Global Pension Plan

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Global Pension Plan

Post by wserra »

To keep a conversation going (if there is interest in doing so):

On the old board, PonziKiller asked:
PonziKiller wrote:Anyone that have accurate facts about this scam?
and I responded:

Is their own web site accurate enough?
Global Pension Scam wrote:Global Pension Plan is nothing more complicated than a group of people who have come together with a common interest in improving their financial standing. The program makes it possible for GPP's members to receive significant financial benefits within a few months after a quota of 100,000 members has been reached. These financial benefits may be compared to waiting years or decades for a payout from normal pension plans. This plan also removes all of the negative details connected with normal pension programs.

Normal pension plans require the policyholder to turn 65 or 70 years of age before benefits are paid out to the member. That means waiting years, even decades before any financial benefit is derived from the plan whether paid for by a company, the employee or jointly. Additionally, a less favorable point of normal pension savings is the older you are when you enter the program, the more you are required to pay to gain at least reasonable benefits when payout commences.

Based on our vast experience and extensive contacts in the financial world acquired over decades, we have succeeded in creating a very unique plan with a reputable partner. When you are invited to become a member of Global Pension Plan, your only out of pocket cost to register is 30 EUR. This fee covers all of the expenses (administration, processing, maintaining the data base and web sites, handling, banking solution, shipping, etc.) involved to maintain your Global Pension Plan membership. You will not be asked to pay any additional fees or expenses to receive Compensation and/or the Loyalty Program Rewards.
The item of expenditure most interesting to each member is the one-time Compensation of €55,000 paid to each qualifying member a few months after the 100,000-member quota has been reached. Loyalty Program Rewards will be paid out simultaneously and could be substantial also, depending on effort.
In other words, you pay them 30 Euros (about $39), and get back $55,000 a very short time after 100,000 people also pay them $39. So they collect $3.9M, and right away pay out $5.5 billion. Where does the missing $5,496,100,000 come from, you might ask? Well, it's their "vast experience and extensive contacts in the financial world", you see. Could they be a little more specific? Well, no:
Global Pension Scam wrote:Because we want to succeed in this business, we need to protect the privacy of all or our partners. This may sound confusing and shady, but please try to take another perspective. If we reveal the name of the insurance company, what would most possibly happen? Hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people would call them to verify the information.
Can't have anybody try to verify. Verify, schmerify. Trust us.

Oh, yeah - see that "Loyalty Program Rewards" BS? It's an MLM too.

C'mon, PK. This doesn't pass the laugh-out-loud test.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

I just love it when scammers talk about things like their "vast experience" and "extensive financial contacts", then refuse to tell you even one thing that would allow you to confirm those claims before sending them money. :roll:
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Post by wserra »

ElfNinosMom wrote:I just love it when scammers talk about things like their "vast experience" and "extensive financial contacts", then refuse to tell you even one thing that would allow you to confirm those claims before sending them money. :roll:
Then you ought to hang with us more often, ENM, since lots of these guys do exactly that. What amused me about these particular scammers is that they tell you why they won't reveal their source - because you might actually want to verify it. At least they're honest scammers, using nothing but the finest snakes in their oil.

Re: Global Pension Plan

Post by PonziKiller »

wserra wrote:
C'mon, PK. This doesn't pass the laugh-out-loud test.
I'm agreed with you wserra. That's why I started the tread. The so called information leave some questions about what they try to hide. And when I read all the “fantastic claims” from the brainwashed pyramidiot's in some other forums, that pushes this scam, I just wonder which planet they are living at.

All serious companies, whether it's pension, insurance or other economical issue, doesn't hide important information like this one. And they never are any MLM “company...

Every time I get any information on how my pension plan/company is doing, everything I need to know, is there. If I need some more information, everything I want to know, is there on their web pages. And I can get very detailed information about the different investment that concerns my pension plan there. But not in a MLM-company... :wink:
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Re: Global Pension Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

I'm the moderator at the NESARA/Prosperity Program forum and thought you might be interested in this post about Global Pension Plan on Patrick Bellringer's forum. He's a NESARA scam cheerleader, virolent anti-Semite, and general anti-government gadfly.

"Hello, Central!" The Global Pension Plan (Updated Feb. 28, 2008)
Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: M
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hi Patrick!

Well, I like to always be the one to "believe" in folks. Believe their words, but when things are not congruent with their behavior; I have to wonder....

Myself along with thousands of other folks joined the Global Pension Plan. It is supposedly a reverse pension plan, that for a nominal fee you receive your payout and the company maintains the policy and ultimately makes a fortune off of the maturing policy. They said that they have been doing business for over 30 years in Europe and other countries- other that the good 'ole USA. Now of course, the payout date has been moved again, they don't have a proper funding source in place, and there is no web site any longer. But the calls, recruiting and solicitations continue.

Now I am pretty good about using the Internet and such tools, I do work for a software company, our products being online, it is my responsibility to know how to utilize this tool....not anywhere do I find any information! Not in Europe, not in the US! I guess this is supposed to be a "secret" company that has paid out billions of dollars, but is not on radar. We have all been told to be patient, and believe them! I was born at night, but not last night! I have listened to the calls with "different" ears now; and it's interesting the things I hear now.

I suppose the reason for "the novel" that I written you now, is simple. No longer will allow people to harm others, take advantage of the weak, desperate, the needy just for their own financial gains. Throwing morality out with the kitchen dish water and then talking to you as though they have amnesia and ask, " what's wrong?"

