FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

TheBest wrote:
wserra wrote:And then, there's always black@hole.com .
Wserra, after that comment, please remove me from this forum.
You don't need my help for that.

What happened? Is the pile of unanswered questions getting uncomfortably high?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

TheBest wrote: Tony, try one of these adresses to get contact with Jerry:
Email: support@myffi.biz
OK, I have done so. But I'm not really confident of a response. And frankly I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't pursue this like I asked you to, since it's surely in your interests (much more so than mine!) for Jerry to answer me.

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

wserra wrote:And then, there's always black@hole.com .
Many a true word spoken in jest...

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We'll see if the Marketing address works any better.

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

Well, blow me down with a feather.

Hi Jerry Lang would like very much to set up a call with you to discuss some of the points presented in your email. If you could be so kind as to email myself and his assistant, Chris Sosa perhaps the choice of two different time availabilities and a phone number to call we can set this up.

I'm not quite sure how this will pan out, since I'm reluctant to give FFI my phone number, but it's a good start. I'll keep you informed.

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by TheBest »

fuelsaving wrote:Well, blow me down with a feather.

Hi Jerry Lang would like very much to set up a call with you to discuss some of the points presented in your email. If you could be so kind as to email myself and his assistant, Chris Sosa perhaps the choice of two different time availabilities and a phone number to call we can set this up.

I'm not quite sure how this will pan out, since I'm reluctant to give FFI my phone number, but it's a good start. I'll keep you informed.
Well, Tony, I can asure you that leaving Jerry your phone number is not a problem.

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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

And the beat goes on - individual distributors making claims which, if made by FFI itself, could send them the way of BioPerformance:
Aaron Wheeler, a distributor for Fuel Freedom International, swears the MPG-Caps will reduce harmful emissions, give you more power and 7-14 percent better mileage.
Bad distributor! Bad! Don't do that! [Heh, heh.]

Is anything happening on the Jerry Lang front, Tony?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

wserra wrote:Is anything happening on the Jerry Lang front, Tony?
I've sent him some questions, but no response yet. I have been on holiday but will chase him again Monday.
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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

It's unfortunate that sky-high gas prices give these guys and their parrot distributors another opening to demonstrate unscientific nostrums and a renewed supply of marks. However, it does seem that people are learning - even in Florida, the home of FFI.

Heard anything from Lang, Tony?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

wserra wrote:Heard anything from Lang, Tony?
No - I chased him by email at the end of May but heard nothing back. I ought to ring up I suppose but the Atlantic makes things harder (time difference, etc).
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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

Thanks, Tony.

This is just one more item to add to the already substantial list. Any legit small or growing business welcomes every opportunity to get its name out. While I have been on CNN a couple of times, I take every opportunity to appear on local news, be quoted in the paper or law blogs, speak to community groups - anything to simply get exposure. You never know from where business might materialize. Were FFI legitimate, Lang would welcome the opportunity to speak to someone like Tony; Tony wouldn't have to chase him. OTOH, were FFI actually ineffective, Tony represents a threat.

Draw your own conclusions.
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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

Heard anything from Lang, Tony? If not, I'd say that, after seven months, he has pretty well left the building.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by fuelsaving »

No, nothing. I ought to chase him more actively - by phone as well as email - but I'm just snowed under at work and at home at the moment. As you say, you'd think an expert for a legitimate company would welcome the chance to discuss it with another expert.
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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

Jerry is certainly active enough on the carnival-barker circuit. For example, in this video he explains how, if the stuff doesn't work in your car, it's your fault.

artessa and theBest - who asserted that Lang would love to converse with Tony - seem to be among the missing as well. Strange how that works. And we still haven't seen the Millbrook results, have we?

I don't think Lang was supposed to bring that subject up.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by TheBest »

fuelsaving wrote:No, nothing. I ought to chase him more actively - by phone as well as email - but I'm just snowed under at work and at home at the moment. As you say, you'd think an expert for a legitimate company would welcome the chance to discuss it with another expert.

Just send him your phone no., and he will call you.

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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

TheBest wrote:Just send him your phone no., and he will call you.
You know, busy people definitely prefer email for this type of exchange, especially given the six-hour time difference between the U.K. (where Tony is) and Texas (where Lang is). That way, Tony can respond when it is convenient for him, not just when it is convenient for Lang. Whassamatta, don't want to put anything in writing?

Oh, as long as you're here, please post the Millbrook results.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by Nikki »

Petroleum-based fuels are still flirting with their all-time high prices.

The United States is bleeding hard currency to the arab states every second to support our petroleum imports.

The motor vehicle manufacturers are collapsing since they can't sell their inventories of big gas guzzlers.

If these magic pills / powder/ whatever-it-is-today actually work, why aren't people with a major vested interest like the auto manufacturers, like the government, even like the presidential candidates (if elected, I'll provide everyone, at our cost, magic pills that will vastly increase their gas mileage.) jumping on the bandwagon?

Simple answer is that they DO NOT WORK.

If there were a single published, valid test that showed any significant increase in mileage, it would be front-page news on the Wall Street Journal and most other major newspapers. Why haven't we seen these headlines? Simply because it DOES NOT WORK.

This product, just like every other magic mileage booster that has come before it is a scam. It DOES NOT WORK and is nothing more than an attractive lever to separate fools from their money.

In case you did not get the point, Jerry Lang is a liar, a fraud, a huckster, and a con man.

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by TheBest »

Nikki wrote:Petroleum-based fuels are still flirting with their all-time high prices.

The United States is bleeding hard currency to the arab states every second to support our petroleum imports.

The motor vehicle manufacturers are collapsing since they can't sell their inventories of big gas guzzlers.

If these magic pills / powder/ whatever-it-is-today actually work, why aren't people with a major vested interest like the auto manufacturers, like the government, even like the presidential candidates (if elected, I'll provide everyone, at our cost, magic pills that will vastly increase their gas mileage.) jumping on the bandwagon?

Simple answer is that they DO NOT WORK.

If there were a single published, valid test that showed any significant increase in mileage, it would be front-page news on the Wall Street Journal and most other major newspapers. Why haven't we seen these headlines? Simply because it DOES NOT WORK.

This product, just like every other magic mileage booster that has come before it is a scam. It DOES NOT WORK and is nothing more than an attractive lever to separate fools from their money.

In case you did not get the point, Jerry Lang is a liar, a fraud, a huckster, and a con man.
Sorry, Nikki, but you acctually don't have a clue.

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by Nikki »

That was a typical response from someone who can't counter a legitimate argument.

Instead of addressing the issues or challenges, you state that I don't have a clue.

Allow me to let you in on a secret: I do have a clue. I know, beyond a doubt, that if ANYONE came up with a method of improving automobile fuel economy, it would be the number one news item and every single government in the world, with the possible exception of the OPEC states, would be beating down the inventor's door.

That hasn't happened.

The only reasonable conclusion is that Lang is a liar, a fraud, and a con man -- hucking a worthless product to gulllible purchasers.

If you can provide proof that I'm worg, please do so and I'll be first in line to buy the product. However, I don't intend to hold my breath until you or Liar Lang does so.
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Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by wserra »

TheBest wrote:Sorry, Nikki, but you acctually don't have a clue.
Translation: "Oh, yeah?"
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: FFI III - Jerry Lang's Position

Post by artessa »

A comment that might only make some sense to Tony.

I have been working some time with some test for a company mainly interested in the "green" effect of the pill As they have a very "green" public profile.
We have a variable injection pump cam shaft that permit us to adjust the injection timing due to the parameter we prefer to control. As you know the ideal injection moment regarding fuel efficiency is not the same as for the amount of NOx produced.

What we do achieve with "the pill" is that we can lower the amount of NOx at the same time as we can adjust the injection curve to a more fuel efficient position.

Undoubtedly This gives us some reduction in fuel consumption. Whether its compensates for the cost of the products I do not really know as we use heavy fuel.