better print a very touching retraction. In prepration for filing against you I will be at Allen High School, your church, Jack's church and your father's church. I already know no one at these places has ever laid eyes on me. They will all get a packet with the Allen Police report, the letter from Mary Kay legal and all the lovely lies you have posted.

Good luck explaining to your family and friends how you ended up in this little predicament. How are you going to lie your way out of this mess you made, boy? I am not going to be intimidated by the likes of a weasel like you. Those Cease and Desist letters where you threaten folks with criminal proceedings for speaking about you are definitive proof of what a delusional, sick fool you are. I am aware of a number of those lovely letters but out of respect for the privacy of the reps have not posted them, though attorneys and those "major governmental" agencies sure are enjoying reading them. Get ready for that accountability you and Jack are so concerned about. ... /id10.html


If you are a rep with that Opposition page on your site I advise that you do some fact checking immediately and then insist Timmy remove those pages.
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

On today:
Today's Verse
Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written," he said to them, " 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers.'"
Matthew 21:12-13 NIV
Gotta love that!

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Tim Darnell and Jack Weinzierl,

Are you boys afraid of a little discovery? I so love to take homeschool field trips to the courthouse. What happened to "an oasis of integrity," a Christian business based on honesty and integrity and all that transparency you boys preach about. If Advantage Conferences is exploding and growing as you claim, you should be proud to provide all those documents as they would prove all of us scambusters wrong and win your cases for you. You are a Christ-centered /God ordained company and should be honored to share everything and be completely transparent, honest and open. You boys don't have anything to hide, do you? God is on your side, after all.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom » ... eede6.html
COULD IT BE NOAH'S ARK? Arch Bonnema speaks about his 2006 exploration of Iran's Elburz Mountain Range and the discovery of a ship high in the mountains from 9:30 to 11 a.m. March 9 at Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church, 1015 State Highway 121. Call 972-359-7777 or visit
Why pay when you can hear the one speaker anybody enjoyed for free? The speaker covered the same material at the $9,995.00 conference that he covered at his and Timmy's church as a part of the service for free. Reps demand your refunds!

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom » ... /id17.html

Timmy's State of the Union address is quite sick and twisted. Timmy suggest folks picture him with a gun up to their families heads and imagine that they will all die 10 days from now if the rep doesn't bring 3 new MMC-IVs into the business. Since Timmy loves these exercises he comes up with, I have one for him. He should picture that same gun up to his family member's heads and figure out how he is going to pay the settlements for all the lawsuits he is fighting or will be soon fighting. That audio is unbelievable.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »


1/19/2006 9:52:58 AM


This notice serves as official notice to CEASE AND DESIST regarding all libelous statements to anyone whatsoever, and especially Advantage Conferences Reps and/or prospects.

For your own good, you should think very carefully about making, speaking, and/or sending out libelous letters or statements. It only takes one instance of libel to be indicted and the penalties are harsh and severe. By your threat, you have or are planning to send hundreds of letters of libel – a very bad idea. The last person who did that to me was issued a court mandated legal penalty of $405,000.00, the settlement of which they are now paying on a monthly basis for 20 plus years of their life.

If you insist on involving yourself in this type of activity, our Attorneys are poised to uncover the hard evidence of your libel against me personally and against our company, Advantage Conferences, and will act immediately. I advised them of your mental situation and that I have compassion for you personally; but that we are now in a position to not stand for any further ill-advised, adversarial and tortuous interference with our Company.

This is an OFFICIAL NOTICE PUBLISHED ON JANUARY 19, 2006 and will be retained as official documentation for possible court proceedings.


Tim Darnell


Advantage Conferences

Office: 972-727-4995

I think I have discovered the hold up with discovery. Jason was Tim's attorney at the time that lovely threatening letter was written and is representing him now. Jason said the above referenced case was "hard to find." Jason is such an eager beaver / attorney extraordinaire I am sure he is busy searching for that case number and will turn over all those voluminous files. Keep looking, Jason!

I can't wait to read that history making grand jury testimony that indicted someone for 1 instance of libel. We are anxiously awaiting those checks from those monthly payments. Is Jason still stalking all of us scambusters? I think we should definitely be discussing mental situations and those harsh and severe penalties, Timmy Darnell. Keep looking for that case, Jason!

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »
attending our upcoming Mindset Mentoring Conference in March, 2008 ... /id13.html

Wasn't that big Super Conference scheduled for March 15, 2008? Did I miss all those fabulous celebrities and those tens of thousands of attendees? Please read the page I linked and be sure to ask Jack all about it!


Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Nikki »

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting the impression that she really doesn't like this guy?
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »
God’s Child Project: Funds are also used for the God’s Child Project, a charitable organization based in Bismarck, ND. One of the most efficiently run ministerial/service organizations in existence (to our knowledge), the GCP has been instrumental in clothing, feeding, providing medical treatment, and educating children in third world countries (primarily Guatemala) for more than 15 years and is a model for ministries worldwide.

Principle: TFK is operated by Tim Darnell, a business owner from Allen, Texas, who has raised monies for the GCP since 1992. The Dreamer Center, GCP’s beautiful 3-story educational facility, was named in honor of Mr. Darnell’s singing group, Dreamer, after their group purchased the land for the school and raised significant dollars to fund the GCP for more than a decade.
Timmy says in his one issue wonder Givers Magazine:
The plane flight to Guatemala City in singing group went back to Dreamer's performance tour, where we descirbed to our sizeable audiences what we had seen and the needs that had to be met. People responded spontaneioulsy and generously each and every tiem. by the grace fo God we were able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, buy some land for a school....
Mainstream media says:
Dreamer Ministries in Plano, Texas, would provide the solution. ($150,000) A charitable arm of a for-profit company called Event Services, Dreamer Ministries had been familiar with Atkinson's efforts for a couple of years.

"We needed a cause of our own to help distribute some funds," says principal Pete Miller. "It's a tremendous thing they're doing. It's just a major inspiration."

Dreamer Ministries bought and donated the land. In addition, it provides $2,500 a month to help with day-to-day project operations.
Pete Miller and the founder of GCP Patrick Atkinson know each other and both have family in North Dakota.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Texas State Bar says:
..the lawyer also must avoid furthering the client’s
unlawful purpose, for example, by suggesting how it might be concealed. A lawyer may not continue assisting a client in conduct that the lawyer originally supposes is legally proper but
then discovers is criminal or fraudulent. Withdrawal from the representation, therefore, may be required.....Withdrawal is also justified if the client persists in a course of action that the lawyer reasonably believes is criminal or fraudulent, for a lawyer is not required to be associated with such conduct.....

a lawyer shall not knowingly:
(a) make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person; or
(b) fail to disclose a material fact to a third person when disclosure is necessary to avoid making the lawyer a party to a criminal act or knowingly assisting a fraudulent act

Rule 8.04 Misconduct
(a) A lawyer shall not:
(2) commit a serious crime or commit any other criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyers honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;
(3) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;.....
From what I get out of that Duane Kidman, the attorney who is a rep and posted on Wikihow, as we were discussing here ... a&start=75 at the bottom of the page and Jason Ciarochi who was involved in that disgusting e-mail Timmy sent out that appears at the top of this page both will have some explaining to do when the State Bar investigates.

Our own wserra noted:
I recall Timmy's email from previous postings. Still, I can't help commenting again that, legally speaking, it's one of the dumbest things I've read in a while.
Timmy wrote:
For example:It only takes one instance of libel to be indicted and the penalties are harsh and severe.

Libel, of course, is a tort, not a crime. No one is therefore ever indicted for libel, no matter how egregious. And the "penalties" (correctly called "damages") are the same as for any tort: reasonable compensation for the injury caused. That's why it takes a really stupid scammer to sue for defamation: since damages are to your reputation, your life is open to scrutiny.
Timmy wrote:
The last person who did that to me was issued a court mandated legal penalty of $405,000.00, the settlement of which they are now paying on a monthly basis for 20 plus years of their life.
Well, of course that really happened. That's why Timmy has never identified this phantom suit.
Timmy wrote:
This is an OFFICIAL NOTICE PUBLISHED ON JANUARY 19, 2006 and will be retained as official documentation for possible court proceedings.
There is, of course, nothing "official" about it, since Timmy has no power to issue "official" notices of anything.

It is entertaining, though.
A wonderful birdie suggested that based on that sickening ,threatening e-mail and Jason's response when the recipient inquired about it makes him a "fact witness" and in my opinion little more than a coconspirator in this whole scam. Those threats Timmy makes are provably false. Jason promised during the BBB case to look into the current plaintiff's situation and did absolutely nothing. Then when the plaintiff questioned him about that court case referenced Jason said it was legitimate but hard to find. He has been repeatedly asked to honestly disclose that information and refuses to do so. My delightful birdie also suggested that Jason should be subpeonaed thoroughly examined about his role in this scam. Birdie said something about a "tizzy" ensuing. That sounds like fun. I would love to see that in the official court records for the public and most importantly our readers here to enjoy.

Cobalt Shiva
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Cobalt Shiva »

Y'know, I think it's high time that someone told the US Treasury and the Department of Homeland Security that Timmy might be involved in laundering money for terrorists (be honest, we don't know for certain, but he's scummy enough that it's not an outlandish idea).

(Evil grin and maniacal laughter left as an exercise for the reader.)