Patrick, I assisted people to come into this program. By assisted, I gave them the number to the calls and let them make up their own minds, but now they are looking at me like "why did you ever introduce that to me?!" I feel a level of responsibility. Like me, single mothers, people that want to retire but can't afford to, people just burned out with their current situations. I know in the end justice will prevail. God has an interesting way of making sure people get their own return- whether good or bad, all based on what you put there out there to others. I was hoping that you post this letter on your forum, to keep others from being hurt. And also, so my associates that I shared information with will accept my apology for being caught up in the moment and making a bad call. I am a fair person. I associate with fair people, those are honestly the only people that I can stomach any more. After all that negative goings on that we have been dealing with for all of the other programs for years; I thought that this could be a bright point to help us through, I was wrong! I too am dealing with more shattered dreams!

Thank you for letting me go on and on!

God bless you, everyone!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 28, 2008

Dear M:

As I said in my reply to your original letter to me, "I know nothing about any Global Pension Plan". I have posted this second letter at your request, and hopefully it will be helpful to others.

I understand your frustration and hurt over the failure of this program to produce the promised results, and now the negativity from your friends. Join the crowd. All of us, who participated in the Prosperity Programs many years ago, and helped our friends to get involved as well, have lived with the same frustration and negativity.

People say, "you are the bad guy", even though you acted with good intent, and they acted upon their own freewill choices. There are lessons to be learned, but do not carry the baggage of guilt over other people's choices. They must accept the responsibility for their own choices, be they good or bad choices.

We ask, "why do these things happen, especially when we were acting with good intent?" Why questions are difficult to answer, and then usually with hind-sight. They are for our lessons, and good does prevail.

You are not the bad guy, and good things will come from your actions of good intent. That is the Law of Returns. We reap what we sow, always. Walk in faith, knowing that Heaven's Plan is unfolding in all its mystery and its miracles.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:49 PM
Subject: Global Pension Plan post

Hi Patrick,
I read your site almost daily and read the post from the person on Global Pension Plan. I also am a member of that group and there are some misunderstandings that was posted.

There still is a website, (in fact they just had an update) they give updates regularly on what is going on. I also am frustrated on the date being moved, but when I joined I said that it won't be done on the day they say, to my sponsor. Don't ya just hate it when you can say "I told ya so"....LOL

There is no calls in regards to Global Pension Plan. I believe this person got involved with one that so similar that I had to get on one of the calls to find out that it wasn't Global Pension Plan, it was Global Pension Trust Plan. I had to listen very carefully because they did not emphasize "Trust". I had one of my people tell me that there was a call and I needed to get on it. I told him they don't have conference calls, but I did get on it and found out that it is a different group of people trying to do what Global Pension Plan is doing.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Global Pension Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Yet another update to the Bellringer post (above). He knows it's true because his has almost paid out after 8 years!

---- Original Message -----

From: NK
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 1:39 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Hello Patrick,

I have read your listing about Global Pension Plan and disagree wholeheartedly with what this person has written. Firstly, he needs to realise that a project this big won\'t be paid out quickly. And secondly, the reasons for the delay are explained quite clearly and logically in the latest update. Governments all around the world have told banks not to accept payment into people\'s accounts and to freeze the funds. Therefore, accounts are being set up on our behalf in a jurisdiction that won\'t freeze our funds. If this person who has written the previous complaint that is listed on February 27 had actually been involved in the first reverse pension plan program that I have been involved in he would realise that he should not be so impatient and that it could take up to five years before the payout comes. I have waited eight so far for the payout from the first, and it is finally coming in two months time. With amounts as large as the amount of money involved in dealing with one hundred thousand people, it is not something that can be done overnight. The person who has complained has also not mentioned that there have been clear explanations to the delays, and I know for a fact that those people who can\'t understand the delays will simply not follow through - the same thing happened with the first reverse pension plan program. And yet, for those of us that stuck with it we will be laughing all the way to the bank in about seven weeks time. So even though GPP has the required 100,000 members (and probably alot more if the real numbers be known) you can expect that only 10% of those people will follow through. And it will be because of stupid listings like the one on your site - because listings like this scare people off. They don\'t trust the people running the business, so they don\'t follow through. In the downline I built with the first pension plan program I had 150 people under me. Only 13 followed through. People lack patience, perseverance and trust and then wonder why they are poor. I was prompted by Spirit to trust in the first pension plan program and it has come to the brink of paying out - and WILL payout very soon. I have been watching GPP and know that it too will payout when everything has fallen into place the way it needs to. Your writer needs to learn to trust.


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Re: Global Pension Plan

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:He's a NESARA scam cheerleader, virolent anti-Semite, and general anti-government gadfly.
Kinky Friedman is a "general anti-government gadfly". This guy's a moron.

The "Global Pension Plan" is the same ripoff we discussed a year ago. They still can't tell you the details because - God forbid - you might actually want to verify them. Only now another year has gone by with only excuses - and, by the way, send more money.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Global Pension Plan

Post by PonziKiller »

Governments all around the world have told banks not to accept payment into people\'s accounts and to freeze the funds. Therefore, accounts are being set up on our behalf in a jurisdiction that won\'t freeze our funds.
So it's the goverments around the world's fault that GPP have not payd out anything so far? :naughty:
you can expect that only 10% of those people will follow through. And it will be because of stupid listings like the one on your site - because listings like this scare people off.
If the truth scare people off, so what? Then it is like it should be for us with a certain level of moral standards. :whistle:
He knows it's true because his has almost paid out after 8 years!
Amazing!!! :lol: This is one of the most used lie from MLM/pyramide scam"companies". Historical facts show us that the MLM-word "almost", means NEVER in the real world... :wink:
People lack patience, perseverance and trust and then wonder why they are poor.
This is a classic cynical "argument" " why 95-98% loose money and patient with MLM. :Axe: